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Academic Writing, Reading, and Presentation Workshop for IBM Students

Academic English

Hour Skills Topic Detail Assessment

Advanced Grammar  Refers to the grammatical category of a word
for Academic Writing  Includes nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,
1 Part of Speech multiple choice test
แกรมม่าขั้นสูงสำหรับ conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections
 Indicate the time of action or state of being
2 Tenses  Include past, present, and future tenses with subdivisions like
simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous multiple choice test

 Relationship between the subject and the action of a verb
 Main types are active (subject performs the action) and passive
4 Voices multiple choice test
(subject receives the action)

 Group of words containing a subject and a predicate

5  Can be independent (standalone) or dependent (relies on an
Clauses multiple choice test
independent clause)
 Connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence
 Include coordinating, subordinating, and correlative
7 Conjunction multiple choice test

 Words indicating quantity

8 Quantifiers  Examples: some, many, few, all, several, etc. multiple choice test

 Subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number (singular

9 Subject-Verb Agreement or plural) multiple choice test

10 Comparison  Indicates the degree of difference or similarity between things multiple choice test
 Includes comparative (two things) and superlative (three or
more things)
11  Use of similar grammatical structures in a sentence
Parallelism  Ensures balance and clarity, includes parallel words, phrases,
sentences parallelism test
12 clauses, or sentences

 Refers to the structuring of text into coherent and organized

13 Paragraphing
 Each paragraph typically focuses on a single idea or topic and
Academic Writing contains related sentences.
การเขียนเชิงวิชาการ  Includes symbols and marks used in writing to clarify meaning,
indicate pauses, and organize sentences.
14 Punctuation  Examples include commas, periods, question marks,
exclamation marks, and quotation marks.

15  Graphs presenting data trends over time or across different

16 Graph with Trends variables.
Written test on Graph
 Trends may include increases, decreases, fluctuations, or
stability in data points.
 Key language for making comparison
 Comparative Structures
18 Comparative Graph  Advanced comparatives and linking devices
 Describing numbers
Written test on Comparative
 Numerical comparatives Graph
19 Comparative Graph  Ranking information
 Improving your writing style
 Dealing with more than one graph
20 Comparative Graph
 Developing your range of language and vocabulary
 Using the present simple passive to describe a process
 Linking stages together
21 Process Written test on Process
 Giving extra information about a stage
 Writing the introduction and overview
 Strcuture and linking: Organizing your essay Essay on Advantages &
Advantages &
22  Writing introductions Disadvantages
 Writing conclusions
23 Advantages &  Topic sentences
 Avoiding generalizations in your writing
 Structure and linking: in spite of / despite
 Word formation
Advantages &  Using pronouns to link ideas and avoid reputation
Disadvantages  Using the passive
 Key adverbs for emphasis, opinion and style
 Collocations for writing about education
25 Problem & Solution  Academic language for writing about solutions
 Structure and linking: Contrast ideas
 Language workout: word-building
26 Problem & Solution  Useful phrases for introductions
Essay on Problem & Solution
 Writing conclusions for problem & solution essay
 Building a good paragraph
 Writing about solutions
27 Problem & Solution
 Develop topic sentences
 Using the second conditional to write about solutions
 Supporting arguments and opinions
 Writing introductions for opinion essays
28 Opinion / Discussion Essay
 Expressing someone else’s opinion
Essay on Opinion /
 Relative clauses
 Using phrases
29 Opinion / Discussion Essay  Qualifying opinion
 Giving an opinion about future trend

