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SMK is required in order to have a quality of da skills There are two sides that will help the learning process of students SMK is the educational institutions and the industrial field. Thus the students' SMK can learn vocational theory and practice are in live it directly into the industrial world in order to know the conditions in the industrial. competency or activities conducted kompetensi atau kegiatan yang dilakukan 1. Duplicate documents. Participants PSG assigned to double the school documents the document either incoming or outgoing mail letter from SMK YPM 5 Sukodono. 2. To mail. Participants PSG assigned to archive incoming and outgoing mail letter from SMK YPM 5 Sukodono. 3. Typing the manuscript extra lessons. Participants PSG assigned to type additional text lessons. 4. Sorting through the letters Participants PSG assigned to sort through incoming mail from the national education and letters coming out of the SMK YPM 5 Sukodono according to the date, month and year. Activities performed in the Koperasi Citra Mandiri as follows Kegiatan yang dilakukan di Koperasi Citra Mandiri sebagai berikut 1. Make bookkeeping. Participants PSG assigned to calculate the financial Koperasi Citra Mandiri, then handed over to Mrs. Yuli Ekanawati students as mentors who implement the program prakerin in Koperasi Citra Mandiri. 2. Participants PSG assigned to serve customers.

Time And Place Of Execution Waktu Dan Tempat Pelaksanaan Dual system of education carried out in Koperasi Citra Mandiri belonging SMK YPM 5 sukodono for 4 months. Implementation of the dual system of education or prakerin starting from 12 July to 12 October 2010 ( Two Thousand And Ten).Dual system of education starting at 06:30 until 11:30 hours. Activities carried out Koperasi Citra Mandiri Kegiatan yang dilakukan Koperasi Citra Mandiri 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Duplicate documents. Make the letter. Serve customers. Make bookkeeping. Calculate the sales.

Purpose Of Making Multiple Reports Of Education System Tujuan Pembuatan Laporan Dari Beberapa Sistem Pendidikan To know the progress of students during the dual system of education. As the accountability of school tasks assigned to students in connection with the implementation of PSG. Add to the school library and as a treasury of knowledge for the next generation of students. As an exercise for students in making a report of activities. As evidence that the student has made a practice in the DU / IN (industry). As a condition of the national exams. To know the progress of students during the practice in the business / industry. CRITICISM AND SUGGESTIONS KRITIK DAN SARAN CLOSING Similarly, statements that we made when there is an error both inwriting and submitted materials which we apologize for the size.We are looking forward criticisms and suggestions that can buildour PSG perfection book report we have made. CONCLUSION With the holding of PSG then we can take the experiences,knowledge contained in it whether it be education or insightinsights in learning procedures for service delivery, excellent service, and documenting a wide range of transactions

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