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Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry

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Bacterial Carotenoids: Extraction,

Characterization, and Applications

Gerson-Dirceu López, Gerardo Álvarez-Rivera, Chiara Carazzone, Elena

Ibáñez, Chad Leidy & Alejandro Cifuentes

To cite this article: Gerson-Dirceu López, Gerardo Álvarez-Rivera, Chiara Carazzone,

Elena Ibáñez, Chad Leidy & Alejandro Cifuentes (2023) Bacterial Carotenoids: Extraction,
Characterization, and Applications, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 53:6, 1239-1262,
DOI: 10.1080/10408347.2021.2016366

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2023, VOL. 53, NO. 6, 1239–1262

Bacterial Carotenoids: Extraction, Characterization, and Applications

Gerson-Dirceu Lopeza,b,c 
, Gerardo Alvarez-Rivera c
, Chiara Carazzonea, Elena Iban
~ezc, Chad Leidyb, and
Alejandro Cifuentesc
Chemistry Department, Laboratory of Advanced Analytical Techniques in Natural Products (LATNAP), Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,
Colombia; bPhysics Department, Laboratory of Biophysics, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia; cLaboratory of Foodomics, Institute
of Food Science Research (CIAL), CSIC, Madrid, Spain;

Natural carotenoids are secondary metabolites that exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and Bacterial carotenoids; cell
anti-cancer properties. These types of compounds are highly demanded by pharmaceutical, cos- disruption; HPLC separation;
metic, nutraceutical, and food industries, leading to the search for new natural sources of carote- industrial applications;
MS analysis
noids. In recent years, the production of carotenoids from bacteria has become of great interest
for industrial applications. In addition to carotenoids with C40-skeletons, some bacteria have the
ability to synthesize characteristic carotenoids with C30-skeletons. In this regard, a great variety of
methodologies for the extraction and identification of bacterial carotenoids has been reported
and this is the first review that condenses most of this information. To understand the diversity of
carotenoids from bacteria, we present their biosynthetic origin in order to focus on the methodol-
ogies employed in their extraction and characterization. Special emphasis has been made on
high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) for the analysis and identi-
fication of bacterial carotenoids. We end up this review showing their potential commercial use.
This review is proposed as a guide for the identification of these metabolites, which are frequently
reported in new bacteria strains.

Introduction (, where 324 are from bac-

terial sources, 251 carotenoids being exclusive to these
Naturally occurring carotenoids are produced by eukaryotic
microorganisms.[9] There are variations in the numbers and
cells, such as plants, algae, fungi, and prokaryotic cells like
types of carbon units, for example, C30,[10–12] C40,[13]
bacteria. In addition, some animals, such as flamingos accu-
C45,[14] and C50.[15–18] Chains shorter than C30 occur in
mulate carotenoids in their plumage from their diet (mol- some bacteria via an alternate pathway. In general, thirty-
lusks and crustaceans). These compounds are characterized seven molecules containing C30 carotenoids have been
by a striking range of colorations from red to yellow, reported.[9] The double bonds in these polyenes allow for
through a spectrum of orange tones. Color is generated by the incorporation of environmentally free radicals, and delo-
at least six conjugated double bonds in a polyene chain.[1,2] calization of charges (positive or negative) along the
The human eye is able to recognize colors within the range chains.[19] The antioxidant characteristics of carotenoids
of 360  750 nm (yellow–blue). The ophthalmic color dis- cause them to be very sensitive to light, heat, oxygen, iso-
crimination threshold approaches approximately 2 nm, and merization (cis/trans), acidic conditions, and/or basic
the Vis-detector limit is at best 0.1 nm.[3–5] These natural conditions.[20]
pigments are derived from isoprenoids and are classified Carotenoids exhibit a broad variety of applications and
into two main groups: carotenes (hydrocarbon carotenoids) have been reported as beneficial treating ocular diseases due
and oxygenated carotenoids (also known as xanthophylls). to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory proper-
Carotenes are made of carbon and hydrogen atoms exclu- ties.[19,21–24] Lutein, zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin are accu-
sively (e.g., phytoene, lycopene, and b-carotene). mulated in the human eye where they act by filtering
Xanthophyll possesses oxygen functional groups, including harmful UV (blue) light, thus preventing ocular oxidative
carotenols (e.g., zeaxanthin), carotenals (e.g., b-apo-80 -caro- stress.[25] Reviews of carotenoids’ applications in nutraceut-
tenal), carotenones (e.g., cantaxanthin), and carotenoid acids ical products have demonstrated their potential.[23,26]
(e.g., 4,40 -diaponeurosporenoic acid).[6–8] To date, more Natural carotenoids, for instance astaxanthin (approved by
than 1200 carotenoids and carotenoid precursors from 722 the European Commission as food dye, E161j) and lycopene
organisms have been reported in the Carotenoid Database (E160d) are used as food colorants. In addition, astaxanthin

CONTACT Carazzone Chiara Chemistry Department, Laboratory of Advanced Analytical Techniques in Natural Products
(LATNAP), Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia; Cifuentes Alejandro Laboratory of Foodomics, Institute of Food Science
Research (CIAL), CSIC, Madrid, Spain.
ß 2021 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (,
which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.
1240 G.-D. LÓPEZ ET AL.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the steps used for characterization of bacterial carotenoids.

is used as a dietary supplement, formulated as oils and tab- before tackling the extraction and identification methods for
lets. Thus, the use of carotenoids obtained from microorgan- bacterial carotenoids.
isms, such as Haematococcus pluvialis (microalgae), The biosynthesis of carotenoids derived from bacteria
Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous (yeast), and Blakeslea tris- starts from the C5 isoprenoid known as isopentenyl pyro-
pora (fungi), is an alternative to synthetic carotenoids in the phosphate (IPP), which isomerizes into dimethylallyl pyro-
food industry.[27–29] phosphate (DMAPP) in the mevalonate (MVA) pathway
The main drawbacks of these microorganisms are their (Figure 2). Initially, a condensation reaction occurs between
long cultivation times, and their dependence on climatic condi- one IPP molecule and one DMAPP molecule, producing
tions. For example, astaxanthin production by H. pluvialis C10-geranyl diphosphate (GPP). However, depending on the
requires up to 288 h of culture and 156 h in X. dendrorhous. In bacteria, additional units of C5 may be added from the 2-C-
addition, microalgae depend on light for the production of car- methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) pathway.[1,6,36] Both
otenoids.[30,31] Therefore, research on bacterial carotenoids has MAV and MEP are synthesized during bacterial glycolysis.
become an area of interests due to the short culture times The MAV is generated from acetyl CoA, and the MEP from
compared to other microorganisms.[32] In this sense, astaxan-
pyruvate. Chain elongation occurs during successive cyclical
thin can be also obtained from the bacteria Halobacillus true-
reactions, and is catalyzed by prenyl transferase (CrtE). This
peri MXM-16 and Exiguobacterium Sps after 48 and 72 h,
occurs between one or two IPP molecules with GPP, which
respectively.[33,34] Although bacteria are typically associated
produces C15-farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) and C20-gera-
with human pathologies, carotenoids from bacteria are just as
safe as those obtained from conventional sources like plants or nylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP), respectively. As a result,
by chemical synthesis. Thus, bacterial carotenoids could also be carotenoids derived from C30 and C40 chains take separate
used in pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, and pathways. The synthesis of C30 occurs through the addition
foods.[35] Previous reviews mainly deal with carotenoids pro- of two FPP units, while C40 synthesis is due to the addition
duced by yeasts, algae, and fungi over bacteria,[36–40] or are of two GGDP units.[41,49,50] In C30 carotenoid group, a col-
mainly focused on the applications of these molecules.[41–46] As orless carotenoid precursor known as 4,40 -diapophytoene is
far as we know, this is the first review about bacterial carote- produced, and in C40 group, 15-cis-phytoene is the first
noids including biosynthesis, protocols for their extraction, sep- synthesized product. Both products are colorless and reac-
aration, and analysis (see Figure 1). tions are catalyzed by CrtM and CrtB enzymes, respectively.
In both pathways, successive desaturation processes are car-
ried out by the enzyme desaturase CrtN (C30) and CrtI
Biosynthesis (C40). Figure 2 shows the similarity in the initial steps of
Carotenoids are secondary metabolites of plants and micro- C30 and C40 carotenoids’ biosynthetic pathways. While car-
organisms; however, they are not involved in fundamental otenoids corresponding to C30 group are functionalized
survival processes such as growth, development, and repro- early by the oxidation processes (producing aldehyde,
duction. Carotenoids are associated to the capacity of regu- ketone, and/or carboxyl groups), carotenoids from the C40
lating light absorption – preventing the photodamage – and group undergo dehydrogenation and cyclization processes
the oxidative stress, due to their antioxidant proper- prior to these oxidation reactions.[46] Subsequently, addition,
ties.[26,47,48] Besides C40 carotenoids, some bacteria can syn- elimination, substitution, or rearrangement reactions pro-
thesize C30 carotenoids and, to a lesser extent, other C45, duce a variety of molecules, including stereoisomers (cis/
C50, and C60 chains lengths. To understand the main types trans) and optical isomers (R/S).[50–53]
of carotenoids synthesized by bacteria; namely C30 and C40, Lycopene is a colored carotene C40 generated from four
a general description of the similarities and differences successive desaturations of the phytoene molecule. Through
between both biosynthetic pathways is presented below, cyclic reactions, lycopene produces a-carotene and b-carotene,

Figure 2. Scheme of bacterial carotenoids biosynthesis with C30 and C40 carbon units.

