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Damian’s study of Kryptonian Biology

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Super Sons (Comics)
Relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne
Characters: Jonathan Kent, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent
Additional Tags: This was made as an AU I posted on discord, and has turned into this,
Smut, Knotting, Breeding, Jon really likes Dami’s boobs, me too bro me
too, bullying Kon when he appears briefly, all characters are adults,
Bottom Damian Wayne, I actually have no idea how to tag things help
me, Mating Cycles/In Heat, jon gets a rut
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-04-23 Words: 4,497 Chapters: 1/1
Damian’s study of Kryptonian Biology
by I_own_the_gay_equivalent_of_the_batcave


Growing up, Damian has seen Jon flourish, and gain some weird attributes due to his
kryptonian genes.

When they’re older, he’s forgotten all about it. Until Jon enters a rut



I haven’t written in years so forgive me


“You have fangs”

“Hurh?” Jonathan looked at Damian, mouth full of Bat Burger. Of course, Robin gave him a
disgusted look at the disgusting display of a mouth full of food. He’s seen many things in life
that many would consider gross, but by Rao, open mouth chewers make Damian want to
return to the league and rid the world of them.

“Finish your food before you speak you imbecile, I pointed out you have fangs, since when
did you have fangs, hayseed?” Damian demanded, not often does he not know something
about his ‘best friend’, and Damian hates not knowing something. “Oh! Yeah um,” Jon turns
to look at his best friend, careful to not fall off the edge of the building they’re sitting on top
of. “Yeah they recently came in, Dad said it’s a part of Kryptonian puberty or something” He
shrugged and took another bite of his delicious burger.

“So what, you get fangs as a part of your growing up? TT, what for?” Damian gave a smirk
“So you can attract a kryptonian lady mate by showing them your DULL fangs?” Robin
chuckles, but didn’t expect his companion to… go so red in the face.

Jon coughed, “So um, you’re not entirely wrong Dami. Dad said around my age, so 10 years
old, kryptonians develop fangs, to use for asserting dominance. Like uhh like lions! Yeah!
How lion cubs play-fight to assert dominance, kid kryptonians do that too.” Jon but his lip
and paused, and Damian took a bite of his veggie burger in anticipation. “And, um, and when
we get older, dad said they’re good for claiming.” Jon spoke in a shyer tone, looking away
from his best friend's intense stare.



The next thing Damian notices about Jon, happened the very next week whilst the two were
playing Animal Crossing in Damian’s bedroom. The two of them were sat on his bed,
Damian was busy giving gifts to his villagers whilst Jon was hunting for Rowan the tiger
jock. Of course Jon likes the Jock personality villagers, Damian muses to himself.

When Damian leaned down to Jon’s switch to see what villager he got this time,it wasn’t
Rowan, he noticed Jon’s sharp claws. Although they weren’t super long, they certainly were
strong looking. “So claws now too, huh?” The super looked up from the game and grinned.
“Yup! Mom is super jealous of me and Dad!”

Damian hummed, and grabbed Jon’s hand. Unknowingly making Jon’s face warm up, as he
was too focused on the sharpened fingers. “To also assert dominance, am I correct?”

Between wanting to keep holding Damian’s hand forever and wanting to yank his hand back
and run away, Jon could only choke out a simple “Correct!”

Damian hummed again, which Jon found oh so cute, forget finding Rowan he wanted his
hand to find Damian’s forever!!

On Jon’s 11th birthday, it was celebrated with a small party between close friends and family,
but also the third new discovery. It came while the two were having a sparring match,
cheered on by some and sighed at by mostly their parents.

out to encourage the struggling birthday boy. Tim and Clark jabbed him in the ribs on both
sides, making him kneed in pain. “I never placed a bet against you, idiot. I merely pointed out
that my younger brother could easily wipe Jon out” Tim pointed out to the still kneeling Kon.
Overdramatic much ?

