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1 Timothy 4 Study Questions

Part 1 Doctrines of Demons Contrasted with Good Doctrine 1 Timothy 4:1-11 Paul picks up again on the importance of good doctrine. We noted in chapter one this was emphasized. In 1 Timothy 1:5-6 idle talk is associated with straying from a clear conscience and sincere faith. In 1 Timothy 1: 7-11 that there were individuals who wanted to teach the law, but were not sound in the gospel. They did not understand the purpose of the law was to show man his sin and prepare his heart to receive the good news of salvation from sins. The result was false doctrine right at the foundation. In 1 Timothy 1:18-20 Paul urges Timothy to wage the good warfare and stand firm for the faith and good conscience. Two individuals are named in this last passage who rejected sound doctrine and were judged, because their influence was to the shipwreck of souls. 1. In the latter times some will depart from the faith. What does this mean? (See I Timothy 1:19) How does this happen? (1 Timothy 1:1)

2. There is a distinction in this passage between latter times and last days in 2 Timothy 3:1-14. What differences do you notice? (note especially 2 Timothy 3:13)

3. How can a person understand if a doctrine is of the Lord or of demons? (verses 1-3, see also James 3:13-18)

4. What relationship has demonic teaching to the truth of God? Note the wording of I Timothy 4:2.

5. What does it mean to have the conscience seared? 1 Tim. 4:2

6. How would you describe the commandments of false teachers? 1 Tim. 4;3

7. A. What is the goal of the false teaching? 1 Timothy 4:3 B. What does God desire from those who believe and know the truth? 1 Tim. 4:3-4

8. A. What instructions does God give us regarding food? 1 Timothy 4:4-5 B. Does food defile a man in the sight of God? Mark 7:18-20 C. What do we learn about doctrines that focus on food use? Hebrews 13:8-10 D. How is food sanctified for those who believe and know the truth? Verse 5 9. A. This passage shows us an example of false doctrine relating to marriage. What is the false doctrine and what kind of men teach this stuff? 1 Timothy 4:1-3 and also look at Matthew 5:32 B. What else do we learn about marriage in Hebrews 13:4 and 1 Corinthians 7;28? 10. What do good ministers of Jesus Christ teach? 1 Tim. 4:6 11. Briefly describe the foundations of good doctrine? 1 Timothy 4:3-10, Romans 12:1-2, 1 Tim. 1:9-11 12. What description do we have of obedience to sound doctrine in verse 6? 13. A. How is false doctrine described in verse 7? B. What instructions do we receive in verse 7? 14. A. What are the benefits of bodily exercise? Verse 8 B. What are the benefits of the exercise that leads to godliness? Verse 8 C. How certain can we be that the Word of God and good doctrine are profitable for time and eternity? Verse 8-9 15. Why was Paul and his fellow workers intent on laboring for godliness (both for themselves and others) and willing to suffer reproach? Verse 10 16. Who is God able to save? Verse 10 17. How important is the message of salvation? Verse 11

Part 2 Requirements in the Service of God 1 Timothy 4:12-16 18. Timothy was no doubt younger in age than many of the saints at Ephesus. Verse 12 A. Was that a hindrance? B. What is far more important in Gods service than our age? See verse 12 and give examples. 19. What activities was Timothy to give attention to? Verse 13 20. Timothy was exhorted by Paul not to neglect the gift entrusted to him (verse 14). We know from other passages (i.e. Acts 17:14-15, 18:5, 19:22, Romans 16:21, etc.) that Timothys work was broader and involved greater trust, because he ministered to many churches. Furthermore he would need discernment in recognizing elders of new churches (1 Tim. 3:1-5). A. Timothy was not self appointed in his work. What do we learn about his gift? B. What kind of accountability did Timothy have? C. What was required in the ministry that God had given to Timothy? Verse 15-16 D. Why must all ministers of God take heed to themselves and the doctrine that they teach? Verse 16

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