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Name : Radhanath Course : BBI2O Period : 3ac Date Title : 11/11/11 : The Dance Industry

The dance industry is a very interesting industry that I had used to study for my assignment. After doing a lot of research and some interviews with my dance teachers/principle, I am able to know much more about the dance industry. The dance industry is a huge aspect as it divides into a lot of lines in business. There are health & therapy, schools, costumes, organizer or a style (to create styles of dance). These types of lines will than again divide into different several lines and then ends up on the hand of a dancer to choose of which brands and companies.

After completing my very first task, business profile, I was quite amazed that it was quite simple to get information from the net. There are lots of articles which are very helpful in completing this task. I did not thought about that dance even exist long time ago. The dances were actually tribal dances! In my mind, I think to myself, is that even dance? But it was listed, in Egypt and Africa, the tribal people dance during celebrations, festivals and even rituals. In those days, or even some tribes now, they still dance for their respective goddess. They believe when they do so or perform dance with their prayers, the goddess will hear them and bring them luck. Whenever there is dance, there is music. The tribal people not only dance, but also singing out their prayers and plying their instruments. Slowly, when the Greeks are ruling, they made plays and theater to entertain the crowd. Other than opera or a written play, dance is one of them. 1 Dance is the hidden language of the soul. ~Martha Graham

They slowly came up with ballet and so on. In the eighteen century, dance slowly forms up into an official plays and competition started. Slowly, it expands so quickly with the existence of so many types of dances around the world. Although it is now the modern society, but the dance industry still looks for cultural dances as there is nothing richer than culture.

The size of the dance industry is very big and is worldwide. For example, in US itself, there are so many dance companies such as Anaheim Ballet, Houston Ballet, Boston Ballet and many more. It depends on the size of the dance companies and the profit they earn. They gain profit through performances, giving dance classes, help other people to choreograph a dance and many more including the fame of the company. The total U.S. market size for the Dance Companies industry includes statistics on all companies, both public and private. In addition to total revenue, the table contains details on employees, companies, and average firm size. Use this market information to identify and confirm growth rates based on quantitative research and hard data.

Many people will find that can you make a living by working in the dance industry? The answer is yes of course. If you are rich enough, you can open a dance studio and your profit will be around $7000 - $8000 per month. For a teacher or choreographer, the charges are normally paid by hour. If you are famous you can easily earn $150-$200 for an hour. For example, the competition that I competed in Singapore The 1st Singapore Open Dance Championship, organized by Freedom to Dance in Suntec Singapore Internationl Convention & Exhibition Center invited Andrej Skufca & Melinda Trkgyrgy (latin professional dancer) and Arunas 2 Dance is the hidden language of the soul. ~Martha Graham

Bizokas & Katusha Demidova (ballroom professional dancer) to do a performance show in the middle of the competition.

After I asked the organizer Josephine Tan during the end of the show, she said that inviting both of them down is really expensive as they are professional dancers and really cost a lot, thats why the dinner ticket cost S$180 per person to enter the competition hall to cover up the coverage of the ballroom, fees for adjudicators, and to invite them down. And on the next day, both the professionals also gave a workshop which cost another S$150 for both the workshop per person. You can imagine how rich to invite them down is by this example.

The dance industry now covers a lot of jobs which many of us did not even think that they relate other being a dance teacher, choreographer, a studio owner and examiners. Actually, there are lots more of jobs you can do in this line of industry. You can be a performer if you reach a certain standard, community dance, administration/management, judge/adjudicators,

journalism/criticism, technical production, vision design, dance movement therapy or even a photographer. I had forgotten this photographers name but I once saw him in a dance show and he said that to take a great snapshot of dancers, you need to be a dancer yourself! I saw him in one of the magazine in my dance studio too but I just cant find that particular magazine anymore.

3 Dance is the hidden language of the soul. ~Martha Graham

So far, it is great to work in the dance industry isnt it! Now, lets talk about something more on the negative impacts on the dance industry and some ethical issues. The most conflict that parents do worry about is touch. Body contact often appear in dances, pas de deux (ballet), latin & ballroom, contemporary and so on may contain carrying parts or touching each other. Especially latin, the ladies costumes normally shows the ladys back and thighs in which has lesser cloth on their costumes. Many parents are afraid that if their children learn this sort of dance, the will get influence by it. But actually, it is all about SELF CONTROL. In dance, all dancers must have discipline to be successful, other than being punctual for classes, accept our mistakes and full discipline to dance as a group; self control is very important. Theres a saying If you control your mind, it will be your friend; but if you let your mind control you, it is your enemy. Thats why many people say that we, ourselves is our greatest enemy.

Finally, to conclude, I would like once again say that the dance industry is really growing rapidly among the years past. It is now a very strong base in the UK, Russia, Paris, US, Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong and many more countries worldwide. I hope that the dance industry will not stop growing and entertain the world without words but true their body movement. No matter cultural or is it modern dancing, all dancers must have discipline in them to keep a good reputation of the image of the dance industry. It is important to do so if you want the dance industry to grow. Lastly, I would like to say that even though you do not like dance or to perform, its ok to take dance classes as an exercise or so to keep your body fit rather than breathing the net.

4 Dance is the hidden language of the soul. ~Martha Graham

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