Jon would’ve laughed at his brother’s despair if he wasn’t currently struggling underneath
Damian. “TT, just give up hayseed, because it’s your birthday I won’t tease you for it” the
older boy smirked cockily, knowing he’d won.

But he wouldn’t win! Jon is sick of losing to Damian all because his powers can be a bit
spotty! With Dami always teasing him about his inability to control his super strength!
Pushing with all of his might he shoved his best friend off and roughly pinned him down.

“OOOOOO SNAP!” You should hear Kon get jabbed once more.

But it appeared his powers wanted to kick in, and not only that, a deep rumbling feeling in his

Damian’s shocked face was all he could see, and his steady growl was all he could hear. He
was growling at Robin, he was growling at Damian, he was growling at….

It seemed Clark also clocked in that he was growling and quickly stepped in. “Ok kiddos, I
think it’s time for presents yeah?”

The super sons looked at each other, both in shock, “yeah” and followed Clark to the present
table. Damian has never seen Jon flash his fangs before, and rubbing his wrists from the sore
dents left by his claws. He forced the thoughts out of his head, it’s Jon’s birthday after all.

But later on, Damian could only stare as Jon was dragged away by his father to come back
red faced and refusing to elaborate, it made him wish he shared his friends super hearing


Over the years, too many things happened to Jon. God those three weeks without him were so
lonely, but to Jon it was six whole years…

He doesn’t want to think about it.

Right now he wants to focus on the mission, the two of them are investigating a possible
weapons trade between the League of Assassins and an unknown trader. Since he has the
most League experience, he was of course tasked with this mission. And if Damian went, Jon
came with.

They have made camp hidden in a cave, deep within the mountains. He initially didn’t want
to set camp since they’d hardly be there, but Jon of course insisted “We gotta be cosy!” Being
cosy won’t make the mission more efficient but the Super wouldn’t back down for some
reason. And honestly Damian wasn’t in the mood to argue something so stupid so camp it is!

Although, the cave was rather small. So the camp was small, thus they had to share a tent.
And for the past 5 days they’ve been sleeping close together like they were kids again, and
Damian would rather spend an entire day with Timothy Drake Wayne than admit he was
enjoying the closeness.

However, he’d enjoy the closeness much more,

If Jon wasn’t acting so weird!

Every day, all day, Jon was trying to feed him!

“Hey Dami! Here’s an apple!”

“Hey Dami look! Blueberries!”

“Hey Dami! I found a giant puffball!”

He’s brought plenty of rations to last him the mission, and then some, and even IF, IF! He ran
out, he can go days without food. And Jon knew that! So why is he trying to feed him so
much? If he rejected something, like he did once, key word once, he would get extremely
pouty and start asking if he wasn’t a good enough partner.

It doesn’t even stop there.

Jon has started to, well the only way Damian could describe it as, nest. He made sure the tent
was on soft moss growing in the cave, went against Damian’s orders and flew away to get
pillows and blankets?! It’s driving him insane! God forbid he tries to remove some of the
‘nest’ he’s met with a growl! A GROWL!

But by god the weirdest thing Jon has started to do is getting more assertive and aggressive.
Growling at enemies, puffing his chest, clawing attackers! He’s never clawed people before!
But the most shocking thing came that very night.


“I can explain!”

They just finished off a group of league assassins, and Damian went to pay Jon on the back,
well done, good job, we make a good team. Instead, he was met with a bite to his hand. It
bled! The dull fangs he made fun of many years ago were now very sharp.

“Dami, wait! I’m sorry! Please!”

He had to walk away, or else he’d kill him.


He scowled, and turned to face his friend. “Take us back to camp, I’m tired” Jon clearly
looked like he wanted to say something, explain what happened, beg for forgiveness, he
didn’t care. Giving up, Jon wrapped his arms around his Robin, and slowly flew off to their
little camp.