while a hydroxylation reaction in one of the b-carotene rings been identified in the macula lutea region.[25] In addition, it
produces a b-cryptoxanthin molecule (Figure 2).[54] These has been proposed that, due to its antioxidant and their light
three pro-vitamin A carotenoids are necessary for retinol syn- absorption characteristic, lutein may be involved in filtering
thesis in animals. One molecule of b-carotene generates two light harmful to the eye.[21,22,24,25,55]
molecules of Vitamin A, a retinoid. This vitamin is necessary
for vision, cellular communication, immune function, and
human reproduction.[21,55,56] Due to the poor absorption–con- Extraction methods
version capacity of vitamin A by human body, it is necessary
to consume foods that contain this retinoid. Lutein is a xan- There is not a single accepted method for extracting carote-
thophyll generated by the hydroxylation of a-carotene, that has noids from bacteria, since the yield will depend on different
1242 G.-D. LÓPEZ ET AL.

factors (e.g., polarity of carotenoids, moisture content, and

kind of cell wall[36,57]). Carotene’s extraction is favored by
employing non-polar solvents (hexane), while xanthophylls
are commonly extracted with polar solvents (acetone or
ethanol [EtOH]). In addition, the moisture of the bacterial
cells will determine whether the extraction is performed by
a liquid–liquid or solid-liquid process. Bacteria’s cell wall is
another important factor to consider; for instance, Gram-
negative bacteria have inner and outer membranes separated
by a thin peptidoglycan layer and a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
in the outer membrane, making them generally more per-
meable to organic solvents. On the other hand, Gram-posi-
tive bacteria have an inner membrane covered by a robust
cell wall composed primarily of a peptidoglycan network,
making these structures more resistant to organic sol-
vents.[36] In both cases, cell disruption of bacteria is simpler
compared to microalgae and yeast, which are composed of
more complex and rigid cell walls. Figure 3(A) shows a rep-
resentation of zeaxanthin in the bacterial membrane of Figure 3. Representation of zeaxanthin in the bacterial membrane of Pantoea
sp. YR343 (A). Intact bacterial cells (B) and vesicles prepared from bacterial lipids
Pantoea sp. YR343;[58] cell disruption is required for its (C), both observed with confocal microscopy. Reprint from Kumar et al. [58]
extraction from intact bacterial cells (Figure 3(B)).
Zeaxanthin is also found in lipid extracts used in the prepar-
ation of vesicles (Figure 3(C)). As a result, the extraction of
these metabolites follows a similar process, which starts with compounds. Nevertheless, advanced conventional techni-
cellular disruption or cell-membrane permeabilization, fol- ques, such as microwaves (microwave-assisted extraction
lowed by carotenoid solubilization with organic solvent, and [MAE]), ultrasounds (ultrasound-assisted extraction [UAE]),
further removal of unwanted compounds.[2] In addition, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), pressurized liquid extrac-
saponification processes are also carried out during the tion (PLE), gas expanded liquids (GXLs), and enzyme-
extraction, carotenoids are often bound to fatty acids of the assisted extraction (EAE) may also be employed to simultan-
bacterial membranes, which in many cases interferes in the eously disrupt and extract carotenoids.
carotenoids identification process. Extractions can be per- Comparative analysis of three cell disruption methods of
formed by using conventional or modern techniques as dis- Arthrospira, including microwave, autoclave, and bead mill-
cussed in “Conventional extraction techniques” and ing was conducted.[60] In microwave, 0.5 g of cells were used
“Advanced extraction techniques” subsections. at a frequency of 2450 MHz, with 1400 W of power for
120 s. In the autoclave process, 5 g of sample were treated
for 30 min at 121  C of temperature and 200 kPa of pressure.
Cellular disruption
In the bead mill process, 150 g of A. spirulina cells were
Biomolecules, such as proteins, sugars, and fatty acids can ground for 2 h at 60 rpm. Water was removed from the
lead to multiple problems during carotenoids’ extraction. autoclaved samples with a vacuum dryer. In this study,
Therefore, even if cell disruption is a crucial step previous microwave and bead milling provided the best yields. In a
to the extraction process, care must be taken to avoid caro- different study, cell lysis by sonication was evaluated on
tenoids’ degradation by an increase of temperature during Formosa sp. KMW bacterium.[61] When an ultrasonic bath
the treatment.[59] After pelleting, cell disruption is carried was used, yields of 139.67 ± 7.00 mg/mg biomass were
out by physical, chemical, and/or biological methods.[16] Use obtained, while employing a probe sonicator, the yield was
of mortar and pestle, vortex mixing with or without glass 148.9 ± 19.5 mg/mg. However, the vortex presented the high-
beads, orbital shaking, or incubation (may include tempera- est yield, with 1.83 ± 0.27 and 0.96 ± 0.9 mg/L, respectively.
ture rise) are examples of physical methods. These Recently, Park et al. performed cell lysis on freeze-dried cells
approaches facilitate the entry of organic solvent into bac- of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis,[62] using a pre-
teria, leading to solubilization of carotenoids.[29,36] Whereas cooled mortar and acetone containing 0.01% butylated
chemical methods use acids, bases, or surfactants, biological hydroxytoluene as antioxidant.
methods use enzymes, such as lysozyme, pectinase, or cellu- Another study evaluated three cell lysis methodologies in
lase for cell disruption. Extraction techniques include con- Rhodobacter sphaeroides including: acidic hydrolysis with
ventional and non-conventional processes that may occur HCl, grinding, and UAE,[63] with total carotenoids extrac-
simultaneously during cellular disruption. Atmospheric pres- tion yields of 4650 mg/g, 1615 mg/g, and 645 mg/g, respect-
sure liquid extraction by maceration or Soxhlet is typical ively. Optimized conditions for HCl-assisted disruption of
examples of conventional techniques. However, due to the cell walls (30  C, solvent-solid ratio of 30:1, for 40 min) was
heat-sensitive characteristic of carotenoids, it is not recom- the best option. Zeaxanthin, caloxanthin, nostoxanthin, ado-
mended because it would cause the degradation of these nixanthin, canthaxanthin, and erythroxanthin sulfate were

extracted from Erythrobacter citreus LAMA 915 using Saponification

methanol (MeOH) and acetone (1:1) with cell lysis by sonic-
Bacterial carotenoid extracts contain carotenes, carotenols,
ation for 5 min.[64] In addition, a study on the extraction of
carotenoid esters, carotenoid glycosides, and carote-
carotenoids from cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. using
noids.[7,113] Carotenoid esters are more stable compared to
supercritical CO2 (SFE) was performed,[65] and the best yield
carotenoids because of the increased hydrophobicity of the
was achieved at 500 bar and 60  C. However, when 15%
molecules, which prevents degradation by oxidation or iso-
EtOH was added as cosolvent in SFE, milder conditions
merization due to high-temperature conditions and light
were needed to complete the extraction: 300 bar and 50  C.
exposure. Furthermore, with the increase in the degree of
These conditions show a higher relative extraction yield
esterification of xanthophyll, higher stability of these com-
compared to the conventional dimethylformamide (DMF)
pounds is observed. For example, lutein is less stable than
method. Moreover, higher selectivity was observed in the
its monoester, which is less stable than the diester.[113]
extraction of carotenoids using SFE compared to DMF,
Carotenoid esters are more stable than free carotenoids;
which also extracts high amounts of chlorophylls from
however, the identification of the esterified form can be
cyanobacteria. Comparison of cell disruption by sonication
challenging. Thus, saponification is an example of a chem-
or surfactant treatment did not show a significant increase
ical method employed to extract of carotenoids, which
in carotenoid extraction. Therefore, the most efficient cell
allows the proper identification of these metabolites.
disruption method for Synechococcus sp. is achieved through
Saponification of Bacillus spp. cells was performed with a
the combination of pressure, temperature, and EtOH.[65]
freeze-dried sample suspended in a solution of NaOH (10%
Similarly, cell disruption in Rhodothermus marinus was
w/v) sonicated for 15–20 min at room temperature.[12]
achieved by PLE, obtaining hydroxy- and free salinixan-
Subsequently, NaOH was removed by centrifugation and
thin;[66] as mentioned, since R. marinus is a Gram-negative carotenoids of the saponified extract were obtained with
bacterium, no need for a pretreatment previous to extrac- MeOH:CHCl3 (1:2) and a Tris-buffer saline. After saponifi-
tion. However, recent results obtained in our lab, using ethyl cation, the identification of carotenoids was easier, showing
acetate (AcOEt), demonstrate that macerating the cell-pellet both lycopenoate and apo-80 -lycopenoate bonded only to
with mortar and pestle is necessary prior to the extraction glucoside. In the same way, confirmation of an intermediate
of Staphyloccocus aureus’ (Gram-positive bacterium) carote- species in the biosynthetic pathway of S. aureus carotenoids
noids by PLE. Regarding enzymatic degradation of cell wall, was accomplished by performing a saponification step of the
lysozyme has been used as a biological method in the cell lyophilized cells with a solution of methanolic KOH (6%) at
lysis of Formosa sp. KMW and Vitellibacter sp. NMW.[67] 4  C for 14 h,[70] followed by centrifugation at 4000 rpm and
Initially, the cells were suspended in a saline solution fol- 4  C and drying by centrifugal evaporator. Afterwards, the
lowed by the addition of the enzyme to proceed with the extract was resuspended in AcOEt and NaCl solution
lysis (20 mg/mL). Finally, the addition of acetone allowed (5.0 N) for removal of unwanted compounds. The by-prod-
the solubilization of the carotenoids. Thus, cell disruption is uct (4,40 -Diaponeurosporenoic acid) was found both in S.
a key step for improving extraction performance. aureus and Escherichia coli recombinant bacteria. Since wild-
type E. coli does not produce carotenoids, 4,40 -diaponeuro-
Organic solvent selection sporenoic acid was obtained after insertion of genes from S.
aureus into E. coli bacteria.
Different solvents, such as hexane, acetone, dimethyl sulfox- A comparative study of different temperatures and KOH
ide (DMSO), dichloromethane (DCM), AcOEt, MeOH, or concentrations was carried out to evaluate the appropriate
EtOH have been used (either individually or combined) for combination for carotenoids’ saponification in microal-
the extraction of bacterial carotenoids, simultaneously or gae.[114] Thus, the solvent mixture EtOH:hexane:water
after cell disruption (see Table 1).[2,16] The selection of the (77:17:6) with 0–60% KOH ((g KOH/g dry biomass)100)
most appropriate organic solvent for each extraction will at temperatures between 25 and 80  C were tested. Although
depend on the type of carotenoids present in the bacteria, as results did not allow establishing a universally applicable
indicated above (xanthophylls or carotenes). Some bacteria method for the extraction of carotenoids from the eight
only produce carotenes: b-carotene, lycopene, etc., and microalgae studied, ideal conditions were found for each
therefore, the choice of the extraction solvent may be easier. strain. Researchers found that P. reticulatum required a tem-
However, bacteria simultaneously producing carotenes and perature of 40  C and 10% KOH, while the best yields for T.
xanthophylls, including their esters, make the solvent selec- suecica and H. pluvialis were achieved at 25  C and 10% or
tion step more complex. In addition, care must be taken on 40% KOH, respectively. In I. galbana the ideal temperature
the high oxidation sensitivity of carotenoids; to avoid this was 60  C and <10% KOH, while Chlorella sp. and S. almer-
reaction, ascorbic acid, butyl-hydroxytoluene (BHT), butyl- iensis required a temperature of 80  C and 40% KOH.
hydroquinone (TBHQ), and butyl-hydroxyanisol (BHA) Finally, for N. gaditana and K. veneficum, the best results
have been suggested as antioxidants to stabilize carotenoids were achieved at 60  C without saponification. Therefore, it
during the extraction process.[2,16,107] Very often, the ana- is not possible to establish standardized saponification con-
lysis of bacterial carotenoids is complex because of their ten- ditions, since they depend on the target strain; this conclu-
dency to form ester. Therefore, the hydrolysis of the sion can be extended to other microorganisms, such as
carotenoid esters before the analysis is frequently required. yeasts and bacteria.
Table 1. Carotenoids obtained from different bacteria, extraction conditions, and analytical methodologies.

