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Materials Today: Proceedings 52 (2022) 888–892

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Performance evaluation of thermally insulated building integrated

photovoltaic roof
Digvijay Singh, Rubina Chaudhary ⇑
School of Energy and Environmental Studies, Devi Ahilya University, Indore 452001, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, the thermal performance of insulated BIPV roofs is studied compared to non-insulated BIPV
Available online 3 November 2021 roofs. The BIPV roof prototype is designed, developed, and experimentally evaluated for composite cli-
matic conditions in the summer season. A surface temperature of PV module and different insulation
Keywords: Polyurethane foam, Rockwool, and Expanded Polystyrene were observed.It was seen that the PUF insu-
Insulated BIPV roof lated BIPV roof has a decrement factor of 0.24 and a time lag of 1 h. The average bottom surface temper-
Surface temperature ature of the insulated BIPV roofs is found between 37.4°C to 39°C.while, non-insulated BIPV has the
Time lag
average temperature of 46 °C. Further, heat gain and percentage heat reduction with respect to non-
Decrement factor
Heat reduction
insulated BIPV roof are calculated. Also, the average Discomfort index ranged between 26 and 29 for
all the cases of insulated BIPV roof. The study reveals that the thermal feasibility of the insulated BIPV
roof is acceptable.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering

1. Introduction Although, the insulation increases the additional capital cost,

which can be covered within a limited time by reducing opera-
The energy demand of the building sector is around 40 %, which tional costs. A novel non-conditioned insulated BIPV roof prototype
is covered by different energy sources from conventional to renew- is designed and developed. During the study, the bottom surface
able ones. In renewable sources, due to ease in installing PV tech- temperatures of different insulation and the top surface of PV mod-
nologies on the building envelopes, the penetration of technologies ules were observed from which the performance parameters time
in building sectors has increased in recent years. The PV modules lag, decrement factor, heat gain, and reduction were calculated.
are attached to the building envelope roof and facade either hori-
zontally or in a tilted manner to fulfill the energy demands of the 2. Methodology
buildings [1,2]. These attached PV modules have shading on the
rooftop, which reduces the roof surface sol–air temperature and A small scale prototype with a dimension of 770 m  520 m
cut out the maximum amount of heat penetration into the build-  920 m was developed, at the School of Energy and Environmen-
ing, which led to improved thermal comfort and reduced the HVAC tal Studies, Indore, India. The four sides (wall) of a prototype is
load [3]. However, the PV technology in an integrated manner, made of 18 mm thick plywood. The prototype roof was covered
when used as a building material [4,5], leads to 2–3 times more from two 20 W Polycrystalline PV modules having the temperature
discomfort hours than conventional roofs. Singh et al. 2021 [6] in coefficient of 0.5 %/°C with an area of 0.334 m2.The conventional
a theoretical simulation, observed an increase in the room temper- insulation namely Rock-wool (RW), Expanded Polystyrene (EPS),
ature of 6.5 °C compared to a conventional reinforced concrete and Polyurethane Foam (PUF) with thickness of 25.4 mm was
roof. In a simulation study, Akata et al. [7,8] observed that the PV attached at rear side of the PV modules. The thermal conductivity
technology increased the indoor temperature by 4 °C.In this paper, (K) of insulation and the PV modules were given in the Table 1.
the problem of increase in room temperature and discomfort hours Because of negligible thickness of the PV module, the K value of
is mitigated by providing insulation at the rear side of the modules. only glass and the solar cell is considered. In a nutshell, the inten-
tion was to increase the feasibility of PV modules as building mate-
⇑ Corresponding author. rials by providing suitable insulation. The total global solar
E-mail address: (R. Chaudhary). radiation readings were recorded using the Pyranometer and PV
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials,
Manufacturing and Energy Engineering
D. Singh and R. Chaudhary Materials Today: Proceedings 52 (2022) 888–892

Table 1
Thermal conductiveity and thickness of PV module and insulation materials [6,9].

Material K (W/mK) Thickness (mm)

Glass 1.7 4
Solar Cell 148 0.4
PUF (Insulation) 0.030 25.4
RW (Insulation) 0.040 25.4
EPS (Insulation) 0.038 25.4

module, and insulation surface temperatures were taken for con-

secutive days in summer months using K-type thermocouple and
Keithley 2700 Datalogger.The percentage Relative Humidity (%
RH) inside the prototype was measured through the RH meter
shown below in Fig. 1. The K value of the PV modules layers and
the insulation were given in Table 1.
Fig. 2. Non-insulated BIPV roof top and bottom surface temperature readings of the
3. Time lag and decrement factor calculation

The time lag ðUÞ and Decrement factor (f) can be calculated as
Time LagðUÞ ¼ tTb ; max  tTt ; max Where: tmax
Tb, tmax
Tt, represent
the time in hours when bottom and top surface temperatures are
at their maximums

Tmax  Tmin
Decremet FactorðfÞ ¼ b b
t  Tmin

where: Tmax
b :The maximum temperature of bottom surface
b : The minimum temperature of bottom surface
t : The maximum temperature of top surface
t : The minimum temperature of top surface

4. BIPV roof without insulation Fig. 3. EPS Insulated BIPV top and bottom surface temperature readings of the

In case of non insulated BIPV roof due high K (W/mK) value and
lower thickness, there is no significant temperature difference This led to zero hour of time lag and decrement factor of around
between upper and lower surface temperature. It is seen from 0.95 which makes it unfeasible to be used as a roof. Due the follow-
Fig. 2,that the maximum bottom surface temperature was ing reason it increases the room temperature and discomfort hours
observed to be 66.8 °C and upper surface temperature of 68.9 °C. in the building [4,5].

