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12/5/2022 7:52:43 175 / 1000 Aditya 8A

12/5/2022 7:56:22 400 / 1000 M. HABIB. R 8A
12/5/2022 7:57:14 350 / 1000 Rizky Meliani Fasya ad 8B
12/5/2022 7:57:59 450 / 1000 Aprita salsabila 8A
12/5/2022 7:59:19 500 / 1000 NAISYA 8A
12/5/2022 8:00:58 250 / 1000 NIKO AL AFSI 8B
12/5/2022 8:01:16 325 / 1000 Gifari azhar 8A
12/5/2022 8:02:00 925 / 1000 AISYAH NURUL SAKI 8C
12/5/2022 8:02:31 325 / 1000 Yuhana 8C
12/5/2022 8:02:41 350 / 1000 MIRNA ZALIANTI 8A
12/5/2022 8:02:48 300 / 1000 Rehan Saputra 8A
12/5/2022 8:02:48 325 / 1000 Muhammad Hikam 8A
12/5/2022 8:02:53 275 / 1000 Muhammad Azizan 8A
12/5/2022 8:03:14 375 / 1000 Enjel pertiwi 8A
12/5/2022 8:03:14 650 / 1000 Devi sakinah 8C
12/5/2022 8:03:49 775 / 1000 Zapi Randika 8B
12/5/2022 8:03:57 300 / 1000 ZAHRA HOZANI 8A
12/5/2022 8:05:23 350 / 1000 hairus 8A
12/5/2022 8:05:30 400 / 1000 Nur Muazin 8B
12/5/2022 8:05:34 825 / 1000 Riska Safitri 8C
12/5/2022 8:05:51 575 / 1000 HIBZIL MUHAFIZOH 8C
12/5/2022 8:06:06 325 / 1000 Zakiyah 8B
12/5/2022 8:06:08 650 / 1000 RINGGO PRATAMA 8C
12/5/2022 8:06:12 225 / 1000 M.fahri 8A
12/5/2022 8:06:50 200 / 1000 Fardan D Zaki Mubarak8A
12/5/2022 8:06:57 575 / 1000 Siti munica 8B
12/5/2022 8:07:23 450 / 1000 Andrean 8B
12/5/2022 8:07:47 675 / 1000 Rifa saputri 8B
12/5/2022 8:07:55 775 / 1000 Syakirah 8B
12/5/2022 8:08:10 775 / 1000 DAPA 8B
12/5/2022 8:08:46 875 / 1000 Fasha Dia 8B
12/5/2022 8:08:52 575 / 1000 Dimas Saputra 8A
12/5/2022 8:08:52 300 / 1000 nuriliyanti 8C
12/5/2022 8:08:53 275 / 1000 ARINI 8C
12/5/2022 8:09:17 600 / 1000 PANDU PRATAMA 8A
12/5/2022 8:09:19 425 / 1000 Dirga 8C
12/5/2022 8:09:32 450 / 1000 Kirom 8C
12/5/2022 8:09:34 375 / 1000 Syirli 8B
12/5/2022 8:09:42 575 / 1000 Sintia maharani 8B
12/5/2022 8:10:06 325 / 1000 Bela Azwa 8B
12/5/2022 8:10:07 725 / 1000 Fahri Affandi 8C
12/5/2022 8:10:08 600 / 1000 M yasir arafat 8C
12/5/2022 8:10:21 550 / 1000 MUHAMMAD 8C
12/5/2022 8:10:32 425 / 1000 Melati 8B
12/5/2022 8:10:38 725 / 1000 Yeka mulia 8C
12/5/2022 8:10:42 675 / 1000 RIDHO RAHMAN 8A
12/5/2022 8:10:57 350 / 1000 Rabita sari 8C
12/5/2022 8:11:00 350 / 1000 Rosima 8B
12/5/2022 8:11:07 450 / 1000 RIZKI LANGIT RAMAD 8C
12/5/2022 8:11:12 675 / 1000 JULIANDI ARWANA 8C
12/5/2022 8:11:14 450 / 1000 MUHAMAD FAREL 8C
12/5/2022 8:11:14 400 / 1000 Aliansah 8C
12/5/2022 8:11:29 575 / 1000 Sakinah 8A
12/5/2022 8:11:48 525 / 1000 Reifan Doni 8B
12/5/2022 8:12:52 375 / 1000 KAYSAN NAWFAL ALI 8C
12/5/2022 8:13:25 425 / 1000 Nurma alillah 8B
12/5/2022 8:13:27 600 / 1000 Siti Melati 8A
12/5/2022 8:13:55 525 / 1000 HANIZA AURELIA VAL8A
12/5/2022 8:14:21 650 / 1000 Caca relaxsa 8A
12/5/2022 8:14:44 225 / 1000 MUHAMMAD RAMADA8C
12/5/2022 8:16:21 525 / 1000 M.sobri 8B
12/5/2022 8:16:30 550 / 1000 Aulia 8A
12/5/2022 8:16:46 675 / 1000 FEBIA LESTARI 8A
12/5/2022 8:17:26 500 / 1000 Nazili 8B
12/5/2022 8:17:49 525 / 1000 Nazila 8C
12/5/2022 8:18:25 625 / 1000 ROBIAN DANU 8B
12/5/2022 8:24:09 400 / 1000 Cintya meylani 8B
12/5/2022 8:24:28 475 / 1000 RIZQULLAH HAKIKI 8B
Arif : Yes, Sir.
NOMOR PESERTA Hari Bulan The underlined word is the expression of ......
28-02-0037-8-048 Senin 12/5/2022 b. Giving opinion
28-02-0037-8-061 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-038 Senin 12/5/2022 d. Asking opinion
28-02-0037-8-049 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-064 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
280037033 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-056 Senin 12/5/2022 d. Asking opinion
28-02-0037-8-001 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-023 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-059 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-066 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-962 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-060 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
280200378053 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-004 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-047 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-070 Senin 12/5/2022 b. Giving opinion
28-02-0037-8-057 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
280200378034 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-019 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-006 Senin 12/5/2022 b. Giving opinion
28-02-0037-8-046 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
280200378018 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-063 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-054 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02- 0037-8-043 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-024 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-037 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-044 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-027 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-028 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-052 Senin 12/5/2022 b. Giving opinion
28-02-0037-8-016 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
280200378003 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-065 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-021 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-009 Senin 12/5/2022 d. Asking opinion
28-02+0037-8-045 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-042 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-025 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-005 Senin 11/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28 02 0037 8014 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037 -8-010 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-029 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-022 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-067 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037--8-017 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-041 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-020 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-007 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-011 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-012 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-068 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-036 Senin 12/5/2022 b. Giving opinion
280200378008 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-035 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-069 Senin 12/5/2022 b. Giving opinion
28-02-0037-8-058 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-051 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
280200378013 Senin 12/5/2022 b. Giving opinion
28-02-0037-8-030 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-050 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-055 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-2022 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-015 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-040 Senin 12/5/2022 c. Responding attention
28-02-0037-8-026 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
28-02-0037-8-039 Senin 12/5/2022 a. Giving attention
4. Teacher : .......... ( Asking opinion )
2. “ Let’s have a look a 3. What is the meaning o Edo : It’s very dirty.
