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Submitted by
Department of Agriculture, Govt of Mizoram

S. No. Contents Page No.

I Introduction and Background 3

II Objective of the Project 3

III Detailed Scope of Work 4

IV Implementation Strategy 7

V UAV Ecosystem 7

VI Specifications of High-Performance 11

VII Use of AI and ML 15

VIII Web GIS Application 19

IX Mobile Application 21

X Soil Survey and Classification 23

XI Project Delivery Time 24

XII Project Budget 24


Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy in the state of Mizoram; more than 60 per cent of
the total population depends on agriculture and allied activities. It is the backbone of the
economy, provides employment opportunities and helps reduce the pressure of the increasing
population . Even though the total net sown area has been increasing during the last decades,
the share of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) is only 14 percent and this is due to the
old and traditional agricultural practices in the state. and there is a need to implement
advanced agricultural practices to improve the GSDP of the State and livelihood of farmers.

Digital Agriculture is a trending concept which is revolutionizing the agriculture field

through the use of new and advanced technologies, integrated into one system. Technologies
used include sensors, communication networks, Unmanned Aviation Systems (UAS),
Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics and other advanced machinery and often draws on the
principles of the Internet of Things (IoT). Each one of these brings something valuable to
farming from data collection, to management and processing, as well as guidance and
direction. This integrated system offers new insights that enhance the ability to make
decisions and subsequently implement them.

Digital agriculture has the potential to make agriculture more productive, more consistent and
to use time and resources more efficiently. This brings critical advantages for farmers and
wider social benefits across the world. It also enables organizations to share information
across traditional industry boundaries to open up new, disruptive employment opportunities.


This project is designed to increase efficiency and transparency in the Agriculture Sector
across the state of Mizoram while maximising utilisation and potential that is available. It
will also enable efficient planning for further programmes and schemes while enhancing the
capability to deliver benefits of Current Schemes as well.
The Key Objectives are as follows:
A. Reducing input cost and wastage by employing digital agriculture and precision
farming techniques and technologies
B. Soil and water survey, planning and management.
C. Identification of ideal locations for creation of ponds for water harvesting as well as
D. Geo fenced database of every farm linked with its owner/tiller
E. Quarterly UAV based inventory of farms in project area
F. Platform for planning of farm link roads, MSME cluster roads, storage infrastructure
G. Increasing productivity and better price with real time information exchange and
access to market prices across the country and for export markets as well

H. Creation of an Online GIS Enabled ERP Platform with a robust Database, wherein the
relevant data of every farmer and farm will be available so as to create a robust
decision support system and address issues related to crop insurance, yield estimation
and productivity enhancement activities. Decision making for farm roads for better
access, can be done using this GIS platform.
I. Development of Mobile Application for all farmers as well as administrator level app
for village councils and officers in Mizo language and English which will not only
provide useful techniques and access to market prices but also to receive weather
information and pest advisories without the need for SMSs
J. Development of Machine Learning Algorithms for crop varieties indigenious to the
State using AI and Machine Learning


Reducing Input cost and wastage by employing Digital Agriculture and Precision
Farming Techniques and Technologies.

DAT stands for Digital Agriculture Technologies and FLW refers to Food Loss and Wastage reduction.

Digital Agriculture Technologies is a mix of technologies wherein data is acquired by UAV/
agriculture field sensors/Weather stations and fed into BIG data systems to extrapolate
reasons for potential losses and wastage and give advisory for reduction of the same. Due to
high cost agriculture field sensors and dedicated weather stations are not proposed in this
programme. Current focus will be on UAV acquired survey imagery and utilisation of that for
decision making and creation of a reliable IT backbone for the operations of the State
Agriculture Department for the benefit of the farmers and other stakeholders in the sector.
1. UAV based GIS Survey:
● Acquire data on the cropping pattern being practised in the defined area
● Generate 3D Digital Elevation Map of the entire defined area
● Determination of area under cultivation from the total area suitable for cultivation
● Estimation of yield
● Acquire Data on the Critical Catchment Areas
● Generate 3D Digital Elevation Map of the Catchment Area
● Online Portal for viewing Land Owner-wise and Plot-wise Crop type and Acreage.

2. Identification of Ideal Locations for Creation of Ponds for Water harvesting as

well as Pisciculture
The Major Scope of this Activity would be:
● Creation of 3D Digital elevation model to identify suitable locations for creation of
Fish Ponds
● Creating Capability to Execute Planning of Cold Storage Chain and other
● Collectivisation of farmers into FPO/FPC
● Watershed Management Planning

3. Geo Fenced Database of Every Farm linked with its owner/tiller

The Major Scope of this Activity would be:
○ Creation of Database with geo fence of farm boundaries and linking with farmer ID.
○ Advisories on a customizable basis which the Department can send based on specific
climatic/ micro-climatic information.
○ Verification of Insurance Claims as the System Matures.
○ To provide an online platform wherein Village council will assign tillers to Jhum land
and the same can be viewed and confirmed by the Department officials

4. Quarterly UAV based Inventory of Farms in Project area

To train AI based Models to Identify Characteristics of the Indigenious varieties of
Crops grown in the State.
5. Platform for planning of Farm link Roads, MSME Cluster Roads,Storage
GIS based Visual Interface with Produce Data will enable the State Government to
better plan Infrastructure and Linkages from Farm to Markets.

