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Building regulation and zones

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 1

• Heritage Zones
• Air Funnels
• Environmentally Sensitive Zones
• Natural Hazard Prone Regions
• Coastal Zones
• Hilly Areas

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 2

Coastal Area regulation zone
• The Govt. of India issued instructions to all state governments
to prohibit development at Tide line.

• This has been done after considering the need for protection
the coastal areas and beaches from environmental degradation.

• Keeping this in the view, the government of India has proposed

coastal regulation zone and to impose restrictions.
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 3
Coastal Area regulation zone
• These regulations among other things permit developments in
the area already developed with certain restrictions and subject
to land use and other regulations framed under the Town &
Country Planning Act prevailing in the state.

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 4

Coastal Area regulation zone
• HIGH TIDE LINE(HTL): Mean the line on land up to which the highest
water line reaches during the spring tide.

• LOW TIDE LINE(LTL): The lowest level of water on the shore.

• SEASHORE: An area of sandy, stony, or rocky land bordering and level

with the sea. Area between HTL and LTL

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 5

Coastal Area regulation zone

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 6

• What is costal zone management plan?

• Identifying coastal stretches & classifying them in different CRZ


• Integrated development of these areas.

• State level coastal management authority responsible for

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 7
Protection from high tides using
sand dunes
• There are various ways through which we can
protect the construction in the coastal region.
• Different ways are:
• Building a huge sand dune in front of the
• Building an retaining wall
• Construction over stilts

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 8

Prohibited activities within CRZ

• Setting up of new industries and expansion of

existing except following
1. Atomic energy plat
2. Generating power by non conventional
energy source
3. Setting up of desalination plants
4. Reconstruction, repair work of dwelling units
of local communities

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 9

Prohibited activities within CRZ

• Manufacturing and handling of oil storage,

disposal of hazardous substances except

1. Transfer from ships of ports, terminal and


2. Facilities for receipt and storage of petroleum

product and liquefied natural gas in the area.

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 10

Prohibited activities within CRZ

• Setting up and expansion of fish processing units

including warehousing except hatchery and natural
fish drying permitted within the areas.

• Land reclamation, bunding or disturbing the

natural course of seawater.

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 11

Prohibited activities within CRZ

• Discharge of untreated water and effluents from

industries, cities and other human settlements.
• Dumping of cities or towns waste
• Port and harbour project in high eroding stretches
of the coast
• Reclamation for commercial purpose such as
shopping and housing complexes
• Mining of sand, rock and other sub strata material

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 12

Classification of CRZ
• CRZ1
• The areas that are ecologically sensitive and
the geomorphological features
• Mangroves, in case mangrove area is more
than 1000 sq mtr a buffer of 50 mtr
• Mudflats which are biologically active
• National park, marine park, sanctuaries,
reserve forests, wildlife habitats
• Area under the provision of wild life
protection act 1972, forest conservation act
1980, environmental protection act 1986
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 13
Norms for regulation of activities
• CRZ1
• No new construction shall be permitted
in CRZ1
• Area between LTL and HTL which are
not ecologically sensitive , necessary
safety measures will be incorporated
while permitting the following
• Exploration and extraction of natural gas
• Construction of dispensaries, school,
public space etc.
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 14
Norms for regulation of activities
• CRZ1
• Salt harvesting by solar evaporation
of seawater
• Desalination plants
• Storage of non hazardous cargo such
as edible oil, fertilizer and food
• Construction of trans harbour sea
link, road on stilts
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 15
Classification of CRZ
• CRZ 2
• The area have been developed up
to or close to the shoreline.
• CRZ3
• Area that are relatively undisturbed
and those do not belong to either
CRZ1 and CRZ2 which coastal
zone in the rural areas.
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 16
Classification of CRZ
• CRZ 4
• The water area from the low Tide
Line to twelve nautical miles on
the seaward side.

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Norms for regulation of activities
• CRZ 2
• Building shall be permitted only on
the landward side of the existing
road, or on the landward side of
existing authorized structure.
• Buildings shall be subject to the
existing local town and country
planning regulations.
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 18
Norms & Regulation
• CRZ 2
• Building shall be permitted
only on the landward side of
the existing road, or on the
landward side of existing
authorized structure.
• Buildings shall be subject to
the existing local town and
country planning

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 19

Norms & Regulation
• CRZ 2
• Provided that no
permission for
construction of buildings
shall be given on
landward side of any new
roads which are
constructed on the
seaward side of an
existing road
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 20
Norms for regulation of activities
• CRZ 3
• Area upto 200mtr from HTL on the
landward side in case of seafront
and 100mtr along tidal influenced
water bodies or width of the creek
which is less is to be earmarked as
“ No Development Zone (NDZ)”.

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 21

Following activities may be permitted in NDZ
• Agriculture, horticulture, gardens, pasture, parks
• Mining of rare materials
• Salt manufacture from seawater
• Construction of dispensaries, schools, community toilet
• Facilities required for local fishing communities such as
fish drying yards, traditional boat yard etc
• Weather radars
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 22
• Pollution from oil and gas exploration
and drilling, mining, boat house and
shipping have been undertaken by
local communities
• There shall be no restriction on the
traditional fishing and allied

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CRZ -5
• Following activities have been undertaken by local
governing body shall be subject to local development
• CRZ 5 area falling within municipal limit of
greater Mumbai
• The CRZ 5 area of Kerala including the backwater
and backwater islands
14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 24
• Explain coastal regulation zone
• Explain in details various categories
of CRZ

14-09-2022 B. ARCH 5 SEMESTER 25

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