Fig. 1. (a) Photo of the prototype (b) Placement of RW at rear side of PV module placed (c) RH meter installed inside the prototype.

D. Singh and R. Chaudhary Materials Today: Proceedings 52 (2022) 888–892

Fig. 6. Heat Gain in Non-insulated BIPV roof.

Fig. 4. PUF Insulated BIPV top and bottom surface temperature readings of the

Fig. 7. Heat Gain in insulated BIPV roof.

Fig. 5. RW Insulated BIPV top and bottom surface temperature readings of the HeatGain=lossðWÞ ¼ A  Uroof  ðTtop  Tbottom Þ
A is roof area; DT temperature gradient between roof top and bot-
tom surface; Uroof composite thermal transitivity of roof
5. Replacing with insulated BIPV roof
5.1. Heat flow calculation of PV insulated roof system
The Figs. 3–5, below shows surface temperatures of different
insulation having thickness of 25.4 mm. It can be observed in the
Aroof ¼ 0:485  0:345 ¼ 0:167m2 = 0.1672 = 0.334m2
figures that surface temperature pattern during the sunshine hours
UPUF ¼ 1:38W=m2 K; DT ¼ 35:9  C
of all the insulation were similar in nature. The average insulation
bottom surface temperature of 37.4 °C, 37.9 °C and 39.2 °C is found Peak heat gain PUF insulated BIPV ¼ 0:334  1:38  35:9 ¼ 16:59 W
in case of RW, PUF and EPS respectively. In case of PUF insulation,
the peak PV top and insulation bottom temperatures were Similarly, the calculation can be performed for other insulation
observed to be 81.5 °C and 46.6 °C, respectively, with a decrement material.
factor of 0.24 and time lag of 1-h.It is observed in Table 2, all the
insulation materials having time lag (U) of 1 h, which was found 5.2. Heat gain reduction
comparable with conventional roof materials having time lag
between 1 and 2 h. The average heat gain reduction in insulation cases compared to
Heat Flow and reduction Calculation without insulation is given as:

Table 2
Time lag and Decrement factors of BIPV roof.

Ref. Thickness (m) Cases Time Lag (U) (Hrs) Decrement Factor (f)
Present study 0.0254 PV roof without insulation 0 0.95
PV roof with RW 1 0.32
PV roof with EPS 1 0.33
PV roof with PUF 1 0.24
[10] 0.050 Concrete Block Roof 1.14 0.47
Brick block Roof 1.15 0.51
[11] – RCC roof – 0.81
[12] 0.140 Concrete Block Roof 2 0.48

D. Singh and R. Chaudhary Materials Today: Proceedings 52 (2022) 888–892

Fig. 8. Hourly Discomfort Index for different insulated and non insulated BIPV roofs.

Average heat gain of insulated BIPV roof = 7:47W range of 20–30. All the insulation used in the study showed similar
Average heat gain of non insulated BIPV roof = 112:57 W performance; one can go for low-cost and high durability insula-
Average heat gain reduction through insulated BIPV roof tion material in roof construction. Therefore, it can be concluded
system with respect to non insulated BIPV roof that the feasibility of PV insulated modules as a roof in terms of
=f1  ð7:47=112:57Þg  100% ¼ 93% thermal performance is acceptable.

The Fig. 6, below depicts the peak heat gain of 274 W for non CRediT authorship contribution statement
insulated BIPV roof, the inconsistency is observed in heat gain/flow
because of negligible thickness of 5.5 mm and high U value. While Digvijay Singh: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing -
for insulated BIPV roof, as shown in Fig. 7, the peak heat gain of original draft, Visualization, Resources, Validation. Rubina Chaud-
16.88 W, 16.59 W and 15.54 W for RW, PUF and EPS was observed hary: Supervision.
respectively. The average heat gain reduction during sunshine
hours in insulated BIPV with respect to non-insulated BIPV roof Declaration of Competing Interest
is found to be above 90%.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
6. Discomfort index cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
The Discomfort Index (DI) is calculated using Thom’s discomfort
index formula given [13]: Appendix A. .
DiscomfortIndexðDIÞ ¼ Tr  0:055ð1  0:01RHÞ  ðTr  14:5Þ
U value of PV roof:
In Fig. 8, the discomfort index for insulated BIPV roof was found
between 20 and 30. It was observed that from 13:00 hrs to 16:00 Lglass LCell LTedlar
RPV ¼ þ þ
hrs, the DI for insulated BIPV roof was found between 29 and 30 Kglass Kcell KTedlar
and for non-insulated BIPV the DI is above 30. The average DI dur-
ing sunshine hours was observed between 26 and 28, where above LIns
Rins ¼
50% of the population can feel discomfort. The high DI is observed KIns
due to the non-conditioned nature of the developed prototype.
However, the DI also depends upon local climate conditions, where 1
Uroof ¼
the people can adopt a DI up to 30. [14] ½Rins þRPV 

7. Conclusion References

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