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University of the Punjab

Gujranwala Campus
Grading System and Calculation of GPA, CGPA

1. Letter grading should only be used for representing the individual courses and not
for semester GPA or CGPA.
2. Equivalence in numerical grades, letter grades and grade points will be as follows:

Percent Letter Grade

Marks Grade Points
85 & above A 4.00
80-84 A- 3.70
75-79 B+ 3.30
70-74 B 3.00
65-69 B- 2.70
61-64 C+ 2.30
58-60 C 2.00
55-57 C- 1.70
50-54 D 1.00
Below 50 F 0.00
Withdraw W

Fail due to Attendance shortage will he represented as FW (forced withdraw!)

3. Maximum possible Grade Point Average is 4.00
4. Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average for Obtaining 4 and / or.5 years
Bachelors and 2 years MA/ M. Sc degree is 2.00.
5. A fraction of mark in a course is to be counted as ' 1' mark e.g. 64.1 or 64.9
is to be shown as 65.
6. Letter Grade and Grade Point for a course will be calculated according to
Regulation XIV (1) above
Examination Weightage Marks Obtained
Mid Semester 35% 20.0
Assignment 25% 16.4
Final Examination 40% 35.0
Total: 100% 71.4

The score will be rounded to 72.

Letter Grade in this case will be 'B'
Grade Point in this case will be 3.00
7. In order to calculate the GPA, multiply Grade Point with the Credit Hours in each
Course obtain total grade points, add up to cumulative Grade Points and divide by the
total number of Credit Hours to get the GPA for the Semester.
Example No. 1
In case of equal credit hour courses:
Course Grades
Course No Credit Hours Grade Grade Point Total Grade Point 2/4
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531 3 B 3.00 (3.00x3) =

534 3 C+ 2.30 (2.30x3) =
547 3 A 4.0 (4.00x3) =
550 3 A- 3.7 (3.70x3) =
571 3 F Zero (0.00x3) =

Cumulative Grade Points = 39.00

Total Credit Hours = 15
Grade Point average = 2.60

Example No. 2
In case of equal credit hour courses:
Course Grades
Course No Credit Hours Grade Grade Point Total Grade Point
510 4 B 3.00 (3.00x4) =
511 3 A- 3.70 (3.70x3) =
512 4 C+ 2.30 (2.30x4) =
550 2 A 4.0 (4.00x2) =
575 2 C 2.0 (2.00x4) =

Cumulative Grade Points = 44.3

Total Credit Hours = 15
Grade Point average = 2.94

Course with 'F' will be counted as 'Zero' Grade Point for calculation of semester Grade
Point Average.' Calculation of cumulative grade point average will only be made when a
candidate has passed all the courses required for the award of degree.

The percentage of marks or values of grades other than given grade points should not
be reported on the transcripts. 3/4
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