Carotenoids Bacteria Filum Gram Extraction technique Characterization conditions References

All carotenoids biosynthetic Staphylococcus aureus Firmicutes Pos (þ) Cell without lyophilizate þ EtOH þ incubated water bath HPLC-UV-APCI-MS(IT): C30 column [68]
pathway Staphyloxanthn  20 min at 40  C þ centrifugation þ AcOEt:NaCl 3 lm (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase:
solution (3:1) þ Na2SO4 (Anh.) (A) water, (B) acetone.
Gradient elution
Hydroxy-diaponeurosporenal, Cell without lyophilizate þ acetone þ incubate ultrasound HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS(IT): C18 column [69]
diaponeurosporenal,  30 min at 4  C þ centrifugation þ AcOEt:NaCl 2.5 lm (4.6  150 mm); mobile
diapolycopenedial, and solution (5.0 M). phase: (A) dwater, (B) ACN.
diapolycopen-al-oic acid Gradient elution.

All carotenoids biosynthetic Cell without lyophilizate þ acetone or HPLC-UV–vis-APCI-MS(IT): C18 column [70]
pathway Staphyloxanthn MeOH þ centrifugation þ centrifugal 5 lm (4.6  150 mm); mobile phase:
evaporator þ resuspending in AcOEt þ NaCl solution ACN:MeOH:IPA (80:15:5).
(5.0 N) þ dried in centrifugal evaporator. Isocratic elution
Saponification: sample þ incubating in MeOH at 6%
KOH  14 h at 4  C þ similar steps
previously described
Apocarotenoides family Bacillus sp. Firmicutes Pos (þ) Lyophilizate cell þ mortar-pestle þ MeOH þ sonicated at HPLC-DAD: C30 column 5 lm [12]
r.t.  10  15 min þ centrifugation. Repeated extraction (4.6  250 mm) with a C30 guard
until lack pigment þ dried in centrifugal evaporator. column (4.6  20 mm); mobile
Saponification: sample þ NaOH solution (10%) þ phase: (A) MeOH, (B) MeOH:water
sonication  15–20 min at r. t. þ (8:2) with 0.2% (w/v) ammonium
centrifugation þ MeOH:CHCl3 (1:2) þ tris-buffered acetate (C) MTBE. Gradient elution.
saline þ centrifugation þ collected carotenoids in HPLC-APCI-MS: C30 column 3 lm
chloroform phase þ dried with N2 gas (2.1  150 mm) with a C30 guard
column (4.6  20 mm); mobile
phase: (A) MeOH, (B) MTBE, both
containing 0.1% formic acid.
Gradient elution
4,40 -diapophytoene, Bacillus megaterium Firmicutes Pos (þ) Cell without liofilizate þ 80% MeOH (20  C) þ glass HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS (QTOF): HILIC [71]
4,40 -diapophytofluene, beads þ vortex 30 s  5 times þ 30 s cool on ice column 3.5 lm (2.1  100 mm);
4,40 -diaponeurosporene, mobile phase: (A) ACN, (B) water
4,40 -diapolycopene, and both with 10 mM ammonium
4,40 -diaponeurosporenic acid acetate (pH ¼ 6). Gradient elution
Glycosyl-4,40 - Planococcus Firmicutes Pos (þ) Cell without lyophilizate þ acetone or HPLC-DAD: C18 column 2.5 lm [11,70,72,73]
diaponeurosporen-40 -ol-4- faecalis AJ003T MeOH þ centrifugation þ centrifugal (4.6  150 mm); mobile phase: (A)
oic acid and 4,40 - evaporator þ AcOEt:NaCl solution (5 N) þ Na2SO4 dwater, (B) ACN. Gradient elution.
diaponeurosporen-40 -ol-4 (Anh.) þ dried centrifugal evaporator. HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS: C18 column
oic acid 5 lm (4.6  150 mm); mobile phase:
(A) ACN:MeOH:IPA (80:15:5), (B)
MeOH:water (7:3) (C) MeOH.
Gradient elution.
Methyl glucosyl-3,4-dehydro- Planococcus Firmicutes Pos (þ) Suspended cell without lyophilizate in 1.0 N Preparative silica gel HPLC [74,75]
apo-8-lycopenoate maritimus MKU009 NaOH þ ultrasound  (20  250 mm) with DCM:MeOH;
5 min þ centrifugation þ DCM:MeOH for 3 preparative ODS HPLC
times þ contrated þ suspende EtOAc:water. (20  250 mm) with MeOH 96%,
trans-Diadinoxanthine, cis- Bacillus licheniformis Firmicutes Pos (þ) Cell without liofilizate þ cold acetone:MeOH(7:3) þ HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 lm [76]
diadinoxanthine, and ultrasound þ centrifugate. (4  250 mm); mobile phase:
isomer diadinoxanthine ACN:MeOH. Isocratic elution.
Decaprenoxanthin Arthrobacter Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Lyophilized cells þ MeOH þ shake UPLC-APCI-MS(QqQ): C18 column [17]
and analogous psychrochitiniphilus 5 min þ concentration þ hexane þ shake 10 min þ NaCl 1.7 lm (2.1  150 mm); mobile
366 solution (10%) þ shake þ organic layer collected þ re- phase: (A) ACN:MeOH (7:3), (B)
extracted hexane:diethyl ether (3:1) and water. Gradient elution
saponificate analysis
cis-synechoxanthin, all-trans- Rhodococcus sp. B7740 Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Lyophilized cell þ lysozyme þ vortex  30 s þ incubation HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS(D-Trap-XCT) and [77]
synechoxanthin, cis- at 37  C  1 h þ centrifugation at 7000 g at 4  C  HPLC-DAD-ESI-HRMS (LTQ-Qrbitrap):
b-carotene, all-trans- 10 min þ extraction with MeOH:DCM (8:2) þ C30 column 5 mm (4.6  150 mm);
b-carotene, chlorobactene, centrifugation mobile phase: (A) MeOH, (B) MTBE.
and isorenieratene Gradient elution. b-carotene, lutein
and isorenieraten standards
4-keto c-carotene, c-carotene Rhodococcus Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Cell pellets þ acetone HPLC-DAD: C8 column (4  125 mm); [78,79]
erythropolis AN12 mobile phase: (A) MeOH (B) water.
Gradient elution. HPLC-APCI-
MS(QqQ): C18 column
(4.6  250 mm); mobile phase: ACN:
acetone (3:1). Isocratic elution.
b-carotene, c-carotene, and
lycopene standards
all-E-sarcinaxanthin, all-E- Arthrobacter arilaitensis Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Lyophilized cells þ MeOH þ ultrasound  90 min to r.t. þ HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS (IT-TOF): C18 [18]
decaprenoxanthin, centrifugation þ re-extracted two times with MeOH column 2.7 lm (4.6  150 mm);
decaprenoxanthin mono- and equally MTBE. mobile phase: (A) MeOH, (B) MTBE.
and diglucosides, cis-9-Z- Isocratic and gradient elution.
decaprenoxanthin, and cis-
Decaprenoxanthin, mono- Arthrobacter sp. M3 Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Cells without lyophilize þ MeOH:acetone (1:1) þ dryness No Report [36,80]
and di-glycosylated
(20 S)-deoxymyxol 10 -glucoside Gordonia terrae AIST-1 Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Lyophilized cells þ acetone: HPLC-DAD: C18 column (8  100 mm); [81]
(20 S)-4-ketodeoxymyxol MeOH (7:2) þ ultrasound þ centrifugation þ organic mobile phase: (A) water (B) CHCl3.
10 -glucoside solvent evaporation Gradient elution
Isorenieratene, 3- Brevibacterium linens Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Cell without lyophilize þ MeOH þ 50 rpm agitation  HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 lm [82]
hydroxyisorenieratene, and 2 h þ centrifugation þ Na2SO4 (Anh.) þ evaporation (4.0  250 mm); mobile phase: (A)
3,30 -dihydroxy- under vacuum MeOH, (B) CHCl3. Gradient elution.
isorenieratene Lycopene, b-carotene,
cryptoxanthin, astaxanthin,
zeaxanthin canthaxanthin, and
lutein standards
Hydroxyspirilloxanthin Roseomonas Proteobacteria Neg () Lyophilized cells þ MeOH:acetone (7:2) HPLC-DAD: C18 column, mobile phase: [83,84]
aerofrigidensis ACN:MeOH:AcEtOH (5:4:1).
sp. nov. Isocratic elution
Spirilloxanthin, rhodopin, Ectothiorhodospira Proteobacteria Neg () Lyophilized cells þ MeOH:acetone (7:2). HPLC-DAD: C18 column, mobile phase: [84]
anhydrorhodovibrin, salini JA430T ACN:MeOH:AcEtOH (5:4:1).
tetrahydrolycopene, and Isocratic elution.
3,4-didehydrorhodopin, Rhodopseudomonas Proteobacteria Neg () Cell without lyophilizate þ acetone:MeOH (7:2) þ HPLC-ESI-MS(IT): C18 column [85]
rhodopin, rhodovibrin, palustris CQV97 ultrasound until colorless (4.6  150 mm); mobile phase: (A)
spirilloxanthin, ACN:water (95:5), (B) MeOH.
anhydrorhodovibrin, Isocratic elution
and lycopene
Hydroxydemethylspheroidene Hoeflea olei sp. nov. Proteobacteria Neg () Lyophilized cells þ MeOH:acetone (7:2) þ HPLC-DAD: C18 column [86,87]
and unkouwn carotenoid ultrasound þ centrifugate þ dryness (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase:
ACN:MeOH: AcEtOH (5:4:1). Isocratic
elution. HPLC-ESI-MS: C18 column
(4.6  50 mm); mobile phase:
ACN:MeOH (6:4). Isocratic elution.
Spirilloxanthin Afifella aestuarii sp. nov. Proteobacteria Neg () Lyophilized cells þ acetone:MeOH (9:0.5) þ HPLC-DAD: C18 column [86,88]