5. Below
people tdon’t care.
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi b. In my opinion your ba
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See c. Hati-hati b. Edo, what do you thinc. What is your opinion
a. Open a. Perhatian d. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
a. Open c. Hati-hati c. Edo, what do you thinb. In my opinion your ba
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
a. Open c. Hati-hati b. Edo, what do you thinc. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
d. Keep a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi b. In my opinion your ba
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi b. In my opinion your ba
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi d. Do you understand
b. See a. Perhatian c. Edo, what do you thinc. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian d. Edo, what do you thi b. In my opinion your ba
b. See a. Perhatian b. Edo, what do you thinc. What is your opinion
c. Cure a. Perhatian b. Edo, what do you thinb. In my opinion your ba
a. Open d. Melihat b. Edo, what do you thinc. What is your opinion
a. Open a. Perhatian b. Edo, what do you thina. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See d. Melihat a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See c. Hati-hati c. Edo, what do you thinb. In my opinion your ba
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi d. Do you understand
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
a. Open b. Lihat c. Edo, what do you thinc. What is your opinion
a. Open b. Lihat b. Edo, what do you thinc. What is your opinion
a. Open a. Perhatian b. Edo, what do you thina. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian c. Edo, what do you thina. I don’t think we need
b. See c. Hati-hati a. Edo, what do you thi b. In my opinion your ba
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
c. Cure a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian b. Edo, what do you thinc. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
a. Open a. Perhatian c. Edo, what do you thinb. In my opinion your ba
c. Cure c. Hati-hati b. Edo, what do you thina. I don’t think we need
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi b. In my opinion your ba
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
a. Open a. Perhatian d. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
a. Open b. Lihat a. Edo, what do you thi b. In my opinion your ba
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
c. Cure c. Hati-hati c. Edo, what do you thind. Do you understand
a. Open c. Hati-hati b. Edo, what do you thind. Do you understand
c. Cure b. Lihat d. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian b. Edo, what do you thinb. In my opinion your ba
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
a. Open a. Perhatian b. Edo, what do you thina. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
b. See a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi a. I don’t think we need
a. Open c. Hati-hati a. Edo, what do you thi b. In my opinion your ba
a. Open a. Perhatian a. Edo, what do you thi c. What is your opinion
Dayu : I’m so sorry,
7. Edi
: Beni,
Yes,what I youSiti think
: Not
of this
She speaks
Studentvery fast.
: Yes, Ma’am
The underlined sentence Beni
is an
: ...........
expression ( giving
of What
does Lina say to check
To get
if her
the the
teacher says .......
b. Showing appreciationa. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? a. May I have your atten
a. Asking opinion a. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? a. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention b. I think it’s clean a. Do you understand? a. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look c. Are you understand?c. Everybody, may I hav
b. Showing appreciationb. I think it’s clean a. Do you understand? b. Attention!
b. Showing appreciationc. I think it doesn’t look a. Do you understand? c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
b. Showing appreciationa. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
a. Asking opinion b. I think it’s clean a. Do you understand? b. Attention!
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? a. May I have your atten
a. Asking opinion b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa a. May I have your atten
b. Showing appreciationb. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa d. Attention, please!
b. Showing appreciationb. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa a. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
b. Showing appreciationb. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa b. Attention!
d. Giving opinion b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa d. Attention, please!
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
b. Showing appreciationa. I think it’s dirty c. Are you understand?d. Attention, please!
c. Asking for attention b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa d. Attention, please!
a. Asking opinion a. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? b. Attention!
d. Giving opinion a. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? b. Attention!
b. Showing appreciationc. I think it doesn’t look c. Are you understand?d. Attention, please!
b. Showing appreciationc. I think it doesn’t look a. Do you understand? b. Attention!
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? b. Attention!
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa b. Attention!
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
a. Asking opinion b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
a. Asking opinion b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa a. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa b. Attention!
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
a. Asking opinion b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa d. Attention, please!
b. Showing appreciationb. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa b. Attention!
a. Asking opinion c. I think it doesn’t look a. Do you understand? a. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa d. Attention, please!
b. Showing appreciationa. I think it’s dirty c. Are you understand?a. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look a. Do you understand? d. Attention, please!
a. Asking opinion d. I think it very big c. Are you understand?c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention d. I think it very big b. Siti, do you understa d. Attention, please!
c. Asking for attention b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
d. Giving opinion d. I think it very big b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty d. Not really. She speakc. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention d. I think it very big b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look d. Not really. She speakd. Attention, please!
b. Showing appreciationa. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa a. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention b. I think it’s clean b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
a. Asking opinion c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa d. Attention, please!
b. Showing appreciationc. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
a. Asking opinion d. I think it very big a. Do you understand? a. May I have your atten
d. Giving opinion c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
a. Asking opinion a. I think it’s dirty a. Do you understand? d. Attention, please!
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look d. Not really. She speaka. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa a. May I have your atten
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look c. Are you understand?c. Everybody, may I hav
c. Asking for attention c. I think it doesn’t look c. Are you understand?c. Everybody, may I hav
b. Showing appreciationc. I think it doesn’t look b. Siti, do you understa a. May I have your atten
b. Showing appreciationa. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa b. Attention!
c. Asking for attention a. I think it’s dirty b. Siti, do you understa d. Attention, please!
10. Rendy : Your picture
11. Teacher
is ...... !: I..............?
like the colour.
12. A : Will you come to13. theAparty
: Willwith
youme?read the novel?
Nizam : Thanks Student : Yes, Sir. B : ............. I’m busy now
B : so
Yes,I won’t
go there.
