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a desire for two

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Relationship: Kageyama Tobio/Tsukishima Kei
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei
Additional Tags: Weddings, Established Relationship, Fluff, Semi-Public Sex
Language: English
Series: Part 9 of friday
Collections: Yours: A TsukiKage Wedding Zine
Stats: Published: 2023-09-02 Words: 3,386 Chapters: 1/1
a desire for two
by diarahans


Tobio is missing during the wedding reception, so Kei goes to find him, but when he does,
his husband pulls him into something more risqué.


Happy wedding, everyone! Here's my fic for the NSFW portion of the great Tsukikage
Wedding Zine. Leftover sales go until Sept. 27, so def check it out if you're interested! :)
Champagne sucks, but Kei swallows it down anyway, because that’s what you serve at
weddings. He couldn’t care less for traditions, especially when they concern alcohol he hates,
but sometimes needs must when faced by both public and private pressure during the
wedding planning process.

All of the big wedding events—ceremony, dinner, toasts and roasts, etc—are done, and now
they’ve reached the mingling portion of the evening where everyone can actually enjoy
themselves, dancing and socializing. Or at least mostly everyone can enjoy themselves. Kei
hasn’t seen Tobio for a while now, and a missing husband, on their wedding day no less, is
mildly irritating.

“Looking for your better half, huh?” Yamaguchi’s tone is sardonic, but his smile is genuine,
albeit a touch too amused for Kei’s liking. “Should I let you go?”

“It’s fine,” Kei says, swallowing another horrid sip of champagne. “I’m sure he’s around here
somewhere. It’s not like we have to be attached at the hip anyway.”

Yamaguchi rolls his eyes. “Sure, but I don’t think you get to say that when you’ve spent the
last ten minutes scanning the crowd for him instead of listening to what I was saying.”

Yamaguchi is right, but Kei isn’t going to let him know that, at least not without some debate
first. “You were talking about how Miwa-san saved you this morning when your pants
ripped.” It’s a good enough guess as any. The pants debacle this morning had been an
unexpected and unwelcome obstacle, and Miwa’s rescue had been like an angel descending
from the heavens to save the day, if only because the thunderous look on her face bore more
than a passing resemblance to a righteous warrior.

“Bzzt, incorrect.” Yamaguchi shakes his head, not even upset. “But I already knew that. Just
go look for him, Tsukki.” And with that, he plucks Kei’s champagne glass out of his hand and
drains the rest of it in one quick swallow.

Kei stares at his empty hand for a moment before turning his glare toward Yamaguchi, who
just shrugs unrepentantly.

“Don’t you have a husband to find?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

Kei huffs. “Smugness looks terrible on you, you know.” Regardless, he goes, leaving behind
a laughing Yamaguchi. Some best friend he is.

The banquet hall where their wedding reception is being held isn’t large enough to be
labyrinthine, but it’s close enough. Somehow, Kei turns down the wrong hallway and instead
of reaching the front lounge or even the outdoor patio—two reasonable places for someone to
escape to if they were looking for a brief reprieve from socializing with friends and family
members—he ends up in a staff-only area.

There’s no reason for Tobio to be here, but the same is true for Kei. If he ended up here,
there’s no reason why Tobio couldn’t have also.

The first two doors Kei checks are deadends, only leading to closets full of linens and
cleaning supplies, respectively. He has better luck with the third door, which swings open
into an expansive kitchen.

With the dinner service over and the cake served, the kitchen is empty of staff, who are now
hopefully on their well-deserved breaks instead of catering to rowdy and half-tipsy guests.
Kei decides to take a look around anyway, steering clear of any of the appliances or plates
laid out. He’s already somewhere he shouldn’t be, and he’d rather not cause more trouble
than necessary, if only because he’d like to get most, if not all, of their deposit back.

It takes a little weaving, but finally, all the way in the back of the kitchen, Kei finds his
wayward husband. Tobio is standing before a table full of cake slices, leftovers that hadn’t
gone out to their guests. In his hand, inexplicably, is a wine glass full of strawberries.

“Found you.” Kei announces himself by sliding an arm around Tobio’s waist, tugging him
closer just because he can. “What are you doing here?”

“Getting a snack,” Tobio says. On the table, several pieces of the remaining cake slices have
been thoroughly defiled, the gleaming strawberry halves decorating their tops now missing.

“Dinner wasn’t enough for you?” This close, he can see that Tobio’s cheeks are flushed pink,
a clear sign that he’s been drinking. That might explain the hunger as well as the strange
pickiness with the food.

