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SCOPE Understand and use the vocabulary related to time

Reading & writing time

YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Say time of the day correctly. Say in sequence events of the day. Name the days of the week in sequence . Read time to five minutes. Write the time to five minutes.

YEAR 3 -

YEAR 4 -

YEAR 5 -

YEAR 6 -

Read time to the half or quarter hour on a clock. Write the time to the half and quarter hour. Read simple timetable s Read calendar s.

Read and write time in hours and minutes(12 hours system)

Read and write time in hours and minutes (24 hours system)
Relate the time in the 24-hour system to the 12-hour system. Convert time from the 24-hour system to the 12-hour system and viceversa.

Relationshi p in time and convert

Use units of time and know the relations hip betw een: a. hour and

i. Use units of time and know the relations hip between: a. minute and

(i) state the relatio nship betwe en units of time a) 1 day =

Convert time in fractions and decimals of a minute to seconds.


minutes; and b. day and hours.

seconds; b. week and days; and c. year and months. ii. Convert weeks to days and vice versa.

24 hours b) 1 year = 365/366 days c) 1 decade = 10 years (ii) Convert (a) Years to days, and vice versa (b) Decades to years and vice versa (c) Years to month, and vice versa (d) Hours to days, and vice versa (iii)Convert time from (a) Hours to minutes, and vice versa (b) Hours and minutes to minutes and vice versa. (c) Minutes to hours and minutes, and vice versa. Add, substract, multiply and divide units of time (i) Add time involvi

Convert time in fractions and decimals of an hour to minutes and to seconds.

Convert time in fractions and decimals of a day to hours, minutes and seconds.

Convert units of time from a) century to years and vice versa. b) century to decades and vice versa.

ng conve rsatio n of units of : (a) Hours and minutes (b) Years and months (c) Decades and years (ii) Substract time involvi ng conve rsatio n of units with answe rs in comp ound units of : (a) Hours and minutes (b) Years and months (c) Decades and years Multiply time involving conversation of units with answers in compound units of: a) Hours and minutes

b) Years and months c) Decades and years Divide time involving conversation of units with answers in compound units for time duration of: a) Hours and minutes b) Years and months c) Decades and years Solve problems involving basic operations of time: a) Hours and minutes b) Years and months c) Decades and years Solving problem involving time in real life situation Basic operation i. Solve problems involving time in real life situation s. i. Solve problems involving time in real life situation s iii. Multiply (i) Add
time in

involving time

units of time in: a. hours; and b. minutes. iv. Divide units of time in: a. hours; and b. minutes.

hours, minutes and seconds.

Subtract time in hours, minutes and seconds.

Multiply time in hours, minutes and seconds.


Calculate time duration


Read and state the start and end of an event from a schedule. Calculate the duration of an event from a schedule in a) Minutes, b) Hours c) Hours and minutes within a day and two consecuti ve live days

Divide time in hours, minutes and seconds. (i) Identify the start and end times of are event.


(i)calculat e the duration of an event in (ii) between Calculate (a) the duration of months (b) year an event, (c) date involving a) hours, (ii)compu minutes te time and period seconds. from b) days situations and hours expresse (iii) Determine d in the start or fractions of end time duration. of an event from (iii) solve a given problem duration of in real time. context (iv) Solve involving problems computat involving ion of time


Calculate the start or the end of an event from a given duration of time and read the start or end of an event.

duration in fractions and/or decimals of hours, minutes and seconds.

time duration.

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