b. Beautiful a. Do you think a. Yes, of course a. I can
b. Beautiful a. Do you think b. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful a. Do you think a. Yes, of course b. I will
a. Bad b. Do you know what I c. Yes, I will go there b. I will
a. Bad a. Do you think a. Yes, of course c. I have
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understanda. Yes, of course b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I d. Yes, certainly b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I c. Yes, I will go there b. I will
c. Horrible a. Do you think a. Yes, of course b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandc. Yes, I will go there a. I can
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understanda. Yes, of course b. I will
b. Beautiful a. Do you think b. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful a. Do you think b. I am sorry a. I can
a. Bad b. Do you know what I c. Yes, I will go there b. I will
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful a. Do you think b. I am sorry a. I can
c. Horrible c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I c. Yes, I will go there a. I can
b. Beautiful a. Do you think c. Yes, I will go there a. I can
c. Horrible b. Do you know what I c. Yes, I will go there c. I have
c. Horrible b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I d. Yes, certainly a. I can
a. Bad b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry c. I have
b. Beautiful a. Do you think c. Yes, I will go there a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I d. Yes, certainly b. I will
a. Bad a. Do you think b. I am sorry d. I must
a. Bad c. You don’t understandc. Yes, I will go there b. I will
b. Beautiful a. Do you think c. Yes, I will go there b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful d. Don’t you remember b. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful a. Do you think b. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful d. Don’t you remember b. I am sorry b. I will
d. Mad c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful a. Do you think c. Yes, I will go there a. I can
c. Horrible c. You don’t understandc. Yes, I will go there b. I will
b. Beautiful a. Do you think c. Yes, I will go there a. I can
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful a. Do you think b. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful d. Don’t you remember b. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I a. Yes, of course a. I can
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I d. Yes, certainly c. I have
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I c. Yes, I will go there b. I will
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandb. I am sorry b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I c. Yes, I will go there a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry d. I must
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandc. Yes, I will go there d. I must
b. Beautiful a. Do you think a. Yes, of course a. I can
b. Beautiful c. You don’t understandc. Yes, I will go there b. I will
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I b. I am sorry a. I can
c. Horrible a. Do you think c. Yes, I will go there a. I can
c. Horrible a. Do you think c. Yes, I will go there a. I can
b. Beautiful b. Do you know what I a. Yes, of course b. I will
b. Beautiful d. Don’t you remember b. I am sorry a. I can
b. Beautiful a. Do you think a. Yes, of course b. I will
14. A : ........ you install15.
printer? : “ Excuse me, Y Rudi.
: Thanks
Can you repair
17. Elsa
my computer?”
: Will you help me to build a snowman?
B : Yes, of course. Rudi : “.............
Theit underlined
is very easy”.
word word Olaf
is opposite with
: Yes,
of course ........
a. Will b. No, I won’t c. Bad b. I will
b. Have b. No, I won’t a. Nice b. I will
a. Will c. Yes, I can a. Nice a. I won’t
b. Have c. Yes, I can d. Good a. I won’t
c. Can a. No, I cannot d. Good c. I will not
b. Have c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
a. Will b. No, I won’t d. Good c. I will not
c. Can c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
b. Have b. No, I won’t d. Good a. I won’t
a. Will a. No, I cannot a. Nice a. I won’t
a. Will a. No, I cannot a. Nice b. I will
b. Have b. No, I won’t a. Nice c. I will not
d. Is c. Yes, I can a. Nice c. I will not
d. Is b. No, I won’t d. Good a. I won’t
c. Can d. Yes, I will c. Bad b. I will
c. Can d. Yes, I will c. Bad b. I will
b. Have b. No, I won’t c. Bad c. I will not
a. Will c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
c. Can b. No, I won’t c. Bad b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can a. Nice b. I will
a. Will a. No, I cannot c. Bad b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can d. Good b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can a. Nice b. I will
a. Will a. No, I cannot a. Nice a. I won’t
b. Have c. Yes, I can b. Awesome d. Will I ?
c. Can d. Yes, I will c. Bad b. I will
a. Will b. No, I won’t c. Bad b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can b. Awesome b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
a. Will c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
a. Will c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
c. Can a. No, I cannot c. Bad c. I will not
c. Can d. Yes, I will d. Good d. Will I ?
c. Can c. Yes, I can d. Good b. I will
a. Will c. Yes, I can b. Awesome a. I won’t
a. Will d. Yes, I will c. Bad b. I will
a. Will c. Yes, I can c. Bad a. I won’t
c. Can c. Yes, I can a. Nice a. I won’t
a. Will c. Yes, I can a. Nice b. I will
a. Will d. Yes, I will c. Bad b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
a. Will a. No, I cannot b. Awesome c. I will not
c. Can d. Yes, I will b. Awesome a. I won’t
c. Can c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
a. Will c. Yes, I can d. Good c. I will not
b. Have b. No, I won’t b. Awesome c. I will not
a. Will c. Yes, I can d. Good b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
b. Have a. No, I cannot d. Good d. Will I ?
b. Have c. Yes, I can d. Good a. I won’t
c. Can c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
a. Will d. Yes, I will d. Good b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can a. Nice b. I will
a. Will d. Yes, I will d. Good a. I won’t
c. Can c. Yes, I can d. Good b. I will
a. Will c. Yes, I can c. Bad d. Will I ?
c. Can a. No, I cannot c. Bad b. I will
a. Will c. Yes, I can d. Good a. I won’t
c. Can c. Yes, I can d. Good b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can d. Good b. I will
c. Can c. Yes, I can d. Good a. I won’t
a. Will d. Yes, I will c. Bad a. I won’t
a. Will d. Yes, I will c. Bad a. I won’t
c. Can c. Yes, I can d. Good d. Will I ?
a. Will d. Yes, I will c. Bad a. I won’t
a. Will c. Yes, I can c. Bad b. I will
18. Digo : Can you .............
Berta to my: Never
birthday mind,
I will
1 cook a meal
2 Interviewer
by myself 3 : that’s good
4 5
Sisi : Yes, I can.
I willMarsa
be there
The tobest
the dialogue above we can conclude that .......
b. Abstain b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
d. Help b. Yes, she does a. 3-4-2-1-5 a. Interviewer was study
d. Help c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 d. Applicant is incapabl
c. Come d. No, she don’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 d. Applicant is incapabl
d. Help b. Yes, she does a. 3-4-2-1-5 b. Interviewer is very d
b. Abstain b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
d. Help b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
b. Abstain d. No, she don’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
a. Ignore b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
b. Abstain b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
d. Help b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come d. No, she don’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
b. Abstain b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
d. Help c. No, she doesn’t d. 3-2-1-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
d. Help b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 d. Applicant is incapabl
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
a. Ignore a. Yes, she do c. 1-3-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t a. 3-4-2-1-5 a. Interviewer was study
b. Abstain a. Yes, she do b. 3-1-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
b. Abstain b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come a. Yes, she do c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come d. No, she don’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
c. Come b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
b. Abstain b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 d. Applicant is incapabl
a. Ignore b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
d. Help a. Yes, she do a. 3-4-2-1-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
d. Help b. Yes, she does d. 3-2-1-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 d. Applicant is incapabl
c. Come b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
d. Help b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t a. 3-4-2-1-5 c. Applicant is capable
d. Help b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
a. Ignore d. No, she don’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
d. Help b. Yes, she does d. 3-2-1-4-5 d. Applicant is incapabl
c. Come d. No, she don’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t d. 3-2-1-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
d. Help b. Yes, she does b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come d. No, she don’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come a. Yes, she do b. 3-1-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come d. No, she don’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
d. Help a. Yes, she do b. 3-1-2-4-5 d. Applicant is incapabl
c. Come a. Yes, she do b. 3-1-2-4-5 d. Applicant is incapabl
c. Come a. Yes, she do b. 3-1-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t a. 3-4-2-1-5 a. Interviewer was study
a. Ignore c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
a. Ignore b. Yes, she does a. 3-4-2-1-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come d. No, she don’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 b. Interviewer is very d
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come c. No, she doesn’t c. 1-3-2-4-5 c. Applicant is capable
c. Come d. No, she don’t b. 3-1-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
c. Come b. Yes, she does c. 1-3-2-4-5 a. Interviewer was study
Interviewer : that’s good
Interviewer : that’s good Rita : Ok I am Eddo. I am from Makasar. I want to tell you about m
22. Which statement not23.true
there about
to complete
of capability?