Tobio shakes his head. “It’s for you. Because you like strawberries.” He doesn’t say it, but the
obviously is clear in his tone.

“Right, of course.” Even with no one else around, Kei still has to hide his face, the fondness
he’s feeling likely transforming him into a lovesick fool (as Yamaguchi so eloquently puts it).
“Thanks for thinking of me, then.”

He should probably stop Tobio from decimating any more cakes—the wine glass looks pretty
full as it is anyway—but first. “Hey, come here.”

“Hmm?” Just as Tobio turns his head, Kei leans down and captures his mouth. He means to
keep the kiss chaste, but Tobio clearly has a different idea, taking the first chance he gets to
swipe his tongue into Kei’s mouth.

With less reluctance than is probably advisable, Kei deepens the kiss, barely registering
Tobio setting the wine glass down on the table in favor wrapping his arms around Kei’s
shoulders. He tastes like champagne, though the flavor is much more palatable from his
tongue than a glass.
Pressed this close, Kei can feel the hot line of Tobio’s cock against his leg, already firming up
the longer they kiss. It only takes a quick adjustment to move Tobio into a better position,
letting him grind down against Kei’s thigh.

Tobio breaks the kiss with a gasp, eyes squeezed shut as his hips move without his conscious
volition. His cheeks are even pinker than before, flushed with more than just alcohol now.

Kei is grateful that they’re alone now, since just the way Tobio looks probably counts as
public indecency. “You’re insatiable,” he says, brushing his fingers affectionately across
Tobio’s too hot cheek. “You couldn’t even wait until the reception was over to jump me,

“I missed you,” Tobio says, which should be nonsensical since they’ve barely been out of
each other’s sights these past few weeks leading up to the wedding—but Kei gets it. Even
though this is the longest they’ve been in the same place in a while, they’ve been so busy
with last minute preparations and unexpected mishaps that they’ve barely had any time just to
enjoy being together. Even today has been less about them, and more of a spectacle for their
friends and families to enjoy.

“It’s just a couple more hours,” Kei says, leaning down to kiss Tobio again, keeping it strictly
chaste this time. Those few hours seem to stretch out even longer now, but being a
respectable adult means that you don’t abscond midway through your own wedding reception
just to have sex. Probably. “I’m sure his majesty can wait that long.”

“That just means people are going to be distracted for a while.” Unfortunately, Tobio isn’t
above playing dirty to get his way, slipping a hand between them to cup Kei’s own cock
through his pants. He glances up through his lashes, a move pilfered straight from some
terrible romance movie. “It won’t even take that long, and then we can go back out and do
whatever. Talk to people. Dance and stuff.”

It shouldn’t work, mostly because it’s a bad idea in general and partially because it’s also a
terrible seduction attempt, but Kei is, even this far into their relationship, way too
accommodating when it comes to Tobio and his whims.

Yamaguchi says it’s because he’s whipped, but Akiteru just coos and says that it shows how
much Kei loves Tobio. The truth is probably a mix of the two, but at least if there’s any time
when it’s acceptable to give into your lover, it’s at your wedding.

“Well,” Kei says, smiling despite himself, “how can I refuse my husband?”

Kei may not have qualms about having sex in a semi-public location, but he’s considerate
enough not to do anything where food is prepared, so he drags Tobio out of the kitchen and
into one of the two closets he passed on his way down the hallway.
They end up in the one full of linens. It’s tiny, and the lone lightbulb flickers ominously, but
at least everything smells fresh and clean.

Kei doesn’t waste any time once the door is locked, quickly unbuckling Tobio’s belt and
sliding the zipper of his dress slacks down so he can slide a hand inside and pull out his cock.
It’s already wet, leaking at the tip, and a part of Kei feels heady at being able to get Tobio this
desperate with just a bit of kissing.

After so long, Kei knows just how Tobio likes it, from his preferred tightness to his most
sensitive spots. Tobio’s hands are undoubtedly wrinkling Kei’s suit jacket as he clutches at
Kei’s back, pulling him close as possible. “Faster,” he whimpers, and Kei obliges with a
quick flick of his wrist, precum slicking the way.

With Tobio’s face tucked close against his shoulder, Kei is inundated with the citrus scent of
his cologne and the saltiness of his sweat. He’s reminded viscerally of one of his visits to
Italy, when Tobio originally bought the bottle on vacation after his first season with Ali
Roma, and they had found themselves in a startlingly similar situation.

