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Student: Andrea Riffo F

Teacher: Carla Bugueño





In this work you will find an e-mail with a question or query about an employment
contract, which will be answered by the person in charge of the employment area.
From: Andrea Riffo

To: Francisco Manríquez

Good night:

My name is Andrea Riffo, a worker hired a short time ago, the reason for my email on this
occasion is to request help or guidance regarding some doubts about my employment contract,
the doubts are the following: Can a trial period be established in the contract? How long is the
maximum duration of a trial period?

Hoping for a prompt reply, I bid you a respectful farewell.

Andrea Riffo

De: Francisco Manriquez

Para: Andrea Riffo

Good morning:

My name is Francisco Manríquez, in charge of human resources, in relation to your questions, I

send you an answer to both questions, hoping that with this you can be more calm.

Can a trial period be set in the contract? Its establishment is optional and if agreed, it must be
reflected in writing in the contract. A probationary period may not be established when the
worker has already performed the same functions previously in the company, under any type of
How long is the maximum duration of a trial period?

Its maximum duration will be established in the Collective Agreements, and failing that, the
duration may not exceed six months for qualified technicians, or two months for the rest of the
workers. In undertakings with fewer than twenty-five employees, the probationary period may
not exceed three months for workers who are not qualified technicians.

Hoping that with these answers, everything will be clear, if you have another doubt or query, let
me know by email.

Yours sincerely,

Francisco Manriquez


At the end of this work we can find the sending of an e-mail and its response.

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