Polygraph Examination

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designed to condition or prepare the subject for the actual test

POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION c. duration usually lasts for 20-30 minutes or normally the longest to
complete and can take anywhere between 45 and 90 minutes
Polygraph tests are the most reliable technique to test if someone is being d. establishes rapport, gathers background information, explains the exam
deceptive to a specific issue. It will usually take between 2-3 hours, sometimes purpose, and records the subject’s reactions to unambiguous questions
longer and consists of four (4) phases playing essential roles in the testing
procedure: initial interview/interrogation, pre-test, in-test (actual test), and Prior to the polygraph examination, the subject’s conditions are considered:
post-test. must refrain from smoking at least two (2) hours prior to the test
should avoid taking medication for at least two (2) days prior to the
1. Initial Interview/Interrogation Phase examination
2. Pre-Test Phase should not be hungry
3. In-Test (Polygraph Test or Actual Test) Phase must refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages for at least twelve (12)
4. Post-Test Phase hours prior to the actual test
should not be suffering from physical or emotional abuse
FOUR (4) PHASES/STAGES OF EXAMINATION should cam down and relax (if the female subject is pregnant or having
menstruation, the test will not be undertaken)
1. INITIAL INTERVIEW/INTERROGATION PHASE (INFORMATION should not wear tight apparels or clothing as this may cause inference in the
COLLECTION) test results
a. occurs a few weeks or days before the actual examination should have at least five (5) hours of sleep prior to the examination
b. conducted by the investigator handling the case or the polygraph
examiner who gives brief significant details of the case Before the actual polygraph examination is administered to the subject, the
c. designed to obtain pertinent information necessary for the conduct of the polygraph examiner must take the following necessary preparations:
test using questions that are both accusatory and non-accusatory to the appraisal of the subject’s constitutional rights
observe the subject’s reactions obtain the subject’s consent or voluntary submission to undergo a
d. complete the required paperwork polygraph examination
e. formulate and review all the questions that will be asked during the actual inform the subject’s involvement with the case and make sure that he/she
test and it should meet the strict rules for the latest polygraph techniques understands why he or she is being asked to take a polygraph examination
to ensure test accuracy in the case concerned
determine the subject’s suitability (psychologically and physically prepared
The Investigator Must Furnish the Following Documents and physiological history) in taking the polygraph examination
sworn statement of the subject (suspect/s, complainant/s, and witness/es) answer any questions the examinee might have
incident or spot report provide the examinee with a detailed explanation of the polygraph
background investigation (BI) of the subject procedure, as well as the polygraph instrument and its components
rough sketch or pictures of the crime scene and other facts inform the examinee/client that the polygraph procedure will be audio and
video recorded (for quality purposes and then deleted with all collected
2. PRE-TEST PHASE (relevant questions/statements formulation) charts/ any personal information within 24 hours after the test completed
a. administered by the polygraph examiner for security purposes)
discuss the issue and develop and review all questions to be asked on the a. the examiner reviews the data collected
polygraph test b. after collecting the polygraph charts, the examiner will analyze the results
take the subject’s personal data before giving a decision as to the subject’s truthfulness or deception to
the given issue
3. IN-TEST (POLYGRAPH EXAM OR ACTUAL TEST) PHASE c. the examiner may involve discussing the findings with the subject
a. the subject is connected to sensors measuring physiological responses d. essential to maintain a calm and relaxed demeanor
(e.g., heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity) e. designed to obtain admission or confession on the subject
b. the examiner asks the prepared questions based on the pre-test phase f. interview is conducted when the subject indicates an innocent response,
and asked one by one at specific intervals while interrogation is undertaken if signs of deception are indicated by
c. all questions will be answered with a “yes” or “no” answer only the result of the actual polygraph test
d. the subject’s physiological reactions during these questions are recorded g. appreciate the subject for giving consideration and cooperation
and analyzed
e. aims to detect deception by comparing the subject’s responses to Post-test interview is undertaken by following these procedures
relevant and control questions inform the subject that he cannot be cleared from his chart
advice the subject that the responses were the result of his emotion and not
The condition of the examination room must be ideal to assume that the by means of any mechanical manipulation
polygraph examination is effective. use sympathetic and persuasive attitude as well as perseverance in drawing
must be spacious – for two persons, with a polygraph desk, subject’s chair out confession or admission
with arm rest and an examiner’s stool indicate recorded reactions with brief explanations of their importance as
must be well-ventilated and well-lighted an objective, tangible and concrete evidence to be used against the subject
must be soundproof – be private and free from all outside noise, preferably if confession or admission is coming, allow the subject to narrate it in his
at least 90% soundproof and distracting influence own words
must be devoid of decorations – no pictures, paintings, ornaments, and carefully listen to precise details and write it down at first instance
other decors so as not to distract the subject never make any guarantee as to immunity, reward or leniency
may be installed with an observation one-way mirror and remote sound inform the investigator on case
system or video device, amplifier for monitoring and recording the test if no confession or admission was given, cordially release the subject
proceedings to authorized observers
Purposes of post-test interview
The machine that will be used should be to clarify findings
tested to learn if there are any other reasons for the subjects responding to a
widely used by most Asian countries relevant question other than the knowledge of the crime
the latest version to obtain additional information and an admission for law enforcement
well-maintained purposes if the results suggest deception
properly set
in a well-running condition Polygraph results are not infallible, and various factors can influence the
outcome. It is crucial to cooperate fully during all phases to ensure accurate
4. POST-TEST PHASE (collection and analysis of data) testing.
The polygraph machine measures and records various physiological
indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, body temperature, and
skin conductivity while the subject answers a series of questions. These
physiological responses are traced onto a chart, which is then examined for
any irregularities or significant deviations from the normal patterns and may
suggest that the subject is experiencing stress or attempting to deceive.

