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Documentary: Let’s figure out how to get as

much attention as we possibly

Stolen datas

Tech addictions
How much time can we get you
to spend?
One source:

We all have fallen under some

How much of your life can we get
kind of spell
you to give to us?
Advertisers pay for these social
They are not free they are paid
media platforms. They are the
for by advertisers
customers, our attentions are the
They pay in exchange of showing
thing that is being sold.
their ads to us
“If you are not paying for the
We are the product
product, then you are the
product.” Our attention is the product being
sold to the advertisers
Google is not just a search box
It’s the gradual, slight,
And Facebook isn’t just a
imperceptible change in your
platform to see what everyone is
own behavior and perception that
up to.
is the product.
These social media platforms are
That is their business, they sell
competing for our attention.
Their business model is to keep
You have to have great
people engaged on the sites
Great predictions begin with one Develop the most optimal way to
imperative you need a lot of data get users to do what you want
them to do (manipulation)

We are like lab rats

Surveillance capilsm
Not developing a cure for cancer
Make sure the advertisers is as
successful as possible We are like zombies that they
need to eat more flesh
These platforms is a new kind of
market place now Physiologically figure out how to
manipulate us
Trades exclusively in human
futures TOOL vs. (demanding things
from you. It’s seducing you. It’s
The internet companies are the
manipulating you. It wants things
richest company in the history
from you.)
“Any sufficiently advanced
We moved away from having a
technology is indistinguishable
tools-based technology
from magic” Arthur c. Clarke
environment to addiction and
Our mind is vulnerable
manipulation-based technology
The key growth in these environment
platforms is to learn how to make
Social media is not a tool just
the technology more persuasive
waiting to be used it has its own
To modify their behavior goals and it has its own means of
pursuing by using your
Positive intermittent
psychology against you.

References feed and then there’s

new Using the phone first thing in the
Using it before we go to sleep We accept the reality of the world
with which we’re presented
People become obsessed with
their image to other people

The number of likes in their


the comments they got in their


we don’t need approval from

other people

we curate our lives around this

perceived sense of perfection

we get rewarded in the short-

term signals..

We conflate it with value and we

conflate it with value

What it really is is fake, brittle

popularity that’s short-term, and
that leaves you even more
vacant and empty before you did


They are controlling the

information that we see

They are controlling us more

than we’re controlling them
Article: 8. Makes it harder for us to
sustain uninterrupted attention
to the things that really matter,
Big societal problem
or even notice them in the first
“attention is the rarest and purest place.
form of generosity” 9. It is bad for our individual
interpersonal relationships
10. Social media have created
Because of social dilemma:
”the single biggest threat to
1. Our relationship our democracy”
11. These platforms
With technology is not healthy.
encourages are all about
2. Digital technology often
identity construction.
seems to make it harder for us
to respond in the right way
Users build up an an
when someone is suffering
inspirational version of
and needs our help.
themselves, forever, adding
3. Digital technology is
more words, iamges, and
shortening our attention spans
videos, thickening the self into
and making us more
a ”brand”.
12. Social media encourages
4. Making us less empathetic
users to compare themselves
5. Less prone to ethical action
to others.
6. Degrading our capacity for
13. Divides and redirects our
moral attention
attention into separate
7. Capacity to notice the morally
information ecosystems
salient features of a given
14. These platforms help
situation so that we can
ensure that the users will be
respond appropriately
lead to a rabbit hole where
they’d be met by mire and
more similar stories.

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