6. Increasing Productivity and price with Real time information exchange and
access to market prices across the country and for export markets as well.
The Major Scope of this Activity would be:
To create an online information platform that can be accessed by the Farmers/FPC
managers to make informed decisions with respect to sale of the commodity. Data
from Local APMC, States with high consumption of the commodity, APMC rate,
NCDEX rates wherever applicable and Export rates as per latest customs reports.
7. Creation of an Online GIS Enabled ERP Platform with a robust Database,
wherein the relevant data of Every Farmer and Farm will be available so as to
create a robust Decision Support System and address Issues related to Crop
Insurance, Yield Estimation and Productivity Enhancement Activities.
The Major Scope of this Activity would be:
● Web and based Agriculture Information System Rollout & Hosting
● Development of Farmer Management System for
a. Registration of farmer Services G2F, G2B, B2F, and B2B
b. Unique Farmer ID (FID)
c. Farm and Farmers Details
d. Co-Farmer Info including Name, DOB, Pan Card No., Identity card No.
e. Number of Farming Land with geo mapping and area of the land
f. Details of cropping pattern around the year
g. Type of Crop and Vegetables grown in a single area
h. Max Capacity of production of crops and vegetables in a calendar year
i. Issues related to Crop Insurance
j. Yield Estimation
k. Productivity Enhancement Activities

8. Development of Mobile Application for all Farmers , as well as administrator

level app for village councils and Officers in Mizo language and English which
will not only provide useful techniques and access to market prices but also to
receive weather information and pest advisories without the need for SMSs.

The Major Scope of this Activity would be:

● Mobile Application and Alerts for
a. Production Forecast
b. Weather Advisory
c. Expert Crop Advisory
d. Risk Management and Coverage
e. Output Predictability
f. Quality Maximization
g. Increasing Farm productivity and sustainability
h. Market Status and Trade
i. Best Practices and Training Videos as provided by DAFW,GOI

The Mobile Application will be bi-lingual and will have 3 versions:
● Version for Farmer
● Version For Village Council for Allocation of farm lands
● Version for Officers of the department of Agriculture, Mizoram


Total Area of 1480 Sq Km will be covered over a 5 Year Period in phases.

● Phase 1- Mapping of All Lands (1480 Sq Km) using UAV and Cadastre Maps,
Initiation of Collection of Farmer Data and Creation of Database

Set up of Command and Control Centre as well as IT Infrastructure.

● Phase 2- Creation of Mobile Application and Conduct of Road Shows and Field

● Phase 3- Launch of GIS enabled E-Agri ERP system and Monitoring of Selected
Areas where maximum intervention is required

● Phase 4- Monitoring of All other Areas and Training of AI system with acquired
images correlated with data points from field validation.


UAV Ecosystem:

Drone pilots for Collecting data

Selected Vendor will Supervise and provide fully trained, equipped and motivated Drone
pilots mobilised from The Districts of Operational Interest. These will be fully Certified and
Trained as per the DGCA Guidelines and a Single pilot will be able to perform Geospatial
Data using his drone up to 8 Hours per day. The advantage of the drone pilot model is that
the service buyer, neither has to purchase any costly equipment for his work nor has to
employ any professional person. We are proposing to engage 12 Local drone pilots one for
each district in Mizoram who will be responsible for collecting the drone data.
These pilots will send the collected data and daily reports to the GIS lab where all data will
be processed and analysed.
As an outcome of above survey and post analysis in GIS Lab we will be able to implement
the following activities:
1.Soil and water survey, planning and management:
Using the high accuracy of drones (2.5-5 CM GSD) versus 100 to 150 cm accuracy from
satellite data, Accurate simulation of Hydrodynamics and water flows can enable the

management of water resources to a much higher level of efficiency. As Water resources
are vital for both agricultural and the general population of the State, this will enable the
Dept to propose measures which can be implemented for better watershed management in
the State. This will primarily impact the maintenance of the levels of surface and
groundwater, which recharge the many water bodies in the state. Further, rainwater
harvesting, creation of artificial reservoirs and artificial recharge of groundwater is also
vital, in order to effectively recharge the groundwater that has been depleted due to
overuse and contamination. Further Planning can be executed for creation of Farm Level
and Village Level Ponds so as to enable the Farmers to have additional Income while
having a backup water supply.
UAVs (drones) can play a vital role in providing a new dimension in agricultural
management through providing an aerial perspective, which is far more advantageous than
ground based surveys for planning and implementation purposes. These offer unique
benefits in the acquisition of real time high resolution data with Geo-referenced mapping
and imagery for better management and planning of agriculture and allied activities.
Other than the imagery, which is clear enough to be analysed by Agri Scientists to find
problematic areas (which will replace random field visits to Planned Field Visits where
Deficiencies in nutrition are observed or pest infestation is Suspected) soil Test Data will
also be aggregated from the respective departments and co-related with the GIS Platform
to be developed.