ultrasound þ centrifugation þ dryness. (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase:

ACN:MeOH: AcEtOH (5:4:1). Isocratic
elution. HPLC-ESI-MS: C18 column
(4.6  50 mm); mobile phase:
ACN:MeOH (6:4). Isocratic elution

Table 1. Continued.

Carotenoids Bacteria Filum Gram Extraction technique Characterization conditions References

Saproxanthin, Rhodopirellula Planctomycetes Neg () Cells without lyophilizate þ solvent extracts No Report [14]
dehydroflexixanthin, and rubra LF2T
Saproxanthin, Rubinisphaera Planctomycetes Neg () Cells without lyophilizate þ solvent extracts No Report [14]
dehydroflexixanthin, and brasiliensis Gr7

Salinixanthin and carotenoid Rhodothermus marinus Bacteroidetes/chlorobi group Neg () Cells washed and lyophilizate þ EtOH at 100  C with UHPSFC-DAD-ESI-MS: (QTOF), CSH [66]
acyl glycoside 1500 psi  2 min in PLE (three times) þ concentration fluoro-phenyl 1.8 lm (3  100 mm);
mobile phase: (A) CO2, (B) MeOH
with ammonium formate (0.2%).
Gradient elution
Flexirubin-type Chryseobacterium Bacteroidetes Neg () Lyophilized HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS: C18 column [89]
sp. kr6 cells þ acetone þ ultrasonic þ centrifugation þ dried (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase: (A)
with N2 (gas). water, (B) MeOH both with formic
acid (0.1%). Gradient elution
Canthaxanthin, phytoene, Haloferax alexandrinus Euryachaeota Neg () Cell-free supernatant þ cold EtOH þ overnight at HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS(QTOF): UHPLC and [90]
astaxanthin, lycopene, GUSF-1 (KF796625) 20  C þ centrigutation. Nano-HPLC; C-18 column 3 mm
phytofluene, (2.1  100 mm). Mobile phase: (A)
tetrahydrosqualene, 3- water with 0.1% formic acid (B)
hydroxyechinenone, ACN:MeOH (7:3)
bacterioruberin, and
Luteine, lycopenal, lycopenal Rhodoblastus Proteobacteria Neg () Cells without lyophilize þ MeOH:acetone (1:1) þ HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 lm (4.0 mm [91]
glucoside, rhodopin, sphagnicola sp. Nov ultrasonid þ centrifugate þ dryness. x 250 mm); mobile phase: (A) ACN,
rhodopinal, rhodopinol, (b) water (C) AcOEt. Gradient elution
and rhodopinglucoside
Astaxanthin, adonixanthin, Brevundimonas sp. Proteobacteria Neg () Cell without lyophilizate suspended DMSO þ shake at HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 lm [28,92–94]
hydroxy-astaxanthin, and 50  C þ MeOH þ centrifugation. (4.6  35 mm); mobile phase:
dihydroxy-astaxanthin ACN:MeOH:IPA (85:10:5) and
ACN:water (9:1). Isocratic elution.
HPLC-ESI-MS: C18 column 5 lm
(4.6  35 mm); mobile phase: (A)
water, (B) MeOH. Gradient elution.
b-carotene and
astaxanthin standards.
2,20 -dihydroxy-astaxanthin Brevundimonas scallop Proteobacteria Neg () Lyophilized cells þ acetone þ rotary HPLC-DAD and HPLC-ESI-MS; C18 [95]
and astaxanthin shaker þ centrifugation þ dried with N2 (gas) column (Hypersil ODS); mobile
phase: MeOH:water (95:5).
Isocratic elution
Astaxanthin and Sphingomonas Proteobacteria Neg () Cells without lyophilize þ MeOH þ rotary shaker at HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 mm [96]
astaxanthin isomers astaxanthinifaciens 50  C þ centrifugation (4.6  35 mm); mobile phase:
MeOH:water (9:1). Isocratic elution.
HPLC-MS; Shim-Pack FC-ODS 5 mm
(4.6  150 mm); mobile phase:
MeOH:water (95:5). Isocratic elution.
b-carotene, zeaxanthin standars
Astaxanthin and Methylomonas sp. 16a Proteobacteria Neg () Cells without lyophilize þ glass HPLC-DAD: NP column 5 lm [97,98]
canthaxanthin beads þ EtOH þ vortex þ DCM þ vortex þ centrifuge (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase:
and dried. acetone:hexane (14:86).
Isocratic elution.
Astaxanthin and 4- Agrobacterium Proteobacteria Neg () Cells without lyophilize þ acetone þ vacuum HPLC-DAD: TSK gel CN 80Ts [94]
ketozeaxanthin aurantiacum distillation þ AcOEt:water þ organic phase with Na2SO4 (7.8  300 mm); mobile phase: n-
(Anh.) þ vacuum distillation hexane:DCM:EtOH:N-ethyldiiso
propylamine (80:20: O.S:O.S).
Isocratic elution. EI-MS.
Astaxanthin standard
Astaxanthin Sphingomonas faeni ISY Proteobacteria Neg () Cells without lyophilize þ sequential extraction with HPLC-UV–vis: C18 column; mobile [99]
hexane, CHCl3 and MeOH þ overnightin an orbital phase: acetone:MeOH:THF (70:28:2).
shaker þ re-extraction þ centrifugation for 15 min at Isocratic elution. HPLC-MS(QqQ): C18
4  C þ solvent evaporation under vacuu column; mobile phase: water (A)
and ACN (B) both with 0.1% formic
acid. Gradient elution
Exiguobacterium Sps Firmicutes Pos (þ) Cell pellet wash sterile water þ suspended 5 mL HPLC-UV–vis: C18 column [34]
MeOH þ incubated water bath at 60  C  (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase: (A)
15 min þ centrifugation water, (B) MeOH. Gradient elution
Halobacillus trueperi Firmicutes Pos (þ) Cell without lyophilizate þ MeOH:acetone (1:1) þ HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 lm [33]
MXM-16 ultrasound  2 min þ centrifugation (4  25 mm); mobile phase: MeOH.
Isocratic elution
Astaxanthin, cantaxanthin, Gordonia alkanivorans Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Cells dried at 55  C  1 h þ DMSO þ orbital shaker at HPLC-DAD: C18 column [100]
and lutein strain 1B 50  C þ centrifugate þ repeated until (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase: (A)
colorless þ acetone:NaCl solution MeOH (with 0.2% water), (B) ACN.
(20%):AcEtOH þ concentration phase AcEtOH Isocratic elution
Cantaxanthin Bradyrhizobium sp. Proteobacteria Neg (-) Cells without lyophilize þ MeOH:acetone (7:2) þ solution HPLC-DAD: Lichrosorb Si60 5 lm [101]
NaCl (10%) þ hexane þ organic phase vacuum (4.5  100 mm); mobile phase:
distillation DCM:AcOEt (95:5). FAB-MS: m-
nitrobenzyl alcohol–glycerol:water
with TCA (1%). Isocratic elution
Canthaxanthin isomers Dietzia sp. Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Lyophilized cells þ CHCl3:MeOH (1:1) þ HPLC-DAD, HPLC-APCI-MS/MS: C18 [102]
rotavapor þ resuspended in cold column (4.6  150 mm); mobile
acetone þ centrifugation þ stored at 20  C with phase: ACN:MeOH (7:3); Isocratic
N2 (gas) elution. Astaxanthin, b-carotene,
and all-trans-
canthaxanthin standards
Zeaxanthin, b-cryptoxanthin, Zobellia laminarie 465 Bacteroidetes Neg () Lyophilized cells þ MeOH þ shake 5 min þ hexane with HPLC-DAD: C18 column 1.7 lm [17]
b-carotene, and phytoene 10 min shake þ solution NaCl (10%) þ shake þ organic (2.1  150 mm); mobile phase: (A)
layer collected þ re-extraction hexane:diethyl ether ACN, (B) MeOH, (C) water.
(3:1) and saponificate analysis Gradient elution.
Zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, Synechococcus sp. strain Synechococcaceae Neg () Cell without lyophilizate þ acetone:MeOH (7:2) or pure HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 lm (4.6 mm [47,103]
and myxoxanthophyll PCC 7002 MeOH þ ultrasound þ centrifugation  250 mm); ACN:MeOH:water (with
10 mM NH4OAc)
Zeaxanthin Mesoflavibacter Bacteroidetes Neg () Cells without lyophilize þ MeOH þ rotary shaker at HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 mm (4.6 mm [104]
zeaxanthinifaciens 50  C þ solution NaCl (10%) þ hexane þ organic phase  35 mm); mobile phase:
vacuum distillation MeOH:water (9:1). Isocratic elution.
HPLC-MS; Shim-Pack FC-ODS 5 mm
(4.6  150 mm); mobile phase:
MeOH:water (95:5). Isocratic elution.
b-carotene, zeaxanthin standards
Formosa sp. KMW Bacteroides Neg () Cells suspended in sterile saline þ lysozyme (20 mg/ml) þ HPLC-DAD: C18 column [67]

acetone þ Filter þ hexane þ Na2SO4 (Anh) (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase:
(A)MeOH, (B)water, (C) THF.
Gradient elution
Table 1. Continued.

