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Prepa Tec
Globalization, opportunities and challenges/Global Issues
Case Study Analysis Chart

Team members: 1st Session 2nd Session

1. Kiarayael Gómez Martínez ID A01808009. points points
2. Ania Melissa Morales Delgado ID A01174989

Unclear words or concepts that need to be defined and/or explained. List them and define them
Integracionalista- Integrationist: es un partido el cual incluye e iguala a las personas sin importar su etnia.
Acantonamiento-Cantonment: lugar donde se refugia la milicia en guerra.
Paternalismo-Paternalism: es la inclinación a aplicar normas que se asignan comúnmente al padre de familia en
otros ámbitos
Impugnable-Challengeable: no se puede discutir.
Recrudecer-Recrudesce/Escalate: volver a retomar un tema o una acción de una forma desagradable luego de
ceder momentáneamente.
Deponer- Depose: marginar un sentimiento o actitud.
International actors involved and their participation
ONU: the UN created MONUC.
MONUC: an organization created only to take care of the war in Congo.
Uganda, Rwanda: both started to intervene into the Ituri region because of their “internal security” and played a
strategic part in disarming the conflict.
UNICEF: UNICEF took over the children that participated in the military.
Mobutu: Mobutu, president of the Congo, proclaimed the “law of 1973” which regulated the use of the land: allowed
buy lands but not for living and after 2 years its residents could be expelled.
ASD: This was an alliance that protected the liberty of internal dialog between Congo people.
FIPI: This organization was in charge of taking care of hurt children and rehabilitating them.
RFPI, FNI, MRC: the last 3 powerful groups of the war that signed the peace treaty back in 2006
Belgium:Belgium people made rumors, myths and grudges between tribes even more intense and made the social
structure fall apart.
According to the theory of conflict, classify the issue and justify your selection (for the first two cases)
This case would be classified as Realism, we can clearly see that of all the actors that were involved somehow in the
conflict, started first acting because of personal interests and the desire of more power and influence.

Problem Analysis
Causes of the conflict Effects of the conflict
Belgium people invaded Ituri and tried to start a war with them,
It unleashed a flow of various masacres, manslaughter,
but they couldn't, so years later, when a road was built and sexual harassment, abuse and the migration of
the tribes from Ituri had to move away from their spaces thousands of civilians wich left to the UN creating
so they started to fight over land. Belgium people were MONUC.
not giving the same privileges to every tribe so that just
made the conflict worse. Eventually they started to make a
ethnicity clean-up, that consisted in killing everyone on the
Geographical location
World Regional
Locate in a world map the place in which the issue is taking place Locate in a region´s map the place in which the issue is taking place

Problem Definition
Two tribes from Ituri were that have had conflict before were starting to hate each other even more because of other
country that was giving privileges to one of them because it “was better” than the other, which led to a civil war
between them, at first it wasn't that bad but eventually it escalated into a an ethnicity clean-up, this was a plan
Citizenship Initiative
Based on the conflict analysis, create a proposal to involve international actors in a possible solution. Select sources to consult the necessary
information for your proposal and individual report.
The solution can be found in both Governmental Organizations and Social movements, due to Governmental
organizations having the power and the authority to make other powers (Great powers or middle powers) do what
needs to be done to solve the conflict, in this case, either make Belgium give the same privileges to every tribe on
Congo, or get Belgium to don't give any privileges at all.
Organization of Ideas
Create a concept map with all the known information and what needs to be researched in order to solve the problem.

Tecnológico de Monterrey. (s.f) La tegión de Ituri. Recuperado el 18 de agosto del 2023.

* Challenge
This section is optional. If you accomplish this section you can receive a reward from your teacher.
Contact a person involved at the issue for an interview. Add the questionnaire below and an evidence of your contact.

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