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Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
Chemistry 12th Past Paper MCQS 2014 to 2021

Section A-(MCQs) 2021

i)When a heterozygous black Labrador (BbEe) is crossed with a yellow partner (bbee) what is the
probability of chocolate puppy in their offspring?
a. ¼ b. 3 b) zero c) 2/4
ii. Which of the following factors does NOT affect the rate of alveolar diffusion?
a) Pressure gradient b) Thickness of membrane
c) Solubility of gases d) Reactivity of the gases
iii)Glomerular filtration occurs due to higher:
a) Solute Pressure b) Osmotic Pressure c) Colloidal Pressure d) Hydrostatic Pressure
iv. Choose the structure which is Ectodermal in origin:
a) Lungs b) Brain c) Kidney d) Stomach
v)Which of the following does NOT represent a fibrous joint?
a) Root of a Tooth b) Pubic Symphysis c) Socket in Mandible d) Shaft of femur
vi. All of the following are neurotransmitters and hormones EXCEPT:
a) Epinephrine b) Dopamine c) Serotonin d) Acetylcholine
vii. Sarcomere is the region between:
a) Z line and A band b) Two I band c) A & I band d) Two Z lines
viii. select the mismatched
a) Amnion- umbilical cord b) Cleavage Blastocyst
c) Fertilization – Oviduct d) HCG-Placenta
ix. Spermatogenesis is influenced by:
a) TSH b) FSH c) LH d) LTH
X. If a colour blind male marries a carrier female what is the probability of colour blindness in their
a) 75% b) 25% c) 50% d) Zero
xi. Select the bacterium which participates in the nitrification
a) Rhizobium b) Clostridium c) c) Azotobacter d) Nitrosomonas
xii. A nucleic acid tagged with a radioactive substance is called
a) Probe b) Clone c) Prophage d) Plasmid
xiii. If a DNA strand has a base sequence GTAACA, what would be its complementary sequence on
xiv. Select the mismatched skeletal structure:

A Ischium & Acetabulum Pelvic griddle

B Radius & humerus Appendicular Skeleton
C Ileum & clavicle Pectoral girdle
D Ribs & Sternum Axial Skeleton

XV. Which part of brain serves as a link between nervous & endocrine system?
Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
a) Hypothalamus b) Cerebrum c) Cerebellum d) Thalamus
xvi. Which of the following regarding insulin is FALSE?
a) Increases gluconeogenesis c) Secreted by ẞ cells
b) Promote glycogenesis d) Acts antagonistic to glucagon
xvii. All are related to FSH EXCEPT?
a) Secreted by anterior pituitary
b) Secreted by β Cells c) Causes follicle atresia
c) Promotes secretion of estrogen d) Stimulates development of corpus leuteum
Section A-(MCQs) 2019
i) If a heterozygous yellow seeded plant is crossed with a homozygous green seeded plant what is the
probability of progeny having green seeds?
A. 25% B. 50% C. 100% D. Zero
ii) A gardener wants to regulate fruit drop from apple crop to reduce the time for picking them, he will
be spraying:
A. Auxins B. Abscisic acid C. Gibberellins D. Ethane
iii) If the recombination frequency between A & B is 11%, A & C is 19%, B & C is 30% what would be the
arrangement of genes?
iv) In urea cycle citruline combines with a precursor molecule called:
A. Arginine B. Ornithine C. Arginase D. Arginosuccinate
v) The joint that fixes teeth in your jaw is:
A. Fibrous B. Synovial C. Pivot D. Cartilaginous
vi) Select the mismatched one in the following:
A. Pectoral girdle-Clavicle B. Metatarsals-Palm of hand
C. Cervical vertebrae-Neck D. Pelvic girdle-ileum
vii) In human female secondary oocyte is released from the ovary at the stage of:
A. Metaphase-I B. Anaphase-II C. Metaphase-II D. Anaphase-I
viii) Increase in the intensity of light increases the number of cell:
A. Elongation B. Division C. Maturation D. Differentiation
ix) Which of the following syndrome is NOT related to the abnormality of sex-chromosomes?
A. Down's B. Klinefilter's C. Turner's D. Jacob's
x) Select a start codon for the synthesis of a polypeptide chain:
xi) During final moments of a football match your heart beat accelerates due to the secretion of:
A. Adrenaline B. Cortisol C. Parathormone D. Thyroxine
xii) Considering R for red and r for white eye colour, if a heterozygous female Drosophila is crossed with
a white eye male, what would be the percentage of white eye colour in male flies In the next
A. 25% B. 100% C. 50% D. Zero
xiii) Taq polymerase is the other name of:
A. Primase B. DNA ligase C. DNA polymerase D. RNA polymerase
xiv) Variation in gene frequency just by a chance is called:
A. Non-random mating B. Genetic drift C. Probability D. Random mating
xv) In the following there is NO difference between:
A. Primary consumers and herbivores B. Primary carnivores and trophic level-II
C. Secondary consumers and omnivores D. Trophic level-I and herbivores
Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
xvi) A tree less region is called:
A. Alpine B. Tundra C. Taiga D. Boreal
xvii) All are the consequences of deforestation EXCEPT:
A. Silting of lakes B. Interception of heavy rainfall
C. Heavy floods D. Soil erosion