is the
b. Applicant applied for b. Four a. Go away from this pla. Edi
a. Applicant studied at a. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat b. Four b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three b. Will you walk there, d. Eggo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat a. Three c. Stay outside, please!b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat a. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for d. Seven a. Go away from this plb. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at c. Five c. Stay outside, please!b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three c. Stay outside, please!a. Edi
b. Applicant applied for b. Four a. Go away from this plb. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduab. Four b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat a. Three d. Will you sit down ne a. Edi
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduad. Seven b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for d. Seven d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at b. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for b. Four b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat a. Three a. Go away from this plb. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three a. Go away from this pla. Edi
a. Applicant studied at b. Four c. Stay outside, please!b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at c. Five b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three a. Go away from this plb. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat d. Seven d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat d. Seven c. Stay outside, please!b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for b. Four c. Stay outside, please!b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduad. Seven d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for b. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat b. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for b. Four b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three a. Go away from this plb. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at b. Four b. Will you walk there, a. Edi
d. Applicant was graduab. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat c. Five d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat b. Four a. Go away from this plb. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for a. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at b. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat b. Four b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduab. Four a. Go away from this plb. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduab. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat a. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat a. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for c. Five c. Stay outside, please!b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduab. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at a. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for a. Three b. Will you walk there, c. Egi
d. Applicant was graduaa. Three a. Go away from this plb. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat b. Four b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
d. Applicant was graduab. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for a. Three b. Will you walk there, b. Eddo
b. Applicant applied for a. Three c. Stay outside, please!b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat a. Three d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
a. Applicant studied at b. Four d. Will you sit down ne b. Eddo
c. Applicant can operat a. Three c. Stay outside, please!b. Eddo
I am Eddo. I am from Makasar.
I am Eddo.
I want
I amtofrom
tell you
I am
I want
I am
I am
is my
I want
I amtofrom
I usually
is my
I want
it to
I usually
a week
is m
26.What is Eddo’s hobby?
27. How often does he practice
28. Can swimming
Eddo swima well?
29. Where does he usually practice it?
a. Play football b. Three time a week c. No, he can not b. In the market
b. Swimming c. Four time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming a. Two time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming a. Two time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can a. In mall
a. Play football c. Four time a week c. No, he can not c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can b. In the market
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
a. Play football b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can a. In mall
a. Play football b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can b. In the market
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
c. Reading b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can b. In the market
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week c. No, he can not b. In the market
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming a. Two time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
c. Reading a. Two time a week b. Yes, she can a. In mall
d. Fishing b. Three time a week d. No she can not b. In the market
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
d. Fishing b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can b. In the market
b. Swimming d. Five time a week b. Yes, she can a. In mall
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming a. Two time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming c. Four time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming c. Four time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can a. In mall
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can b. In the market
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming a. Two time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week b. Yes, she can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming a. Two time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
b. Swimming b. Three time a week a. Yes, he can c. In the swimming pool
I am Eddo. I am from Makasar.
ValetI want to
: Certainly,
tell you(Nanang/
Sir. I’II
My hobby
up for
is swimming.
it Nini/
Nita)I usually practice it three time a week
30. Did he win a competition?
The underlined sentence 32.
The type
........of the party33.above
