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Indonesian Youth

(challenges and advantages)

Good morning everyone my name Salsabila Marsha and i am from SMPN 2 Baubau.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
All praise to Allah SWT The All loving and The All Merciful, He give us opportunity so we
can be here today.
Blessings and Greetings to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, the best figure, the
main character, the prime example for us to follow.
And also i say thank's to the juries, master of ceremony have given me chance to
presentate my speech today. Well everybody my topic is : Indonesian Youth
(challenges and advantages)

Our first president Soekarno once said "Give me 1000 adult, I will definitely pull all the
roots of Semeru. Give me 10 youths I will surely shake the world."
He said thus, not just ordinary words but with the full realization that youth in his era with
the power, determination, agility, confidence and innovation, can fight and make the better
In this day an age we call it the “digital era”, we are bombardered with all information
sometimes is positif and beneficial and some are negatif and harmfull. Are we can still be
what our founding father expected?, are we can be consistent, to be “The Indonesian
Youth” where we are proud of our diversity in culture, laguages, race and religion?.

Advantages :
Demographic bonuses will occur between 2020 and 2030 and peak in 2028. What is it?, is
a condition in which the productive age between the ages of 15 to 64 years is far greater
than the non productive age.
In 2011 we have entered the industrial revolution stage 4, or industry 4.0, Thas mean, your
competitor will not only be foreign workers, but robots and artificial intelligence they’ll
began used by many companies and replace many jobs such as an accountants, bank
tellers, receptionists, and even drivers.
With the demographic bonus that coincides with the 4.0 industrial revolution, there are also
many jobs that are starting to emerge and become opportunities for you all. What kind of
job is that? New jobs that will be available are mostly in the form of experts. What is it like?
Namely jobs that require certain abilities and it is difficult to be applied by technology, such
as critical thinking, good communication skills, research skills, working together, analyzing
problems, photography, videography, writing, and many others, When you have expert
skills in a field that certainly cannot be done with technology, you will have more value in
the work environment. From now on, it's a good idea to start focusing on what you like,
from there you just start to improve your abilities in that field. And remember, all that you
have to do with a lot of reading, watching, practicing and even following trainings related to
the field that you like.....and dont give up
Thank you for all your attention. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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