Divisions of Chart Tracing Corresponding to Physiological Responses

Sample Polygraph Chart (polygraphis.com)
1. Pneumograph Tracing – the recording of the respiration of an individual
2. Galvanograph Tracing – the recording of the skin conductivity of an
3. Cardiosphygmograph Tracing – the recording of the blood pressure and
The polygraph works by tracing changes in a person’s physiological pulse of an individual
conditioning during questioning. These changes are recorded directly on to
the polygraph charts in order that they can be reviewed. Some of the changes For accurate scoring and analysis of the chart data, the examiner needs to
that occur may replicate those that have been linked with truth or deception understand the language of polygraph as well as natural and deliberate
for many years. distortions. However, while examiners may be able to identify deliberate
distortions, they cannot determine the motivation for them: countermeasure
Polygraph Chart or augmentation.
the entire set of recorded data of physiological (blood pressure, pulse,
respiration, and skin conductivity) responses during a polygraph test Changes in the Examinee’s Physiological Norm or Tonic Level
used to detect stress or deception based on the physiological changes as 1. Physiological Reaction (reaction tracing segment, tonic response, or
questions are asked and answered during the test phasic response) – indicates an arousal due to threat, interest, or an
a practical tool in polygraph examinations, often used in law enforcement orienting response
and security screenings 2. Relief Tracing Segment (homeostatic change) – indicates relief or
compensation to a previous physiological reaction
Polygram 3. Countermeasure or Augmentation – physiological reaction that has no
an individual tracing or specific line or one measured parameter on the physiological cause because it was created due to a natural or deliberate
polygraph chart made by a polygraph representing the recorded distortion
physiological (blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity) a. Countermeasures – deliberate distortions created by a deceptive examinee
responses during a polygraph test in an attempt to create an inconclusive or truthful (false negative)
b. Augmentations – deliberate distortions created by a truthful person trying
to ensure the examiner reaches the correct truthful outcome
Chart Tracing
Freezing (holding and hoping) – another mechanism that our body uses
the process of recording and analyzing the physiological responses of a
when we are experiencing fear or threat as identified by Backster
person during a polygraph test
Diagnostic Feature (Criteria) Types of Breathing
the physiological phenomena used in the numerical evaluation of polygraph 1. Eupnea – normal breathing
test data 2. Apnea – stoppage of breathing

Latency Changes in I/E Ratio Due to Pneumo Reactions Resulting to Less Air
the period between the stimulus onset (the beginning of the examiner’s 1. apnea or stoppage of breathing
question) and the response onset (the beginning of the examinee’s reaction) 2. suppression or breathing less air than normal
3. slowdown in breathing where a person is actually breathing fewer cycles a
Response Onset Window (ROW) minute
the typical time period, from the stimulus (beginning of question) to the
onset of reaction which is different for each component Apnea in Breathing Cycle
a. Pneumo: the reaction should begin somewhere between the start of the 1. Lower Baseline Apnea or Blocking
question and one respiratory cycle past the answer
b. Electrodermal Activity (EDA): the reaction should begin between the
start of the question and the examinee’s response
c. Cardio: the reaction should begin between the start of the question and
the examinee’s response


Data are collected from the thoracic area of the examinee’s body or chest
and the abdominal area or stomach by placing attachments around the
examinee’s body. We refer these components as the pneumo(s). A single breath
is made up of two parts: inhalation, which results in an upward stroke, and
exhalation, which results in a downward stroke.