2.Identification of Ideal Locations for Creation of Ponds for Water harvesting as well
as Pisciculture.
Pisciculture is land based activity for economic upliftment of the rural fish farmers, The
Central Governments focus on development of inland fisheries will help in realizing the
goal of doubling the income of farmers. There is vast scope for development of fisheries
by developing infrastructures like fish ponds by utilizing high amounts of surface run-off
at hill slopes of study areas that will be providing nutritional security and livelihood
support to the rural population. This type of aquaculture is found mostly in the ponds
which are adjoining the main river course where favourable conditions like clayey soils
exist. Fish farms are seen extensively in the middle parts of the watershed where extensive
plain lands exist with clayey soils. Fish farms having considerably bigger size may also
serve the sources for drip-irrigation.

3. Geo Fenced Database of Every Farm linked with its owner/tiller

Farmer database will be created capturing his details, land details and crop details The
Database will employ only Open API architecture, so as to enable linking with the
Ministry of Agriculture’s upcoming Unique Farmer ID (UFID): A unique number
assigned to every farmer to validate that the demographic details and the associated
identifier (Aadhaar Number, Mobile number, or other permitted ID) provided for
assigning the UFID are unique across the country.The Database will be linked and
Geotagged with the Land details in the Database.

4. Quarterly UAV based Inventory of Farms in Project area
UAV based image capturing to be periodically carried out to create a database of images
across seasons in order to train AI based Models to Identify Characteristics of the
Indigenious varieties of Crops grown in the State.This Data Captured is further useful for
inventorizing Crops , estimating yields and therefore estimating price trends in the local

5. Platform for planning of Farm link Roads,MSME Cluster Roads,Storage


GIS Lab for Data Processing and Analysis

It is proposed to set up a High-tech GIS Lab and Command and Control Centre at suitable
location of the department of Agriculture and will have following components:
● Drone Data Processing Section where all High-Performance Computers are installed
which will process Drone Image Data and Multispectral & Hyperspectral data
● Global information System (GIS) Section where a team of GIS Specialists will
work on Geospatial Data collected from drones to monitor crop health, estimate the
yield etc.
● Proposed Software Packages for GIS Lab

Global Mapper and QGIS 5 Licences

Pix4DMapper 2 Licence

Pix4D Fields 2 Licence

WebGIS Application 1 Licence

Specifications of UAV:

Long Endurance Hybrid Vertical Take off and Landing UAV will be employed using the
following specifications:

Take-off and Landing Type VTOL

Carbon fibre and composite

Body Material

Wing Span and Body Length 2500mm/1486mm

Max take-off weight 12kg

Max Payload Weight 1-2kg

Max Flight Speed 126 Km/h

Max Flight Time 150min

Max Flight Distance 200km

Max Altitude AMSL 5000m

Position System Dual Redundant GPS

Position Accuracy 1cm±1ppm

Max Wind Resistance 12 m/s

Working Temperature 20 to 60 C

IP Level IP56

Specifications of Multispectral Sensor


1. Server-1 for Drone Data Processing

CPU AMD 32-Core Processor @ 2+ GHz with over-clocking

CPU Cooler Air Cooled

Motherboard Appropriate workstation motherboard for HPC

Memory 64 GB DDR-4

Primary Storage 512 GB NVMe drive (for OS & applications)

Secondary Storage
#1 2 TB SATA SSD (for raw images, logs & DGPS observations)

Secondary Storage
#2 2 TB SATA SSD (for processed data)

Secondary Storage
#3 10 TB SATA hard disk (7200 rpm) - back up storage on workstation

GPU NVIDIA - GeForce RTX 2080Ti (11 GB DDR6 VRAM)

Ethernet 10 Gbps NIC

Case Full Tower Case

Power Supply ATX Power Supply — 1200-Watt 80 Plus® PLATINUM

Optical Drive CD R/W

Operating System Microsoft - Windows 10 Pro OEM 64-bit

Monitor 23.5" UHD Monitor

Keyboard and
Mouse Keyboard + Optical Mouse + Mouse pad

USB Extender 4-port USB 3 extender

Software-In-Motion Simactive Correlator3D latest version

GIS software Global Mapper latest version

The above configuration Server shall be fine-tuned to exploit the 32-core CPU as well as
4,352 CUDA processors on the NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti. Please note that all data processing
shall be done using SSD technology, which shall immensely speed-up the input/output while
processing large datasets.
This combination and fine-tuning help to process large UAS datasets quickly, so as to
produce GIS ready precision datasets like orthomosaic, digital surface model, digital terrain
model, contours etc. This Server-1 shall be connected to the GeoStorage Manager NAS, to
store and backup completed projects. The above configuration has been done in such a

manner that projects can be fully processed on this Server and thereafter shifted to the
GeoStorage Manager.
We Propose the Pix4D Mapper for the UAV data processing. This efficiently harnesses the
hardware resources and produces accurate processed datasets using time-tested
photogrammetry algorithms.

