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Tarea 7

Problema 1

From To Ship Capacity Unit Cost Nodes

P1 W1 125 <= 125 $ 425 P1
P1 W2 75 <= 150 $ 560 P2
P2 W1 125 <= 175 $ 510 W1
P2 W2 175 <= 200 $ 600 W2
W1 RO1 100 <= 100 $ 470 RO1
W1 RO2 50 <= 150 $ 505 RO2
W1 RO3 100 <= 100 $ 490 RO3
W2 RO1 50 <= 125 $ 390
W2 RO2 150 <= 150 $ 410
W2 RO3 50 <= 75 $ 440

Total Cost $ 488,125.00

Net Flow Supply/Demand Range Name Cells
200 = 200 Capacity F6:F11
300 = 300 From B6:B11
0 = 0 NetFlow J6:J10
0 = 0 Nodes I6:I10
-150 = -150 Ship D6:D11
-200 = -200 SupplyDemand L6:L10
-150 = -150 To C6:C11
Total Cost G13
Unit Cost G6:G11
Solver Parameters
Set Objective Cell: TotalCost
To: Min
By Changing Variable Cells: Ship
Subject to the Constrants: Ship <= Capacity
NetFlow = SupplyDemand
Solver Options: Make Variables Nonnegative
Solving Method: Simplex LP

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