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12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 1

• What is the bye laws
• Building bye-laws
• Need of building bye-laws
• Jurisdiction of building bye-laws
• Building code practicing in India

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 2

• The meaning of BYLAW is a rule adopted by an organization chiefly for
the government of its members and the regulation of its affairs.
• Building bye-laws are a set of rules under which construction of a
building needs to take place.
• The rules regulate coverage, height, architectural design and safety
measures in order to protect buildings against natural disasters such as
earthquakes and hazards such as fire as well as structural failure

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 3

Building bye-laws
• Building Bye-Laws are legal tools used to regulate coverage,
height, building bulk, and architectural design and construction
aspects of buildings so as to achieve orderly development of an
• All mandatory Master Plan/Zonal Plan regulations regarding
use, land use, coverage, FAR, set- back, open space, height,
number of stories, number of dwelling units, parking standards

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 4

Building bye-laws
• Various categories of buildings including modification
therein made from time to time shall be applicable
with the necessary changes having been made in the
Building Bye-Laws regulations under this clause. All
amendments / modifications made in the aforesaid
regulations shall automatically stand deemed to have
been included as part of these Bye-laws.
12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 5
Need of the building bye-laws
• Construction activities involve a lot of
aspects that might be harmful or
disturbing for those living in the
surrounding areas.
• Harmful levels of dust accumulation,
health hazards, structural failure, risk
of fire and high level of noise.

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 6

Disturbing and harmful activity

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 7

Unorganized Development

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 8

Construction conflict

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 9

Need of the building bye-laws
• Machines used at the site can also emit radiations that
are harmful to our health and the environment.
• To minimize the impact, buildings have to make
efforts to mitigate electro-magnetic radiations in built
spaces, by identifying appliances and sources of such

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 10

Need of the building bye-laws
• In real estate, this specific set of rules that builders have
to comply with, is commonly known as building bye-
laws, which are aimed at providing orderly development
in cities.
• In the absence of building bye-laws, cities will be
confronted with excessive coverage, encroachment and
haphazard development resulting in chaotic conditions,
inconvenience for the users and disregard for building

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 11

• The Building Bye-Laws shall apply to the building
activity in the State/Urban Center/Town for which
they are framed and the same shall be
unambiguously specified in the Building Bye

• It is desirable that the jurisdiction of building

bye laws includes all contiguous urban
settlements in an urban agglomeration.

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 12


12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 13

Building code practicing in India
• NBC2016

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 14

Building bye-laws Delhi as per

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 15

Building bye-laws Delhi

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 16

Building bye-laws Haryana

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 17

Building bye-

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 18

• Write short notes on building bye
• Why do we need building bye-laws
explain in detail

12-08-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 19

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