Carotenoids Bacteria Filum Gram Extraction technique Characterization conditions References

Vitellibacter sp. NMW Bacteroides Neg () Cells suspended in sterile saline þ lysozyme (20 mg/mL) þ HPLC-DAD: C18 column [67]
acetone þ filter þ hexane þ Na2SO4 (Anh.) (4.6  250 mm); mobile phase: (A)
MeOH, (B) water, (C) THF.
Gradient elution
Synechococcus Cyanobacteria Neg () Dry cell þ MeOH þ centrifugation þ re-suspended HPLC, LC-ESI-QTOF-MS: C18 column; [105]
elongatus PCC 7942 MeOH þ sonication þ centrifugation mobile phase: (A) MeOH:ACN:water
(21:16.5:62.5) with 10 mM
ammonium acetate, (B)

MeOH:ACN:AcOEt (50:20:30).
Gradient elution. Zeaxanthin and
b-carotene standards
Paracoccus Proteobacteria Neg () Cell pellet wash sterile water þ THF þ centrifugation HPLC-DAD: C30 column 5 lm [106]
zeaxanthinifaciens (4.6  250 mm) with a C18 guard
ATCC 21588 column (20 mm); mobile phase: (A)
MeOH, (B) MTBE (8:2). Gradient
elution. Astaxanthin, 13-cis-
zeaxanthin, 15-cis-zeaxanthin, all-
trans-zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin,
cryptoxanthin, b-carotene, and
lycopene standards
Lycopene, b-carotene, Corynebacterium Actinobacteria Pos (þ) Cell resuspende þ MeOH:acetone (7:3) with 0.05% BHT at HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5.0 lm [107]
zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, glutamicum 60  C  15 min with vortex every (4  125 mm) with precolumn
and astaxanthin 5 min þ centrifugation (40  4 mm); mobile phase:
MeOH:water (9:1). Isocratic elution
and C30 column 5.0 lm
(4  250 mm) with pre-column
(4  10 mm); mobile phase: (A)
MeOH, (B) MTBE, (C) AcEtOH.
Gradient elution. Astaxanthin,
b-Carotene, canthaxanthin,
decaprenoxanthin, lycopene, and
zeaxanthin standards.
Adonixanthin Erythrobacter Proteobacteria Neg () Cell without lyophilizate þ DMSO þ Shake at HPLC-DAD: C18 column 5 lm [13]
50  C þ MeOH þ vortex þ centrifugation (4.6  35 mm); mobile phase:
ACN:MeOH:THF (5.8:3.5:0.7) and
ACN:water (9:1). Isocratic elution.
LC-ESI-MS: Shim-Pack FC-ODS 5 lm
(4.6  150 mm); mobile phase: (A)
MeOH (B) water (95:5). Gradient
elution. b-carotene, astaxanthin,
zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and
echinenone standards.
Neurosporene, a-carotene, Asaia lannensis Proteobacteria Neg () Cell without lyophilizate þ wash PBS HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS(Orbitrap): C30 [108]
canthaxanthin, astaxanthin, solution þ acetone:MeOH (7:3) þ shake in darkness at column 2.6 mm (3.0  100 mm);
b-carotene, neoxanthin, 60  C  2 h þ centrifugation 6500 rpm  10 min Mobile phase: (A) water, (B) MeOH,
zeaxanthin, and phytofluene (C) MTBE. Gradient elution
Asaia bogorensis Proteobacteria Neg () Cell without lyophilizate þ wash PBS HPLC-DAD-ESI- MS(Orbitrap): C30 [108]
solution þ acetone:MeOH (7:3) þ shake in darkness at column 2.6 mm (3.0  100 mm);
60  C  2 h þ centrifugation 6500 rpm  10 min. mobile phase: (A) water, (B) MeOH,
(C) MTBE. Gradient elution

Conventional extraction techniques

Conventional techniques for carotenoids’ extraction have

The different solvents correspond to volume-volume ratios. Ahn.: anhydrous, ACN: acetonitrile, THF: tetrahydrofuran, MTBE: methyl tert-butyl ether, IPA: isopropanol, and HR-MS: high-resolution mass spectrometry.


been reported in different studies. For example, neurospor-

ene, a-carotene, echinenone, canthaxanthin, and astaxanthin

5 lm (4.6  150 nm); mobile phase:

were obtained from Microbacterium sp. LEMMJ01 by macer-
elution. HPLC-ESI-MS; C18 column

ACN:MeOH (6:4). Isocratic elution.

MeOH:THF (7:3). Gradient elution.

ACN:MeOH:AcOEt (5:4:1). Isocratic

HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS(IT); C18 column

HPLC-DAD; TSKgel ODS-80s column

(2.1  50 mm); mobile phase: (A)
ACN (B) MeOH, both containing
ation with MeOH, carotenoids with a significant photopro-
(4.6  250 mm); mobile phase:

(A) MeOH:water (95:5) and (B)

(50  4.6 mm); mobile phase:

0.5% MTBE. Gradient elution

tective effect according to the results obtained from the
biological tests carried out.[115] Whereas liquid–liquid

b-carotene standards
extraction was applied to S. aureus at 40 or 4  C for
HPLC-DAD; C18 column

b-cryptoxanthin and
20–30 min, using EtOH, MeOH, or acetone.[68,70] A subse-
quent liquid–liquid extraction with a AcOEt:NaCl aqueous
solution allowed the removing of the more polar compounds
No report

from the extract due to a salting-out effect. In both cases,

several related intermediaries of the staphyloxanthin (STX)
biosynthetic pathway or new carotenoid species in mutant
pestle þ MeOH:acetone (7:3) þ centrifugation þ organic

strains were determined.[70] STX is a saccharolipid derivate

sonication þ centrifugation þ solvent evaporation with

(50 mM, pH ¼ 7.5) þ NaCl solution (1 M) þ CHCl3 þ

from a 4,40 -diaponeurosporenoic acid, which is associated

Cells washed sterile water þ MeOH þ incubated water

Cell without lyophilize þ MeOH þ tris–HCl solution

with increased membrane stiffness and resistance to anti-

mixed  5 min þ centrifugation þ lower phase
bath at 60  C  15 min until colorless þ filter

microbial peptide activity.[116] These studies helped deci-

phering the carotenoid biosynthesis in this human pathogen,
Dry cell mass þ acetone:MeOH (9:0.5) þ

allowing the identification of a potential target for anti-viru-

Cells without lyophilize þ mortar and

lence therapy.[10] Novel deinoxanthin derivatives were

extracted from Deinococcus sp. AJ005 by maceration using
MeOH.[117] Similarly, Rezaeeyan et al.[109] indicated that the
solvent evaporation

extraction of neurosporene (a carotene with antioxidant

rotary evaporator

activity and UV-B radiation protection) from Kocuria sp.

QWT-12 can be achieved by incubating with MeOH at 60

for 15 min. Whereas Brevundimonas scallop has high carote-

noids production (1304 ± 61 lg/g dry), being astaxanthin
and 2-hydroxy astaxanthin the most important products,
which were extracted by maceration with acetone and rotary
Neg ()

Neg ()
Pos (þ)

Pos (þ)

shaker (100 rpm).[95] Recently, Hartz et al.[71] studied the

carotenoids from Bacillus megaterium (4,40 -diapophytoene,
4,40 -diapophytofluene, 4,40 -diaponeurosporene, 4,40 -diapoly-
copene, 4,40 -diaponeurosporenic acid) using a cold extrac-
tion method with MeOH (20  C) combined with vortex
and glass beads. This method prevents thermal degradation
of carotenoids, which can occur during the incubation pro-


cess. In addition, 4,40 -diaponeurosporene is a carotene which


has the potential to treat inflammatory diseases. This caro-

tene was selectively extracted from E. coli.[118] A similar dis-
ruption of the cells using EtOH was carried out in
Methylomonas sp. 16a.[97] This disruption allowed the ana-
lysis of astaxanthin and canthaxanthin, that are not naturally
Kocuria sp.QWT-12

acetylicum S01

Pseudomonas sp.

produced by this bacterium, but obtained after genetic

viridis JA737

engineering. These carotenoids have been reported to have

photoprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Also, isolation and characterization of astaxanthin, adonix-
anthin, hydroxy-astaxanthin, and dihydroxy-astaxanthin
from marine Gram-negative bacteria Brevundimonas sp.[28]
myxocoxanthin glucoside-


and Erythrobacter[13] was possible by extraction followed by

b-carotene, zeaxanthin,

shaking at 50  C. Astaxanthin is characterized by its high

astaxanthin, keto-


antioxidant potential, greater than b-carotene (10 times) and

and b-carotene

vitamin E (500 times), and its health benefit are often asso-

ester, and

ciated to dermatological treatments.[23] Adonixanthin has

been reported to be even stronger than astaxanthin in pro-
tecting the brain from internal hemorrhages.[119]
1250 G.-D. LÓPEZ ET AL.

