Ask and Answer

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ask and answer

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Relationship: Kageyama Tobio/Tsukishima Kei
Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Kageyama Tobio
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sexual Content, Friends With
Benefits, Tsukishima Kei is Bad at Feelings, Light Masochism, ???? -
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of one in a million
Stats: Published: 2024-02-12 Words: 3,237 Chapters: 1/1
ask and answer
by diarahans


"You came," Tsukishima says, not bothering to hide the surprise in his voice.

Kageyama frowns. "Of course I came," he says. "You messaged me, so why wouldn't I

See the end of the work for notes
I need to get out of here, Tsukishima thinks as he gets dressed again. He makes sure to loop
his tie tightly so there’s no way that he can accidentally leave it behind. Not that that matters
much when he’s already letting Kageyama keep his other tie—the blue one that he’ll never be
able to stop seeing around Kageyama’s wrists.

The first time had been Tsukishima’s fault, his curiosity getting the better of him after a long
day of work. This second time was a mistake, one that he couldn’t even blame on alcohol or
stress or anything of the like. It was just his own stupidity in the end that led to his downfall.

He doesn’t need Kageyama to see him off to the door, but he follows Tsukishima out anyway,
having taken the time to put on the barest amount of clothing to not be indecent if anyone
outside happened to catch a glimpse of him.

“Don’t ignore my messages,” Kageyama says, a warning and an order all in one. It’s clear
what he means when he says it: If you ignore me, I’ll come and find you anyway. And as
tonight has already shown Tsukishima, that’s not an idle threat.

In a way, it’s almost nostalgic to hear Kageyama speak like that, with the unbridled
confidence of someone who knows what he wants and is going to make sure he gets it no
matter what. It had been so long that Tsukishima had nearly forgotten: the king’s orders are

“Make it worth my while and I won’t.” It’s only with a slight bitterness that Tsukishima
realizes that the likelihood of him giving into Kageyama’s is much higher than he’d ever
admit. But at this point, if he’s going to keep making the same mistake over and over again,
he might as well enjoy it.

Can you meet up tonight? the message from Kageyama reads. It’s been two months now, and
while the messages haven’t been coming in like clockwork, they have been coming in
regularly enough that Tsukishima can usually expect to see one at least once a week or more.

Tsukishima doesn’t always say yes, but if he’s being honest, the times he says no are due to
scheduling conflicts more than anything else. Sex with Kageyama is always good, and
Tsukishima wants it, too, even he can admit that. If he didn’t like what was happening, he just
wouldn’t bother meeting up with Kageyama at all, no matter how persistent he was.

Still, Tsukishima expects there to be a time limit on whatever relationship they have with
each other now, and one that’s rapidly running out at that. It’s only a matter of time before
Kageyama gets bored and finds someone else to sleep with.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” They’ve already met up twice this week, once at a
hotel and the other time at Kageyama’s place.
Tsukishima doesn’t have poor self-esteem or anything like that, but if he’s being honest, he
doesn’t really understand why Kageyama seems so dead set on meeting up again and again.
With how Kageyama looks, Tsukishima is sure he has no shortage of suitors just waiting to
tumble him into bed given half the chance.

“I have practice in the morning,” Kageyama says, stretching out on the hotel bed like some
kind of languid cat. He’s naked still, and Tsukishima doesn’t bother to keep his eyes from
wandering. He also doesn’t know if Kageyama is seriously answering him or being willfully
obtuse at this point.

Part of Tsukishima wants to push Kageyama for a better answer, wants a better explanation
for why him and not some other guy who could pin him down and kiss him quiet just as
easily. Another, larger part of him cringes at his own vanity, especially when the answer is
more than likely just convenience. God knows it’s easier for Tsukishima to meet up with
Kageyama on a regular basis than to find someone new.

“Tsukishima.” There’s a pinch to his side, and when he turns, Kageyama is frowning at him.
“Don’t ignore me.”

Tsukishima considers making Kageyama wait, but before he can even make an attempt,
Kageyama is pulling him down with a rough tug to the back of his neck. “You’re so
impatient,” Tsukishima sighs, but he doesn’t resist, knowing well enough by now that it’ll be

“You don’t seem to mind that much.” Whatever response Tsukishima might have is lost after
that, buried beneath Kageyama’s warm mouth. He doesn’t bother trying to ask again; the
answer won’t matter in the end anyway, once they both inevitably get tired of each other.