The purpose
is ..........of the invitation text above is .............
c. No, he did not b. incapability b. graduation party c. To persuade people
d. No, she did not a. surprise a. birthday party a. To tell a good relatio
a. Yes, he did d. advice a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
d. No, she did not a. surprise a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
d. No, she did not b. incapability c. marriage party c. To persuade people
b. Yes, she did a. surprise a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did b. incapability a. birthday party c. To persuade people
a. Yes, he did c. capability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
a. Yes, he did a. surprise a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
c. No, he did not a. surprise b. graduation party c. To persuade people
b. Yes, she did d. advice b. graduation party c. To persuade people
c. No, he did not b. incapability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did a. surprise a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
d. No, she did not b. incapability a. birthday party a. To tell a good relatio
a. Yes, he did c. capability c. marriage party c. To persuade people
a. Yes, he did a. surprise a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did a. surprise a. birthday party c. To persuade people
d. No, she did not b. incapability b. graduation party c. To persuade people
d. No, she did not b. incapability a. birthday party c. To persuade people
b. Yes, she did c. capability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did c. capability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
a. Yes, he did a. surprise a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
a. Yes, he did c. capability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
c. No, he did not d. advice a. birthday party a. To tell a good relatio
d. No, she did not c. capability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
c. No, he did not b. incapability d. new year party b. To describe a certain
a. Yes, he did d. advice a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
a. Yes, he did c. capability b. graduation party b. To describe a certain
a. Yes, he did c. capability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
a. Yes, he did c. capability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
a. Yes, he did c. capability c. marriage party c. To persuade people
b. Yes, she did c. capability b. graduation party d. To invite people to jo
c. No, he did not c. capability b. graduation party c. To persuade people
a. Yes, he did b. incapability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did c. capability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
d. No, she did not a. surprise a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
a. Yes, he did b. incapability a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
b. Yes, she did a. surprise a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
b. Yes, she did b. incapability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did a. surprise a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
b. Yes, she did c. capability c. marriage party c. To persuade people
c. No, he did not c. capability a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
a. Yes, he did c. capability a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
a. Yes, he did c. capability a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
b. Yes, she did c. capability c. marriage party c. To persuade people
b. Yes, she did c. capability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
c. No, he did not d. advice a. birthday party a. To tell a good relatio
b. Yes, she did b. incapability c. marriage party c. To persuade people
a. Yes, he did b. incapability a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
b. Yes, she did c. capability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did b. incapability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
d. No, she did not b. incapability a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
b. Yes, she did d. advice b. graduation party b. To describe a certain
a. Yes, he did a. surprise a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did a. surprise d. new year party b. To describe a certain
b. Yes, she did b. incapability a. birthday party c. To persuade people
a. Yes, he did c. capability c. marriage party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did b. incapability a. birthday party a. To tell a good relatio
b. Yes, she did c. capability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
c. No, he did not b. incapability a. birthday party b. To describe a certain
a. Yes, he did c. capability a. birthday party a. To tell a good relatio
c. No, he did not c. capability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did c. capability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did a. surprise a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did a. surprise a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did c. capability a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
b. Yes, she did d. advice a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
c. No, he did not d. advice a. birthday party d. To invite people to jo
Brian : Ok
The underlined words show
35. she
..............mag 36. We ................. 37. ........... he play f
b. Disagreement b. Reads d. Does not c. Do not
d. Necessity a. Read d. Does not b. Does
c. Advice c. Reading b. Does d. Does not
c. Advice c. Reading c. Do not b. Does
b. Disagreement a. Read b. Does b. Does
c. Advice a. Read b. Does b. Does
b. Disagreement c. Reading b. Does d. Does not
c. Advice b. Reads c. Do not b. Does
a. Agreement a. Read c. Do not c. Do not
a. Agreement d. Don’t read d. Does not b. Does
b. Disagreement a. Read a. Do a. Do
a. Agreement a. Read b. Does c. Do not
a. Agreement d. Don’t read b. Does d. Does not
d. Necessity d. Don’t read d. Does not b. Does
c. Advice d. Don’t read c. Do not b. Does
c. Advice a. Read b. Does a. Do
c. Advice d. Don’t read b. Does d. Does not
a. Agreement c. Reading b. Does d. Does not
c. Advice a. Read b. Does c. Do not
c. Advice c. Reading c. Do not b. Does
a. Agreement c. Reading c. Do not d. Does not
a. Agreement c. Reading b. Does a. Do