2. Upper Baseline Apnea or Holding – it is associated with a deliberate stoppage

of breathing rather than a natural stoppage

The average adult breathes 12–20 times per minute. Breathing nine times or
less a minute should be considered as a sign of possible controlled breathing,
and six or less breaths a minute is considered by the American Red Cross to
be “distressed respiration” and should be classified as deliberately distorted
This would be a great concern to an examiner strongly indicating deliberate A slowdown of respiration or an I/E ratio change is also indicative of a
distortions if it only appeared in comparison questions. reaction.

3. Median Apnea – a stoppage of breathing in the cycle that does not occur at
the top or bottom of the breath, but at some point during the inhalation or
exhalation period

A secondary reaction in the pneumo is a baseline arousal. This is where at

least three baseline cycles of the pneumo have been elevated.

Respiration Line Length (RLL)

the easiest way to determine an examinee breathing less air with
computerized systems
the linear measurement of a waveform over a specified period of time
identifies all response criteria in the pneumo already described, with the
exception of baseline arousal

The shorter RLL measurement indicates less air and therefore the greater
reaction. The line measurements for P2 and P1 in the comparison question are
larger than those in the relevant question. Therefore, the relevant question
Suppression – where a person breathes in less air in each cycle and can occur represents a shorter line and has less air, constituting a stronger reaction.
in a single cycle, double cycle, or three or more cycles, referred to as sustained
suppression. The greater the suppression, the greater the pneumo reaction.
When using the RLL, you must use a “default time window,” or “window of fast changing component of EDR
evaluation,” which is constant. This window can be determined based on the creates quick upward excursions indicating that the examinee’s resistance
length of time it takes the examinee to usually respond to a question and for has decreased
that response to end. Krapohl and Shaw state that another way to look at RLL
is to have the computerized software represent it as a continuous line rather Basil or Nominal Resistance
than just a number that is displayed on the screen. conductance has increased
slowly changes the baseline of the tracing
Respiration Excursion (RE)
displays respiratory suppression, slowing of respiration, and baseline Electrodermal Activity Manual Mode
arousal by measuring the sum of excursions, basically the heights of the allows for the monitoring of both features (galvanic skin reaction and basil
pneumos, over a specific period of time or nominal resistance)
reflects greater reactions when the numbers generated are less


Electrodermal Response (EDR)

electrodermal activity (EDA) or the exact mechanism used to monitor it:
galvanic skin response (GSR) or galvanic skin resistance (GSR)
has both a fast and slow changing component to it

All living humans give off an electrical current. The instrument’s

electrodermal component introduces a very low electrical current (5 µA of
electricity) to the examinee, far below the threshold of feeling, and then
monitors how the body’s current resists the incoming current from the Electrodermal Activity Automatic Mode
instrument or the speed at which it conducts it. cancels the basil or nominal feature and creates a stable baseline for galvanic
skin resistance or conductance
Wheatstone Bridge - the monitoring of the resistance of an unknown current
by introducing a known current reflecting galvanic skin resistance (GSR)

Galvanic Skin Conductance (GSC) - measures the speed the current from
the instrument travels from one point on the skin to another point

The more mental stimulation that occurs for the examinee, the greater the
sweat gland activity, and the more sweat gland activity, the greater the

Galvanic Skin Reaction (GSR)

Peak of Tension Test Electrodermal Activity
look for overall changes throughout the entire chart
the slow changing baseline reflecting basil/nominal resistance can be All EDRs will be reflected as an upward movement of the tracing from the
important prestimulus tonic level (baseline). Any sudden downward movement of the
electrodermal tracing that is not associated with recovery to the prereaction
Comparison Question Test baseline cannot be considered as part of the criteria since it is not associated
the automatic mode is more than adequate and much easier to use since it with any known physiological response. These downward plunging
does not require constant centering by the examiner during the test movements are usually caused by a change of pressure on the finger plates or
loss of contact.
The primary reaction in the EDR is the upward movement or height of the
tracing. Some scoring systems consider the duration and/or complexity of the
reaction as a secondary reaction. However, height is the primary reaction and
cannot be considered to be less of a reaction regardless of the duration or
complexity when it clearly is greater.