Over the next few months, they fall into a routine of sorts. Kageyama isn’t regimented
enough to pencil sex into his calendar, but Tsukishima does end up learning his schedule
pretty well. Nights before a morning practice or before a game are typically a no-go, but any
other time seems to be fine.

After games are fine, too, especially rough ones. If anything, they just seem to make
Kageyama more eager to get Tsukishima’s hands on him.

“Didn’t you have a game today?” Tsukishima already knows the answer, of course. There's a
reason why they’re meeting at a hotel close to the stadium where the Adlers play. He had
even watched the last part of the match on his phone while he waited for Kageyama’s
inevitable text.

“It just finished,” Kageyama says, already tugging Tsukishima through the hotel entrance.
His hair is still damp from his post-match shower, and his clothes are slightly rumpled, like
he pulled them on as quickly as possible.
Tsukishima wonders who’s needier between the two of them in this situation: Kageyama,
who’s so keyed up after a game that he can barely wait before jumping Tsukishima, or him,
who came when called without hesitation, like he had been waiting like a loyal dog for his
master’s command.

It’s irritating really, both Kageyama’s casual expectation that Tsukishima will come when he
wants him, a body to be used, and his own willingness to go along with Kageyama’s requests.
It’s not like he doesn’t get anything out of their meetings, but Tsukishima feels, perhaps
unfairly, like he’s being strung along for Kageyama’s amusement.

It’s his own fault in a way, though. Kageyama is always the one reaching out, but mostly
because Tsukishima refuses to be the one to make the first move. Although he had justified it
as making Kageyama be the one to chase him—a useless vanity he now realizes—he usually
ends up being the one to always meet Kageyama’s wishes instead.

It’s childish, but Tsukishima lets his discontentment color his actions with Kageyama today.
He’s just a little bit rougher, just a little bit harsher, than he would usually be. When
Kageyama struggles, Tsukishima holds him down more firmly, bites him just a bit harder to
hear his gasp be tinged with pain and not just pleasure.

Underneath him, Kageyama’s back is a harsh, shivering line, burning hot and slick with heat.
The tip of Tsukishima’s cock presses flush against Kageyama’s hole, but doesn’t push in,
even though Kageyama keeps trying to squirm his hips back. “Beg for it,” he says, mouth
pressed up against Kageyama’s ear.

“Please.” It’s heady to have Kageyama obey him so easily in bed, especially when he’s so
stubborn outside of it. Even if Tsukishima is dragged along by Kageyama’s whims in other
matters, at least he can exert a measure of control over him here.

Shoving down on the small of Kageyama’s back, Tsukishima holds him still as he slides his
cock inside with an aching slowness that even has him shaking in an effort to hold back. The
sounds that come out of Kageyama's mouth as Tsukishima sinks further into him are high and
sharp, like he can barely catch his breath.

Kageyama’s mouth is wide open against the pillow, and spit slips out alongside his panting
breath. He almost sounds like he’s in pain, but this time it’s a pain that he welcomes, almost
relishes. Tsukishima’s been downright mean to Kageyama tonight, but he’s taken everything
so well.

“You’re so good for me.” Tsukishima presses a kiss against Kageyama’s shoulder blade, the
tense muscle underneath contrasting with the softness of his skin. Reaching around with his
free hand, he presses his fingers into Kageyama’s open mouth, petting the warm slick of his
tongue before it begins to curl around his long digits. “I wonder how much more you can take

Despite his words, Tsukishima stops well short of wrecking Kageyama, even though he’s
sorely tempted. Kageyama’s strength and stamina are vast, but he’s already been worn down
by almost three hours of volleyball before this. Tsukishima isn’t nice by any stretch of
imagination, but he’s not cruel.
He doesn’t bother to clean Kageyama up afterward, but Tsukishima does bring him a warm
towel from the bathroom. It’s the least he can do since it doesn’t seem like Kageyama is
inclined, or able, to move any time soon.



“You know you can message me too, right?” Tsukishima doesn’t pause as he redresses
himself, but his shoulders tense up at Kageyama’s words.

“If you ask me to come, I will,” Kageyama continues. When Tsukishima turns to look at him,
his eyes are dark and languid, like a fully sated big cat. It feels like a challenge and a
command all in one.

