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Virtual University of Pakistan SEMESTER SPRING 2024

CS408 – Course Name

Assignment No 1. (Graded)

Maximum Marks: 20
Instructions Due Date: 29-04-2024

The purpose of this assignment is to give your hands-on practice. It is expected that students
will solve the assignment themselves. The following rules will apply during the evaluation
of the assignment.

● Cheating from any source will result in zero marks in

the assignment.
● The submitted assignment does NOT open or file is corrupted.
● No assignment after the due date will be accepted
● Student can submit HTML, Images & Plain text only in this inline Mode. You
may also insert image file/table.
● DOC/pdf File uploading option will not be available) in inline assignment
Uploading Assignment Instruction
Follow the given instructions to submit inline assignments.
● You can use MS Visio/ MS Paint for drawing the ERD Diagram etc.
● Student can insert the images of the following formats.

● Images and tables can be inserted using the following highlighted option in the
Virtual University of Pakistan SEMESTER SPRING 2024
Learning Outcomes:

After completing this assignment, the student will be able:

 Understanding relationship between HCI and software engineering

 Implementation of goals of the HCI for real life example

(20 Marks)


Imagine you're a user who loves online shopping but often finds yourself frustrated with certain
aspects of the process. You've just discovered a new clothing website that offers a wide range of
brands and styles, and you're excited to explore their offerings. However, as you navigate through
the website, you encounter several issues that hinder your shopping experience.


On the basis of mentioned below table showing the Issues and the HCI Usability Goals, you
are required to identify the Factor and One-Word Solution from table A & B.
Clarity Website Visible Improved Streamlined Easy Clear Enhance Accessibility Loading Speed
Performance Indicators Filtering Menu Access Presentation Website

Streamline Optimize Secure Refine Guide Personalize Accelerate

Issues Usability Factor One-word

Goal Solution
Users often abandon their carts midway through the checkout process Effectiveness
due to confusion about shipping options or payment methods.
Users browsing on mobile devices experience significant delays when Efficiency
trying to view product images or read detailed descriptions, leading
them to abandon the website and seek alternatives with faster loading
Users encounter a lack of visible security indicators, such as padlock Safety
icons or SSL certificates, during the payment process, causing them
to question the website's legitimacy and abandon their carts out of
concern for their financial information.
Users searching for a specific brand or size of clothing are unable to Utility
narrow down their search results effectively, leading to frustration and
dissatisfaction with the website's browsing experience.
New users struggle to find their way around the website's menu Learnability
system and get lost when trying to locate product categories or view
their shopping cart, resulting in a steep learning curve and decreased
Virtual University of Pakistan SEMESTER SPRING 2024
Returning users have difficulty recalling items they previously added Memorability
to their wish list or customized settings, leading to a disjointed
shopping experience and reduced loyalty to the website.
Some users struggle to apply discount codes or redeem loyalty points, Effectiveness
leading to frustration and task failure.
Slow Page Load Times Efficiency
Users have difficulty adapting to changes in the website's layout or Learnability
design, leading to confusion and frustration during their interactions.
Users must go through multiple steps to perform simple actions, such Efficiency
as adding items to their shopping cart or updating their account


Best of Luck ☺

Note: Plagiarism will be checked for each question. Please answer the
questions in your own words and marks will be awarded based on your
answer and plagiarism report.

For any query about the assignment, contact at email

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