Introduction To British Structuralism

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Introduction to

British Structuralism
British structuralism, also known as the London School of Linguistics, was a
influential school of linguistic thought that emerged in the early 20th century,
shaping our understanding of language structure and function.
The London School of Linguistics
Key Figures Contextual Approach Influence

The London School was led by This school emphasized the The London School's innovative
prominent linguists such as J.R. study of language within its ideas had a lasting impact on
Firth and Michael Halliday, who broader social and cultural fields like systemic functional
developed pioneering theories contexts, challenging the linguistics, discourse analysis,
on language and context. prevailing view of language as an and linguistic anthropology.
isolated system.
Daniel Jones and the Phoneme
Phoneme Concept 1
Daniel Jones, a key figure in the London
School, introduced the concept of the
phoneme - the smallest distinctive sound 2 Phonemic Analysis
unit in a language. Jones pioneered phonemic analysis,
which focused on identifying the
contrastive sounds that distinguish one
Influence 3 word from another in a language.
Jones' work on phonemes laid the
foundation for modern phonology and
had a lasting impact on the study of
speech sounds.
J.R. Firth and Contextual Theory
1 Contextual Linguistics 2 Collocation and Meaning
Firth's influential theory emphasized the Firth proposed that the meaning of a
importance of studying language within word is determined by its collocations -
its broader social and cultural context. the words that typically occur with it.

3 Language as a Social Construct

Firth viewed language as a social practice, shaped by the contexts and communities in
which it is used.
Bronislaw Malinowski and Linguistic
Ethnographic Approach Language as a Social Tool
Malinowski's influential fieldwork in the Malinowski viewed language as a means of
Trobriand Islands demonstrated the social interaction and a tool for
importance of studying language in its accomplishing practical tasks.
cultural context.

Functional Linguistics
Malinowski's ideas on the functional aspects of language influenced the development of
Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Michael A.K. Halliday and Systemic
Functional Linguistics
1 2 3

Functional Grammar Metafunctions Discourse Analysis

Halliday's Systemic Functional SFL identified three key Halliday's approach to language
Linguistics (SFL) viewed metafunctions of language: analysis has been influential in
language as a system of choices ideational, interpersonal, and the field of discourse analysis
for making meaning in social textual, which shape the and the study of language in
contexts. structure and meaning of texts. use.
Key Concepts and Principles

Phoneme Collocation Contextual Functional

Approach Linguistics
The smallest distinctive The words that typically
sound unit in a language. occur together, shaping Studying language Viewing language as a
meaning. within its broader social system of choices for
and cultural contexts. making meaning.
Influence and Legacy
Phoneme Analysis Foundational for modern phonology

Contextual Theory Shaped discourse analysis and the study of

language in use

Functional Linguistics Influential in fields like systemic functional

linguistics and linguistic anthropology

The ideas and approaches developed by the London School of Linguistics have had a lasting impact on the field
of linguistics, shaping our understanding of language as a complex, context-dependent system.

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