“Make me want to, then,” Tsukishima says. Even if the king’s orders are absolute, that
doesn’t mean Tsukishima isn’t going to put up a resistance every step of the way, no matter
how useless and contradictory it may seem at times.

It’s been a long day. A long, hard, terrible day on top of an absolutely abysmal week. The
type of week that had Tsukishima typing up a letter of resignation in a fit of pure irritation
during the spare five minutes of rest he had between the shitshow of all the projects he’s been
working on going wrong at once.

Somehow, he'd managed to put out all the fires in the end, or at least get them to a state where
they’re just smoldering embers and not blazing infernos. By the time he finally leaves the
office, nothing is in danger of imminent explosion, and no one’s head is going to end up on
the chopping block. If anything does end up going wrong over the weekend, well, he might
really end up quitting, but that’s a problem for a future him.

Although Tsukishima usually welcomes the solitude of his apartment after a long day of
work, that’s not the case today. Even a loner like him needs comfort sometimes, it seems. He
wants to feel the warmth of another body against his own, wants to just lay his head against
someone’s shoulder and breathe in the warmth of their skin.

He wants to see Kageyama. They’re not in a relationship and are the farthest thing from love,
but he’s probably the person Tsukishima is most comfortable with right now, at least
physically. After so many months, the feeling of Kageyama’s skin and the weight of body,
heavy with well-honed muscle, has become familiar, and in its own way, comforting.

Can you come over tonight?

The second Tsukishima sends the message, he wants to take it back. There’s no way
Kageyama is still going to be up at this hour anyway, which means he’s going to have to deal
with the fallout in the morning instead.

Where are you? Send me the address and I’ll meet you there. The response—and the fact that
it comes at all considering how late it is—takes Tsukishima by surprise. He barely had time
to set his phone down before it was buzzing with a notification.

Tsukishima sends Kageyama his address before he can think too much of it. Even if he
typically considers his apartment a sanctuary from the outside world, he’s also not up for
dragging himself to some hotel or Kageyama’s place tonight. Kageyama is going to have to
come to him for once.

He doesn’t bother to look at his phone after that, instead going to lie down on the couch.
Tsukishima should probably go shower or at least change his clothes, but right now, all his
energy is just gone. If messaging Kageyama was a bad idea, he’ll just have to find out later.

Tsukishima doesn’t know how much time passes, but it’s been long enough for him to be
caught off guard by the ringing of his doorbell. By the time he manages to force himself off
the couch, he also has a new message from Kageyama. I’m here.

“Hi,” Kageyama says after Tsukishima opens the door. He’s dressed as he usually is, in dark
colors and clothing that toes the line between streetwear and athleisure. “Are you going to let
me in?”

“You came,” Tsukishima says, not bothering to hide the surprise in his voice as he steps aside
to let Kageyama through the door.

Kageyama frowns. “Of course I came,” he says. “You messaged me, so why wouldn’t I
come?” Tsukishima doesn’t think he would have an answer to that even if he wasn’t
completely exhausted, so he just shakes his head, letting Kageyama take it however he wants.

“You’re so weird.” Kageyama softens the insult by leaning up to kiss Tsukishima. His mouth
is soft and warm, and Tsukishima opens up under him easily, letting Kageyama take the lead
this time.

It’s Tsukishima’s apartment, but Kageyama is the one who tugs them farther inside. They end
up on the couch, with Kageyama straddling Tsukishima’s lap as they continue to kiss. He’s
heavy, but not unbearably so, and warm, like a space heater, and Tsukishima can’t help but
pull him closer until their hips are pressed flush together.

Tonight is nothing like their usual hookups, which tend to be a bit more rushed, a bit rougher
overall. That’s not really what Tsukishima wants tonight, though, and he half expects
Kageyama to push him to go harder, but that doesn’t happen. As it is, Kageyama seems
perfectly content to take things slow, even if it’s outside of the norm for them.

There’s no urgency to their actions right now, just a slow and steady burn that heats up the
arousal in the pit of Tsukishima’s stomach. Kageyama has moved on from Tsukishima’s
mouth to his neck, kissing his way down until he reaches the open collar of Tsukishima’s
Tsukishima slides his hands underneath Kageyama’s loose shirt, feeling the heat of his skin,
the firmness of his back as he pulls him a few minuscule centimeters closer. He thinks he
could just be content with this tonight, Kageyama in his lap, slowly grinding their way to

Kageyama seems to have other plans though. The next time Tsukishima tries to pull him
forward, he lifts himself off his lap and moves to the other side of the couch. “Turn this way,”
he says, tugging Tsukishima until he complies. When he’s in the position that Kageyama
wants him in, with his back against the armrest, Kageyama slides smoothly into the open
space between his legs.

