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Political science 101

Group Project Topic: NSU Students’ understanding of democracy and

satisfaction with democratic development in Bangladesh.


Session- Spring 2023

Group Number- 05

Members- 1. Nuzhat Tasnim Silvia-2212314042

2. Emon Hossen-2211106042

3. Imran Shykat-2212534030

4. Md. Tanjilur Rahman-2312767030

5. Kazi Tanora Akther-2132580642

Submitted To- Dr. Akram Hossain (MdAH)

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The study examines the comprehension of democracy among NSU students and their level

of contentment with the progress of democracy in Bangladesh. Democracy, a governance

system designed to empower citizens in decision-making, encounters various complexities

in its practical implementation. Factors such as political stability, freedom of expression, and

the rule of law significantly impact the success of democracy. Bangladesh, since its

independence in 1971, has encountered obstacles in its democratic development. While

there have been some advancements in recent years, there remains substantial work to be

done. Through this investigation, we aim to gain valuable insights into NSU students'

viewpoints on democratic progress in Bangladesh and the factors that shape their


Literature Review:

The significance of examining public perception on democracy and the involvement of young

people in democratic procedures has been highlighted in past research. As per the findings of a

study conducted by Smith et al. (2018), it has been observed that the involvement of young

individuals in democratic development is linked with the long-term stability and consolidation

of democratic systems. The study suggests that the involvement of young individuals in political

activities, such as voting, protesting, and joining political organizations, can have a positive

impact on the vitality and legitimacy of democratic systems. In addition, Johnson (2019)

conducted research that suggests citizens' perceptions and satisfaction with democracy can be

impacted by a range of factors, including political participation, freedom of expression, and the

government's dedication to safeguarding democratic principles. This literature review serves as

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a basis for comprehending the importance of investigating students' comprehension of

democracy and their contentment with democratic progress in Bangladesh.

"Youth Political Participation Survey" (World Youth Movement for Democracy - WYMD): This

survey focuses on young people's political participation and engagement with democracy. It

explores students' involvement in political activities, their motivations for participation, and

their perceptions of democracy as a system of governance.

"Youth and Democracy Survey" (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance -

IDEA): This survey aims to understand the attitudes and behaviors of young people towards

democracy worldwide. It examines students' views on democratic values, political participation,

trust in institutions, and perceptions of fairness and equality."CIRCLE Youth Survey" (Center for

Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement): This survey, conducted in the

United States, explores the civic and political engagement of young people, including college

and university students. It examines their knowledge of politics, levels of political participation,

attitudes towards democratic values, and perceptions of government. This literature review

provides a foundation for understanding the significance of exploring students' understanding

of democracy and their satisfaction with democratic development in Bangladesh.

Research Question:

we conduct our research in basis of two main objectives

1. understanding of democracy

2. satisfaction with democracy among the NSU students

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A survey of 20 NSU students was done as part of this assignment. The survey's qualitative and

quantitative questions evaluated the students' knowledge of democracy and their happiness

with Bangladesh's democratic advancement. The respondents were questioned for their

thoughts on several aspects of democracy, such as the legitimacy of the government,

competitive and fair elections, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and the role of the

government in defending democracy. At first,we collect the quantitative data from the

respondents and then proceed to the explanation part where respondents share their thoughts.

Analysis and Findings:

When the poll answers were looked at, it was interesting to see what the students thought

about democracy and their satisfaction level . Acknowledging the importance of

democracy,students cannot explain democracy properly. The different answers show that NSU

students have many different ideas about what democracy means and how it works.

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According to the graph,maximum students think that the current government system is

between electoral democracy and electoral autocracy.

when questioning about legitimacy of current government their answer was like the graph


Here,students do not agree with the legitimacy of the democracy of the current government.

Ultimately, this graph shows that students have doubts about the government system and

government's approach to protect democracy.

If we analyze the qualitative data from students, there are several sides where they show doubt

about government and democracy. the sides covering the election system,freedom of

speech,freedom of media,fundamental rights,suppression of power. solutions from students

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are also interesting where some students want new political regimes,some want strong

authority for removing corruption,some also recommend creating a fair election system.

Critique and Counter Arguments:

Survey results provide significant insights into students' ideas, but it is crucial to explore

alternate viewpoints and participate in critical analysis. The administration may prioritize

stability and economic growth over democratic deficiencies. Strong and stable governments are

needed for economic growth and social advancement . They think the government can foster

democracy by focusing on economic development. Besides, prioritizing stability can help

democratic consolidation by;

1. collective good for regional integration: Domestic political stability benefits all member

states of the regional integration organization (RIO). Legalizing democratic conditionality

aids in the resolution of issues with collective action among member states and provides

RIOs with the legitimacy, justification, and resources they need to intervene in the

domestic political affairs of member states.

2. Facilitative, supportive, and integrative to democratic consolidation:Press freedom

and the mass media play a facilitative, enabling, and integrative role in the

consolidation of democracy.

3. Development of democratic values:The status of the electoral system, pluralism,

and civil rights can all affect how far along a nation's democratic regime is in its


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Another possibility is that students' views are shaped by their limited exposure and experience.

Academic information, social networks, and media influence university students' views of

democracy and democratic growth. These pupils may not appreciate the government's

complicated issues in balancing democratic principles with pragmatic governance.

Democratic progress is also a slow process. Some say that Bangladesh is too young to meet all

the norms of established democracies. They may argue that progress takes time and the

administration should be allowed time to rectify democratic shortcomings.

However, balancing different views while respecting democratic values and protecting citizens'

rights and liberties is crucial. Stability and economic growth are important, but democracy

should come first. A democracy must follow democratic principles, respect human rights,

encourage public engagement, and be transparent and accountable to survive.

Despite the counterarguments, a democratic system that promotes economic success and

preserves democratic principles like freedom of expression, fair elections, and government

accountability is necessary. Bangladesh can build a more inclusive and resilient democracy that

benefits all its citizens by evaluating and resolving democratic development challenges.

Critical analysis and conflicting views highlight the importance of considering multiple

perspectives and analytical thinking when assessing democracy in Bangladesh. To achieve

stability and progress, the government must uphold democratic values. Bangladesh may

improve its democracy through encouraging openness, constructive communication, and public


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The results of the survey conducted among students of NSU provide insights into their

comprehension of democracy and their degree of contentment with the progress of democracy

in Bangladesh. The findings suggest that there is a varied range of viewpoints and

interpretations among the student population. Although apprehensions were expressed

regarding the present administration's credibility, the electoral mechanism, the liberty to

express oneself, and the responsibility of the government, the pupils also acknowledged the

possibility of favorable democratic progress by tackling social and economic imbalances. The

case studies have underscored the significance of freedom of speech and fair elections in the

evaluation of democracy by the students. The aforementioned discoveries offer significant

perspectives on the condition of democracy among the youth demographic and warrant

additional scrutiny, discourse, and initiatives to reinforce democratic establishments, safeguard

civil rights, and guarantee governmental responsibility in Bangladesh. By actively involving the

viewpoints and outlooks of young individuals, society can strive towards a more comprehensive

and collaborative democratic system that accurately represents the ambitions and

requirements of its populace.

The end

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WYMD website - []

IDEA website - []

CIRCLE website - []

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