d. Necessity a. Read b. Does b. Does
b. Disagreement b. Reads b. Does b. Does
b. Disagreement c. Reading d. Does not a. Do
a. Agreement a. Read c. Do not d. Does not
a. Agreement d. Don’t read d. Does not a. Do
b. Disagreement b. Reads b. Does b. Does
c. Advice c. Reading c. Do not d. Does not
b. Disagreement a. Read b. Does b. Does
c. Advice a. Read a. Do a. Do
c. Advice b. Reads b. Does a. Do
b. Disagreement c. Reading c. Do not c. Do not
b. Disagreement c. Reading b. Does a. Do
c. Advice b. Reads b. Does b. Does
c. Advice c. Reading c. Do not b. Does
c. Advice c. Reading d. Does not c. Do not
b. Disagreement a. Read a. Do b. Does
a. Agreement c. Reading a. Do b. Does
a. Agreement a. Read b. Does c. Do not
c. Advice d. Don’t read a. Do b. Does
c. Advice c. Reading d. Does not b. Does
b. Disagreement b. Reads b. Does c. Do not
c. Advice d. Don’t read b. Does a. Do
c. Advice a. Read d. Does not d. Does not
d. Necessity b. Reads a. Do b. Does
c. Advice d. Don’t read c. Do not b. Does
c. Advice d. Don’t read c. Do not b. Does
a. Agreement a. Read b. Does b. Does
d. Necessity c. Reading a. Do b. Does
a. Agreement b. Reads c. Do not d. Does not
a. Agreement d. Don’t read d. Does not d. Does not
b. Disagreement d. Don’t read d. Does not b. Does
a. Agreement a. Read a. Do a. Do
a. Agreement a. Read b. Does a. Do
c. Advice a. Read b. Does b. Does
d. Necessity a. Read b. Does a. Do
c. Advice c. Reading d. Does not a. Do
c. Advice c. Reading b. Does d. Does not
a. Agreement c. Reading b. Does c. Do not
a. Agreement d. Don’t read d. Does not d. Does not
b. Disagreement d. Don’t read a. Do b. Does
c. Advice c. Reading c. Do not b. Does
a. Agreement d. Don’t read d. Does not b. Does
c. Advice d. Don’t read d. Does not b. Does
d. Necessity a. Read b. Does b. Does
a. Agreement b. Reads a. Do d. Does not
c. Advice d. Don’t read d. Does not c. Do not
38. Mother : The tasty Sarah
of this soup is
: That’s
dress,?I like it: Yes, I am looking for a dress
Andri : Okay mom,
The underlined
here you are
words express
keeper : ............... ? blue or the purple one?
b. Will you eat this soupc. Apology b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
c. Can you take me a b a. Invitation c. Which one do you want
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
b. Will you eat this soupa. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation d. How many dress do you need
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation d. How many dress do you need
d. Will you eat the salt?a. Invitation c. Which one do you want
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
b. Will you eat this soupa. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
c. Can you take me a b a. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
a. Can you take me a litta. Invitation b. What colour is the dress
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation d. How many dress do you need
a. Can you take me a littc. Apology b. What colour is the dress
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation d. How many dress do you need
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation c. Which one do you want
a. Can you take me a littd. Sympathy b. What colour is the dress
b. Will you eat this soupa. Invitation c. Which one do you want
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
b. Will you eat this soupc. Apology c. Which one do you want
d. Will you eat the salt?c. Apology b. What colour is the dress
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
d. Will you eat the salt?b. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation c. Which one do you want
a. Can you take me a littc. Apology c. Which one do you want
a. Can you take me a littd. Sympathy b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
b. Will you eat this soupc. Apology c. Which one do you want
d. Will you eat the salt?a. Invitation c. Which one do you want
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a litta. Invitation b. What colour is the dress
d. Will you eat the salt?a. Invitation d. How many dress do you need
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
b. Will you eat this soupc. Apology c. Which one do you want
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation d. How many dress do you need
c. Can you take me a b a. Invitation d. How many dress do you need
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation c. Which one do you want
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation c. Which one do you want
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation c. Which one do you want
b. Will you eat this soupd. Sympathy a. Do you like the purple one
a. Can you take me a litta. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation c. Which one do you want
c. Can you take me a b a. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation d. How many dress do you need
b. Will you eat this soupb. Appreciation d. How many dress do you need
b. Will you eat this soupa. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
c. Can you take me a b a. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
c. Can you take me a b d. Sympathy c. Which one do you want
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a litta. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
b. Will you eat this soupd. Sympathy b. What colour is the dress
c. Can you take me a b b. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation b. What colour is the dress
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation d. How many dress do you need
c. Can you take me a b a. Invitation c. Which one do you want
a. Can you take me a littb. Appreciation a. Do you like the purple one
c. Can you take me a b a. Invitation a. Do you like the purple one
b. Will you eat this soupd. Sympathy c. Which one do you want
1 2 3 4
b a a a
a a a a
d b c b
a a a d
a a a a
c a c c
d a a a
a b a a
a a c b
c b a a
a d a a
a a a a
c a a a
a b a c
a b a d
a b a b
b c a b
a a d b
c a a b
a b a a
b b a a
a b d a
c b a a
a a a a
a b c c
c b a a
a a a a
c b a a
c b a a
a b a a
a b a a
b b a a
c a b c
c a b b
c a a b
c b a a
d b a a
a a a a
c b a c
a b c a
a b a a
a b a a
a c a a
a b a b
c b a a
a b a a
a a a c
a c c b
a a a a
c b a a
a a a d
a a b a
a b a a
b c c c
c a c b
a c b d
b b a a
a b a b