Again, Jon tried to talk to him, this time bringing him a juicy looking apple as an apology gift
and supper but still Damian would not talk and went straight to bed. After a moment, Jon
entered the tent and also got into his own bed.

“Good night, Dami”

“TT, Night”

When Damian woke up, he was ready to hear the excuses Jon had thought up. After breakfast
of course. He got up, stretched, and turned to wake up his friend. But it seemed Jon has
continued his odd streak, and looked rather


What. The. Fuck?

Damian leaned down and shook him “Jon” shake “Jon” shake “for fuck sakes Jom wake up!”
A slap to the face. Jon woke up with a gasp. His eyes were dilated and his face dropped
sweat. “Wah?!” Jon’s bleary eyes focused on Damian, with great struggle it seems.

Damian will have to deal with yesterday’s bite another time, his best friend may have been
poisoned. But how? Kryptonians are immune to most human poisons, he wasn’t stabbed nor
did he eat anything tampered with so what gives? His thoughts were interrupted by Jon
attempting to get out of his bed. “Oh fuck no, there’s something wrong with you hayseed,
stay in bed I’ll make breakfast”. He got up and did just that.

Leaving Jon with his own thoughts.


His rut had started. He knew he should’ve told Damian he couldn’t do this mission, after the
first set of pre rut symptoms kicked in. It was a week early, so he ignored them thinking he’d
be fine. He’d been stupid.

Now? He has to deal with the tantalising smell of his best friend who’s over by the campfire
making what seems to be soup somehow. His instincts are screaming at him to go to Dami, to
pin him down, and to breed him full. Jon knows Dami can’t get pregnant but stupid
kryptonian lizard brain thinks he can. To try until they achieve success.

He can feel his saliva thickening up, ready to be used as a lubricant. Crazy kryptonian
biology huh? And his saliva wasn’t the only thing thickening up. Fuck…

Before he could even think about trying to deal with his thickening problem, Damian came
back inside the tent with the soup he’s made. Oh god his mate could provide for their young!

“I used my rations since I also want soup, so there isn’t any meat.” He spoke softly, as if to
mind a headache that isn’t there. And placed the bowl gently next to Jon. “Jon, do you know
why you’re Ill? Have you been poisoned? Caught a weird virus?” Jon shook his head. “No”
he panted out. Damian frowned.

“Jon, you’ve never once been sick. What is wrong?”

“D-Dami, you should leave me”

Wrong answer. Damian’s face turned livid, his hands went and gripped his knee tight. “Why
the fuck would you tell me that? I won’t leave you behind just because you’re fucking sick! If
you don’t know what’s wrong with you, we’ll have to contact the JL to say our mission has
been compromised” Damian finished yelling, his face still sour.

“Please Dami, I’ll be fine, promise”

Damian practically growled, “NO! Jonathan Kent, I have a feeling you know what is wrong,
so tell me now or so fucking help me” he couldn’t respond. “Is this something your father has
warned you about?”

Oh yes, yes it very much was.

“Then what is it?!”

Shit he said that out loud, curse you rut brain!

Jon looked away from his angry friend, “look Dami, I’m not sick, promise”. Damian scoffed,
“Oh yeah, and my favourite brother is Tim” harsh. The two went back and forth, Jon trying
his best to deflect whilst Damian demanded answers. The poor soup is now forgotten and

Finally, Jon snapped. He grabbed his friend’s shoulders and took a deep breath. “Ugh fine!
I’m in rut ok! I’m horny! I want to fuck! My body is demanding I bend you over and fucking
breed you! There!! Are you happy now!!!”

Jonathan thinks he probably wouldn’t mind going back into the volcano right about now.

Oh god Damian had gone quiet, Damian never runs out of quips !

He’s going to die!

“D-Dami I’m sorry I wen-“

“I’ll help you”

Jon paused, his eyes going wide. Damian leaned closer. His face was flushing.