Section A-(MCQs) 2018 Group-I

i) Select the pair of organisms excreting uric acid:
A. Annelids / insects B. Insects / fishes C. Birds / insects D. Insects / amphibians
ii) Axis vertebrae belongs to which of the following region of vertebral column?
A. Lumbar B. Cervical C. Thoracic D. Pelvic
iii) Which of the following disease is related to nutritional deficiency?
A. Osteoporosis B. Osteoarthritis C. Microcephaly D. Rickets
iv) Which one of the following is a short day plant?
A. Cucumber B. Tobacco C. Henbane D. Cotton
v) Chromosome having centromere in the centre of it is called:
A. Acrocentric B. Metacentric C. Sub-metacentric D. Telocentric
vi) Graves disease and cretinism occur due to abnormality of the hormone:
A. Insulin B. Thyroxine C. Parathormone D. Glucagon
vii) In which of the following stage of prophase I synapsis starts?
A. Leptotene B. Zygotene C. Diakinesis D. Diplotene
viii) Dorsal lip of which area is regarded as a primary organizer by Spemann?
A. Neural tube B. Notochord C. Blastopore D. Blastomere
ix) Select the part of brain responsible for maintaining long term memory:
A. Hypothalamus B. Amygdala C. Thalamus D. Hippocampus
x) A couple has four children having all types of blood groups. Select the genotype of the couple:
A. IAi × ii B. IAi × IBi C. IBIB × ii D. IAIB × ii
xi) Which of the following codons reads amino acid methionine?
xii) If a carrier female for colour blindness is married to a normal male. What is the probability of her
daughters to be colour blind?
A. Zero B. 25% C. 50% D. 70%
xiii) Select the example of commensalism from the following:
A. Algae and fungi B. Bacteria and Pea plant C. Shark and remora fish D. Bee and flower
xiv) All factors are responsible for change in the gene frequency EXCEPT:
A. Random-mating B. Mutation C. Migration D. Genetic drift
xv) Which one of the following is a renewable resource:
A. Coal B. Oil C. Air D. Natural gas
xvi) Gene of interest can be joined to a plasmid by the help of enzyme:
A. Polymerase B. Ligase C. Helicase D. Endonuclease
xvii) Moderate temperature of a temperate deciduous forest ranges between:
A. 4°C-20°C B. 4°C-25°C C. 4°C-30°C D. 4°C-35°C
Section A-(MCQs) 2018 Group-II
i) A cockroach excretes nitrogenous wastes with the help of:

Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
A. Nephridia B. Flame cell C. Malphigian tubule D. Nephron
ii) Select the one which is NOT a part of Axial skeleton:
A. Skull B. Vertebrae C. Sternum D. Pelvic girdle
iii) Which hormone causes ovulation in human female:
A. LTH B. Oxytocin C. LH D. Prolactin
iv) Select the two minerals which are present in the bone matrix:
A. Calcium and Magnesium B. lron and Calcium
C. Phosphorus and Calcium D. Sulphur and Calcium
v) Choose the function related to Lateral meristems in a plant body:
A. Increase in width B. Elongation of plant C. Production of leaves D. Formation of flowers
vi) All are neurotransmitters EXCEPT:
A. Adrenaline B. Acetylcholine C. Corticosterone D. Norepinephrine
vii) Choose the one which is applied to rubber plant to simulate the flow of latex:
A. Auxin B. Gibberellin C. Ethene D. Cytokines
viii) Ozone layer is about________ km above the surface of earth:
A. 10-20 B. 40-30 C. 10-40 D. 10-50
ix) In prophase I crossing over occurs in the stage:
A. Pachytene B. Leptotene C. Zygotene D. Diplotene
x) If a normal homozygous female is married to a haemophilic male. What is the probability of her sons
to be haemophilic?
A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. Zero
xi) According to endosymbiont hypothesis, prokaryotic amoeboid cell developed mitochondria by
A. Eubacteria B. Aerobic bacteria C. Cyanobacteria D. Archae bacteria
xii) If a heterozygous red eyed female drosophila is crossed with a red eyed male. What is the
phenotypic ratio for eye colour in F1-generation?
A. 1:2:1 B. 3:1 C. 1:1:1:1 D. 2:2
xiii) DNA fragments produced by treating with restriction enzymes can be separated by:
A. Centrifugation B. Electrophoresis C. PCR D. Genomic library
xiv) In which form, nitrogen is MOSTLY absorbed by the plant roots?
A. Nitrite B. Ammonia C. Amino acids D. Nitrates
xv) Grasslands in tropical climates having woody trees are called:
A. Prairies B. Pampas C. Savanna D. Tundra
xvi) Which of the following is NOT an example of homologous organ?
A. Flipper of a whale B. Arm of a man C. Forelimb of a mammal D. Wing of a fly
xvii) Select the example of discontinuous variations:
A. Human height B. Tongue rolling C. Wheat grain colour D. Human skin
Section A-(MCQs) 2017 Group-I
i) Synthesis of nitrogenous wastes like NH3, urea and uric acid is the function of:
A. Kidney B. Liver C. Stomach D. Spleen
ii) Metanephridia are excretory structures in:
A. Planaria B. Earthworm C. Cockroach D. Man
iii) Movement in response to touch is called:
A. Phototropism B. Chemotropism C. Thigmotropism D. Geotropism
iv) Muscle fatigue is caused by:
A. CO2 B. Accumulation of Lactic acid C. Ethyl alcohol D. Fumaric acid
Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
v) Which one of the following is responsible for delay in aging of fresh leaf crops as well as keeping
flowers fresh?
A. Ethene B. Abscisic acid C. Cytokinins D. Auxins
vi) In humans, how many pairs of cranial nerves are there?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 14 D. 20
vii) Gastrin is the hormone produced by the:
A. Liver B. Pancreas C. Stomach D. Kidney
viii) Evolution of pollen tube is an important step in land adaptation by the:
A. Bryophytes B. Thallophytes C. Spermatophytes D. Pteridophytes
ix) How many nucleotides are present in a codon?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
x) Who experimentally proved that DNA replicates in a semi-conservative manner?
A. Watson and Crick B. Meselson Stahl C. Hershey and Martha Chase D. Karl Correns
xi) Branch of Biology which deals with the study of aging is called:
A. Parasitology B. Gerontology C. Teratology D. Ecology
xii) Non-Disjunction takes place during:
A. Mitosis B. Budding C. Meiosis D. Binary fission
xiii) Certain genes do not settle peacefully on their loci, they keep on hopping on different loci on the
same chromosome or other chromosomes and hence are called as:
A. Lost genes B. Fixed genes C. Jumping genes D. Migrated genes
xiv) Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SCID) is treated by:
A. Radiotherapy B. Chemotherapy C. Physiotherapy D. Gene therapy
xv) Who presented the book "The Origin of Species"?
A. Wallace B. Mendel C. Darwin D. Lamarck
xvi) In xerosere succession which is the third stage?
A. Crustose lichen stage B. Moss stage C. Foliage stage D. Herbaceous stage
xvii) Grassland present in the temperate climates is also called as:
A. Tundra B. Desert C. Prairies D. Coniferous forest
Section A-(MCQs) 2017 Group-II
i) Heat shock proteins are synthesized by the plants of:
A. Temperate region B. Arctic region C. Antarctic region D. Oceans
ii) Which one of the following is a uricotelic?
A. Parrot B. Amoeba C. Man D. Paramecium
iii) The band which can polarize the visible light is called:
A. A-Band B. I-Band C. H-Zone D. M-Line
iv) Tube feet help in the locomotion of:
A. Amoeba B. Jelly fish C. Birds D. Star fish
v) Which one of the following can be sprayed on tree crops to regulate fruit drop at the end of the
A. Gibberellins B. Cytokinins C. Ethene D. Abscisic acid
vi) The processes conducting impulses away from cell body are called:
A. Dendrites B. Axons C. Nissl’s granules D. Schwann Cell
vii) High levels of aluminum may contribute to the onset of the:
A. Parkinson's disease B. Epilepsy C. Alzheimer's disease D. Typhoid
viii) Reproductive cycle found in all female mammals except human female is called:
A. Menstrual cycle B. Oestrous cycle C. Biogeochemical cycle D. Nitrogen cycle
Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
ix) Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold carried out research work on:
A. Aging B. Embryonic induction C. Regeneration D. Cancer
x) The gene causing the white eye trait in Drosophila resides only on:
A. X- chromosome B. Y- chromosome C. Autosome D. Mesosome
xi) Okazaki fragments are synthesized on:
A. Leading strand B. Lagging strand C. Heavy strand D. Light strand
xii) Mendel devised a cross which is used to test the genotype of an individual showing a dominant
phenotype is called:
A. Single cross B. Double cross C. Test cross D. Back cross
xiii) Internal programmes of events and sequence of morphological changes by which cell commits
suicide is collectively called as:
A. Necrosis B. Apoptosis C. Glycolysis D. Pinocytosis
xiv) Genes can be isolated from the chromosomes by cutting them using special enzymes called:
A. Transcriptase B. Reverse Transcriptase C. Restriction Endonuclease D. Polymerase
xv) Organisms that have a foreign gene inserted into them are called:
A. Transformed organisms B. Transduced organisms
C. Transgenic organisms D. Endangered organisms
xvi) Coniferous forests located at high altitude are called as:
A. Alpine B. Boreal C. Prairies D. Deciduous forests
xvii) What are called as environmental buffers?
A. Fungi B. Trees C. Rivers D. Mountains
Section A-(MCQs) 2016
i) In Pakistan, temperate moist conditions are found in:
A. Southern Punjab B. Karachi C. Swat D. Shogran
ii) Bilirubin is the break down product of:
A. Purine bases B. Myoglobin C. Nucleic Acid D. Haemoglobin
iii) Which hormone is secreted when the level of calcium increases in blood?
A. Cortisone B. Thyroxine C. Parathormone D. Calcitonin
iv) Which among the following is a short-day plant?
A. Cucumber B. Tomato C. Strawberry D. Cabbage
v) Which is NOT concerned with Arthritis?
A. Haematoma B. Inflammation C. Degeneration D. Stiffness
vi) During development of chick embryo, the hypoblast formed in process of gastrulation is presumptive
layer for:
A. Yolk sac B. Ectoderm C. Endoderm D. Mesoderm
vii) Nucleosome in chromosome appears like beads in a string. Each nucleosome is made up of
A. 1000 B. 150 C. 200 D. 250
viii) Which is the result of autosomal non-disjunction?
A. Jacob's Syndrome B. Down's Syndrome C. Klinefelter's Syndrome D. Turner's Syndrome
ix) Mendel laid the foundation stone of classical genetics by formulating two laws of inheritance. His
work was published in:
A. 1866 AD B. 1854 AD C. 1860 AD D. 1865 AD
x) The cause of sickle cell anaemia was discovered by:
A. Archibald Garrod B. F-Sanger N C. Vernon Ingram D. Beadle and Tatum

Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
xi) If both mother and father are A and B heterozygous blood groups, then their children can be with
blood types:
A. All of the four blood groups B. AB group only
C. A and B groups only D. AB and O groups only
xii) MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes of Young) is caused due to the absence of:
A. Glucokinase B. Isomerase C. Lipase D. Aldolase
xiii) The plasmid PSC 101 contains antibiotic resistant gene for:
A. Sulphonamide B. Ampicillin C. Tetracycline D. Penicillin
xiv) In a population that is at a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 25% of the individuals show the recessive I
traits. What is the frequency of the dominant allele in the population?
A. 0.25 B. 0.70 C. 0.50 D. 0.75
xv) The average annual rainfall in temperate deciduous forest is:
A. 750 -1500 mm B. 500 mm C. 750 mm D. 500-1000 mm
xvi) The term "Totipotent" for plant cell was first coined by:
A. F.C. Steward B. William Bateson C. Garrod D. Gottlieb Haberlandt
D. Gottlieb Haberlandt
xvii) The total available Fresh Water in the form of lakes, streams, and rivers on the earth is:
A. 1% B. 5% C. 10% D. 2%
Section A-(MCQs) 2015 Group-I
i) Tidal volume is the air:
A. Remaining in the lungs after forced expiration B. Exchanged during normal breathing
C. inhaled after normal inspiration D. Forcibly expelled after normal Inspiration
ii) Fresh water fish excrete:
A. Ammonia B. Uric acid C. Urea D. All of these
iii) Which of the following item gives its correct total number? (Mark 1)
A. Thoracic vertebrae in humans — 11 B. Floating ribs in humans — 4
C. Metacarpals in humans — 8 D. Facial bones in humans 12
iv) Which of the following is a naturally occurring compound which reduces the sensation of pain and
generates the feeling of well-being?
A. Acetylcholine B. Dopamine C. Endorphins D. Epinephrine
v) Skeletal muscles are controlled by:
A. Sympathetic nerve B. Parasympthetic nerve C. Somatic nerve D. Autonomic nerve
vi) Deficiency of Adrenal cortex hormone results in:
A. Cushing's disease B. Graves' disease C. Addison's disease D. Cretinism
vii) Ovulation in the human female normally takes place during the female reproductive cycle:
A. At the end of the proliferative phase B. At the beginning of the proliferative phase
C. Just before the end of the secretory phase. D. At the mid of the secretory phase
viii) The blood vessels of the Allantois become:
A. Heart B. Umbilical Cord C. Placenta D. Retina
ix) Which Mendelian principle will not operate if two genes under study are close together?
A. Paired unit factors B. Dominance C. Segregation D. Independent Assortment
x) Okazaki fragments are used to elongate:
A. The leading strand towards the replication fork
B. The lagging strand towards the replication fork
C. The leading strand away from the replication fork
Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
D. The lagging strand away from the replication fork