a b a a
b a a b
a b a a
a b a a
a b a a
a b a a
a b a a
c b a a
a a c a
a a a a
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
b b a a a b a
a a a a a b a
c c b a a b c
c c c b c b a
c c c c c a b
b b b a b a a
c b c a c b c
a c c b c b b
c b a b c b b
a a b a b b b
b c a a a c a
b a b b a b b
d b b b d b c
c b b b a b c
b c c b c b a
c c c b c b b
b b b b b b a
c d b b d a b
a c a a c b c
a c a b c b b
a c a b c b a
c b a c d c c
a c b b d b b
a a a a b b a
b d a a b c b
a b c c d c b
d b c a b b c
a c a a b b b
c c a b c b b
a c c b b b b
a c c b c b b
c a b b c b b
c a b b a a b
c c b b b b a
a c a b c b b
a a b b d a a
c b b b b a c
a a c a a b a
a c c b d b b
b b a c a b d
a c c b c b b
a c a b c b c
a c c a d b b
c a d c c b a
a c d b d b d
a c b b c d c
b d d b c b a
a c a d c c c
b c d b c b a
a c c d d b c
a b a b a b a
b c a a c b d
a c b b c b b
d c b b c b c
d a c b d b b
a b c b c b b
a a d a a b c
b d c b c b b
a c c b c b b
a a a a d b c
a c c b c b a
c c c d a b c
a c c b a b b
c c c c c c a
c c c c c c a
a b c b a b b
b b a b b b d
c c a b d b a
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
a a a b c b b
b a b b a b d
b b a c a a d
a b b c d a c
c b c a d c c
a c b c c b d
a b a b d c b
b b c c c b c
d b b b d a d
c b a a a a b
a b a a a b a
b b b b a c b
c a d c a c d
a b d b d a c
b a c d c b c
b b c d c b c
b a b b c c b
c b a c c b d
b a c b c b d
b b c c a b c
b a a a c b c
b a c c d b a
c a c c a b c
c a a a a a b
c c b c b d b
b b c d c b c
b a a b c b c
b b c c b b c
b b c c c b c
b b a c c b c
b b c c c b c
d a a c c b c
b c c a c c c
c a c d d d b
d b c c d b c
b d a c b a a
c b a d c b c
c b a c c a d
b b c c a a c
b a a c a b d
b b a d c b c
b a c c c b c
b b a a b c c
b a c d b a d
b b c c c b c
b b c c c b c
c a a c d c d
c b b b b c a
c a a c d b d
b a c c c b c
b a b a d d c
b a b c d a d
a a c c c b c
b b a d d b c
d c c c a b c
c b a d d a d
b b c c d b c
c a a c c d c
b d c a c b c
c d a c d a a
a a c c d b a
c b c c d b c
b a c c d a c
c a a d c a c
c a a d c a c
a b c c d d c
b a a d c a c
a b a c c b c
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
b b b b b a a
b a a a a d b
c b c c b b b
b b d a a b d
d c d d a b b
b a b c a c b
b b a c a d b
c b c d a d b
b c a b d a b
d c c a c c b
b c c a a c a
b c c b b a b
b b a d b b b
b b a d a d b
d c a c a d a
c b c d a b b
b c c d d b b
c d c b d d b
b c d a b d b
c c c d a d b
c b b b b b b
a c b c a a b
c a a a a d b
a b b a a a a
b c c a b c b
a c c a a b b
c c a a c b b
d c c d a d b
c c c d a a b
c b c c d d b
c b c d a d b
c b b a a d b
b c c c d c b
b c c b b c b
c c d d d d b
b c c b b d b
c b a c b d b
a a a b b b b
b b a d a a b
b d a a b b a
c b a d b d b
b b d a a b b
b b a c c d b
b b b c b a b
c b a d a d b
c a c b a d b
b c a a b d b
d b a c b b b
b d d d b a b
d b c d a d b
c d c a a d b
b b a d b d b
d c a d a b b
a b c c a b b
d b b c a d b
a b d b c c b
a b d d b d b
a b c a a b b
c a a a a b b
c b b b a b c
b a c d a a b
c b a c b b b
c b a d b d b
d b b b a b b
c b a b a c b
c c c c a d b
d b a a b d b
b c a c a c b
26 27 28 29 30 31 32
a b c b c b b
b c b c d a a
b a b c a d a
b a b c d a a
b b b c d b c
b b b a b a a
a c c c b b a
b b a c a c c
b b b b a a a
b b b c c a b
a b a a b d b
a b b b c b a
b b b c b a a
c b b b d b a
b b b c a c c
b b a c a a a
b b c b b a a
b b b c d b b
b a b c d b a
b b b c b c c
b b b c b c c
b b b c a a a
b b a c a c c
c a b a c d a
d b d b d c a
b b a c c b d
b b a c a d a
b b a c a c b
b b a c a c c
b b a c a c c
b b a c a c c
b b b c b c b
d b b b c c b
b d b a a b a
b b b c b c a
b b b c d a a
b b b c a b a
b a a c b a a
b b b c b b c
b b a c b a a
b b b c b c c
b b b c c c a
b c a c a c a
b b b c a c a
b b b c b c c
b b b c b c c
b c b c c d a
b b a a b b c
b b a c a b a
b b b c b c a
b b a c b b a
b b a c d b a
b b b c b d b
b b a c a a a
b b b c b a d
b b b c b b a
b b a c a c c
b b a c b b a
b b b c b c a
b b b b c b a
b b b c a c a
b b a c c c a
b a b c b c a
b b b c b a a
b b b c b a a
b a a c b c a
b b a c b d a
b b a c c d a
33 34 35 36 37 38 39
c b b d c b c
a d a d b a b
b c c b d c a
d c c c b c b
c b a b b c b
d c a b b b a
c b c b d a b
d c b c b a b
b a a c c b b
c a d d b d a
c b a a a b b
d a a b c b a
d a d b d c a
a d d d b a a
c c d c b c b
d c a b a a c
c c d b d c b
c a c b d c b
c c a b c b b
d c c c b a b
d a c c d a d
b a c b a b a
d d a b b b b
a b b b b b c
d b c d a d c
b a a c d c b
d a d d a d b
b b b b b a b
d c c c d a c
d b a b b a d
c c a a a a b
d c b b a a b
c b c c c b c
d b c b a d a
d c b b b a b
d c c c b a a
b c c d c d a
b b a a b b b
d a c a b b c
b a a b c a b
c c d a b c a
b c c d b c b
b b b b c a b
b c d b a b b
c c a d d a b
d d b a b b b
a c d c b b b
c c d c b b d
b a a b b a a
d d c a b a b
d a b c d c a
b a d d d a b
b b d d b a b
d a a a a b b
b a a b a b a
c c a b b c a
d d a b a c d
a c c d a a b
d c c b d a a
b a c b c c b
a a d d d b d
d b d a b c b
d c c c b a b
d a d d b a b
d c d d b c a
d d a b b a b
d a b a d c a
d c d d c b d
b baaabbaaabaaaabcbbbbbbbaaabcbcbbcbbdcbcb
a aaaaaaaaabababbabdbaaaadbbcbcdaaadadbaba
c dbcbccbaabcbbacaadcbccbbbbabcadabccbdcac
b aaadcccbcbaabbcdacbbdaabdbabcdaadcccbcbb
b aaaacccccabcbcadccdcddabbbbbcdbccbabbcbb
a caccbbbabaaacbccbdbabcacbbbbabaadcabbbaa
d daaacbcacbcababdcbbbacadbacccbbacbcbdabd
b abaaaccbcbbbbcccbccbcdadbbbacaccdcbcbabb
d aacbcbabcbbdbbbdadbcabdabbbbbaaabaaccbbd
c cbaaaababbbcbaaaabdccaccbbbbccabcaddbdac
a adaabcaaacaabaaababccaacaabaabdbcbaaabba
a aaaababbabbbbbbacbbccbbababbbcbadaabcbaa
a caaadbbbdbccadcacdbbadbbbbbbcbaadadbdcaa
b abaccbbbabcabdbdacbbadadbcbbbdbaadddbaab
d abadbccbcbabacdcbcdcacadabbbcaccccdcbcbd
b ababcccbcbbbbcdcbccbcdabbbbacaaadcabaacb
b bcabbbbbbbababbccbbccddbbbbcbbaaccdbdcbb
d aadbcdbbdabcbaccbdcdcbddbbbbcdbbcacbdcbd
b caabacaacbcbacbcbdbcdabdbbabcdbaccabcbbb
c abaaacabcbbbbccabccccdadbbbbcbccdcccbabc
b bbaaacabcbabaaacbccbbbbbbbbbcbccdaccdadb
c abdacbacdccbaccdbaacbcaabbbbcaaabacbabac
b cbaaacbbdbbcaccabccaaaadbbbacaccddabbbbb
c aaaaaaaabbacaaaaababbaaaacabacdaabbbbbcc
b abccbdaabcbccbcbdbbccabcbdbdbdcadbcdadcb
a cbaaabccdcbbbcdcbcaccaabbbbaccbdbaacdcba
a aaaadbcabbcbaabcbcccaacbbbbacadadaddadba
c cbaaacaabbbbbccbbcdccdadbbbacacbbbbbbabc
c cbaaccabcbbbbcccbccccdaabbbacaccdcccdacc
b abaaaccbbbbbbaccbccbccddbbbacaccdbabbadb