“All you need is to breed me, yes?” Jon choked, “Dami! I can do this by myself, don't force
yourself to do this!” He practically waved his arms around, panicking slightly thinking he’d
somehow made Damian think he had to help.

His face turning into a glare, Damian quickly grabbed Jon’s blanket and threw it off as he
hopped onto Jon, straddling his hips. His cock perked in interest. “Shut it Hayseed! You
heard me, I said I’ll help you”. “D-Dami! You don’t! I mean! C’mon! You don’t need to do
this!” Jon’s face bloomed a crimson red. Suddenly, the man on top of him turned shy, Damian
looked away, a soft red on his face and paused as he took a deep breath. He turned again and
leaned forwards, gently placing his hands onto Jon’s face.

“Do you want to…?”

There was nothing else Jonathan Lane Kent wanted more in this world, to make Damian
Wayne his and his alone.



That was all Damian needed to hear, he smirked and ground his hips into Jon’s, creating oh
so delicious friction for his poor neglected cock. “Good, I always imagined a date or two
before sex, but I will take what I can get” and he continued to grind down, slow, delectably
torturous pace.

Jon was panting heavily, “y- you’ve imagined us, together?” He moved his own hips, meeting
Damian’s. “Ng yes, I wouldn’t settle wighnn with anyone else” Damian smirked.
Reminiscent to his 11th birthday, Jon knew he had to wipe that smug look off his mate’s face.
He grabbed his wrists and pinned, and leaned down till he breathed down Damian’s ear. “I
hope you won’t regret this” and that’s when the dam broke.

Their first kiss was sealed softly, Jon owed that courtesy.

Their second was a promise on how the next few hours will go, rough, quick, passionate and
full of desire for each other.

Thick saliva was shared between the two, the younger practically choking on the spit driven
into his mouth by the excited kryptonian, who was already working his shirt open.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to actually worry about his breath as soon the relish tongue trailed
downwards, licking and sucking on his pulse point. Jon growling possessively, “ mine”
before biting down near his neck and shoulder. Damian gasped. God he was fuming at the
bite yesterday, but right now he wants Jon to bite him all over. When he finally managed to
open the last button, Jon decided he gave his neck enough love and attention and went
downwards once more to his chest.

Damian knew a lot about himself, but he has now learnt that holy fuck he had a sensitive

Licking and biting his hardened buds, you’d think Jon was a young puppy trying to get milk
from its mother. His other hand decided that the other tit should not be left alone however,
and was pinching and rubbing it. He could feel how hard he’s gotten, how wet his underwear
is. Usually he’d be the boss between the two, and now he’s submitting like a little bitch for
his hopefully boyfriend and he had no qualms against it, how embarrassing.

Meanwhile Jon was in heaven, hands full of his mate’s tits and oh lord hearing Damian’s
moans and whines was only making him impossibly harder. “Damiiiii, your tits are so cute”
he could hear his mate whine that they're not tits, but of course they are! That’s how he’ll
feed their children! Speaking of children, he better get to work on stuffing Damian full of

Reluctantly separating from the now swollen and abused buds, a trail of saliva following he
gave a quick glance to his mate. Face a beautiful shade of red, like the symbol on his chest,
eyes blow out with lust, panting and a wet patch on his pants, his cock begging for freedom.
God he loved Damian. He bent down and gave soft kisses to his mate's weeping cock, he
could feel it twitch under his lips and he grinned, licking it through the pants of the
whimpering man beneath him. If he were a more patient man, he’d spend hours here, but
right now his goal is to breed his Dami.

“I’m going to flip you ok Dami?” And his mate could only respond with a nod. He grabbed
Damian’s hips and gently turned him over, now admiring his mate’s perfect ass, shaped by
his uniform. Time for that uniform to come off! Pinching the fabric and with a soft growl he
ripped a massive hole and Damian yelped in surprise.