Different expeditions have found numerous bacterial Phormidum autumnale Gomont used a combination of ultra-
strains in Antarctica. A comprehensive study on the carote- sound bath and vortex to extract their carotenoids, the main
noids produced from 30 pigmented bacterial strains isolated compounds being b-carotene and cis-echinenone with
from Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, was reported by approximately 68% and 10% each one.[121] Extraction of
Vila et al.[120] Results suggested the important role of carote- zeaxanthin from Formosa sp. KMW and Vitellibacter sp.
noids in these bacteria, associated to their antioxidant activ- NMW was achieved by EAE employing lysozyme with acet-
ity, which increase the resistance to extreme temperature one as disruption and extraction media.[67] Similarly, cis-
conditions, drastic light conditions, and high doses of UV-B. b-carotene, all-trans-b-carotene, chlorobactene, and isore-
Carotenoids such as zeaxanthin, b-cryptoxanthin, and nieratene were obtained from Rhodococcus sp. B7740 with
b-carotene were the main compounds extracted with the same enzyme.[77] Surprisingly, despite the claimed
MeOH. The toxicity of the selected solvent must always be advantages of MAE, no reports on its use for carotenoids’
considered, in particular, when scaling up the process to the extraction from bacteria were found in the literature; most
industrial level. Therefore, green extraction techniques arise, probably due to the time-consuming process of optimiza-
which involve the use of more environmentally friendly sol- tion, including solvent–sample ratio, solid–liquid ratio, and
vents, such as EtOH, AcOEt, or water. Nevertheless, due to microwave power[16] or to the high temperatures com-
the physicochemical characteristics of carotenoids, water is monly employed.
not a viable option in the extraction of these pigments. In summary, the wide variety of carotenoids produced by
bacteria requires continuous development and optimization
of new extraction methods. Once the carotenoids fraction is
Advanced extraction techniques obtained, chemical characterization is usually carried out by
An important aspect that may hinder the industrial applica- high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
tion of carotenoids is the need of organic solvents during (HPLC-MS) (see Figure 1) as described below. Table 1
the extraction procedures, which may have adverse effects presents detailed information on the methods used for the
on the environment and human health. Hence, the search extraction of bacterial carotenoids, as well as the conditions
for environmentally friendly approaches based on green employed in their identification by HPLC-MS. We hope that
chemistry principles is of paramount importance. Moreover, the information condensed in Table 1 will serve as a guide
non-conventional techniques may offer higher yields of car- for the selection of extraction and characterization methods
otenoids in shorter periods of time when compared to trad- according to the type of bacteria (phylum) with which we
itional techniques.[57] For example, when PLE is used for are working.
carotenoids’ extraction, the high yield obtained is due to the
change of the physico-chemical properties of the (non-toxic)
solvents employed at high pressures and/or temperatures
that favor the penetrability of the solvent in the matrix while The complex carotenoid extract from bacteria needs to be
decreasing their viscosity and increasing the solubility of the separated before identification. Hence, thin layer chromatog-
target compounds compared to other conventional extrac- raphy (TLC) and open column chromatography (OCC) have
tion techniques. As far as we know, only few examples have been traditionally employed for this separation step. These
been reported using PLE for the extraction of carotenoids techniques involve off-line carotenoid separation frequently
from bacteria. Ron et al. employed PLE with EtOH, at followed by mass spectrometric identification, as will be dis-
1600 psi and 100  C for three extraction cycles of 2 min cussed in the next section. The major drawbacks of these
each, for the extraction of carotenoids from R. marinus techniques are the high sample concentration required and
strains DSM 4252 T, DSM 4253, and PRI 493.[66] Four main their low resolution, which curtails the ability to separate
xanthophylls were obtained: two carotenoid acyl glycoside the wide variety of chemical structures reported for carote-
(-hydroxyl and free) and salinixanthin (-hydroxyl and free). noids and their intermediates (>1200 compounds). This
Among non-conventional processes, UAE seems to be complexity includes isomers (cis/trans), or modifications in
the least effective approach, even though it is the most the main chain that occur as a result of cyclization, addition
employed for the extraction of carotenoids from bacteria. of side chains, oxidation, hydrogenation, or dehydrogen-
The lower efficiency could be due to the low extraction tem- ation. Many of these structures are usually present in the
peratures used to avoid their degradation. Astaxanthin has bacterial carotenoid extract, making both their separation
been extracted with UAE from H. trueperi MXM-16 bacter- and identification very challenging. In addition, not all the
ium employed a MeOH:acetone (1:1) mixture.[33] Recently, carotenoid standards or their degradation products are avail-
Buddhi et al.[88] reported the spirilloxanthin series analysis able, which causes additional limitations to their
of Afifella aestuarii sp. nov. using UAE with an identification.[2]
acetone:MeOH (9:0.5) mixture. Also, Giuffrida et al.[18] used Currently, the technique of choice to face all these analyt-
UAE with MeOH, analyzed C50 carotenoids, such as all-E- ical challenges is HPLC, usually coupled to a diode array
decaprenoxanthin, all-E-sarcinaxanthin, 9-Z-decaprenoxan- detector (DAD) (or UV–visible detector) and MS. Therefore,
thin, 15-Z-decaprenoxanthin produced by strains of the the following paragraphs will discuss the HPLC separation
cheese-ripening bacterium Arthrobacter arilaitensis. The methods reported on bacterial carotenoid extracts and ana-
cyanobacteria Aphanotece microscopica N€ageli and lysis by DAD and MS.

Chromatographic separation producing a fast and efficient chemical identification method

of these bacterial metabolites, Asker’s group and others have
HPLC may use different types of columns available on the
developed robust screening and profiling methods for the
market: cyano (CN), octylsilane (C8), octadecylsilane (C18),
simultaneous analysis of diverse strains of bacteria produc-
or other more specific columns for separation of carotenoids
ing carotenoids, which has emerged as an efficient alterna-
(and some isomers), such as triacontyl (C30).[52] Several
tive.[13,92] Meanwhile, an HPLC-MS/MS method for the
reports have used C18 stationary phase columns in the ana-
analysis of microbial carotenoids and quinones produced by
lysis of bacterial carotenoids (see Table 1). The drawback of
five bacteria (Brevibacterium linens, Micrococcus luteus,
C18 columns is the poor resolution in the separation of cis/
Panthoea agglomerans, Rhodococcus equi, Arthrobacter ber-
trans isomers of carotenes with 40 or more carbon atoms.
gerei, and Arthrobacter protophormiae) used a C18 column.
However, when xanthophylls are analyzed, similar profiles
This method allowed the structural elucidation of acyclic
are observed using C18 and C30 columns.[2,122] Features
carotenes, mono and bicyclo carotenes, mono and bicyclo
such as better stability at a high pH, higher speed, and low
xanthophylls, and acyclic xanthophylls.[126]
cost make the C18 column useful and convenient for simple
Other reports have indicated the versatility of C8 col-
carotenoid analysis compared to the C30 column.[123] C18 is
umns in the separation of carotenoids. Thus, depending on
also useful for other types of separation (vide infra).
However, the higher retention capacity of both polar and the complexity of the carotenoid mixture, C8 columns have
non-polar compounds in C30 columns allows for a greater the advantage of shorter retention times compared to C18
separation of carotenoids, thus favoring the resolution of and C30 columns; also, these columns show good resolving
geometric isomers, which is highly useful in complex carot- power when the carotenoids are in their ester form.[123]
enoid mixtures. Furthermore, C30 columns are stable at Authors demonstrated the possibility of analyzing fucoxan-
high pH and are more resistant to phase collapse than C18 thinol, fucoxanthin, mactraxanthin, violaxanthin, neoxan-
columns. However, C30 columns generally require much thin, and auroxanthin, being the latter one an isomer of
longer analysis time than C18 columns. violaxanthin at acidic pH.[127]
Recently, Turcsi et al.[124] compared the separation cap- In 2017, Abate-Pella et al.[128] reported the use of a CN
acity of C18 and C30 stationary phases using a 100 carote- column in the efficient separation of more than 11 caroten-
noids sample divided into six main groups: carotenes, oid standards in 9 or 18 min using MeOH as organic solv-
hydroxycarotenoids, epoxycarotenoids, ketocarotenoids, and ent. These carotenoids included carotene isomers
reduced j carotenoids. The elution order of carotenoids in (a-carotene, b-carotene, and lycopene) and xanthophyll iso-
C18 columns was according to the polarity of each com- mers (canthaxanthin, a-cryptoxanthin, and b-cryptoxanthin).
pound, with epoxy-carotenoids being the first compounds The applicability of this chromatographic method was dem-
eluted, followed by hydroxy- and keto-carotenoids, ending onstrated on three biological samples of strawberry leaf,
with carotenes, which showed longer retention times. chicken feed supplement, and the bacterium Chloroflexus
Similarly, the length of the molecule and the presence/num- aurantiacus. The resolution factor was 0.75 for the three car-
ber of polyenes are proportional to the retention times in otenoids present in this bacterium. In addition, cis/trans iso-
C30 phases. C18 and C30 stationary phases, in combination merization of a-carotene was observed in the form of two
with different elution modes, can be used to separate peaks in the chromatogram.
regioisomers of compounds such as zeaxanthin and lutein, In summary, HPLC is the (gold) standard technique for
including their epoxides carotenoid stereoisomers and epi- carotenoid separation. However, it is worth noting that caro-
mers. Therefore, when analyzing an unknown extract, the tenoids are influenced by the physical properties of the sol-
initial analysis with C18 phase is recommended, and the vents used. Therefore, the selection of a suitable solvent in
characterization is complemented using a C30 phase.[122] the mobile phase can lead to drastic changes in the chroma-
Another example of the versatility of the C18 stationary tographic separation. For this reason, ACN, MeOH, THF,
phase in ultra-HPLC with a DAD (UHPLC-DAD) was CHCl3, d-water, among other solvents, have been used
reported for the separation and quantification of 13 carote- (Table 1). In recent years, there has been an increase in the
noids including three phytoene isomers, two f-carotene iso- report of MeOH:MTBE:water mixtures as mobile phase with
mers, and two astaxanthin isomers.[125] Analysis was modifiers, such as ammonium acetate, ammonium formiate,
performed in a BEH C18 column and a Cortecs C18 column acetic acid, or formic acid, among others,[113,122,129–132] since
(2.1  50 mm) at 35  C with a flow rate of 400 mL/min, their performances in the separation and identification of
employing MeOH and ACN as mobile phase, with relatively carotenoids has worked well (Figure 4).
short analysis times of 9 and 12 min. The method employed However, many studies do not report the quantification
for both columns demonstrated a high level of reproducibil- of all carotenoids present in a sample because of the com-
ity. However, the BEH C18 (1.7 mm) showed a slightly plexity of chromatograms due to the high variety of isomers
higher performance than Cortecs C18 (1.6 mm) in terms of and structurally related compounds. In many cases, caroten-
recovery and less precision for the analyzed carotenoids. oid standards are not available or only one of the isomers is.
Selectivity of the chromatographic method was demon- Although carotenoid quantification requires the use of the
strated by analyzing a carotenoid extract from H. pluvialis. specific standard; alternatively, a different carotenoid, typic-
Thus, this method could be applied not only to algae sam- ally b-carotene, is employed.[133] Even if chromatographic
ples, but also to bacteria. Moreover, with the goal of separation is achieved, the lack of standards makes difficult
1252 G.-D. LÓPEZ ET AL.

