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Linkages with National and International Donors

12.1 Generating Revenue
The university’s links with national and international donors for activities that could generate revenue such as
mutually executed projects and any other options etc.

Score point:
12.1 Linkage with National & International donors for Revenue Generating Activities (RGA), etc.

Provide details of HEI’s links and MoUs with local, national and international donors for mutually beneficial
revenue generating activities including short term assignments, studies, projects, surveys, services, workshops,
Illustration through Example:
The advancement of education institutions is highly dependent on contributions by sponsors including companies,
charities, individual alumni and alumni associations. These contributions may take the form of financial donations
such as grants, gifts and pledges, as well as support for interns and co-operative learning students.
The goal of University is to promote long lasting relationship with national and international donors for acquiring
a range of services and support functions.University will engage donors in momentous interactions that attain
pride, advocacy, public and private support for the university by building long lasting, trust-based relationship,
both internally and externally. We will highlight the significance of fund raising and collaborative responsibility
of corporate sector, national and international donors and fund raising organizations for the cause of equal access
to higher education in the field of engineering.
University will develop database of potential donors including government and non-government organizations,
corporations, foundations, and individuals and will hold individual visits / meetings and organize collaborative
seminars / workshops with potential donors. Alumni and national heroes will be persuaded to contribute in the
development process of the university. The following national and international donors will be targeted to
establish annual income generating campaigns to support the University: -
(a) National donors
 Higher Education Commission, Islamabad
 Information and Communication technologies Research & Development fund (ICT R&D fund)
 Pakistan Scientific Foundation
 Directorate of Science & Technology, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(b) International donors
 Asian Development Bank (ADB)
 Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
 Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS)
 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
 OIC Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH)
 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

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 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
 The World Bank (WB)

12.2 Student Scholarships
The university’s programs/projects with donors for generating scholarships such as Erasmus Mundus projects,
AusAid, DFID etc

Score point:
12.2 Programs and projects with Donors for generating Students Scholarships

The HEI were required to provide details of any linkages/MoUs with agencies providing scholarships for students
as well as teachers. These may include HEC, Erasmus Mundus, Fulbright, AusAid, USAID, UKAID, DFID,
international universities, etc. Information pertaining to scholarships is also available on the following links:

Illustration through Example:

Keeping in view the importance of higher education, University is trying its level best to provide equal higher
education opportunities to underprivileged students. In this regard, University provides support to its students who
are having financial constraints and are facing problems to continue their education. University is providing
financial aid and scholarships to the deserving students in the form of need and merit based scholarships, interest
free student loans.
In order to provide financial assistance and scholarships to the student, the university is focusing on attracting
financially needy and talented students from remote, conflicted and less developed areas; and initiating
collaborations and MOU’s with the potential national/international organizations such as USAID, JICA, Frontier
Education Foundation, FATA Secretariat, FATA Education Foundation, Agha Khan Education Service etc.
In addition, the faculty, staff and students will be encouraged to available the following international and national
(foreign and indigenous) scholarships: -
(a) International donor foreign scholarships
 Foreign funded Scholarships through the Ministry of Education of China
 Beijing University of Technology (Beijing-Chinese government scholarships)
 Scholarships for University of Cambridge, UK
 PhD scholarships jointly funded by HEC and Cambridge Commonwealth Trust (CCT) for the
University of Cambridge, UK
 Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD and Split PhD, Tenable in UK
 Fulbright Scholarships Program (Masters / PhD scholarships, USA).
 USAID Funded Merit and Needs-Based Scholarships Program
 HEC-French Need Based Scholarships
(b) National donor foreign scholarships
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 90% Overseas Scholarships for MS/MPhil Leading to PhD/
PhD Phase –II, Batch-5
 MS Leading to PhD program of Faculty Development for UESTPs/UETs
 Overseas Scholarships MS/M.Phil leading to PhD, Phase-2
 International Research Support Initiative Program
 Partial Support for PhD Studies Abroad
(c) National donor indigenous scholarships
 Indigenous PhD Fellowship Program (HEC Funded)
 Various local scholarships from government and non-government organizations

Strategy Formulation for Development of Linkages

Key Result Areas (KRAs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Targets:
Linkages with National and International Donors

Score point:
12.3 5 year plan/strategy for development of linkages, including the following
12.3.1 Target/Goals
12.3.2 Strategies, action plan, time frame, and responsibilities
12.3.3 Key Result Areas (KRAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
12.3.4 Baseline for each KRA/KPI
12.3.5 5 Yearly Targets for each KRA/KPI


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Share the policies and plans devised by HEIs to improve the undergraduate programs and details of methodology
and plans to attract high quality undergraduate students. These measures may include improving curriculum,
revise admission procedures and tests, multiple stages of interviews, etc.
Furthermore, HEIs are required to provide their future targets for 5 years pertaining to under graduate students,
their proposed strategies to achieve those targets, assigning responsibilities to staff, and KRAs & KPIs to measure
the progress towards achieving these targets.
Refer Presentation-4 related to Strategy Formulation covering KRAs and KPIs. These deliberations were covered
in last session of Day-1 of Workshop.

Illustration through Example:

To promote long lasting relationship with national and international donors for acquiring a range of services and
support functions.

Strategy-1 Actions Responsibility

To engage donors in To highlight the significance of fund raising and Continuous Director ORIC
momentous interactions collaborative responsibility of corporate sector,
that attain pride, national and international donors and fund raising
advocacy, public and organizations for the cause of equal access to
private support for the higher education
university by building
long lasting, trust-based
relationship, both
To develop database of potential donors including Year -1 Director ORIC
internally and externally.
government and non-government organizations,
corporations, foundations, and individuals

To hold individual visits / meetings and organize Continuous Director ORIC

collaborative seminars / workshops with potential
To involve alumni and national heroes to persuade -do- Registrar
potential donors to contribute in the development
process of the university.
To identify mutual interests, priority areas and Continuous Director ORIC
establish MoUs / agreements with donors

To develop collaborative projects with donors -do- Director ORIC

To get scholarships for students from donors -do- Director ORIC

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Baseline Five Years Targets
KRAs KPIs 2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018-
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Database of potential Number of government and In

developed data

developed data

developed data

developed data
donors developed non-government progress

organizations, corporations,




foundations & individuals
data in place
Individual visits/ Per year number of 12 18 20 25 28 30
meetings with donors individual visits/ meetings
held held
Collaborative Per year number of 14 20 25 30 35 40
Seminars / Workshops seminars/workshops with
with donors organized donors organized

Alumni and national Per year number of reunion 0 01 01 01 01 01

heroes involved for and fund raising dinners
persuading potential arranged

Mutual interests, Number of MoUs/ 5 7 8 8 9 10

priority areas with Agreements established
donors identified
MoUs / agreements

Donor supported Number of activities / 5 8 8 10 12 12

collaborative projects supported by
activities/ projects donors
Scholarships acquired Number of scholarships 0 10 15 20 30 40
for students acquired per year
Cash amount collected Million US $ collected 0 02.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
from donors for the from non-government
University donors

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