“I wish I could fuck you right here.” Kei nips at Tobio’s ear to make sure he’s paying
attention. The jerk he gets in response is answer enough. “Do you remember that time in
Rome? You felt so good around me, king.”

Back then, they had been in a nightclub bathroom, with lights that seemed to flicker in time
with the heavy dance beat pounding throughout the walls. It wasn’t their usual scene, but one
thing had led to another, and before either of them knew it, they were both on the far side of
tipsy, and Tobio’s teammate who had been acting as their guide for this particular outing had
disappeared into the crush of bodies in the crowd.

A quest for fresh air, away from the stifling heat that inundated the club, had led them to the
bathroom instead. It had only been marginally better than the dance floor, the noise
dampening just enough to quell the throbbing headache Kei was well on the way to
developing. .

In a reversal, it had been Tobio who made the first move then, smacking an off-center kiss
against Kei’s mouth, but Kei had been the one to escalate it, blindly dragging them into a stall
with the last of his remaining coherency.

At the entrance, lube and condoms had been handed out like party favors, shoved into every
guest’s hand when they entered the den of iniquity. Kei had thought it ridiculous at first, but
in the bathroom, with Tobio shoved against the wall and his too tight jeans down by his
knees, they were a godsend as he opened him up, first with his fingers, and then his cock.

“Please,” he had begged, like he even had to ask for Kei to give him anything, everything he
wanted in that moment. “Please, please, please.”

It had been cramped and hot and messy—and absolutely perfect. A wet dream experience
that Kei would be glad to relive over and over.
“You should,” Tobio says, his breath wet against Kei’s ear and drawing him out of his reverie.
“You can fuck me right now. We don’t have to wait to get back to the hotel room.”

Kei’s tempted, how could he not be, with his husband begging in his ear, but he still has a
shred of respectability and common sense in him yet. As much as he’d love to bend Tobio
over and hold him down to give him exactly what he wants, the linen closet they’re
sequestered in is sorely lacking in appropriate supplies.

“Patience is a virtue,” he says instead, rubbing a thumb across Tobio’s slit, just rough enough
that the gasp that comes out of him is part pain and part pleasure. He does it again, just to
hear a repeat of the sound. “You shouldn’t be so greedy either.”

Whatever complaint Tobio might have—and he always has one or another when Kei denies
him what he wants—is swallowed up by Kei’s mouth over his own. The kiss quickly
deepens, and the two of them are soon distracted by lips, teeth, and tongues.

It’s only a few moments later that Tobio comes, shuddering, and Kei eases him through it,
pressing a kiss against his cheek, his ear, any bare skin that’s available.

Tobio slumps down, resting his head against Kei’s shoulder, and Kei takes his weight without
complaint, adjusting his hold on Tobio’s waist so he’s more comfortable. He’s heavy, but it’s
no worse than having to carry him after a night of once again misjudging his alcohol

“Satisfied?” Kei asks, pressing a gentle kiss behind Tobio’s ear, a sensitive spot, just to feel
him shiver and press a little closer.

“Mmh.” A hum that means yes. Tobio’s head lolls to the side so he can look up at Kei. “That
felt good.”

Kei leans down to kiss him again. “Glad I could be of service.”

The linen closet soon proves its worth when Kei snags a dinner napkin from its neatly folded
stack to wipe his hand clean. That brief moment of calm is all he gets, though, before he finds
their position reversed, and he’s shoved against the wall, legs pushed apart so Tobio can slide
to his knees between them.

Tobio doesn’t bother with teasing either, just unbuckles Kei’s belt and pulls down the zipper
so he can shove everything down just far enough to get his hard cock out. “Your turn,” he
says, pressing an open-mouthed kiss against the head of Kei’s cock before he sinks down
carefully, taking in as much as he can.

Tobio’s mouth is hot and wet, just tight enough that Kei has to bite back gasp at the sensation.
He leans his head back against the wall with a thump, eyes sliding shut as he savors the

When his eyes open again, it’s to the view of Tobio’s tongue sliding up the length of his cock,
ending with a languid swipe across the slit. For a moment, Kei feels dizzy with the fervor of
the desire that hits him like a lightning strike.
He cards a hand through Tobio’s hair, messing up the careful styling. It’s getting longer now,
long enough to pull, and Kei tugs, gently, to get his attention.

Once he looks up, Kei slides a hand down until it’s wrapped around the back of Tobio’s head.
“Stay still,” he says, and it’s only after Tobio nods that he begins to move.