“Say please,” Kageyama says, eyes locked on Tsukishima’s, even as he slides one of his
hands to toy with the zipper of Tsukishima’s slacks. The touch is light, barely there, and
absolutely not enough at all.

Tsukishima shuts his eyes, sighing softly. Yeah, he more than deserves that after the countless
times he’s done the same to Kageyama. “Please,” he says, resigned but not exactly put out.
It’s just fair after all.

That seems to be enough to satisfy Kageyama, who doesn’t waste anymore time teasing
Tsukishima after that. Once he gets Tsukishima’s cock out of his slacks, Kageyama sinks his
mouth down as far as he can. The inside of his mouth is hot and slick, and Tsukishima thinks
that this is the closest he might get to heaven anytime soon.

Kageyama sets a steady pace for a few minutes, gradually sinking lower and lower until
Tsukishima can feel his cock slowly breach the barrier to Kageyama’s throat. Part of him
wants to reach out and grab the back of Kageyama’s head and—not force him down, but
maybe hold him there just a little longer.

On the next upward slide, Kageyama pulls off completely, a string of saliva connecting his
tongue to the tip of Tsukishima’s dick. “I want you inside me now,” he rasps, throat obviously
used and sore.

Kageyama doesn’t bother to take off his pants before he clamors back into Tsukishima’s lap
again, just shoves them far down enough so that he can press Tsukishima’s spit-slick dick
against the soft give of his entrance.

Reaching down, Tsukishima palms Kageyama’s ass, spreading apart his cheeks so his cock
can slide in more easily. It’s a tight fit overall, though, and Kageyama has to reach out and
steady himself with his arms around Tsukishima’s neck before he’s even halfway inside.

“I didn’t have much time for prep,” he confesses, his breath hot against Tsukishima’s
collarbone. “Didn’t—didn’t want to keep you waiting for long.”

Tsukishima swallows thickly. The comment is nothing really, but somehow he still finds
himself wanting to read a little more into it. “I think you just like it when it hurts a little,” he
says, listening to Kageyama choke on a gasp as he pushes him down just a little more than
he’s ready to take. The kiss Tsukishima presses to the crown of Kageyama’s head is much
gentler in comparison.
Tsukishima feels more than sees Kageyama shaking his head against his shoulder. “That’s
your fault, isn’t it? You’re the one who made me this way.”

Tsukishima almost wants to laugh, mostly in disbelief, but also partly in awe. Kageyama of
all people is saying that Tsukishima was able to affect him so deeply, that he apparently
triggered a whole new set of unknown desires in him.

“Guess I’ll just have to take care of you then,” Tsukishima says, his voice soft in contrast to
how his grip on Kageyama’s hips tightens. He might even be nice tonight.

After a round on the couch, and another in the shower, they finally make their way to
Tsukishima’s bedroom. He’s still exhausted, but he also feels lighter, both physically and

“Stay the night,” Tsukishima says. Aside from their first time, they’ve never spent the night
together. He doesn’t know if Kageyama will want to, but he wants to put the offer out there at
least. “I can lend you some clothes to change into if you want.”

“Sure.” Kageyama’s answer comes quickly, without hesitation. He’s lazing mostly naked on
Tsukishima’s bed, seemingly in no mood to move. Even after Tsukishima tosses him a pair of
sweats and a tshirt to change into, he has to be nudged to actually get changed.

It’s been a long time since Tsukishima has shared a bed with someone else just to sleep, and
although he expects it to feel strange to have Kageyama under the covers with him, it’s fine,
comfortable even.

“Good night,” Kageyama says, his voice already fading with sleep. With his face half-hidden
in one of Tsukishima’s pillows, he looks softer, more approachable. Tsukishima wouldn’t
mind seeing him like this more often.

“Good night.” The sleep Tsukishima has that night is deep and dreamless; it’s exactly what he
End Notes

sos how do you write without feeling like you're dying during the whole process @_@

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