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24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Comenzado el lunes, 31 de julio de 2023, 14:31

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en lunes, 31 de julio de 2023, 15:28
Tiempo empleado 56 minutos 27 segundos

Pregunta 1 The ________ shows the total standard time required to produce one end product
Incorrecta in each work center required for its manufacture.
Puntúa como 1
Seleccione una:

A. work center bill 

B. routing file
C. capacity bill
D. bill of material
E. None of these

La respuesta correcta es: capacity bill

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2 Which of the following statements is best?

Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:
A. Using a non-bottleneck 100% of the time produces 100% utilization
B. Time saved at a non-bottleneck saves nothing

C. The capacity of a system depends on the capacity of the bottleneck 

D. Using a non-bottleneck 100% of the time produces 100% utilization and
Time saved at a non-bottleneck saves nothing only
E. Time saved at a non-bottleneck saves nothing and The capacity of a
system depends on the capacity of the bottleneck only

La respuesta correcta es: Time saved at a non-bottleneck saves nothing and The
capacity of a system depends on the capacity of the bottleneck only
24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3 Planning the flow of work requires production activity control to:
Correcta I. be sure the material needed is available
Puntúa como 1 II. be sure the tooling needed is available
III. schedule the start and stop dates at each work center
IV. advise the plant supervisor of future orders

Seleccione una:
A. All of these

B. I, II, and III 

C. I, II, and IV
D. II, III, and IV
E. I, III, and IV

La respuesta correcta es: I, II, and III

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4 Operation overlapping means:

Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:

A. moving work to the next operation as a group of pieces is completed 

B. running two or more jobs at the same time
C. using alternate routings
D. locating work centers close together to reduce materials handling
E. the same job running on two machines at the same time

La respuesta correcta es: moving work to the next operation as a group of pieces
is completed

Pregunta 5 Work authorization can be classified under the function of:

Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:
A. load leveling
B. planning
C. control
D. scheduling

E. implementation 

La respuesta correcta es: implementation

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6 Which of the following statements is best?

Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:
A. Implementation is achieved by issuing a shop order to manufacturing
B. Engineering drawings, bills of material and routings may be included in a
shop packet
C. The dispatch list is the instrument of priority control

D. All of these are true 

E. None of these is true

La respuesta correcta es: All of these are true

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 7 Which of the following are methods of reducing manufacturing lead time?
Correcta I. Subcontracting
Puntúa como 1 II. Forward scheduling
III. Operation overlapping
IV. Operation splitting

Seleccione una:
A. All of these
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. II and III

E. III and IV 

La respuesta correcta es: III and IV

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 8 All of the following are elements of manufacturing lead time EXCEPT:
Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:

A. design time 
B. setup time
C. wait time
D. run time
E. move time

La respuesta correcta es: design time

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9 Which of the following files is used by PAC for planning?

Correcta I. Shop order master file
Puntúa como 1 II. Shop order detail file
III. Item master file
IV. Routing file

Seleccione una:
A. All of these
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. II and III

E. III and IV 

La respuesta correcta es: III and IV

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10 Which of the following statements is best?

Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:
A. The largest element of manufacturing lead time is queue
B. The larger the load, the longer the queue

C. If queue is reduced, the lead time and work in process will be reduced 
D. All of these are true
E. None of these is true

La respuesta correcta es: All of these are true

Pregunta 11 Which file contains information on the efficiency and utilization of a work center?
Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:

A. Either Efficiency file or Utilization file 

B. Routing file
C. Efficiency file
D. Utilization file
E. Work center file

La respuesta correcta es: Work center file

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12 The activities of production activity control can be classified as:

Correcta I. planning
Puntúa como 1 II. implementation
III. control
IV. process control

Seleccione una:

A. I, II, and III 

B. I, II, and IV
C. II, III, and IV
D. I, III, and IV
E. All of these

La respuesta correcta es: I, II, and III

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 13 Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Incorrecta I. Throughput is the total volume of production passing through a facility
Puntúa como 1 II. Throughput is controlled by the total capacity of a system
III. Work centers feeding bottlenecks should be 100% utilized

Seleccione una:
A. I only
B. II and III only
C. II only
D. III only

E. I and II only 

La respuesta correcta es: I only

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 14 Which of the following are characteristics of intermittent manufacturing?

Correcta I. Work centers are arranged according to the routing
Puntúa como 1 II. Work centers are dedicated to producing a limited range of similar products
III. Work flow through the shop is not constant
IV. Throughput times are generally high

Seleccione una:
A. II and III
B. I and III
C. I and II

D. III and IV 
E. I and IV

La respuesta correcta es: III and IV

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 15 ________ is concerned with very short-term detailed planning of the flow of orders
Correcta through manufacturing.
Puntúa como 1
Seleccione una:
A. Master production scheduling
C. Master planning
D. Production planning

E. Production activity control 

La respuesta correcta es: Production activity control

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 16 Which of the following is NOT a principle of managing bottlenecks?

Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:
A. The rate of material fed to a bottleneck should be controlled

B. Do anything to increase the capacity of a bottleneck 

C. Use alternate routings
D. A time buffer should be established after each bottleneck
E. Change the schedule

La respuesta correcta es: A time buffer should be established after each

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 17 Which of the following statements is best?

Puntúa como 1 Seleccione una:
A. A bottleneck (capacity constraint resource) will control the throughput of
all products processed by it
B. A time buffer should be established before a CCR
C. Work centers feeding a CCR should work at full capacity
D. A bottleneck (capacity constraint resource) will control the throughput of
all products processed by it and A time buffer should be established before a
CCR are true
E. A time buffer should be established before a CCR and Work centers
feeding a CCR should work at full capacity are true 

La respuesta correcta es: A bottleneck (capacity constraint resource) will control

the throughput of all products processed by it and A time buffer should be
established before a CCR are true
24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 18 A scheduling system that assumes the required capacity will always be available
Correcta is called:
Puntúa como 1
Seleccione una:
A. forward scheduling
B. backward scheduling

C. infinite scheduling 
D. finite scheduling
E. None of these

La respuesta correcta es: infinite scheduling

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 19 Which of the following files will contain information on manufacturing lead time
Correcta and quantity on hand?
Puntúa como 1
Seleccione una:
A. Shop order detail file
B. Industrial engineer's file
C. Work center file
D. Bill of material

E. Item master 

La respuesta correcta es: Item master

24/9/23, 11:30 TALLER 51: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 20 A scheduling system in which the last operation on a routing is scheduled first
Correcta and for completion on the due date is called:
Puntúa como 1
Seleccione una:
A. forward scheduling

B. backward scheduling 
C. infinite scheduling
D. finite scheduling
E. None of these

La respuesta correcta es: backward scheduling

 Vdo 52: ToC

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