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Subject Code (Name) OMGT 2321 (Global Trade Operations)

Location and Campus RMIT Vietnam, HCMC

Number of class group SGS-G04

Team number Team 2

Student number 1. S3878891

2. S3877066

3. S3877074

4. S3817900

5. S3877098

Lecturer Santiago

Word Count 3258

Abbreviations index:

JNPT – Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust

BRVTP – Ba Ria Vung Tau Port

1. Executive Summary:

This report's main purpose is to analyse the competitive advantages of JNPT located in India.

First of all, an overview of the port is given which comprises the port proposal purpose,

history development, capacity, main imports and exports, crucial infrastructure and its

performance. Then, country competitiveness is examined, JNPT is being compared against

BRVTP in 3 different aspects from 3 determinants chosen from country competitiveness

determinants which is macroeconomic soundness from country level, factor condition from

industry level and influencing factor creation from firm level. Overall, JNPT is more well

developed and obtains more competitiveness because of its well-developed economy, various

development programs and infrastructure investment, and less issue in logistics services than

BRVTP. However, BRVTP is also a potential logistic mode that is developing. Additionally,

comparative advantages are also included. Rice, a product that both India and Vietnam

produce, is chosen because of the importance of rice in both agricultural countries as well as

tremendous production every year. Generally, both countries are rich in resources,

specifically, agricultural workers and agricultural land. However, when we put 2 nations onto

the scale, India is more abundant than Vietnam. Therefore, in terms of comparative

advantages of rice production, India is also the dominant. Finally, we have assessed the issue

that JNPT is facing in their operations, labour strikes due to unsatisfied salaries and delays in

customs operations because of lack of technological advancement in submitting customer

information are the 2 main problems JNPT are facing. A framework that focuses on the

motivational factors that can both positively influence the port managers and workers is

adopted, in which JNPT should pay more attention to employee welfare. For port customs

operations to enhance, IoT is applied to share data through sensor technology.

2. Introduction

With international barriers being lifted, port operations have been one of the key components

that contribute to the development of a nation (Dwarakish & Salim 2015). In this report, to

assess India development and competitiveness, its largest port - JNPT is chosen to be

analysed. Though nowadays, JNPT is the largest and main port of India, its initial purpose

was to decongest Mumbai Port. Moreover, 3 determinants selected from 3 different levels of

country competitiveness are adopted to evaluate JNPT position in comparison to BRVTP.

Furthermore, a product that both nations produce and export - rice, is picked for the purposes

of comparative advantages analysis using Heckscher Ohlin theorem. Finally, it will be stated,

the internal issues that JNPT is currently dealing with which is labour strikes and stagnant

port operations, therefore, managerial practices will be recommended to solve these issues.

3. Port overview:

Around the 1970s, the port of Mumbai was heavily congested because of the increasing level

of demand in vessel traffic, which led to the development of the JNPT in 1989 to decongest

the Mumbai port. JNPT until now has held more than 60% of cargo in India. Among the

major ports of India, JNPT is the most intensive use of IT for communication, this has

enhanced the container tracking and management system of the port which ensures the

efficiency of JNPT. JNPT is located in front of Elephanta Island, which is close to the Nhava-

Sheva creek in Thane creek. The location of JNPT is described as an area with the natural

depth that required no expenditure on capital dredging and construction of breakwater for

wave tranquillity. Figure 1, depicts an overview look of the JNPT (CWPRS n.d.; Ray 2005).

Out of 5 container terminal gates, JNPT has put 3 into operations, the rest are still partially

operating and under construction (Raghugam et al. 2017). By July/2022 JNPT has officially

become the first major landlord port of India after the port was followed by a private tender

(Port Technology 2022).

Figure 1: An overview of the Jawaharlal Nehru Port (adapted from CWPRS n.d.).