xi) Acid rain is produced by:

A. Excess NO2 and SO2 from burning fossil fuels
B. Excess production of NH3 by industry and coal gas
C. Excess release of carbon monoxide by incomplete combustion
D. Excess formation of CO2 by combustion and animal respiration
xii) Lamarck theory of organic evolution is usually known as:
A. Natural selection B. Descent with change
C. Inheritance of acquired characters D. Differential reproduction
xiii) TAQ polymerase is used in PCR because of its:
A. Low thermal stability B. High fidelity
C. High speed D. High thermal stability
xiv) Chromosomes have arms of equal length with the centromere in the middle:
A. Sub-metacentric B. Acrocentric C. Telocentric D. Metacentric
xv) When an animal learns a response to a particular stimulus after many unsuccessful tries it is called:
A. Classical conditioning B. Instrumental learning C. Insight learning D. Latent learning
xvi) Transgenic animals are those which are:
A. Foreign RNA in all its cells B. Foreign DNA in some of its cells
C. Foreign DNA in all its cells D. Both A and B
xvii) Vinegar is obtained from beer with the help of:
A. Rhizopus B. Acetobacter C. Yeast D. Clostridium
Section A-(MCQs) 2015 Group-II
i) The maximum volume of air contained in the lung by a full forced inhalation is called:
A. Vital capacity B. Tidal volume C. Total lung capacity D. Inspiratory capacity
ii) The Posterior Pituitary and the Hypothalamus are connected by which of the following:
A. Blood vessels B. Nerves C. A portal system D. Ducts
iii) Which of the following is recovered in the collecting duct of the Nephron?
A. Glucose B. Water C. NaCl D. Potassium Ions
iv) Which of the following joints between the ribs and sternum and the pubic symphysis tend to be
slightly moveable?
A. Cartilaginous joints B. Fibrous joints C. Hinge joints D. Ball and socket joints
v) Functions of smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, organs and glands are regulated by system:
A. Parasympathetic B. Sympathetic C. Central Nervous D. Autonomic
vi) The tube that carries sperms out of the testes is the:
A. Vasa efferentia B. Vas deferens C. Oviduct D. Epididymis
vii) Which of the following structures are derivatives of the endoderm?
A. Skin and nerve cord B. Alimentary canal and respiratory structures
C. Muscles and blood D. Excretory and reproductive structures
viii) Highly condensed and transcriptionally inactive DNA form:
A. Heterochromatin B. Euchromatin C. Autochromatin D. lsochromatin
ix) Percentage of pure breeding F2 individuals of a monohybrid cross would be:
A. 75% B. 50% C. 25% D. 12.5%
x) The tRNA anticodon, GAG, is complementary to the mRNA codon with the sequence:
xi) The enzyme which seals the foreign DNA into the vector is:
Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
A. Restriction endonuclease B. DNA polymerase
C. DNA ligase D. DNA mutase
xii) Polygenic inheritance forms the basis of:
A. Co-dominance B. Continuous variations
C. Incomplete dominance D. Discontinuous variations
xiii) Signals of parturition originate from:
A. Placenta only B. Fully developed foetus only
C. Both placenta as well as fully developed foetus D. Oxytocin released from maternal pituitary.
xiv) Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP):
A. Do not identify individuals genetically B. Are not the basis of DNA fingerprinting
C. Can be subjected to gel electrophoresis D. All of these.
xv) The process of utilization of nitrogenous compounds in living bodies is termed as:
A. Nitrogen fixation B. Nitrification C. Assimilation D. Ammonification
xvi) During exhalation in humans, air moves from the bronchus into the:
A. Bronchioles B. Alveoli C. Pharynx D. Trachea
xvii) The control of our natural biorhythms and daily cycle is by:
A. Insulin B. Dim light C. Melatonin D. Thyroxin
Section A-(MCQs) 2014 Group-I
i) Rectal glands are present in___________:
A. Bony fish B. Cartilaginous fish C. Hag fish D. Fresh water fish
ii) _________are mature bone cells:
A. Stem cell B. Osteoblast C. Osteoclast D. Osteocyte
iii) Addison's disease is because of ___________:
A. Hypo-function of Adrenal Cortex B. Hyper-function of Adrenal Cortex
C. Hypo-function of Adrenaline D. Hyper-function of Adrenaline
iv) Diploid parthenogenesis occurs in__________:
A. Aphids B. Honey Bee C. Wasps D. Ants
v) __________is the study of aging:
A. Anthropology B. Ornithology C. Gerontology D Demography
vi) Okazaki fragments are about long in prokaryotes:
