Tarea 07 Revisar

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(Q1) Fly-Pacific Airline must determine how many connecting flights daily can be arranged between

cities A and X. Connecting flights can fly to X via cities B or C. Flights arriving at B must then
stop at D or E before flying to X. Flights stopping at C can then fly to X directly or to X via city E.
Because of the limited landing space, Fly-Pacific can have a limited number of daily flights
between pairs of cities, as shown in the table below.

Cost per
Cities number of Distance
daily flights
A to B 3 $300 150 Km
A to C 5 $500 173 Km
B to D 2 $400 200 Km
B to E 5 $500 102 Km
C to E 3 $400 130 Km
C to X 2 $600 237 Km
D to X 4 $600 152 Km
E to X 1 $200 122 Km

i. Set up a Maximum Flow Problem whose solution will tell the airline how to maximize the
number of connecting flights daily from A to X. (Marks will be given for the network
diagram with relevant entries) (8 marks)

ii. How many connecting flights can be arranged from A to X? (4 Marks)

iii. List the optimal routes and the number of daily flights in each route. (6 Marks)

iv. The cost of flying between each pair of cities is given in the above table. Use Dijkstra’s
algorithm to find the least costly route from A to X. (4 Marks)
v. The government is planning to construct a highway connecting all the cities mentioned
above. Assume that highway connections are possible only between the pairs of cities
listed in the above table. The distance between each pair of cities is given in the table.
Which cities should be connected so as to minimize the total length of the highway?
(3 Marks)
(Total 25 Marks)

The Makonsel Company is a fully integrated company that both produces goods and sells them at its
retail outlets. After production, the goods are stored in the company’s two warehouses until needed
by the retail outlets. Trucks are used to transport the goods from the two plants to the warehouses,
and then from the warehouses to the three retail outlets. Using units of full truckloads, the following
table shows each plant’s monthly output, its shipping cost per truckload sent to each warehouse,
and the maximum amount that it can ship per month to each warehouse.
For each retail outlet (RO), the next table shows its monthly demand, its shipping cost per truckload
from each warehouse, and the maximum amount that can be shipped per month from each

Management now wants to determine a distribution plan

(number of truckloads shipped per month from each plant to each
warehouse and from each warehouse to each retail outlet) that will
minimize the total shipping cost.
(a) Draw a network that depicts the company’s distribution network.
Identify the supply nodes, transshipment nodes, and demand
nodes in this network.
(b) Formulate this problem as a minimum cost flow problem by
inserting all the necessary data into this network.
C (c) Formulate and solve a spreadsheet model for this problem.
C (d) Use the computer to solve this problem without using Excel.

(Q2) Answer the following questions based on the project network given below. Activity durations
are given
444444(in days) above each arc.

F (8)
K (3)

J (7) N (2)

B (3)
D (6)

i. What is the total time required to complete the project if no delays occur? (5 Marks)
ii. When do the individual activities need to start and finish (at the latest) to meet this
project completion time? (4 Marks)
iii. When can the individual activities start and finish (at the earliest) if no delays occur?
(4 Marks)
iv. Which are the critical bottleneck activities where any delays must be avoided to prevent
delaying project completion? (4 Marks)
v. For the other activities, how much delay can be tolerated without delaying the project
completion? (4 Marks)
vi. List two examples of the Minimum Spanning Tree problem. (4 Marks)
(Total 25 Marks)

Preceding Duration
Activity (Days)
A Finalize specification - 2
B Detailed mechanical design A 15
C Make mechanical parts for prototype components B 6
D Detailed design of electronic components A 16
E Make electronic components for prototype model D 6
F Prepare testing device for mechanical parts B 2
G Prepare testing device for electronic parts D 2
H Complete prototype model C, E 4
I Test electronic part in the prototype model G,H 2
J Test mechanical part in the prototype model F,H 4
K Final approval of prototype model I, J 1
L Complete fixtures for manufacture K 10
M Obtain materials for production K 20
N Start manufacture L, M 2

a. Draw the associate project network and identify the critical path.

b. Find the Earliest Start Time, Latest Start Time, Earliest Finish Time and Latest
Finish Time.
c. Calculate the activity floats of the Network.

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