Recap: Writing graph with Recap with exercises and assignments

30 trends, comparative graphs,
Recap: Writing essay – Recap with exercises and assignments
Advantage, Disadvantage,
Problem, Solution, Opinion,
32 Examination Writing How to answer an  How to approach the test Lecturers with test
examination  Plan your time
 Understand the questions
 Outline your answer
การเขียนตอบข้อสอบ How to answer an
 Provide clear and concise responses
33  Support your answers with evidence
 Review and edit
Academic Reading  Identifying the main idea in a paragraph
Tactics  Differentiating between main ideas and supporting details multiple choices on finding
34 Finding Topic / Main Idea
เทคนิคการอ่านเชิง  Extracting the main idea from a passage or text topic sentence
วิชาการ  Summarizing main ideas effectively
 Recognizing supporting details in a text
 Understanding how supporting details contribute to the main
multiple choices on
35 Supporting Details idea
supporting details
 Identifying examples, evidence, and explanations in a passage
 Evaluating the relevance and significance of supporting details
 Determining the meaning of words from context clues
 Using context to infer the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary
multiple choices on
36 Vocabulary in Context  Understanding connotations and nuances of words in different
vocabulary in context
 Expanding vocabulary through contextual learning
 Understanding and using references such as indexes, glossaries,
and footnotes
 Utilizing reference materials for research purposes
37 Reference multiple choices on
 Identifying and interpreting citations and bibliographic
 Cross-referencing information from different sources
 Making logical inferences based on textual evidence
 Drawing conclusions from implicit information in a passage
38 Inference multiple choices on
 Identifying implicit meaning, tone, or intentions of the author
 Distinguishing between inference and explicit information
 Techniques for quickly locating specific information in a text
 Skimming for the main idea or gist of a passage
39 Skimming and Scanning passages test
 Scanning for particular details, keywords, or phrases
 Improving efficiency and accuracy in skimming and scanning
40 Speed Reading  Strategies for increasing reading speed while maintaining passages test
 Training exercises to improve reading fluency and speed
 Overcoming subvocalization and other barriers to speed reading
 Balancing speed with comprehension and retention
41  Understanding spoken instructions and directions
42  Recognizing common vocabulary and phrases in everyday
43 conversations
Basic Listening
 Practicing active listening skills such as paraphrasing and IELTS Listening Part 1
 Developing strategies for maintaining focus during basic
45  Listening to lectures and presentations in academic settings
 Understanding complex vocabulary and specialized terminology
Academic Listening  Note-taking techniques for capturing key points and important
IELTS Listening Part 3
46 details
 Engaging critically with academic content through listening
47  Differentiating between different types of lectures (e.g.,
informative, persuasive)
Lectures  Identifying the main ideas and supporting details in a lecture IELTS Listening Part 4
 Understanding the structure and organization of a lecture
 Analyzing the speaker's tone, style, and delivery
49  Attending formal presentations and speeches
 Recognizing formal language and speech patterns
Formal Talks
 Understanding the purpose and objectives of a formal talk IELTS Listening Part 4
 Evaluating the effectiveness of the speaker's arguments and
Academic  Opening a presentation
Presentation  Structuring a presentation
51 Welcoming your audience
การนำเสนอเชิงวิชากร  Organizing details (talking about timing, handouts, questions)
 Getting the audience’s attention
Body language  Signposting (phrases to organize your presentation)
and  Talking about difficult issues
Tips on presenting to an  Referring to other points
English-speaking audience  Adding ideas
53 Presentation tools  Introducing visuals Presentation Assignment 1
 Saying numbers
Using approximate numbers
 Emphasizing important points
Creating effective visuals
 Making contrast and describing results
 Talking about visuals
 Talking about trends (verb tenses, adjectives and adverbs)
54 Types of visuals
 Describing graph and charts
 Interpreting visuals
 Summarizing the main points
Concluding a presentation
 Making recommendations
55 Strategies for a good
 Phrases for effective conclusions
 Using your voice effectively (stressing words, making pauses)
 Dealing with questions
 Asking polite questions
Handling the question-and-
56  Anticipating questions Presentation Assignment 2
answer session
 Dealing with interruptions
 Reforming questions
57 Final Test (Listening)
58 Final Test (Writing)
59 Final Test (Presentation)
60 Final Test (Reading)

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