2. Videowall For Command and control Centre:

Input Connectors: 1 x HDMI (HDMI 2.0) Female

1 x 1/8" / 3.5 mm TRS (Stereo Analog) Female
Embedded Audio Input HDMI
Output Connectors: 1 x HDMI (HDMI 2.0) Female
1 x 1/8" / 3.5 mm TRS (Stereo Analog) Female

1 x USB Type-B Input
1 x RJ45 10/100/1000 Ethernet Input/Output
Standards : HDR , Dolby Vision,HDCP ,UHD 4K: 60 fps
Operating Temp: 32 to 114°F / 0 to 46°C
Operating Humidity: 10 to 80%
Dimensions: 5.1 x 4.1 x 0.9" / 130.0 x 105.0 x 23.0 mm
Weight: 1 lb / 454 g

3.Workstations for Command And control Centre:

Apart from the Main videowall described above, there will be 2 Workstations positioned at
the Command and Control Centre equipped with twin 55 inch Displays for real time analysis
and for Decision Support Activities.

4. Main Server for Data Storage & Conditioned power

Ultra-high resolution UAS data requires substantial digital storage space. The raw data (for
both aerial mapping) shall be computed and processed on the aforesaid Server’s and after that
the project data would need to be stored and archived for some time after delivery to the end
user. Therefore, a high-performance Network Attached Storage (NAS) 1:1 87 GB
GeoStorage Manager has been proposed herein. These would be two separate NAS connected
over 10 Gbps Ethernet backbone. The primary NAS would store all primary data, which shall
be backed up on the second NSA for redundancy.

● 1:1 - 87 Terabyte Storage capacity

● Intel Xeon Quad Core Processor with 32 GB RAM (2 separate systems)
● 2 x 15 x 8 TB 7,200 RPM hot pluggable disks (87 TB useable)
● LINUX based Storage Software with GUI
● 4U Rack Mount with appropriate size rack
● 10 Gbe Ethernet backbone
● 8-port 10 Gbe Ethernet Switch (to be used for Server as well)
● 5 KVA Online UPS with 1 hour battery backup (includes power backup for Server)
● Complete structured cabling

5. WorkStation for GIS Work
We proposed a GIS Lab where a team of GIS Experts will work on High Performance
WorkStation and carry out all GIS work. Total of 5 Work Stations has been proposed for this
Lab and following is the configuration of these Workstations

OS Windows 10 Pro

CPU Intel Core i9-11900K Processor

Memory 32GB DDR4-3200 MHz

NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3090 Laptop GPU 8GB


1 TB 1x M.2 SSD
4 TB 2x M.2 slots (1x SATA/PCIe Combo, 1x PCIe Gen 4 )

Communicatio Killer Gb LAN (Up to 2.5G)

n Killer ax Wi-Fi 6E + Bluetooth v5.2

3x Audio jacks

I/O Ports 1x RJ45 (2.5 LAN)

1x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type A

2x Thunderbolt™4 (USB-C)*

2x Mini Display Port Input (for Thunderbolt pass through)

2x USB 2.0 Type A

2x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A

1x Support 4K@60Hz as specified in DisplayPort 1.4

Background of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is based on the principle that human intelligence can be defined in a
way that a machine can easily mimic it and execute tasks, from the simplest to those that are
even more complex. The goals of artificial intelligence include learning, reasoning, and
perception. Some examples include vision-recognition systems on self-driving cars, in the
recommendation engines that suggest products you might like based on what you bought in
the past, speech, and language recognition of the Siri virtual assistant on the Apple iPhone.

The global population is expected to reach more than nine billion by 2050 which will require
an increase in agricultural production by 70% to fulfill the demand. As the world population
is increasing due to which land and water resources become insufficient to continue the
demand-supply chain. So, we need a smarter approach to become more efficient about how
we farm and can be most productive

Through this project we aim to create an AI based Computer Vision system for detection of
anomalies, nutritional deficiencies, pest Infestation,etc in crop varieties that are
Indigenious/Unique to Mizoram.

Hi - Resolution Imagery and Data acquired from the UAVs will be used to train the Neural
Networks of the Created AI System to enable automated detection of the above problem
statement over time.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

The industry is turning to Artificial Intelligence technologies to help produce healthier crops,
control pests, monitor soil, and growing conditions, organize data for farmers, help with the
workload, and improve a wide range of agriculture-related tasks in the entire food supply

Soil Monitoring

Analyzing crop health by drones: the Department will use drone-based Aerial imaging
solutions for monitoring crop health. In this technique, the drone captures data from fields
and then data is transferred to the GIS Lab and analyzed by experts.

This project will essentially develop algorithms to analyze the captured images and provide a
detailed report containing the current health of the farm. It will also help the farmers to
identify pests and beneficial bacteria biomes, helping farmers in timely pest control and
required action.