Figure 4. Chromatographic separation of mixed standards of carotenes and xanthophylls on a C30 column using the mixture MeOH:MTBE:water with ammonium
acetate. Adapted from Hrvolova et al. [129].

to characterize this family of compounds. Mass spectrometry Two main ionization sources are currently used for carot-
emerges as a useful technique for the identification and enoid analysis: electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric
quantification of carotenoids. pressure CI (APCI). While ESI is useful in the analysis of
ionic and polar compounds such as xanthophylls,[122,143]
APCI allows the characterization of both, carotenes and xan-
Mass spectrometry analysis thophylls.[122,137] In recent years, a new ionization source,
MS provides structural information of the target compound which is suitable for non-polar compounds, has been intro-
though the molecular mass and fragmentation patterns that duced. This source is known as atmospheric pressure photo-
ionization (APPI).[144] The ionization of metabolites in
can be obtained in tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)
APPI is improved with the use of dopants; however, there is
mode.[2,57] MS selectivity allows the identification of com-
no universal solvent for this source, and the technique is still
pounds that cannot be separated by HPLC due to coelution.
under development.[122,144]
Therefore, HPLC-MS overcomes some of the problems
In APCI, it is possible to use mobile phases without buf-
related to the use of HPLC-DAD or HPLC-UV–vis for the
fers and with high flow rates (greater than 800 mL/min),
identification of carotenoids since different families of these
while ESI depends on the use of buffers or organic modifiers
compounds have the same absorption in the
for efficient ionization and mobile phase flow rates lower or
UV–visible region.
equal to 500 mL/min. In addition, NaOH solutions
In early studies, the identification of carotenoids was car-
(0.5 mmol/L) have been used in ESI to increase the Naþ
ried out using ionization methods such as electron ioniza-
adducts of carotenoids, thus, improving the sensitivity of
tion (EI), negative ion chemical ionization (CI), and fast this ionization source.[66] Another characteristic of APCI is
atom bombardment (FAB).[57,134–136] The main drawback of the possibility of distinguishing some isomeric carotenoids
EI and CI methods is the carotenoids thermolability. These by comparison of the fragmentation patterns between the
ionization sources require solvent removal at relatively high positive and negative modes.[137,144] Thus, the best ioniza-
temperatures prior to compounds ionization. Although FAB tion source for the identification of carotenes and xantho-
was also implemented for LC-MS analysis of carotenoids, phylls is still APCI. Examples of positive and negative
this ionization technique presents low ionization capacity in ionization in APCI are presented in Figures 5 and 6, show-
negative mode.[134,136,137] In addition, matrix-assisted laser ing the different sensitivity and selectivity that these two
desorption ionization (MALDI) has also been used in the ionization processes can provide in carotenoids analysis.
identification of carotenoids;[138–140] unfortunately, MALDI A comparative study between the three sources of ioniza-
does not allow the hyphenation of HPLC and MS; thus, tion at atmospheric pressure (ESI, APCI, and APPI) showed
complex samples need to be previously fractionated off-line. that the most powerful technique for carotenoids analysis is
For example, Yoshida et al. used TLC for the separation of APCI.[144] In this study, 11 xanthophylls and four carotenes
carotenoids from Bacillus subtilis followed by MALDI-TOF were analyzed, and the effect of four dopants in APPI was
MS.[141] Similarly, off-line identification of carotenoids in evaluated. Carotenoids and carotenoid precursors observed
Haloferax mediterranei was achieved using TLC-MALDI- with the strongest signal in APCI were: phytofluene, phy-
TOF MS.[142] In addition, Sch€ oner et al.[139] reported the toene, echinenone, neoxanthin, antheraxanthin, astaxanthin,
characterization of bacterial carotenoids employed prepara- adonixanthin, zeaxanthin, b-apo-80 -carotenal, 3-hydroxyechi-
tive HPLC separation and identification by MALDI- nenone, b- and a-cryptoxanthin. ESI presented the best
TOF MS. results for violaxanthin and lutein, whereas APPI exhibited

Figure 5. MS/MS spectra of xanthophylls in positive APCI: (A) astaxanthin; (B) Figure 6. MS/MS spectra of carotenes in negative APCI: (A) b-carotene; (B)
b-cryptoxanthin; (C) lutein; and (D) zeaxanthin. Reprint from Van Breemen et al. a-carotene; (C) lycopene; and (D) c-carotene. Reprint from Van Breemen et al.
[137], with permission of Elsevier. [137], with permission of Elsevier.

the highest level of ionization for lycopene and b-carotene. that are part of the cell membranes. The two main disad-
In addition, the four dopants employed (acetone, toluene, vantages of TAGs are high background noise in mass spec-
anisole, and chlorobenzene) showed increases in the signal trometry with APCI(þ) source and similar fragmentation
for all carotenoids analyzed in APPI. As a result, the highest patterns to carotenoid esters.[7,113] Thus, a clean-up step of
sensitivity effect of dopants was observed for carotenes. the extracts is often required, that may involve biological
Also, the addition of organic modifiers such as ammonium methods using enzymes or physical methods employing
acetate in the mobile phase has been reported as a determin- low temperatures. Although extraction and cleaning proc-
ing factor to increasing the ionization yield when using the esses may seem time-consuming and cumbersome, espe-
APCI source.[126] cially the latter, they are suitable for subsequent MS
Once these metabolites are separated and ionized, they identification.[7,113,122]
move to the mass analyzer. Four types of analyzers are
mainly used for the identification of carotenoids from bac-
teria (see Table 1): ion trap (IT), triple quadrupole (QqQ), Applications
quadrupole time of flight (QTOF), and Orbitrap. IT allows
the structural elucidation of unknown carotenoids by succes- Commercial carotenoids are mainly produced by synthesis.
sive fragmentations in low-resolution tandem MS (MS2, However, consumers’ interest in products with carotenoids
MS3, MS4 … ). QqQ is mainly employed for targeted and of natural origin has increased in recent years.[35]
quantitative analysis due to the high sensitivity obtained Carotenoids are used commercially for pharmaceutical, cos-
operating in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. metic, nutraceutical, food (human and animal), among
QTOF and Orbitrap analyzers provide crucial structural others purposes because of their low toxicity, antioxidant
information on the basis of the exact mass both molecular activity, stability in acid, and neutral pH, high coloring cap-
ions and fragments obtained by tandem-MS in high-reso- acity, and the possibility of mixing with other colors.[145–147]
lution. Table 1 summarizes some representative applications The relevance of bacterial carotenoids is due to their usable
for these MS analyzers. characteristics during industrial production, such as large
Carotenoid extracts from bacteria very often contain number of colors, no dependence on climatic conditions
high concentrations of lipids (mainly triglycerides, TAGs) (seasons), short cultivation times, the low complexity of
1254 G.-D. LÓPEZ ET AL.

