First of All About Our Market Segments We

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First of all about our target coustomer our products suits for everyone in every age but because of

the expensive cost we recommand it for people with stable salary and who have high-income and
more than that our target buyer will be malls, schools, buildings where many people can use and
contribute to making those places neat and cleaner. Second about the market segment we’ll bring our
products to 50% Viet Nam market then 2 or 3 years it will be available in Asean . Furthermore, we
also aim to European countries in 5 or 7 years. We plan to create an official website to sell our
products and it’ll sale off on every special occasion of the year. The product can be used about 12
hours a day. The purpose of our products are to protect the environment. it can be use for garbage
sorting into organic and inorganic waste to reduce the environmental pollution. And the final how it
work: Throw the garbage in and the AI system automatically recognizes what is organic and
inorganic waste. Inside the product divided into 2 compartments equivalent to 2 types of garbage the
green one is organic and the gray is inorganic, as we can see on the picture at the W spots it contains
essential oils to reduce the smell when throwing garbage.

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