Precision Farming and Predictive Analytics: AI applications in agriculture have developed

applications and tools which help farmers by providing them proper guidance about water
management, crop rotation, timely harvesting, type of crop to be grown, optimum planting,
pest attack and nutrition management.

While using the machine learning algorithms in connection with images captured by drones,
AI-enabled technologies predict weather conditions and analyze crop sustainability and
evaluate farms for the presence of diseases or pests and poor plant nutrition with data like
temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and solar radiation.

Farmers without connectivity can get AI benefits right now, with tools as simple as an SMS-
enabled phone and the Sowing App. Meanwhile, farmers with Wi-Fi access can use AI
applications to get a continually AI-customized plan for their lands. With such IoT- and AI-
driven solutions, farmers can meet the world’s needs for increased food sustainably growing
production and revenues without depleting precious natural resources.

In the future, AI developed will help farmers evolve into agricultural technologists, using
data to optimize yields down to individual rows of plants

AI-enabled system to detect pests: Pests are one of the worst enemies of the farmers which
damages crops.AI systems use UAV images and compare them with historical data using AI
algorithms and detect pest incidence and the type of insect that has landed like the locust,
grasshopper, etc. The system sends alerts to farmers to their smartphones so that farmers can
take required precautions for pest control

Artificial Intelligence in agriculture not only helps farmers to automate their farming but also
shifts to precise cultivation for higher crop yield and better quality while using fewer
resources.This Project will help in laying the foundation for improving machine learning or
Artificial Intelligence-based services specifically for the purposes of Development of
Precision Agriculture Services for Farmers in the State.

During the course of this project we will create an ecosystem of imagery data sets and AI/ML
engines which only focus on identification of soil types and plant identification. Over time
we can cover other scopes mentioned above like pest detection, fertilizer advisory and
weather predictions.

Quarterly UAV based Image Inventory of Farms in Project area will be done and then fed
AI/ML models to improve predictive analysis for further reduction in wastage and
improvement of food health.

During the course of implementation of

this programme imagery will be
acquired by UAV to train AI based
Models to Identify Characteristics of
the Indigenious varieties of Crops
grown in the State.

Below is a Summary of the primary

Indices to be used to train the System
employing Multispectral Imagery:

The vegetation index is an indicator that

is calculated as a result of operations
with different spectral ranges of remote
sensing data and is related to the
vegetation parameters in a particular
pixel of the image. The effectiveness of
vegetation indices is determined by the
characteristics of reflection. The
calculation of most of the vegetation
indices is based on two the most stable
sections of the curve spectral reflectance of plants.

NDVI - normalized difference vegetation index. The most common in agriculture,

characterizes the density of vegetation and allows farmers to assess germination, growth, the
presence of weeds or diseases, as well as to predict the productivity of the fields. Index
indicators are generated through satellite images of green mass, which absorbs
electromagnetic waves in the visible red range and reflects them in the near infrared range.
The red region of the spectrum (0.62 - 0.75 μm) accounts for the maximum absorption of
solar radiation by chlorophyll, and the near infrared zone (0.75 - 1.3 μm) has the maximum
energy reflection by the leaf cell structure. That is, high photosynthetic activity leads to lower
values of the reflection coefficients in the red region of the spectrum and large values in the
near infrared region of the spectrum. The ratio of these indicators to each other allows you to
clearly separate the vegetation from other natural objects. As a result, it is possible to obtain a
complete spectral analysis and identify areas that need reseeding, application of plant
protection products or fertilizers. The index is moderately sensitive to changes in soil and
atmospheric background, except in cases of poor vegetation, and can be saturated in
conditions of dense vegetation, when the level of the leaf area index (LAI) becomes high.

EVI - enhanced vegetation Index. Developed to improve NDVI by optimizing the vegetation
signal in areas with a high leaf area index (LAI). The index uses the blue reflection region to
correct background soil signals and reduce atmospheric effects, including aerosol scattering.
Most useful in high LAI regions where NDVI can be saturated. EVI values should range from
0 to 1 for vegetation pixels. Bright features such as clouds and white buildings, along with
dark features such as water, can result in anomalous pixel values in an EVI image. It is used
to assess the variability of crop development both in conditions of dense vegetation cover and
in conditions of sparse vegetation.

GNDVI - green normalized difference vegetation index. It is similar to NDVI except that
instead of the red spectrum it measures the green spectrum in the range from 0.54 to 0.57
microns. This is an indicator of the photosynthetic activity of the vegetation cover; it is most
often used in assessing the moisture content and nitrogen concentration in plant leaves
according to multispectral data which do not have an extreme red channel. Compared to the
NDVI index, it is more sensitive to chlorophyll concentration. It is used in assessing
depressed and aged vegetation.

CVI - chlorophyll vegetation index. It has an increased sensitivity to the content of

chlorophyll in the deciduous cover. It is used from the beginning to the middle of the crop
growth cycle for a wide range of soils and sowing conditions by analyzing a large set of
synthetic data obtained using the reflection model of the leaf surface. The increased
sensitivity of the index to the concentration of chlorophyll in the leaf is due to the effective
normalization of various LAI values obtained with the introduction of red and green colors.