“J-Jon! What do you think y- uhhNgh!!! Oh FUCK” the tongue has made a comeback,
licking wet stripes against his quivering hole. “NoOooO JooOnnnGhhn” he couldn’t cope
with this! He’ll cum! He can’t cum now! But Jon didn’t listen, probably knowing by his
heartbeat he didn’t actually want him to stop.

This is now his most favourite meal, nothing has ever tasted better to Jon than Damian right
now, spread open by his tongue busy slicking up his entrance. He is the luckiest man alive to
have such a beautiful and delicious mate. Deciding to add a finger to help open his mate for
later, he is much larger than him after all.

But clearly Damian liked that very much, since he tightened and moaned loudly, gripping the
sheets like his life depended on it, he fucked him with his finger, tongue now forgotten since
he now needs to focus on opening his precious mate. Deciding a second finger would now be
a good idea, he could feel Damian getting looser and his moans louder. For a virgin he sure
was a little slut. Now add a third and he’s got Damian begging for his cock. But once he bent
his fingers and found the spot he was looking for, he got his lover to practically squeal.

“Please! Please! Put it in! NghN I’m ready!”

And he’d be a pretty bad mate if he didn’t listen to his beloved Dami. He slowly dragged his
slicked up fingers out of his abused hole, a pleased smile as he gazed at his handy work. But
more work is to be done! Jon will put a baby in Damian and that isn’t done by staring.

He once again grabbed Damian’s hips, and flipped him once more with no resistance to the
change. He leans down and kisses Dami again, and Damian is all too happy to return the
kisses. His dreams are finally coming true!

Jon leans back and strips. Damian couldn’t believe he was practically naked and Jon had
been clothed this entire time, he will get his revenge for this for sure in the future. Damian
watches, he of course knows how Jon is built like a brick shit house just like everyone else in
his alien family but he appreciates the firm muscles in a whole new light now, knowing that
he belongs to Damian.

Damian huffs, “TT, hurry up hayseed!” He wiggled, for someone who was going so fast a
minute ago he’s sure taking his sweet time stripping. “Or else I’ll go find someone else
who’ll fuck me full”. And just as those words left his mouth he felt rough and powerful hands
pin his wrists in a bruising grip, sharp nails digging into flesh, and a face full of growling
kryptonian baring his shiny teeth in a vicious growl.

Any normal person would be creeped the fuck out by the sight, but since when was Damian
normal? It was the most sexy fucking thing he’s ever seen.

“You are mine”

The larger man rutted against the younger, hard cock teasing his hole.

“You belong to ME”

He could feel the large tip lining up. Mouth against his neck once more.


Damian’s back arched as Jon’s impossibly large cock penetrated him at last, claiming him as
the kryptionian’s mate. The deliciously painful stretch as Jon delved deeper inside of him.
Such a wonderfully full feeling.

They were both still beside from their heaving gasps filling their chests, relishing the fact that
they’re now finally joined as one. The kryptonian was making pleased grumbling noises
against his neck, continuing to lick and nip at his pulse point further demonstrating his
ownership over the youngest bat.

Slowly as to not hurt him, Jon pulled back and thrusted in. Damian’s soft whines as he felt
the thick drag of his lover's dick inside him. “You’re so beautiful Dami, I’m so happy you’re
my mate”. Damian should’ve guessed kryptonian instincts were a bit more barbaric, but he
didn’t mind, it was fucking hot. He wrapped his legs against Jon’s back softly to encourage
him to speed up his pace.
The faster the super went the more he would succumb to his instincts. The soft gentle
grinding turned into a more feverish and brutal pace as Jon raced for his release. And he
would most certainly win as Damian’s cock pathetically bobbed between the too with precum
leaking continuously from it, he wouldn’t last long.

“JohgnnH, I’m gunnhg cum” Damian slurred out, his thoughts leaving his head and ability to
speak escaping him. Eyes crossed, drooling and body littered with love bites Damian was
quite the sight to behold.

