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4-V1 Format Instrumen Asesmen

31 Mei 2022


Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk Bisnis

Kode Mata Kuliah : IF424
Tahun Akademik : Semester Genap 2023/2024
Program Studi : Teknik Informatika
Hari/Tanggal : Tuesday/23 April 2024 (Regular evening A, B, C)
Wednesday/24 April 2024 (Batamindo)
Friday/26 April 2024 (regular morning)
Waktu : 18.50-20.30 WIB (Regular evening A, B, C)
18.50-20.30 WIB (Batamindo)
07.50-09.30 WIB (Regular morning A)
09.30-11.10 WIB (Regular morning B)
Sifat : Open all sources and tools.
Dosen : Selly Artaty Zega, S.ST., M.Sc.
Siti Noor Chayati, S.T., M.Sc.
Feby, M.Pd.
Suwarno, S.S., M.Pd.

i. Answer the following questions and pay attention to the grammaring issues!
ii. Avoid relying on machine translators since you have to consider the tenses and
register/language variations/speech level.
iii. Copying/cheating other participants' works is prohibited.

Each question has a score of 20.

1. Shed light on your short bio, showing your expertise and strengths!
(Should not be less than 150 words)
2. Report to your clients about the PBL progress you have been
undertaking this semester! (100-150 words; e.g., email, memo,
text/chat message)
3. Outline the planned activities you and your team have to do to
complete your PBL project! (Should not be less than 150 words)
4. Create a meeting invitation email to your team next week to discuss the
planned activities (based on your answer to question number 3)!
5. Highlight your experiences briefly when working on projects in the prior
semesters! (Should not be less than 150 words)
t Salah Satu

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