True Color - visual interpretation of the earth cover. A method of presenting and storing an
image that allows you to display a large number of colors, halftones and shades. The true
color image is displayed in a combination of red, green and blue stripes.


Proposed Web Application will host the processed and analyzed agricultural data. On the web
portal we will be able to view the current status of a crop, its health, details of the farmer and
its crop, also we can generate all kinds of reports which will be helpful in taking decisions
about the crops and land Usage in and around the farm areas.

Dashboard: Online Platform

In order to analyse growth stages of agriculture in near real-time to determine field-specific

crop status and discover crop growth trends, there will be a need to develop and rollout an
Agriculture information system, wherein all the datasets which will be created in the
aforementioned mapping systems will be utilized to decipher appropriate scenarios. These
datasets are:
● Crop Map
● Land Use Land Cover map
● Agricultural parcel mapping
● Soil Nutrient Map
● Site Suitability Mapping
● Land Suitability Mapping
● Watershed Intervention Map
● Forest Demarcation map
● Farm Link Road demarcation

The system should integrate with the RoR information of land record and State SDI for the
needed GIS/ non-GIS data access as OGC / Map services. The ROR information should be
integrated with both web and mobile applications as part of the AIS solution. Any experience
with such integrations should be demonstrated in the technical proposal and solution

Agriculture information system will essentially comprise below technological cloud-

based components:

1. The proposed GIS solution should be designed on SOA based web architecture, using
proven open, inter-operable standards to be scalable in order to add or interface
additional functionalities as part of change request or future redevelopment, up
gradation when required.
2. The System will support integration through Enterprise Service Bus. Capability to
server data and application through an SOA. The application will support LDAP
(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Active Directory Authentication
3. Single sign-on, authentication module.
4. Support of various metadata standards including FGDC Best Practice, Dublin Core,
ESRI ISO, ISO 19139/19119 Web Services, ISO 19139/19115 Datasets etc.
5. Should support unlimited Desktop client connection. Desktop GIS applications with
the capability to consume WMS/ WFS services should be able to connect and use data
from the server.
6. The System will support database check in – check out / two-way replication
functionalities hence maintaining the parent child relationship of Master Database.
7. The System will support server-side geoprocessing tasks.
8. The application will provide an out-of-the-box, configurable mobile application that
allows dynamic query and update server data remotely. The mobile application should
be able to integrate with GPS devices.

9. A robust Security layer: The Agriculture information system will be comprise of a
robust Geospatial Security layer wherein it will be based on a role-based security
system where each role should have a different level of access in terms of datasets as
well as Portal functions, for example a particular group of users must be only able to
visualize some part of Certain part of a satellite Image, without altering the RAW
Image on the server side. It will be possible to have the security Information including
the credentials in the database or in an Active directory.
10. For geospatial datasets it will include OGC Web Service Provider Security including
both Coarse grained and Fine- grained security.
11. Additionally, The Agriculture Management system will include a robust security
mechanism for the geospatial services which will include both method level security,
object level security along with HTTP/HTTPS Authentication for URL security. The
application should support TLS versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.
12. A Comprehensive OGC CAT CSW Catalog: The Agriculture information system
Catalog will be a repository of metadata for OGC services and related entities
published using above mentioned datasets. It will provide a central means to publish,
discover and administer such services.

The main features of this Catalog will be:

● Capability to serve and consume REST, SOAP & OGC Complied web services.
● support for OGC services such as WMS WFS, WCS, WFS-T, KML, CSV etc.
● various encodings such as KML, RSS, JSON, ebXML
● Feature Rich Geoportal: The Agriculture information system needs to have a
presentation layer based on a geoportal which will have below mentioned features:
● Zoom in, Zoom Out, Fit to Layer, Scale, Zoom by rectangle, previous view, next view
○ User Registration and Login
○ Managing Data Sources directly on the geoportal – (WMS, WFS, WCS, WFS-
T and GeoRSS)
○ Downloading data using secured URL
○ Query Builder using configurable widget
○ Data Filter,
○ Configurable software code for the Geo-portal with necessary documentation
○ Geoprocessing via WPS, whereby various Vector and Raster based spatial
models created can be published.
● The Agricultural application designed using Configurable web app builder should
give the option to quickly create various status dashboards based on the Web GIS
server published Spatial/Geo processing models and using the wizards. The Web and
Mobile App should be able to connect various external spatial data repositories for
any agricultural resource data. Build custom web applications with the API for
JavaScript, customize an existing configurable app or build and deploy applications
with Web App Builder.
● ERP and GIS integration: After the data has been collected in the ERP and GIS
platforms separately, amalgamation of both the datasets is one of most important steps

in this project, this will be helpful in correlating the overall picture of agriculture in
the state.
This will facilitate transition to Digital Agriculture, whereby all departments besides
the agriculture will be able to base their planning with respect to the irrigation,
horticulture crops and rural infrastructure on current and relevant data.