4. Description of the port:

JNPT has customs and special economic zones with state-of-the-art facilities, compliance

with all international standards, and excellent connectivity through a pro-government

atmosphere, railways, roads, etc. (Jawaharcustoms n.d.) In 2021, JNPT announced that it

would connect with other terminals to simplify transportation and facilitate transshipment,

resulting in an increase in rail share and volume. To facilitate business execution, they

developed a new Centralised Parking Plaza (CPP) related to container tractor trailers to help

with customs clearance, and exclusively built trailers for location integration to transport

factory export containers (India-briefing 2021). Their main international trading partners are

the US, the UAE, China, and Germany. Exported through JNPT are mainly meat, non-

basmati rice, miscellaneous preparations, jaggery & confectionery, and fresh fruit, while

imports include Cashew Nuts, sugar, plastics, electrical machinery, vegetable oils,

aluminium, and nonferrous metals (Cyrill 2021).

5. Competitive advantage

Kolegija (2018) refers to competitive advantage as the positional and performance benefits

related to rivals because of the business held and shared resources and capabilities

advantages. There are many factors that can impact competitive advantages such as

infrastructure, business complexity, labour efficiency, etc. In this report, in order to compare

the competitiveness between India and Vietnam as well as the JNPT and BRVTP, we have

adopted macroeconomic soundness from the country level, factors of condition at the

industry level, and influencing factors creation from the firm level.

Firms usually deny the status quo of factor development, instead they seek to enhance it by

training programs and higher quality R&D. As competitive firms are often facilitated with

well-developed training programs, higher resources for R&D, they can influence the

competitiveness of a country. These competitive companies themselves by investing in factor

creation can increase the competitiveness of their nation (Depperu n.d.). Indeed, the

economic value, earnings and profitability of companies made up a large share of the

economy (Manyika et al. 2021). Doughan (2020) has presented a relationship between a

healthy and stable economy and FoP. The availability and efficient use of FoP is the main

key leading to a healthy economy. The increase in value and production and services is

determinant behind the development of the economy. Therefore, we can see the relationship

between chosen determinants.

a. Macroeconomic soundness - country level



Economic reforms in 1986 combined with beneficial global trends to promote Vietnam's

development, which led to Vietnam's leap into a middle-class economy. From 2002 to

2021,GDP per capita increased 3.6 times to nearly $3,700. GDP growth slowed to 2.6% in

2021, but it is expected to rise again to 7.2% in 2022 and 6.7% in 2023 thanks to Vietnam's

elastic economic resilience (The World Bank 2022).

● Investment

Despite the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, the average CPI increased by 3.23%. In

2021, it recorded a slight decrease of $19.74 billion per year (KPMG 2021). However, in

2022 it increased to $19.68 billion. Manufacturing and processing industries, the largest

sectors of FDI, accounted for 59.5%, followed by real estate (16.7%). Singapore, Japan, and

Korea are the countries with the greatest influence on FDI in order (Trading economics 2022)

(Figure 2)

Figure 2: Foreign direct investment countries’ list in Vietnam, Adapted from Mark B. 2022

The southern region, including BRVT, is Vietnam's main hub for oil and gas and related

services, shipping is the main industry. Local governments planned a port development

master program worth 313 trillion VND to create the best conditions to attract investment.

This will positively affect the development of port infrastructure and the investment and

operational efficiency of port clusters (core port priority).



According to the World Bank 2022, India's GDP stood at $3173.4 billion in 2021 which

accounted for 0.21% of the whole global economy. India's economy fell short of its growth

rate due to high prices, rising interest rates, and slowing global demand caused by COVID-

19. This affected exports and led to a sharp slowdown in private spending. In terms of

production, real estate, construction, and farms increased significantly, while other

manufacturing and mining industries shrank (MOSPI 2022) (Figure 3)

● Investment

Figure 3 : India Foreign Direct Investment 2021-2022, Adapted from Trading Economics

FDI in India increased by 941 million dollars. On the other hand, investment growth in India

has fallen by more than half (Trading Economics 2022). India's investment accounted for

32.8% of GDP in 2022, up about 2% from the previous quarter (Ceicdata 2022). S&P said.