A. 100-200 nucleotides B. 100-300 nucleotides C. 1000-2000 nucleotides D. 1000-3000 nucleotides
vii) Chromosome number is doubled during __________:
A. G0 Phase B. G1 Phase C. S-Phase D. G2 Phase
viii) How many gene pairs contribute to the wheat grain colour?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
ix) pSc 101 has antibiotic resistance gene for__________.
A. Tetracycline B. Ampicillin C. Both A and B D. Insulin
x) Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
A. Protoplast - Plant cell engineering B. RFLPs - DNA fingerprinting
C. DNA polymerase – PCR D. DNA ligase - Mapping human chromosomes
xi) In Ecuador, forest coverage has been reduced by__________ .
A. 95% B. 85% C. 45% D. 65%
xii) Rabbit is an example of_______ trophic level.
A. T1 B. T2 C. T3 D. T4
xiii) Average rainfall in temperate deciduous forests is________ .
A. 750 — 1500 mm B. 600 — 1200 mm C. 800 — 1000 mm D. 750 - 900 mm
Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
xiv) Which of the following continents has the highest rate of population?
A. Australia B. Africa C. Asia D. North America
xv) A thickness of actin molecule is_________:
A. 16 nm B. 7-8 nm C. 2 nm D. 6-7 nm
xvi) The embryo of chick is termed as neurula of________:
A. 24 hours B. 18 hours C. 21 hours D. 28 hours
xvii) ________ of brain controls water balance:
A. Thalamus B. Amygdala C. Medulla D. Hypothalamus
Section A-(MCQs) 2014 Group-II
i) All spinal nerves are_______:
A. Sensory B. Motor C. Mixed D. Cranial
ii) Secretors have dominant gene 'Se' on chromosome number _________________.
A. 9 B. 19 C. 7 D. 12
iii) 'XO' in Drosophila is a _____________.
A. Sterile female B. Sterile male C. Fertile female D. None of these
iv) The closing of tulip flowers at night is a ___________.
A. Sleep movement B. Thigmotropism C. Thermonasty D. Photonasty
v) Plants respond to cold stress by increasing proportion of_____________.
A. Unsaturated Fatty Acids B. Saturated Fatty Acids
C. Amino Acids D. Nucleic Acids
vi) In most ecosystems, the greatest amount of energy flows through the _______________.
A. Secondary consumers B. Parasites
C. Herbivores D. Carnivores
vii) Which of the following lists has three homologous structures?_____________.
A. Bird leg, Dolphin flipper, Fish pectoral fin B. Whale flipper, Bat wing, Lizard front leg
C. Locust wing, Bat wing, Bird wing D. Fish pectoral fin, Lizard front leg, Locust wing
viii) A girl has blood group 'A' and her brother has 'B'. Which combination of genotypes can NOT belong
to their parents?
A. Mother lAlA Father lBlO B. Mother lAlB Father lAlB
C. Mother l l Father l I D. Mother lBlO Father lAlO
ix) How many different genotypes can be found in the offspring of the cross BbCc X BbCc?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 9 D. 16
x) Which of the following describes the process of natural selection?
A. Change from simple to complex organisms
B. Differential reproductive success between genotypes
C. Increase in the size of population
D. Occurrence of new mutation
xi) Which of the following is a sign of insulin deficiency?
A. Low blood sugar level
B. Increased ability of the tissue to oxidize glucose
C. An increased amount of glycogen stored in the liver
D. Excretion of sugar in urine
xii) In the genetic engineering of bacteria to produces insulin, what is the vector?
A. A bacterium B. A gene C. An enzyme D. A plasmid
xiii) The following diagram shows part of DNA molecule:

Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch
How many hydrogen bonds are involved in holding these strands of DNA together?
A. 10 B. 8 C. 6 D. 3
xiv) During which stage of mitotic cell cycle is DNA replicated?
A. Prophase B. Telophase C. Metaphase D. Interphase
xv) Batteries store_____________ energy
A. Electrical B. Mechanical C. Chemical D. Nuclear
xvi) Which biome has the richest soil with nutrients and can be converted into agriculture?
A. Deciduous forest B. Tropical rain forest C. Grassland D. Coniferous forest
xvii) In a population with two alleles for a particular locus, "B' and 'b', the allele frequency of B is 0.7.
What would be the frequency of heterozygote if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
A. 0.7 B. 0.42 C. 0.49 D. 0.21

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Matric, FSc, A/O Level, MDCAT/NUMS and Supplementary Exams Prep with Dr.Sadaqat Baloch

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