The mobile application will be developed in two languages and will have two modules
namely TFarm Aapki seva mein and TFarm Sahayak and will be used to send all kinds of
alerts to the connected farmers based on their crop and field. The farmers can also view the
status and health report of their crop on the app and can interact with our expects for advice
and guidance .

Features of Mobile Application

1. TFarm Aapki seva mein: Mobile application module that helps create GIS enabled
database of farmers assets Application data flow is simple and we would onboard the
farmer by first registering the farmers and then linking it to various services like G2F,
G2B, B2F, and B2B. The module covers aspects such as:
● Unique Farmer ID (FID)
● Farm and Farmers Details
● Co-Farmer Info including Name, DOB, Pan Card No., Identity card No.
● Number of Farming Land with geo mapping and area of the land
● Number of times farming capabilities in a year
● Type of Crop and Vegetables grown in a single area
● Max Capacity of production of crop and vegetables in a calendar year

2. TFarm Sahayak: Mobile application module that sends information to farmers with
respect to local weather conditions , Market Prices, Plant Protection, Agro-advisory,
Extreme Weather Alerts, Input Dealers (of Seed, Pesticide, Fertilizer, Farm Machinery),
Soil Health Card, locations of nearest Cold Storage Godowns, locations of Soil Testing
Laboratories and Veterinary Centre & Diagnostic labs, Crop Insurance Premium
Calculator and details of the Central/State Government Schemes.

3. Beneficiary Management Platform and OTP based Confirmation(Non-SMS): The

platform will enable confirmation of receipt by a beneficiary of a specified benefit in the
form of a Data Notification with an OTP through the mobile app..
● Identification of Cropping Pattern
● Productivity Enhancement advisory
● Creation of GIS Lab for Drone Data Processing and Analysis
● Web and based Agriculture Information System Rollout & Hosting
● Development of Farmer Management System for
a. Registration of farmer Services G2F, G2B, B2F, and B2B

b. Unique Farmer ID (FID)
c. Farm and Farmers Details
d. Co-Farmer Info including Name, DOB, Pan Card No., Identity card No.
e. Number of Farming Land with geo mapping and area of the land
f. Number of times farming capabilities in a year
g. Type of Crop and Vegetables grown in a single area
h. Max Capacity of production of crop and vegetables in a calendar year


Soil nutrients are important indicators of cultivated land quality, which is determined by two
aspects: soil fertility and spatial location.
Soil fertility, which is closely related to the concentrations of soil nutrient elements, is the
foundation of soil productivity. Soil nutrient elements can be classified into essential,
beneficial, and toxic elements. Essential elements are critical for all plants under all growth
conditions, and can be divided into two categories on the basis of their essentiality: (1) macro
elements that are required in high amounts, e.g., nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium
(K), and (2) micro elements that are required in lower amounts, e.g., zinc, manganese and
copper. A sufficient supply of soil nutrients allows plants to grow and develop normally, and
the abundance and chemical form of nutrients directly determines whether the soil is fertile.

Therefore, it is essential to measure the concentrations of soil nutrient elements to estimate
farmland quality as well suitable sites for crop.
Soil nutrient properties can vary spatially due to many factors, such as pedogenic processes,
climate, parent material, topography, and human influences. When the soil nutrient content
exhibits high spatial variability, it is difficult to estimate soil nutrient status among regions
based directly on the different geographical features.
In this Project we will be using UVA Imagery based geographic map and geo tagged and
tested soil samples to prepare a soil fertility map which will be a guide to understand the
nutrients in the soil and their location and also will help to determine the suitable crop
according to soil nutrients. Geotagged Soil samples will be tested for following nutrients in
the laboratory

Basic Properties Macro-nutrients Secondary-nutrients Micro-nutrients

pH Nitrogen Sulphur Zinc

EC (Electrical Conductivity) Potassium Iron

OC (Organic Carbon) Phosphorus Copper




Phase Phase Details Timeline from

project Inception

1 Mapping of All Lands using UAV and Cadastre Maps, Within 18 months
Initiation of Collection of Farmer Data and Creation of

2 Set up of Command and Control Centre as well as IT Within 6 Months


3 Creation of Mobile Application and Conduct of Road Shows Within 9 Months
and Field Demonstrations

4 Monitoring of Selected Areas where maximum intervention is From 12 months

required to Termination

5 Monitoring of All other Areas From 18 Months

to Termination


A. GIS Hardware and Software Cost

Purpos Unit Total Group

S. No. Particulars Qty
e Price Price Price

High Performance Computer

for Drone Data Processing 2 320000 640000

High Performance Server

Machine for Software 1 1200000
installation & Storage

2.5kVA UPS Backup for server

1 150000 150000
machine (1 Hour Backup)

