Schenker Vietnam

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In my opinion, I really want to work in a private company.

That is also the reason

why I choose to work in the future at Schenker Vietnam company, which is a large
and prestigious private logistics company in Vietnam. The company is part of DB
Schenker's Mekong group, which includes Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and
Cambodia. Schenker Vietnam is famous for its global logistics services and the
creation of many job opportunities. The position that I aspire to do in the future is
logistics management. The reasons I want to do this job in the future are: high
salary, career advancement opportunities, and improving knowledge and skills. My
short-term plan includes completing an intensive Logistics training program,
gaining practical experience through small projects, and improving my English
speaking skills. My long-term plan is to always learn, improve my management
skills, and expand my network in the industry. Schenker Vietnam was once a great
idea, and I believe that with patience and determination, I too can become a part of
this success story.

Hello teacher and everyone. My name is Khanh Ly, and I am in class 23EL2.
Today, I would like to present about the company that I dream of working for in
the future. First, with this slide, you might have guessed which company I am
going to talk about, right? Yes, it is Schenker Vietnam.

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