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What is Peach?

The inner flesh of a peach ranges in color from white to yellow or orange.
There are two different varieties of peach: freestone and clingstone. These names
indicate whether the flesh sticks to the inner seed or easily comes apart from it.
In this article, we look at the possible health benefits of peaches, their nutritional profile,
and how to include more of them in the diet.
Peaches are low in calories (100 g just provide 39 calories), and contain no saturated
fats. Nonetheless, they are packed with numerous health promoting compounds,
minerals, and vitamins. Fresh peaches are a moderate source of antioxidants and
vitamin C which is required for the building of connective tissue inside the human body.
Consumption of foods that are rich in vitamin C helps a person develop resistance
against infections and helps to eliminate harmful free radicals that cause certain
Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart
rate and blood pressure. Fluoride is a component of bones and teeth and is essential for
prevention of dental caries. Iron is required for red blood cell formation.

So, make sure you are taking small steps to eat sufficient fruit each day. Peaches are
now in season across much of the United States are healthy and contain health
promoting flavonoid polyphenolic antioxidants including lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-
cryptoxanthin. These compounds help to act as protective scavengers against free
radicals and play a role in promoting healthy aging and reduction of various disease
The peach is a versatile fruit that can be used to garnish meats, stewed fruit, jams, etc.
According to the type of fruit there exist two groups: those with soft flesh, freestoned,
destined for consumption in fresh, and those with firm flesh, strongly adhered to the
stone and destined both for consumption in fresh and for the industry, preferably for
tinned fruit.
A way to study the peach varieties is by grouping them according to the fruit
characteristics. Thus, they will be classified mainly in two groups: peaches for
consumption in fresh and for the industry.

1- the varieties " for the consumption in fresh’ are usually characterized by a firm flesh,
due to commercialization requirements, but at the same time it melts in the mouth and it
is pleasant for the palate. The fruit pulp does not adhere to the stone, the skin is bright
red, attracting the consumer, and the size is medium to large.

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