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Q1)Torque characteristics of induction motor for Slip Control (Constant Frequency and

Variable Voltage control scheme) by MATLAB:

% Induction motor parameters

r1 = 0.15; % Stator resistance (ohms)
x1 = 0.45; % Stator reactance (ohms)
r2 = 0.12; % Rotor resistance referred to stator (ohms)
x2 = 0.45; % Rotor reactance referred to stator (ohms)
Xm = 28.5; % Magnetizing reactance (ohms)
f = 50; % Rated frequency (Hz)
P = 4; % Number of poles
fixed_loss = 400; % Fixed losses (watts)
Vs = 400; % Supply voltage (volts)
Vph = Vs / sqrt(3); % Phase voltage (volts)

Ns = 120 * f / P; % Synchronous speed (rpm)

Ws = 2 * pi * Ns / 60; % Synchronous angular speed (rad/s)
s = -1:0.001:1.5; % Slip range

% Calculate rotor speed

Nr = (1 - s) * Ns;

% Calculate torque for different voltage levels

for n = 0.2:0.2:1
Ve = n * Vph * Xm / (x1 + Xm); % Voltage across Xm
Re = r1 * Xm / (x1 + Xm); % Effective resistance
Xe = x1 * Xm / (x1 + Xm); % Effective reactance

% Calculate rotor current

I2 = Ve ./ sqrt((Re + r2 ./ s).^2 + (x2 + Xe).^2);

% Calculate electromagnetic torque

Te = (P / (2 * pi)) .* (I2.^2 .* (r2 ./ s));

% Display parameters
disp(['When n = ', num2str(n), ', Vph = ', num2str(n * Vph), ', and f = ',

% Plot torque-speed curve

plot(Nr, Te);
hold on;
grid on;

hold off;
title('Constant Frequency Variable Voltage');
xlabel('Speed (rpm)');
ylabel('Torque (Nm)');
legend('20% Vph', '40% Vph', '60% Vph', '80% Vph', '100% Vph');

Q2)Torque characteristics of induction motor for Frequency Control (Variable Frequency
and Constant Voltage control scheme) by MATLAB:
% Induction motor parameters
r1 = 0.15;
x1 = 0.45;
r2 = 0.12;
x2 = 0.45;
Xm = 28.5;
f = 50;
P = 4;
fixed_loss = 400;
Vs = 400;
Vph = Vs / sqrt(3);
m = 3;

s = -1:0.001:1.5;

for n = 1:0.1:1.5

Ns = 120 * n * f / P; % n ranges from 1 to 1.5. Thus frequency ranges from

100% to 150%
Ws = 2 * pi * Ns / 60;
Nr = (1 - s) * Ns;

Ve = Vph * Xm / (x1 + Xm);

Re = r1 * Xm / (x1 + Xm);
Xe = x1 * Xm / (x1 + Xm);

I2 = Ve ./ sqrt((Re + r2 ./ s).^2 + (x2 + Xe).^2);

Te = (m / Ws) .* I2.^2 .* (r2 ./ s);

disp(['when n = ', num2str(n), ', Vph = ', num2str(Vph), ', and f = ',
num2str(n * f)]);

plot(Nr, Te);
hold on;
grid on;
hold off;
title('Constant Voltage Variable Frequency');
xlabel('Speed (rpm)');
ylabel('Torque (Nm)');
Q3)Torque characteristics of induction motor for Frequency Control
(Variable Frequency and Variable Voltage control scheme):

% Induction motor parameters

r1 = 0.15; % Stator resistance (ohms)
x1 = 0.45; % Stator reactance (ohms)
r2 = 0.12; % Rotor resistance referred to stator (ohms)
x2 = 0.45; % Rotor reactance referred to stator (ohms)
Xm = 28.5; % Magnetizing reactance (ohms)
f = 50; % Rated frequency (Hz)
P = 4; % Number of poles
fixed_loss = 400; % Fixed losses (watts)
Vs = 400; % Supply voltage (volts)
Vph = Vs / sqrt(3); % Phase voltage (volts)
m = 3; % Number of phases

s = -1:0.001:1.5;

% Loop through different voltage levels

for n = 0.2:0.2:1

% Calculate synchronous speed and angular speed

Ns = 120 * n * f / P;
Ws = 2 * pi * Ns / 60;
Nr = (1 - s) * Ns;

% Calculate effective voltage, resistance, and reactance

Ve = n * Vph * Xm / (x1 + Xm);
Re = r1 * Xm / (x1 + Xm);
Xe = x1 * Xm / (x1 + Xm);

% Calculate rotor current

I2 = Ve ./ sqrt((Re + r2 ./ s).^2 + (x2 + Xe).^2);

% Calculate torque
Te = (m / Ws) .* I2.^2 .* (r2 ./ s);

% Display V/f ratio

disp(['when n = ', num2str(n), ', Vph/f = ', num2str(Vph / f)]);

% Plot torque-speed characteristics

plot(Nr, Te);
hold on;
grid on;
hold off;
title('Variable Frequency Variable Voltage');
xlabel('Speed (rpm)');
ylabel('Torque (Nm)');

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