b abaaaccbcbbbbcccbccbcdadbbbacaccccaaaabb
b bbaacabbcbbdaaccbccbbaadbbbbcbcbdcbbaabb
c cabccabbaabbccacccbcccdcbdbbbccbcbcccbcc
c cabbccbbbbacacdddbbccbbcbbdbaabadbcbadac
b caabacabcbbdbccdbcccddddbbbbcbcadcbbbabb
b cbaaaabbdaabdacbaabccbbdbbbbcdaadcccbaab
d dbaacbbbbaccbadcbccbacbdbbbbcababccdcdad
a aaaaaacaabacbaccadaaabbbbbaacbaabbaabbba
c cbacaccbdbbbbccaacbbadaabbbbcbbcdacabbcc
d abcabbacabdbaacabdbdaabbabbacbaabaabcabd
d abaaaccbcbbbbadcbccbadbdbbbbcbccccdabcad
a abaaacabcbcbacccbcbbdaabbbbbcccabccdbcba
c acaaaccadbbbbaabccbbaccdbbcacacabbbbcabc
a ababcadccbabacdbadbbbcbabbbbcacabcdbabba
c cbaaacdbdbdbbcccbccbadadbbbbcbccccaddabc
b abaaacbbcdcbbcccbccacbadbbbbcbccddbabbbb
c aaacbddbcbacaacdcdbcaabdbbcbccdaacdcbbbc
a accbacadccccbbbbcadbacbbbbbaabbcccdcbbda
a aaaabcdbcbacaacdbdbdddbabbbacababaabbaaa
c cbaaaccddbcbacccbcdbcdadbbbbcbcaddcababc
a aaadabababababaddccdcaadbbbacbbadabcdcaa
b aababcaacbdbabcdadbbadbdbbbacdbabadddabb
d abaaacbbcbbaacccbcdcadabbbbbcbdbbbddbabd
d bcccdcbbcbcbbaddbcabccabbbbacaaadaaaabbd
a cacbdacbdbbdcccabcdbbcadbbbbcbadbaababaa
a acbdabcbcbbcbaddadabdbccbbbbcbbaccabbcaa
c bbaaaadaabcbbccdbcabddbdbbbacaccddabacdc
b ababbdcbcbbcaaccdcabcaabbbbacbbaaccdaabb
a abaaaccbcbbbdcacbccaaaabbbbbcbcadccbdaaa
a baabaaaadbccdacdaacbbbabcbbbbcbabacbccba
b abaaaccbcbaaaccdbabacdaabbbbcacaaadddbdb
b abaacccdabccbccdbccbacbbbbbacccadbdabcbb
b abaaaccbabbbaccdaccbadbdbbabcbcadcccbabb
d abaaccccccacaadcacdbbbabbbbbcbaadaddbabd
c abaaccccccacaadcaccbabacbbbbcbaadcddbcac
a cbaaabcbabbabccddcccccadbbaacbcaddabbaba
a aacabbabbbdbaadcacdbaabdbbbacbdadabadcaa
c aaaaccabdbaabaccbcbcacacbbbaccdadcddcbdc
1 175 / 1000 Aditya 8A
2 400 / 1000 M. HABIB. R 8A
3 350 / 1000 Rizky Meliani Fasya adiansyah 8B
4 450 / 1000 Aprita salsabila 8A
5 500 / 1000 NAISYA 8A
6 250 / 1000 NIKO AL AFSI 8B
7 325 / 1000 Gifari azhar 8A
9 325 / 1000 Yuhana 8C
10 350 / 1000 MIRNA ZALIANTI 8A
11 300 / 1000 Rehan Saputra 8A
12 325 / 1000 Muhammad Hikam 8A
13 275 / 1000 Muhammad Azizan 8A
14 375 / 1000 Enjel pertiwi 8A
15 650 / 1000 Devi sakinah 8C
16 775 / 1000 Zapi Randika 8B
17 300 / 1000 ZAHRA HOZANI 8A
18 350 / 1000 hairus 8A
19 400 / 1000 Nur Muazin 8B
20 825 / 1000 Riska Safitri 8C
21 575 / 1000 HIBZIL MUHAFIZOH 8C
22 325 / 1000 Zakiyah 8B
23 650 / 1000 RINGGO PRATAMA 8C
24 225 / 1000 M.fahri 8A
25 200 / 1000 Fardan D Zaki Mubarak 8A
26 575 / 1000 Siti munica 8B
27 450 / 1000 Andrean 8B
28 675 / 1000 Rifa saputri 8B
29 775 / 1000 Syakirah 8B
30 775 / 1000 DAPA 8B
31 875 / 1000 Fasha Dia 8B
32 575 / 1000 Dimas Saputra 8A
33 300 / 1000 nuriliyanti 8C
34 275 / 1000 ARINI 8C
35 600 / 1000 PANDU PRATAMA 8A
36 425 / 1000 Dirga 8C
37 450 / 1000 Kirom 8C
38 375 / 1000 Syirli 8B
39 575 / 1000 Sintia maharani 8B
40 325 / 1000 Bela Azwa 8B
41 725 / 1000 Fahri Affandi 8C
42 600 / 1000 M yasir arafat 8C
43 550 / 1000 MUHAMMAD 8C
44 425 / 1000 Melati 8B
45 725 / 1000 Yeka mulia 8C
46 675 / 1000 RIDHO RAHMAN 8A
47 350 / 1000 Rabita sari 8C
48 350 / 1000 Rosima 8B
50 675 / 1000 JULIANDI ARWANA 8C
51 450 / 1000 MUHAMAD FAREL 8C
52 400 / 1000 Aliansah 8C
53 575 / 1000 Sakinah 8A
54 525 / 1000 Reifan Doni 8B
55 375 / 1000 KAYSAN NAWFAL ALI 8C
56 425 / 1000 Nurma alillah 8B
57 600 / 1000 Siti Melati 8A
59 650 / 1000 Caca relaxsa 8A
61 525 / 1000 M.sobri 8B
62 550 / 1000 Aulia 8A
63 675 / 1000 FEBIA LESTARI 8A
64 500 / 1000 Nazili 8B
65 525 / 1000 Nazila 8C
66 625 / 1000 ROBIAN DANU 8B
67 400 / 1000 Cintya meylani 8B
68 475 / 1000 RIZQULLAH HAKIKI 8B
1 175 / 1000 Aditya
4 450 / 1000 Aprita salsabila
62 550 / 1000 Aulia
59 650 / 1000 Caca relaxsa
32 575 / 1000 Dimas Saputra
14 375 / 1000 Enjel pertiwi
25 200 / 1000 Fardan D Zaki Mubarak
63 675 / 1000 FEBIA LESTARI
7 325 / 1000 Gifari azhar
18 350 / 1000 hairus
2 400 / 1000 M. HABIB. R
24 225 / 1000 M.fahri
10 350 / 1000 MIRNA ZALIANTI
13 275 / 1000 Muhammad Azizan
12 325 / 1000 Muhammad Hikam
5 500 / 1000 NAISYA
35 600 / 1000 PANDU PRATAMA
11 300 / 1000 Rehan Saputra
46 675 / 1000 RIDHO RAHMAN
53 575 / 1000 Sakinah
57 600 / 1000 Siti Melati
17 300 / 1000 ZAHRA HOZANI
8A baaabbaaabaaaabcbbbbbbbaaabcbcbbcbbdcbcb
8A aaadcccbcbaabbcdacbbdaabdbabcdaadcccbcbb
8A abaacccdabccbccdbccbacbbbbbacccadbdabcbb
8A abaaaccbcbbbdcacbccaaaabbbbbcbcadccbdaaa
8A bbaacabbcbbdaaccbccbbaadbbbbcbcbdcbbaabb
8A abaccbbbabcabdbdacbbadadbcbbbdbaadddbaab
8A abccbdaabcbccbcbdbbccabcbdbdbdcadbcdadcb
8A abaaaccbabbbaccdaccbadbdbbabcbcadcccbabb
8A daaacbcacbcababdcbbbacadbacccbbacbcbdabd
8A aadbcdbbdabcbaccbdcdcbddbbbbcdbbcacbdcbd
8A ababbdcbcbbcaaccdcabcaabbbbacbbaaccdaabb
8A aaaaaaaaabababbabdbaaaadbbcbcdaaadadbaba
8A aaaaaaaabbacaaaaababbaaaacabacdaabbbbbcc
8A cbaaaababbbcbaaaabdccaccbbbbccabcaddbdac
8A caaadbbbdbccadcacdbbadbbbbbbcbaadadbdcaa
8A aaaababbabbbbbbacbbccbbababbbcbadaabcbaa
8A aaaacccccabcbcadccdcddabbbbbcdbccbabbcbb
8A caabacabcbbdbccdbcccddddbbbbcbcadcbbbabb
8A adaabcaaacaabaaababccaacaabaabdbcbaaabba
8A abaaacbbcdcbbcccbccacbadbbbbcbccddbabbbb
8A abaaacbbcbbaacccbcdcadabbbbbcbdbbbddbabd
8A bbaaaadaabcbbccdbcabddbdbbbacaccddabacdc
8A bcabbbbbbbababbccbbccddbbbbcbbaaccdbdcbb
27 450 / 1000 Andrean 8B
40 325 / 1000 Bela Azwa 8B
67 400 / 1000 Cintya meylani 8B
30 775 / 1000 DAPA 8B
31 875 / 1000 Fasha Dia 8B
61 525 / 1000 M.sobri 8B
44 425 / 1000 Melati 8B
64 500 / 1000 Nazili 8B
6 250 / 1000 NIKO AL AFSI 8B
19 400 / 1000 Nur Muazin 8B
56 425 / 1000 Nurma alillah 8B
54 525 / 1000 Reifan Doni 8B
28 675 / 1000 Rifa saputri 8B
3 350 / 1000 Rizky Meliani Fasya adiansyah 8B
68 475 / 1000 RIZQULLAH HAKIKI 8B
66 625 / 1000 ROBIAN DANU 8B
48 350 / 1000 Rosima 8B
39 575 / 1000 Sintia maharani 8B
26 575 / 1000 Siti munica 8B
29 775 / 1000 Syakirah 8B
38 375 / 1000 Syirli 8B
22 325 / 1000 Zakiyah 8B
16 775 / 1000 Zapi Randika 8B
52 400 / 1000 Aliansah 8C
34 275 / 1000 ARINI 8C
15 650 / 1000 Devi sakinah 8C
36 425 / 1000 Dirga 8C
41 725 / 1000 Fahri Affandi 8C
21 575 / 1000 HIBZIL MUHAFIZOH 8C
50 675 / 1000 JULIANDI ARWANA 8C
55 375 / 1000 KAYSAN NAWFAL ALI 8C
37 450 / 1000 Kirom 8C
42 600 / 1000 M yasir arafat 8C
51 450 / 1000 MUHAMAD FAREL 8C
43 550 / 1000 MUHAMMAD 8C
65 525 / 1000 Nazila 8C
33 300 / 1000 nuriliyanti 8C
47 350 / 1000 Rabita sari 8C
23 650 / 1000 RINGGO PRATAMA 8C
20 825 / 1000 Riska Safitri 8C
45 725 / 1000 Yeka mulia 8C
9 325 / 1000 Yuhana 8C

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