Although Jon wasn’t all that better himself, reduced to Joan’s and growls with the occasional
“mine” being grunted out, hips rocking faster and faster against the smaller man. He knew he
had hit Damian’s prostate again when he felt him tighten impossibly more around him,
squealing once more like a girl from a porno.

Damian’s back arched high “OH GOD YES” he was so close, his boyfriend was thrusting at
such a punishing pace and it was the best thing Damian has ever felt, his cock squished
between the two stomachs twitched before he could try to stop it and he came all over their
stomachs. “ILOVEYOUSOMUCHJONNGHH!!” His eyes rolled back and he could feel
himself tighten once more.

It didn’t stop however, Jon was also close to his own release so he kept on his brutal thrusts,
fucking Damian well into overstimulation. The warm tightness was practically suffocating
cock, he continued on until he could feel his peak.

Using his sharp fangs, he bit into Damian’s neck until his mouth was full of his mates blood
and came deep inside, load after load deposited till his instincts were satisfied that this mating
was a good one. He could feel the base of his cock swell, and although he knew that would
happen he could hear Dami’s confused moan. Ah yes, now clear headed he’d probably have
to explain that kryptonians…. Have a knot.

Guess Damian couldn’t watch him grow into all of his fun kryptonian genetics.


They cuddled each other, Jon still inside, or more like stuck, Damian. But the smaller
couldn’t give a fuck about it, too fucked out to even care. Jon leaned up too look down at
Dami’s blissed out face and gave a shy grin.”We might be stuck like this for a while ha ha”
and Damian smiled “if it’s with you, I suppose I could cope with it” and kissed his lover
softly on the lips. “You better take me out on a nice date when we get back” as the two softly

They stayed like that for a while longer until they could move again, but Jon knew that
wasn’t the last of it. He turned to look at his mate and smirked “Ready for round two?”


Over the years, Bruce has come to tolerate the supers, and has even developed a great
friendship with one. Clark Kent was one of the most powerful beings alive, and has always
understood him on a fundamental level.

Sure they’ve had their rocky moments at times, sometimes when it came to personal
differences in how they should deal with disasters or powerful threats. Or when Clark’s oldest
child decided to go out with Timothy. That was an awkward couple of months, but Kon was a
good guy and slowly gained a bit of Bruce’s trust to date his child.

However, he never really had much of a problem with the youngest. Young Jonathan Kent
was a respectable kid, coming from a sharp and excellent mind like his mother and the values
and power of his father, Bruce knew he’d be an excellent influence on Damian, who didn’t
have the best start to life.

So here he was waiting with his long time friend, father of Jonathan. They were to meet with
the two super sons to hear their mission report after Damian called in saying they’ve been
compromised and would return at a later date than expected. Of course, Bruce had worried
for the two, but he also knew how competent they were as a team so all of his worries were
quickly calmed. Clark on the other hand was held back from searching for them himself,
barely held back by Bruce.

Soon, the door hissed opened and in came Jonathan Kent. By judging how he looks, a vibrant
glow, a cheek aching smile and a skip to his step, the mission went well despite the

“Good morning Dad, good morning Mr.Wayne!” Jon chirped and he made his merry way to a
chair and sat himself down. “Dami will be here in just a second” smile still not leaving his
face. So the three sat there, Clark and Jonathan chatting quietly as they awaited the big bat’s

Again, the door once more hissed open.

Limping, bite marks all over like a rabid beast had tried to eat his son alive, and eyes so
dazed he’s surprised he could manage to find this room at all! Damian looked like hell!

“Morning…” his voice croaked out, it appeared he had lost his voice as well. He hobbled his
way to Jonathan and winced when he sat down. Bruce felt a migraine coming on.

Bruce stood up slowly, and calmly spoke. “Jonathan Lane Kent, you have 3 seconds to run
before I pump your skull with Kryptonite”.

Jon may be a super, but in that very moment, he had become a speedster.
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