Plunging Galvanograph Tracing


Cardiovascular activity is monitored using a standard blood pressure cuff

usually placed over the brachial artery on the upper arm. With an electronic or
computerized instrument using a cuff with a pressure of 70 mmHg. A normal
resting heart rate for adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. Generally, a
Electrodermal response height versus duration/complexity lower resting heart rate implies a more efficient heart function and better
cardiovascular fitness.

Blood Pressure Cuff

The primary reaction in the cardio is the rise of the bottom of the tracing CHART MARKING
from the beginning of the question. This rise is currently described as an
increase in mean blood pressure, although at times it has been described as an Chart Marking
increase in blood volume. Perhaps, it is a combination of both. Secondary annotation of the physiologic tracings to denote stimulus (question) onset
considerations are the duration of the blood pressure/volume increase and a and offset, examinee’s answer, question number, question label, artifacts,
decrease of the pulse rate. and other details important to the interpretation of the physiological data
chart markings - The British Polygraph Society (BPS)
annotations and the process of writing standard and customized signs on
the polygraph chart/tracing to denote the subject’s reactions and other
circumstances that occur during the actual polygraph (lie detector) test

Chart markings play a crucial role in interpreting the physiological data

recorded during the test. These markings help denote various important
details for the interpretation of the physiological data. Here are the two main
types of chart markings: primary and secondary markings.


1. Primary Markings
Cardio Primary Reaction these markings indicate essential points in the examination
typically placed at the bottom or top of the polygraph chart

a. Markings that denote the test (question onset and offset)

Symbol Description
announcement of the start of the test (the examiner informs the subject that
the test is about to begin)
XX announcement of the end of the test

b. Markings that denote the question (stimulus question or stimulus mark)

Symbol Description
short vertical line (normally about ⅛ of an inch) denoting the start
(beginning) and/or end of each stimulus question asked during the test
short vertical line (normally about ⅛ of an inch) denoting the end of each
I or II
question asked during the test

c. Markings that denote the response of the subject or examinee’s answer

Symbol Description
+ examinee answered “YES” to a specific question
Cardio Secondary Consideration - examinee answered “NO” to a specific question
Note: In some reviewers, only the markings that denotes the start (beginning) d. artifacts – annotations for any external disturbances or noise that might
and end of test are considered primary markings. In addition, question onset affect the readings
and offset denotes the test and each question during the test. Symbol Description
OS or OSN outside noise (stimulus)
IS or ISN inside noise (occurring inside the testing suite)
2. Secondary Markings or Other/Common Chart Markings
provide additional context and information for interpreting the
physiological data e. other details/notations/annotations – important information related to the
complement the primary chart annotations interpretation of physiological data
Symbol Description
 or A increasing mechanical adjustment
a. question numbers and labels – identifies which question corresponds to  or V decreasing mechanical adjustment
each physiological response R examinee requested a repeat of the question
EE examiner error
b. physiological responses of the subject BN flatulence (butt noise)
Symbol Description self-explanatory and the need to dry the movement sensor cushion
M or MV movement before continuing the test
B belch or burp SS slapped subject (humorous)
C cough PJ paper jump or paper jam
PW poorly worded question
CT cleared throat
WR examiner will repeat the last question
S or SI sigh
SN sniff or snort
SZ sneeze Marking the paper chart while the polygraph pens are writing on it will
SW swallow facilitate the evaluation and interpretation of the subject’s reactions. Neglecting
SP sleep the appropriate chart markings for a couple of seconds may cause
Y yawn misinterpretations later that further result to tragic consequences. Simply
DB deep breath failing to punctually write the stimulus marks on the paper chart that will cause
L laugh misinterpretation of the polygram.
T talk
VC voice change
IM involuntary movement CHART INTERPRETATION
movement of arm due to extraneous factors usually caused by blood
pressure cuff (BPC) discomfort The interpretation of polygraph result is subjective and depends on the skill
of the examiner.
c. instructions given to the subject
Symbol Description There are several scoring systems used to interpret polygraph data. Backster
BI breathing instructions introduced the traditional 7-point scale in the 1960s, which he described as a
TI talking instructions subjective system that allowed for the analysis of data in an objective direction
MI movement instructions by quantifying the chart data. Using the comparison question to compare to
AI answer instructions the reaction in the relevant question, a number is assigned to each component
EI examiner instructions (pneumo, EDR, and cardio) of the relevant question ranging from a +3 to a −3.

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