India can draw aggressive investment through its abundant low-wage workforce, low

manufacturing costs, investment openness, business-friendly policies, and highly

consumerized young population (CNBC 2022).

b. Factor Conditions – industry level


● Labor

Vietnam's abundant and inexpensive human resources are attractive to attract labour-intensive

production due to its low technology. Skilled labour and disciplined personnel suitable for the

industrial production line are classified as local people with abundant human resources,

managers and foreign language skills are mostly working in foreign investment (Hoai 2007).

Typical advantages of this port are vocational training schools, abundant labour, highly

trained labour, skills acquisition and application skills, and low language barriers.

● Infrastructure

The BRVT workshop will develop a state-of-the-art port and logistics service investing 20

trillion VND in transport infrastructure linking ports and regions with 2,000ha of land at

BRVT ports (VNA 2020). The port focused on transportation and technology investments

related to transportation and met demands from the port system and logistics sector. This

helped to advance the 8.3 million TEU annual large container port project. However, they

still have high logistics costs and it can be overcome through logistics centre development

(VIR 2022).


● Labor

Indian port workers are one of the strongly unionised labour lobbies and have considerable

representation in the Council (Ray 2004). JNPT employees place the utmost importance on

safety and strictly adhere to operational and equipment processes. Their PRIDE program in

the field of expertise stabilises leadership, communication, and employee audits. Technical

improvement workshops and education programs across departments provide leading-edge

infrastructure and discipline modules at the global standard level (Jnport n.d.)

● Infrastructure

The port will increase its overall port processing capacity to 10 million TEU by developing

the JNPT 4th Container Terminal in 2022, which will help strengthen the JNPT's position as

India's best container port. SEZ block Development is a state-of-the-art infrastructure

industry hub to promote export-oriented industries and supports connectivity. In addition,

road traffic will be upgraded to 6-8 lanes to facilitate logistics movement, and combined

transport corridors will increase transportation benefits (Jnport, 2022).

c. Influencing factor creation - firm level

Ba Ria Vung Tau port

● Training

In order to increase the initiative in the human resources of the port, active training policies

of locals are needed. BRVT port requires human resources with technology, just like

technology infrastructure development, for effective logistics processing. Developing skilled

personnel will not only shorten the time for BRVT to become an international port city, but

also provide an opportunity to build an efficient trading system. In BR-VT, population

growth, young labour, and immigrant labour are potential human resources. Sixteen local

vocational organisations produce 5,000 technical workers of all types, but the proportion of

workers emitted here is only 58% (Thu 2013).

Jawaharlal Nehru Port

● Training

The JNPT-Antwerp Port Training and Consultancy Foundation training organisation founded

by APEC and JNPT has been providing short-term seminars for port experts. Training

contents are provided with topics such as marine services, port and terminal management,

and optimization. JNPT aims to continue to provide port training to the international

professional public in India, increasing the number of training participants and sharing

knowledge (WPSP n.d.). Through this training program, they aim to share the knowledge of

experts to achieve better performance and increase customer satisfaction and efficiency of

ports and terminals.

d. Conclusion:

In general, though India's economy is more developed and ranked the 7th in the global

economy while Vietnam is 42nd (Georank n.d.), after COVID19 pandemic, Vietnam has

been resilient and even accelerated (World Bank 2022), India economy only sustained a small

growth or even in some period, contract (CRISIL 2022). Nevertheless, in terms of port

operations, JNPT's Infrastructure Development and Process Simplification Initiative have

withdrawn processing fees to reduce import stay time and further improve cargo handling

time. Infrequent issues in transportation costs and fast growing volume (Byju's n.d) has

clarified JNPT position with BRVTP. Additionally, each port also facilitated training

programs, though implementations are different, their objectives are heading towards more

productivity and advancement. Thus, JNPT has more competitive advantage towards

BRVTP, however, BRVTP has been showing many signals of a strong growing port.

