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Prepared by: Group 6
Time Allotment: 1 hour and 30 Minutes
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify various environmental concerns and problems
b. Discuss ways and means on how to lessen the identified environmental problems
such as ozone layer depletion, pollution problems and soil erosion.


Environmental Science
Powerpoint presentation, laptop, projector, wrapper

 Greetings
 Prayer
 Checking Attendance

The class will play a “ Unwrapped the Wrapper ” Game. The teacher will
divide the class into four groups and each group will be given a set of wrappers
that will be disassembled individually by each member. If one of the member
tear the wrapper, he/she will have to arranged the words correctly provided by
the teacher.
After the students arranged the jumbled letters, one representative of
each group will define one of the words that they arranged based on their prior
The teacher will then post a question “What are the effects of these
environmental problems"
The student will perform a 5 – minute activity “Lights Camera Action!”.
The teacher will divide the class into two groups and each group will have a
short presentation that will showcase actions on how to lessen the
environmental problems.

The students will explain the connection of their performance to the
activity given, on how to lessen the environmental problems.
The teacher will briefly discuss "What are the environmental problems?"

The teacher will ask the question “ As a student, what can you do to raise
awareness to these environmental problems?" Students will answer.
The teacher will discuss the different environmental problems such as:
through a PowerPoint presentation.

After the discussion, the teacher will give a short quiz about the topics
that have been discussed. The quiz will be taken only for 15 minutes.

The teacher will present a video that shows the solution to the
environmental problems. The teacher will ask the importance of those
solutions in preventing environmental problems.

The teacher will ask the students to find their partner and pick one environmental
problems. The students will create a graphic organizer about their chosen topic.

Time Allotment: 20 minutes

At the end of this activity, you should be able to:
a. discuss the interactions between science, technology, and society through making a
diagram; and
b. define science, technology, and society (STS) in your own words.
Manila Paper, Marker, Article of the Connection between Science, Technology, and
Society, Activity Sheet
1. Read the article “The Connection Between Science, Technology, and Society” with
your group.
2. Create a diagram that shows the interactions of Science, Technology, and Society
based on the article that you read.
3. Draw the diagram in the Manila Paper.
4. Answer this guide question.
Question: In your own words, how will you define Science, Technology, and Society
(STS) as a study based on the interactions of science, technology, and society that you
have read?
The Connection Between Science, Technology, and Society
By: Daniel Goldman
A number of people on Quora have asked how these three phenomena connect to one another.
It’s an interesting question, but the answer is not straightforward. One reason why answering
the question is so difficult is because all three have bidirectional relationships with each other:
each one influences the other. So that’s six different relationships.
Science and Technology
Science informs technological advancements. We rely on theories on physics, material science,
electricity, chemistry, etc to develop new technologies. Indeed, we’re still working to create a lot
of potentially useful materials that are predicted to exist, based on our current scientific theories,
and the more scientific theory develops, the more it can inform our technological advancements.
Our ability to create such powerful computers is informed by our science. Quantum computers
are being developed, based on our science on the topic, which will further our computing power
by orders of magnitude.
But technology also changes how we do science. Think about the invention of the telescope. It
vastly changed our ability to conduct astronomical research. Space telescopes, probes like
Voyager, the Cassini probe and the Huygens lander, etc have done even more. Even more
recently, technological advancements have allowed us to create a virtual telescope the size of
the Earth, which has allowed us to actually photograph a black hole (or really the material
around it).
I happened to pick astronomy as an example, but the influence technology has had on science
is — well — astronomical. Computing power, storage capacity, and so on has allowed for data
science and the use of big data in medical sciences, sociology, economics, and more. So the
very computers that are being developed, using scientific theory and evidence, also help us do
scientific research.
Technology and Society
In some ways, the influence that technology has had on society is obvious. It’s also very
profound. Just consider your ability to ask the Quora community this question, and our ability to
answer. It would not exist without technology. Social media, the internet as a whole, block chain
technology, etc. all have had significant influences on society.
Of course earlier technological revolutions such as the industrial revolution and the agricultural
revolution cannot be ignored either. The ability to create materials that we use in our everyday
life, the ability to feed a massive amount of people, and so on, are all thanks to the development
of technological innovations.
Of course, while technology has been a great boon for prosperity, it has also had some negative
impacts. It has produced quite a bit of pollution, though hopefully technology and science will
cure that issue. Probably the worst use of technology — and the science which informs its
development — has been weapons of mass destruction.
In the opposite direction, society drives technology and sometimes prohibits its development. I
recently finished a piece on the ethics of fiction writing, in which I touched on the importance
that fiction has had on inspiring new technology and warning of threats that we could face in the
future [1]. Society also drives technological evolution through need. Very often a technology
emerges because someone recognizes a need for that technology.
Science and Society
Just as technology often develops because there is a need for it, science helps solve the needs
of society. While a major goal of science is to simply better our understanding, many people
leverage science to help solve real world problems in society.
The need for a better understanding of epidemics, for instance, drives our research of the topic.
Science also improves our understanding of society. Anthropology, sociology, economics,
political science, and so on, all help us better understand how society functions. Additionally,
like with technology, society can influence our theories, and their evolution. A desire to travel
through time, or faster than the speed of light is more than enough to spur on the development
of theories that, if correct, would allow such things.
Finally, because science alters our understanding of the world, it has had a significant impact on
our belief systems, our norms, and our values, as well as our daily behaviors. Germ theory, for
instance, has changed our sanitation habits and our hygiene, as well as our food safety
protocols. Hand washing is an essential habit that we have primarily because of our
understanding of how pathogens spread. And it’s just one of many ways in which scientific
theory and evidence has changed our behavior.
A Trifecta
The science understanding of how the world functions alters how we behave. Technology alters
how we can behave. Society drives technological innovations and scientific inquiry. Science
gives us insight into what kind of technologies we could potentially create and how to create
them, while technology allows us to conduct further scientific research.
The three domains are so intimately connected that it is sometimes difficult to pull them apart.
But understanding how the three relate to each other is important, because each one drives the
future of the other.