Work Stations for GIS Work 5 210000 1050000

1 Lab Internal Networking 1 100000 4419500
Bandwidth Aggregation Device 1 350000

Data Balancer Power Injector 1 3000

External HDD each 4 TB 2 34000 68000

10kVA-UPS Backup for 7

7 100000 700000

AMC Charges for 1 year for all

1 158500

Softwar Geographic Information

2 5 Lic 442080 21,20.280
e System Software

UAV Data Processing Software 2 Lic 898200

Multispectral Data Analysis

2 Lic 630000

WebGIS Installation and


Other expenses for running

3 project (Organising, 35,17,339
Monitoring, Maintaining)

Grand Total 1,0057,119

Total Including 10% towards

Installation and Operational 1,10,62,83
expenses etc. 0

B. Command And Control Infrastructure Cost

This will be housed at the Agri Dept Office and will be used for monitoring and Decision
making support. Internet Leased Lines will be procured for All 11 Districts for 3 years.
Server Infrastructure will be set up centrally at the head office and shall be connected to
District Offices in a Server-Client Configuration to minimize hardware requirement at the
district level.

Sl no. Description UOM QTY Price Total

1 55" LED Screen Nos 69000 897000

VuMATRIX 3x3 Turn-Key UHD 4K Video

2 Nos 1 790000 790000
Wall System

28 port L3 Switch with loaded SFP (24 Nos.

10/100/1000 Mbps copper ports and 4 Nos.
3 Fibre ports fully populated with required LX Nos 2 75000 150000
modules) with 24 port Jack Panel and

Dual Xeon E5-2620-V4 and 32 GB RAM

/Dual power supply 88 watts/ 12 bay HDD
4 Nos 2 624000 1248000
(1 TB server HDD -2 Nos. ) 6TB X 8 Nos

5 12U Floor Mounted Rack 800mm Depth. Nos 1 45000 45000

6 UPS 3KVA Nos 2 52000 104000

7 Termination & Accessories Nos 1 50000 50000

8 Duplex LC to SC Patch cord Nos 40 500 20000

9 Power Distribution Panels Nos 1 25000 25000

10 Installation, Testing and Commissioning Nos 1 750000 750000

Software and Integration for Mission

11 Nos 1 2800000 2800000
Control( for 12 UAV)

Internet Leased Lines at State and District

12 Nos 12 120000 4320000

Total 1,11,99,000

C. UAV GIS Services

This is the running cost of the project cost of the project it mainly includes the data collection
and processing charges and the total cost is calculated.
Cost per ha Cost per Running Cost of
Particulars Total Sq km
(Rs.) Sq km Project

UAV Data Collection 130

UAV Data Processing 120 32,000 1000 3,20,00,000

Ground Truthing of Data 80

*The Department will collate and provide revenue maps for Digitization and Overlaying as
well as soil Data from the Relevant Departments.

D. Development of MizoAgri ERP Platform

Development of Database 45,00,000

Data Entry of Farmers (2,00,000) Farmers @ Rs. 55 per farmer 1,10,00,000

Integration of API’s with National Database, Weather Data 30,00,000

Providers, etc.

Development of ERP in Bi-lingual mode 1,63,00,000

Total 3,48,00,000

E. Soil Survey, Classification and Database Creation:

S no Particulars Amount

1 Contingency for TA and DA for Scientists, technical and supporting staff for monitoring soil survey work 12,00,000

2 Hiring of vehicle for soil survey staff, POL, contingency, etc. for staff of ICAR-NBSS&LUP for monitoring soil 30,00,000/-

survey and mapping work, meeting with officials of Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of

3 Interaction meet with stake holders, state line departments including human resource development at lower, 3,00,000/-

middle and executive level etc.

4 Conducting Soil Sample collection and Survey works, grinding of Soil samples, sieving, washing and 1,21,32,000/-

Laboratory Analysis, performing remote sensing & GIS works covering the whole Mizoram state (11 districts of
Mizoram for a period of three years).

5 Transportation cost of soil samples 3,00,000/-

6 Purchase of soil survey related equipments and materials , Chemicals / glass wares, etc. 11,96,000/-

7 Data processing, Report finalisation and Printing including TA/DA/fees for hiring consultants. 6,20,000/-

8 Training of Officers & Laboratory staff / Lab. Attendant of Agriculture Department, Government of Mizoram 5,00,000/-
at site and at ICAR-NBSS & LUB, Jorhat, Assam in Soil sampling techniques, GIS & remote sensing, etc.

9 Instituitonal Overhead for ICAR-NBSS, Jorhat 15,02,000/-



1 GIS Hardware and Software 1,10,62,830

2 Command and Control Setup 1,11,99,000

3 Soil Database Creation 2,07,50,000

3 UAV GIS Services 3,20,00,000

4 E-Agri Platform(ERP in Dual language) 3,48,00,000

5 ERP GIS Integration 65,00,000

6 Dual Language Mobile apps for a) farmer b) VC c) Agri 30,00,000

Dept Officers

Total 11,93,11,830

Add GST@18% 14,07,87,959.40

Add 7.5% Contingency Cost based on Total without 1,05,59,096.96

GST as per guideline NeGP-A 2014 (Sl No – 4, Bullet
No – 20)

Grand Total 15,13,47,056.36

Say 15,13,47,056


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