7. Comparative advantages analysis:

Figure 4 depicts the projections for population growth and rice consumption in Asian

countries. Among the participating nations, India and Vietnam are some of the countries with

the highest population growing pace. According to Papademetriou (n.d.), the production of

rice must grow with the same pace of population. Moreover, figure 5 illustrates the demand

for rice in response to income and prices for rice, where India indicates an upward trend in

demand where some other countries have decreased their needs for rice. Hence, rice is chosen

as a commodity that both Vietnam and India produce to analyse their comparative advantage

against this product.

Figure 4: Predictions of population in Major Rice Production and Consumption in Asia

Countries from 1995-2005 (Adapted from Papademetriou n.d.)

Figure 5: The Demand Response to Incomes and Prices for Rice (Adapted from

Papademetriou n.d.).

In order to assess the comparative advantage of both countries, Hecksher Ohlin (HO) model

theory will be taken into account. HO theorem explains that a country will export products

that use abundant factors of production and import the products that use the factors of

production that they are scarce of (Leamer 1995).

The population of India is 1,413,829,917 (Worldometer 2022) with the number of farmers

reach to almost 150 million people (Indian Express) While Vietnam’s population is currently

99,464,551 (Worldometer 2022) the number of farmers is 92 millions where its percentage

obtains almost 50% of the total inhabitants (FAO 2018). According to the World Bank

(2020), total land area of India is 2,973,190 square kilometres, where more than 60% is taken

for agriculture usage which is around 1,8 square kilometres (Knoema 2020). In Vietnam, it

was estimated that total land area is around 313,429 square kilometres (The World Bank

2020). As an agricultural country, Vietnam has increased their land area for agriculture usage

to 123,600 square kilometres in 2020 (Knoema 2020).

In order to estimate the abundance of these factors of production, the Leontief Paradox will

be adopted and illustrated in table 1 (Leamer 2008).

Labor Land Labor/Land

India 150,000,000 2,973,190 50,45

Vietnam 92,000,000 313,429 0,29

Table 1: Resource abundance calculation in India and Vietnam

As in table 1, labor by land ratio of India is much larger than Vietnam indicating India is

abundant in the workforce while Vietnam is abundant in land area. While the farming and

agriculture industry is labor intensive industries (The World Bank n.d.), it has proven India

has more comparative advantage in producing agricultural products, especially rice, more

than Vietnam. Indeed, by the first 10 months of 2022, India has been the largest exporter of

rice by selling 17.06 millions tons abroad when Vietnam ranked the 3rd with 6.01 millions

tons of rice exported (Vietnam Plus 2022).

8. Challenges & recommendations:

a. Challenges:

Employees strike:

Despite playing a crucial part in the growth of India's economy, JNPT has been confronted

with several obstacles that have led to decreased productivity and operational inefficiency.

Frequent worker strikes at major Indian ports result in congestion, inefficiency, and decreased

output at the various ports, including JNPT. Almost certainly, cargo transport problems will

occur during the strike. It is expected that striking employees may protest near the ports,

perhaps resulting in isolated transit delays. If police try to disperse protestors forcefully, it is

probable that violence may ensue. Most of the time, employee strikes are precipitated by their

demand for increased compensation and bonuses when they exceed the necessary capacity.

For instance, in a single month, there were more than four separate strikes at JNPT; due to the

frequency of these strikes, all operations were delayed by more than one week. Consequently,

more than 55 percent of container traffic was halted for an extended period, causing port

operators significant difficulty (Poole 2022).