Goldman, D. (January 24, 2020). The Connection Between Science, Technology, and Society.
Retrieved from
Science, technology and innovation each represent a successively larger category of activities
which are highly interdependent but distinct. Science contributes to technology in at least six
ways: (1) new knowledge which serves as a direct source of ideas for new technological
possibilities; (2) source of tools and techniques for more efficient engineering design and a
knowledge base for evaluation of feasibility of designs; (3) research instrumentation, laboratory
techniques and analytical methods used in research that eventually find their way into design or
industrial practices, often through intermediate disciplines; (4) practice of research as a source
for development and assimilation of new human skills and capabilities eventually useful for
technology; (5) creation of a knowledge base that becomes increasingly important in the
assessment of technology in terms of its wider social and environmental impacts; (6) knowledge
base that enables more efficient strategies of applied research, development, and refinement of
new technologies.
The converse impact of technology on science is of at least equal importance: (1) through
providing a fertile source of novel scientific questions and thereby also helping to justify the
allocation of resources needed to address these questions in an efficient and timely manner,
extending the agenda of science; (2) as a source of otherwise unavailable instrumentation and
techniques needed to address novel and more difficult scientific questions more efficiently.
Specific examples of each of these two-way interactions are discussed. Because of many
indirect as well as direct connections between science and technology, the research portfolio of
potential social benefit is much broader and more diverse than would be suggested by looking
only at the direct connections between science and technology.
Negative Effects of Science and Technology
By Princewill Ene
Science and technology have affected human society and his surroundings in a number of
ways. In some societies, science and technology have helped develop more advance
economies and have allowed the rise of a leisure class. Science and technology have many
positive effects in the life of man and his environment, yet they have created some serious
problems that have many negative or undesirable effects on the life of man and his
Hence, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes. The development of weapons
of ever increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs, spears to
nuclear weapons.
Many technological processes produce unwanted by products known as pollution and deplete
natural resources, to the detriment of the earth and its environment. Besides, various
implementations of technology influence values of a society and new technology often raises
new ethical questions.
Thus, there have been philosophical debates over the present and the future use of technology
in society, with disagreements over whether technology improves the human condition or
worsen it. Meanwhile, some of the negative effects of science and technology include:
Production of Weapon of War and Destruction:
In the primitive society, weapons used in hunting and wars were limited to clubs, spears and
machetes. These progressed to Dane guns, double barrel guns, machine guns, grenades,
bombs, and now nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.All these are product of science and
technology. Through the advancement of science and technology, the buildup of nuclear
weapons of mass destruction has been alarmingly on the increase.
Every country wants to acquire and store nuclear weapon in readiness for an eventual attack
from hostile or enemy country. The advancement of science and technology has enabled man
to develop and equip himself with dangerous arsenals of various degrees and capacities for his
own destruction. Nuclear weapons pose grave danger and threat to humanity because of their
unmitigated destructive capacities. One atomic or hydrogen bomb is capable of wiping a whole
nation in few minutes.
Yet, nations spend so much of their wealth in acquiring these dangerous weapons without
considering the adverse or retroactive effects on the society. As it were, with every nation
shamelessly and unrestrictedly amassing nuclear weapons, the whole world is presently sitting
on a time bomb that already begun its timing.
Technological Unemployment:
Technological unemployment occurs as a result of mechanization brought about by science and