Kei slides his cock deeper into Tobio’s open mouth, gently easing himself into the warm
clutch of his throat. He’s being careful because they have to go back out to their guests in ten,
twenty minutes, and it would be impossible to hide the sore rasp of Tobio’s voice if Kei used
him too roughly.

There’s a time and place for that, like their honeymoon a week from now, where no one
would know them or even care what they did while there. But right now, with a hundred plus
guests just a couple rooms away, the least Kei can do is be gentle, even as he uses Tobio the
way he wants.

“You’re so good, king.” Kei rubs a thumb against one of Tobio’s flushing cheeks, the praise
hitting him hard like it always does when he’s in this state. “You look perfect like this.”

The king may be known for his strict commands, but even he has his moments of obedience.
Tobio is pliant under Kei’s hands, letting himself be pushed down until his nose is buried in
Kei’s groin. His eyes, still transfixed on Kei’s own, are ink dark, no blue ocean to be seen.

“You’re perfect,” Kei says again, watching as Tobio’s eyes slide shut, his dark lashes a stark
contrast against his pink skin.

Over and over, Kei pushes his way into Tobio’s mouth and down his throat, losing himself to
the plush heat. It’s only a few more minutes before he feels a familiar tightness in his
stomach, a clear sign that he’s about to tumble over the precipice and come.

Kei tugs Tobio off, just far enough that he can come on his tongue instead of down his throat.
Tobio swallows, again and again, but he’s always been terrible at catching everything, so
some cum spills over, smearing across his lips and down his chin.

Tobio’s filthy, spit and cum smeared across his face. He looks like every fantasy Kei’s ever
had come true. He’s beautiful, and no one else will ever have the privilege to see him this

“I love you,” Kei breathes, eyes transfixed on his husband’s upturned face. He swipes a
thumb across Tobio’s cheek, trying to wipe some of the mess away, but only succeeding in
rubbing it in even more, leaving a lingering mark on his skin.

Tobio leans his cheek against Kei’s hand, like a cat giving its owner affection. “I love you,
too,” he says, and then, a beat later. “I’m sticky.”

Just like that, the moment breaks, the fragile soap bubble of their clandestine dalliance
popping and dragging them both back into the real world, where they have responsibilities
and a wedding reception to get back to.
“Let’s get cleaned up then, king.” They’re both a mess—and like Tobio said, sticky. A mid-
reception rendezvous was probably a terrible idea, but Kei can’t bring himself to regret it.

Linen napkins alone aren’t going to cut it this time, so they have to sneak out and raid the
cleaning closet for more supplies. The wet wipes Kei finds probably aren’t meant to be used
on skin, but it’s the best they can do at the moment. Kei gently wipes away any remaining
stickiness on Tobio’s face until he’s all clean again.

“All done,” he says. Tobio’s face is upturned, expectant, and Kei can’t help but drop a kiss
against his mouth. The astringent lemon scent of the cleaning wipes is strong this close, but
it’s better than the pungent scent of come at least.

Now that they’ve cleaned up, the two of them really should be heading back to the reception.
Taking fifteen minutes or so to find his wayward husband is one thing, but Kei’s sure that
they’ve both been gone for at least double that time by now. Any longer, and someone’s
bound to come looking for them, too.

“That’s the wrong way,” Kei says, tugging Tobio back when he turns towards the direction of
the kitchen instead of the main hall where their reception is being held. “We’ve probably
been gone way too long now, anyway.”

“I’m going to the kitchen first.” And before Kei can protest, his husband is already halfway
down the hall.

Shaking his head, Kei follows after at a more sedate pace. Even after being together all these
years, he still can’t keep up with Tobio’s whims. At least after tonight, he’ll have the rest of
his life to get better at it.

When Kei catches up with him, Tobio is back at the table full of cake slices at the back of the
kitchen. In his hand, held up like a prize, is the wine glass full of strawberries. The actual
cake slices remain forgotten at the side.

“I see your strawberry pilfering actually had a more self-serving purpose,” Kei says wryly,
watching as his husband plucks a strawberry from the glass and eats it with relish.

“We can share,” Tobio says. His fingers dip into the glass again and pull out another
strawberry, frosting still coating its bottom half. “Say aah.”

Kei rolls his eyes, but he does as Tobio beckons, leaning over to take the strawberry held in
his expectant fingers.

The strawberry is sweet, of course, just as expected, but the kiss Kei steals from his husband
right after is even sweeter.
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