Custom procedures and regulations:

Besides the strike issue, the JNPT encountered delays in customs operations. In other words,

the procedure of submitting a customs declaration, as well as the physical inspection and

monitoring by the Indian customs team, is still very cumbersome and labour-intensive,

resulting in significant cost overruns and delays in transport. In reality, container selection

systems in competing nations such as China, Singapore, and Malaysia are modernised instead

of direct inspection, as in Indian ports. This remarkable improvement allows them to optimise

time, clearing daily container traffic (Chandrasekaran and Mohan n.d.). Information

technology and digitalization have played and will continue to play a crucial role in the

maritime industry, particularly in customs. During the Covid-19 epidemic, the introduction of

digitization in communication aided port operators and enterprises in limiting direct contact

and accelerating paperwork processing. In addition, information technology helps restrict

arbitrary human interference, reducing corruption and promoting legal compliance. This

remains an issue for port operators in India, particularly JNPT, one of India's 12 significant

seaports that receive a very high amount of containers daily (Tadatsugu 2022).

b. Recommendations:

The better treatment, the better outcome

Labour strike is a costly action for both the company and the workers. There are many that

can lead to labour strikes, however, job dissatisfaction, especially rooting from economic

factors (salaries, job condition, company policy) is the most common reason (Suhariadi

2005). According to Girnaigon, Ordero & Guido (1998), managerial practices must be given

in order for the company to operate sustainably and productively. For this case of JNPT, as

employees are the core reason for growth (Vosloban 2012), we have decided to follow a

framework by (Aarabi et al. 2013) (Figure 6)

Figure 6: Framework for the relationship between motivational factors and work performance

(Adapted from Aarabi et al. 2013).

According to this framework, these motivational factors will be given to employees and those

who are more productive will be able to gain more compensation. Furthermore, we

recommend JNPT’s managers to collaborate with the ILO or the AIOE (All India

Organization of Employee) to provide better working condition and training programs on


Reduce time by new technology

Port and terminal operations are evolving as a result of the widespread use of new

technology, which is fostering greater efficiency and spawning a sophisticated ecosystem that

will one day span the whole supply chain. The advantages of connection and digital

transformation may be optimised with a steady stream of data moving across systems. There

are the new technologies applied in the other nation port which can help to push the workflow

in JNPT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected electronic devices that

may be used in many ways at seaports and airports for example the IoT incharge of

connecting the Gateway, Cloud Computing, the Analytics system and the user interface to

process the data from the container (Ismail 2019). IoT is allowing port equipment to share

useful data through sensor technologies, increasing the effectiveness and independence of

normal operations. The growing prevalence of sensors has far-reaching consequences for the

shipping container market as well.

The IoT is made possible by the interconnection of items and devices that may be given a

specific address via the network (an IP address) and so collect, send, and receive information

(i-scoop 2022)

Figure 7: the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) (Adapted from i-SCOOP 2022)

Leveraging computer vision, the crucial problem of container automated management may be

addressed and implemented at JNPT ports. This is accomplished via the automatic

recognition of the container number and the collection of this data as part of automatic real-

time logistics. This vision system can detect the container's number, seal quality, door handle

position and door orientation automatically. Rail-mounted gantry cranes (RMG) can load

containers onto delivery trucks or unload containers from storage by utilising the Automatic

Guided Vehicles (AGV). The illustration in figure 8 depicts the general structure of an

automated container terminal that makes use of the Internet of Things to accelerate the


Figure 8: The construction of the automatic container terminal applied IoT (adapted from

Yang et al. 2018)

9. Conclusion:

Overall, according to the competitive advantages analysis, JNPT has gained more

competitive advantages in comparison to BRVTP thanks to its well-developed economy, no

issue in logistic services and costs as well as various programs for port development and

employee training. Nevertheless, BRVTP is also gaining competitiveness and rapidly

growing to catch up with fast growing demand. While rice production in Vietnam is

tremendous, India is obtaining comparative advantages in this aspect. Though both countries

are rich in labour, especially farmers and agricultural land, India’s factors of production are

more abundant than Vietnam. Finally, for the issue of employee strikes, a framework that

focuses on providing motivational factors to enhance productivity and performance is a win-

win situation for both the ports managers and also workers. Moreover, for the pace of

customs regulation to increase, technological advancement is applied which is the IoT so that

data can be shared quickly to reduce ineffectiveness and time-consuming procedure.

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