technology. This happens when the work that should have been done by people is done by
machines. In other words, mechanization leads to the replacement of human workers with
machines, reducing or even eliminating the chances for human workers.
Accidents and Deaths:
When man means of transportation was by trekking and by the use of animals, few accidents
occurred. But with the advancement of technology, which occasioned the invention and use of
aircraft, train, ships, speed boat, cars and motorcycles, cases of death and accident have been
seriously on the increase, ranging from plane crashes, shipwrecks, car and motorcycle accident.
Apart from road accidents, industrial accidents also occur. There are cases where workers are
burnt to death, or loss their limbs, electrocuted or accidentally bathe in acid in their work place
due to faulty mechanical devices. Also, flyover, bridges and some high-tech buildings and
constructions, (which are products of science and technology) have in the past and even in the
present collapsed suddenly leading to lose of lives.
Crimes have been on the increase since science and technology have made it possible for the
production of devices and gadgets such as powerful guns, explosives, and other dangerous
weapons. The use of computers and internet and other communication technology have greatly
assisted fraudsters to steal and dupe their victim easily. As a result of the recent romance with
computerization, banks and other financial industries are special targets for hackers and
fraudsters who specialize in duping banks.
Loss of Value and Culture:
The Nigeria society with the current trends in fashion, communication, recreation, information
technology, arts, education etc, is heading towards an irreversible loss of values and culture.
Science and technology have provided tools with which the minds of our youth are drained of all
cultural values and customs.
These days our young women no longer value decency and morality. The type of clothes they
put on in the name of fashion in a bid to imitate the whites is disdainfully humiliating. Our values
and culture are in constant danger of being totally forgotten and thrown away by our youths,
courtesy of science and technology.
Environmental degradation:
Environmental degradation has become both national and international concern. The
achievements of science and technology have led to serious pollution and degradation of the
human environment. Industries, factories and locomotive wastes and smokes pollute the air
leading to acid rains, global warming and depletion of the ozone layer.
This ozone layer is a very important layer because it shades off or protects man from direct
contacts with the heat of the sun. When this ozone layer is depleted or worn out as a result of
environmental pollution or degradation, humans is then exposed to direct sunshine which is
harmful as it is capable of causing cancer of the skin and frost bites.
Also, solid wastes such as broken bottles and glasses, sachet water bags, polythene bags,
metal scraps, broken plates etc, which cannot be recycled, are capable of endangering the
Science and technology degrades the human environment in the following ways:
Air and water pollution,
Land and solid degradation
Loss of biological and wildlife species.
Environmental pollution is the release of substances or energy such as carbon (iv) oxide,
carbon (iii) oxide from internal combustion engines, radioactive rays, oxides of nitrogen and
sulphur, smoke, soot, dust, aerosols, insecticides, sewage, crude oil etc, into the environment in
great quantities.
They are capable of polluting soil and water thereby endangering the lives of animals and
plants. It is one of the most harmful effects of industrial technology. Pollutants are capable of
causing ill health and in severe cases, death of man, animals and plants, mutation, corrosion,
death of aquatic organisms and contamination of water for domestic and industrial use.
Pollution can be in form of sound just like siren from locomotives, loud speakers, airplanes and
supersonic jets. All these are harmful to both humans and animals, and they are as a result of
advancement in science and technology.
Science and technology as we have seen have contributed immensely to the growth and
development of the human society. They have put man in position to control his environment.
Unfortunately they have equally constituted serious threats to the live of human animal and

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