extraction processes, and no toxicity, being accepted in dif- of developing malignancies and irritation.[156] The versatility
ferent applications.[41] of bacteria in synthesizing novel carotenoids (Table 1), as
well as traditionally known carotenoids, which may have
equal or greater photoprotective, antioxidant and anticarci-
Pharmaceutical nogenic activities is of interest to the dermo-cosmetic indus-
Carotenoids of bacterial origin such as esterified astaxanthin try.[148,149] Therefore, the carotenoid potential for use in
showed higher antioxidant capacity than those of synthetic topical components such as sunscreens remains a challenge
origin (free astaxanthin). Also, free sarcinaxanthin, mono- to overcome, due to the problem is the low stability.
and diglucosilated (C50 skeletons), saproxanthin, isoreniera- Although, its low polarity allows efficient solubilization in
tene, and 3,30 -dihydroxyisorenieratene (C40 skeletons) skin emulsions.
(Table 1) have antioxidant capacities up to 500 times greater
than b-carotene.[148,149] Astaxanthin a showed a neuropro-
tective effect on HT22 cells against glutamate-induced
neurotoxicity in a model of Alzheimer’s disease by reducing Consumption of foods or foods fortified with high concen-
reactive oxygen species (ROS), decreasing the caspase activa- trations of carotenoids has been associated with human
tion, and modulating the Akt/GSK-3b pathway.[150] health benefits, such as cancer prevention, cardiovascular
Astaxanthin administration significantly reduces neuronal disease, and ocular health. The benefit of daily consumption
apoptosis by modulating anti-apoptotic signaling and the juice fortified with of b-cryptoxanthin has been reported
brain Akt/Bad survival pathway.[151] Adonixanthin is with bone formation and inhibition of bone resorption, pre-
another xanthophyll produced by the bacteria Paracoccus venting osteoporosis in women.[41] Therefore, bacteria such
sp., Erythrobacter, and Agrobacterium sp. which protects the as Pseudomonas sp.,[112] Zobellia laminarie 465, or B. lin-
brain from hemorrhagic brain damage due to its antioxidant ens,[82] could be used in the industrial production of this
effect, which is greater than that of astaxanthin.[119] On their carotenoid, complementing the nutritional values of other
part, a study on serum lutein in people over 80 years of age foods and have an impact on human health. On the other
showed high relationships between this xanthophyll and hand, ROS are produced mainly in the retina of the eye due
cognitive characteristics associated to language, memory, to the interaction of oxygen with photons of light, necessary
and learning.[152] In the industrial preparation of pharma- during the human vision process. For this reason, macular
ceutical tablets, canthaxanthin is used because of its bright carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin) pro-
red color.[153] In a study in mice, fucoxanthin combined tect the eye from oxidative damage, both by absorption of
with fish oil was reported to markedly decrease weight gain, harmful light and by quenching (chemical and physical) of
with results indicating that xanthophyll reduces blood glu- ROS.[25] The United Nations and the World Health
cose and plasma insulin.[154] These features make that this Organization established an adequate daily intake between 0
group of carotenoids interesting for pharmaceutical and 2 mg of zeaxanthin per kilogram of body weight.[41]
applications. Thus, zeaxanthin can be selectively obtained from the bac-
teria: Mesoflavibacter zeaxanthinifaciens, Formosa sp. KMW,
Vitellibacter sp. NMW, Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942,
Cosmetic and Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens ATCC 21588 (see Table
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and most 1). In relation to cancer prevention, preclinical, epidemio-
exposed to weather conditions such as solar radiation, hence logical, and toxicological studies suggest that carotenoids
the need for skin protection through the constant use of may decrease human carcinogenesis.[54] Consumption of
skin photoprotective agents. High concentrations of carote- lycopene, b-carotene, b-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxan-
noids in human skin occur mainly on the forehead and thin decreases the risk of developing prostate cancer by
palms of the hands.[145] UV radiation on the skin is associ- 15%.[157] A meta-analysis on the effect of carotenoids found
ated with premature aging, wrinkles, pigmentation, and dry- that lycopene and b-carotene are associated with a decrease
ness. Studies have shown the best antioxidant capacity of of about 30% in the development of lung cancer.[158]
lycopene in the quenching of ROS and b-carotene showed
interesting results in the protection of ultraviolet and infra-
red light photo-radiation.[155] In addition, the carotenoid
precursors phytoene and phytofluene have light absorption Food industry has focused on manufacturing products that
capacity of UV-B (abourt 5% of the UV radiation in the have striking colors of natural origin. Bacterial carotenoids
earth) and UV-A (about 95% of the UV radiation in the applications in the food industry include the use of B. linens
earth) respectively.[26,145,155] Additionally, topical formula- in the fermentation of Limburger and Port-du-Salut cheeses,
tions containing phytoene and phytofluene (5 mg per day) producing the characteristic color in these dairy products.[82]
led to skin lightening and additional positive anti-wrinkle Likewise, a carotenoid that has shown wide versatility is
and anti-aging effects, observing skin lightening results of astaxanthin. When this carotenoid is obtained from
up to 82%.[26] Interesting results because these carotenoid Paracoccus carotinifaciens, is used in the pigmentation of
precursors could replace the use of hydroquinone as a skin salmon and rainbow trout;[159,160] whereas astaxanthin from
depigmenting agent, which is associated with the side effects Mycobacterium lacticola is employed in fish feed for its

Table 2. Bacteria reported for high-production of carotenoids of industrial interest.

Bacteria Carotenoid Molecular formula Yield References
Haloferax volcanii (wild type) Bacterioruberin C50H76O4 13.8 mg/g [170]
Haloferax volcanii HVLON3 (mutant) Bacterioruberin C50H76O4 219.8 mg/g [170]
Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciensc Zeaxanthin C40H56O2 13.8 mg/L [171]
Chryseobacterium proteolyticum 9670 (NR_112113)a Zeaxanthin C40H56O2 93.1% [92]
Flavobacterium granuli Kw05 (NR_041052)a Zeaxanthin C40H56O2 92.2% [92]
Dietzia natronolimnaea HS-1 Canthaxanthin C40H52O2 14.7 mg/L [172]
Dietzia schimae YIM 65,001 (NR_044482)a Canthaxanthin C40H52O2 99.1% [92]
Paracoccus carotinfaciens (E-396) Astaxanthin C40H52O4 19.9 mg/L [173]
Brevundimonas spp. (wild type) Astaxanthin C40H52O4 440–1060 lg/g [174]
Brevundimonas sp. M7 (mutant) Astaxanthin C40H52O4 1.3 mg/g [174]
Brevibacterium linens b-cryptoxanthin C40H56O 0.3 mg/mL [175]
Arthrobacter flavus JCM 11,496 (NR_112670)a Lutein C40H56O2 56.7% [92]
Novosphingobium rhizosphaerae JM-1 (KM365125)a Nostoxanthin C40H56O4 91.6% [92]
Pseudomonas parafulva AJ 2129 (NR_040859)a Nostoxanthin C40H56O4 91.8% [92]
Identified relative according to phylogenetic characterization.

antioxidant and photo-protective nature.[161] Additionally, engineering approaches would allow the construction of
canthaxanthin is profiteers in the pigmentation of processed mutants that favor the biosynthesis of phytoene and phyto-
foods such as margarine, butter, and confectionery. For fluene, carotenoid precursors that present interesting dermo-
example, canthaxanthin from Haloferax alexandrines cosmetic properties. Then, Table 2 lists a number of bacteria
increases the pigmentation of salmon flesh.[162] Also, zeax- that are being used in industrial processes, e.g., Haloferax
anthin from Flavobacterium sp. is being used as an additive volcanii produces bacterioruberin, a carotenoid with an anti-
in poultry feed to change the color of egg yolks and chicken oxidant effect three times greater than traditional b-caro-
skin to a darker yellow.[163,164] The industrial production of tene. Another example where the mutant strain increases
these carotenoids from bacteria such as Dietzia sp., the production of this carotenoid by almost 16 times more
Bradyrhizobium sp., or Gordonia alkanivorans could also than the wild-type strain (Table 2). Whereas
potentially be employed in the food industry.[100,102,165] P.zeaxanthinifaciensc, Dietzia natronolimnaea HS-1, and
Paracoccus carotinfaciens (E-396) produce considerable
yields of zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and astaxanthin,
Opportunities and challenges
respectively, making them attractive for industrial-scale pro-
Several patents have been granted for bacteria producing dif- duction processes. Furthermore, promising bacterial species
ferent carotenoids: Flavobacterium sp. - ATCC 21588 (US tentatively identified as Chryseobacterium proteolyticum
Patent 5,827,652), S. multivorum (US Patent 5,308,759), and 9670, Flavobacterium granuli Kw05, Arthrobacter flavus JCM
P, zeaxanthinifaciens (US Patent 8,853,460). The latest 11,496, Novosphingobium rhizosphaerae JM-1, and
patent was developed by JX Nippon Oil and Energy for the Pseudomonas parafulva AJ 2129 could be used in different
coloring of animal feed.[166] As well as the patent on the industrial applications, due to its selective capacity in the
administration of organisms that synthesize carotenoids in biosynthesis of carotenoids: zeaxanthin, lutein, canthaxan-
situ (US Patent US 9,113,653 B2) has been approved in thin, and nostoxanthin (see yield Table 2).
2015.[167] Now, industrial application of bacterial carote- The positive characteristics of carotenoids listed here, the
noids must consider the optimization of pH conditions, car- marketing of vitamin supplements containing b-carotene
bon and nitrogen sources, temperature, and cultivation and other carotenoids have increased in recent years.[27]
times, as reported by different researchers.[82,168,169] The Therefore, bacteria are biofactory for carotenoid production,
same should be done for the extraction methods used in which can be efficiently exploited for industrial interests.
order to achieve the highest possible yield.[63] In addition, as Although the human health effects of carotenoid consump-
bacteria have fast-growing times, easy growing conditions, tion are favorable, the next hurdle to overcome is the
and do not depend on light for their cultivation, they show absorption process, which is low compared to the concentra-
an advantage in industrial scale-up compared to microalgae tions consumed.
and yeasts. However, their low carotenoid production yields
compared to microalgae remain a challenge.
Conclusions and perspectives
The advantage of microorganisms (especially bacteria)
over plants as a source of natural carotenoids is their easy The great interest in the consumption of carotenoids of nat-
modification by genetic engineering techniques. This branch ural origin has encouraged the search of new sources for
of engineering is, therefore, highly relevant to industrial these compounds. Bacteria stand out as an excellent alterna-
processes, allowing work with mutant bacteria, where certain tive due to the large variety of carotenoids that can be pro-
enzymes could be inhibited or overexpressed, avoiding the duced by different species. Moreover, bacteria can be
formation of unwanted by-products. For example, the bac- considered a renewable source of carotenoids. In this article,
terium Brevundimonas spp. (wild type) synthesize different methodologies frequently used for the extraction of
440–1060 lg/g astaxanthin while its mutant Brevundimonas bacterial carotenoids have been reviewed. Many of these
sp. M7 produces 1.3 mg/g (Table 2).[174] Other genetic methods involve multiple steps for extraction, concentration,
1256 G.-D. LÓPEZ ET AL.

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