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A-33-1 120 19-TS-I (February)

Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Technical Education Bureau

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi,

Dated the 27th February, 2019

Shri Sarbajit Roy,

B-59, Defence Colony,
2nd Floor, New Delhi-110024,
Mobile No. 8010205897

Subject: Application under Right to Information Act, 2005-reg.


I refer to your RTI application Registration No. DOHED IRI 2019/5022511 dated

2. Copies of the relevant documents pertaining to the Report of the Committee are
enclosed. With regard to information on CSAB, Seat Allocation for EWS in IITs and
Medical Institutions, your RTI application is transferred to CPIO, IIT Roorkee,
Technical Section-III and Ministry of Health for furnishing the requisite information to
you directly.

3. Appeal if, any may be preferred within 30 days of receipt of this reply to Shri
Prashant Agarwal, Director (IITs), Department of Higher Education, Shastri Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001, who is the First Appellate Authority.

YOrfaiu:rUllyl _
Encl: As above

(Kundan Nath)
Under Secretary & CPIO

Copy to:-
(i) CPIO IPIO, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, Roorkee - Haridwar
Highway, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667
(ii) Nodal CPIO, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan,New
Delhi-1100 11,
(iii) CPIO, Technical Section-III, Department of Higher Education, Shastri
Bhawan, New Delhi-IIOOO I
F. No. 19-5/2014 TS 1
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
New Delhi, dated 8th April 2016
The Directors of all IITs
Chairman CSSE

Subject: Notifying changes in JEE 2017

The lIT Council in its meeting held in October 2015 has constituted a
Committee of Eminent Persons to suggest ways for improving the system of
Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). The Committee has, after due consultation
with the stakeholders, has' submitted its report to Government,
recommending; among other things, to do away with the weightage ,given to
the 12th Class examination marks in the JEE (Mains) ranking.

.- !

----- .. -----.---

Copy to: PPSto Secy -(HE)/Secy (SE) - . -.:

------ .. - -..-------- ". -'-----~----

F. No. 19-312011-TS.!
, ; -v : ~Governmellt,'oflndia
Ministry ~rHwnan Resource.Development
Department of Higher EdLliution
Technical Section. 1

Shastri Bhavw. ~<."Delhi - II OOQI,\ :,'" October. 2015

In pursuance of the decision taken in the 41J'h liT Councilll1e~\;ng twit! nl\ (,'11October. 2015
it has been decided to constitute a
committee of Eminent Persons to review 111<: current JEE system
for admission into !lTs. The composition of the Committee of Eminent Person> is n, under:

I. Shri Ashok Misra. Chairman BOG, liT Roorkce I c~II,~~I~"~'-

Shri Pawan Gcenka, Chairman, BoO, liT Madras
Dr. Tessy Thomas, Outstanding Scientist' & Director
Advanced,Systems Laboraiorv (ASL). Hyderabad
: 1\

4, Prof. Gautam Barua, Mentor Director, 1ll1'-Guwahati. h.lll,'

5. Prof. M.S: Ananth, Chairman, IlITDM Kancheepuram I l\ ,I •• : 'cr
6. Dr. Baldev Rai, Chairman, Board of Governor" 1\ 1,,- ,,1'(,1'

Indian JnstituI~ of Technologv, Gandhinagnr. ._ I

2. ,The terms of reference of Committee of Eminent Persons review the' " ',.'111 JEE system for
admission into IlTs is lIS under:

To recommend structure' of a single exam that tests the understaudi .. ,,'lccptual clarity,
and innovative thinking of students for admission to IITs and NITs.
.• To find means in the exam structure that would reduce lht: pressure· 'lI.l011lS and reduce
depcndenceof studeuts on the coaching centres. without diluting 111l' q ,,' of testing .
To appreciably reduce the lime teken from conduct of the entrance • ;"1\ to declaration
results, from the current 3 months.
• To review and recommend reforms if any needed in the common CO\I\'" ,;'l'! process so that
admissions in !ITs, NITs, rISERs are completed without lilly difficuhv

3. The Committee is to submit its report by J" November, 2015.

(Tripii Gurha)
Director (!ITs)
", .. (:11 - 23073271
I. Prof, Ashok Misra, Chairman, BOO, lIT Roorkee, l~ool'kee-224761, 7 , 'u rakhand).
and Chairman - India, Intellectual Ventures India Consulting P\i # 701-
Raheja Paramount. I38-Residcncy road, Bangalore - 56000~5, Tel: 0" , :X5555, F:
080·66485500, M: 09972232233, Tel: 01332-272742. 2855()O, Fax: . ; .'-273560,
285815 Email-ashokmisra47@umail.clIm
2. Dr. Pawan Goenka, Chairman, BoG, liT Madras. Chcnnai-600In(. , .xecutivc
Director and President. Mahindra & Mahindra, Mahindra Towers. 01\' ' ale Marg,
Worli, Mumbai , Tel: 022-24970162 (Wodi).· Tel: 022-2885:: ' Kandivli)
M.: 09892080035 Email:
Conlcl ..I1.?J-


3. Dr. (Mrs.) Tessy Thomas. Outstanding Scientist' &. Director I\d .d Systems
Laboratory (ASL). Hyderabad .• (Office) : 040·24188004. Phone . : 040·
24343779 (M): 09441208877, Enl8:il : di~IOr@nsl.drdo.i!l. 1<:5:')'_' 'I·

4. Prof. Gautam Barua, Mentor Director, Indian Institute of Infon11(11' :,:chnology,

Guwahati. Tel: 0361· 2690401, Fax No. 0361;2692321, 21. .2. E-Illai I;

:5. Dr, Baldev Raj, Chairman. Board of Governors. Indian lnstinne cchnnlogy.
Gandhinagar, President Research PSG Institution, PSG Colleg, cchnology
Campus, New Administrative Block. Peelamadu, Coirnbatore, T.N, I . i,Ph: 042::2·
4344201, Fit>:: 0422·4344 200, [·mllil: baldcv.dl'Ui' secdl' , ·Cflr.go\' .in. (M) 9894070495

6. Prof. M.S. Ananth, Chairman, Board of Governors. Indian lusritur. . nformation

Technology, Design & Manufacturing (IIITD&M). Kancheepuran lnkottaiyur
Village, Off Vandalur-Kelambakkam Road, ,Nellikuppam. 'RO<1d, imi - 600
127.Tamil Nadu, India

Copy to:
1. PS 10 HRM
2. PPS to Secretary(HE)
3. PS 10 AS(TE)
4. Director (IITs), MHRD


...I1<etllf ~ilifiji:nl ~ ~ Mab.
~ +91·997131133
~ .•91 - IBl-18550D, 271742 (0) ~
~ -247667, em<l~og, 'qJ«{ : .•91-80-42031779 (R)
: ashokml$ o
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee ; 68 Adersh Vista. Basavanagar o
ROORKEE- 247667, (UTTARAKHAND), INDIA Bangalore 560037, India ""'I

VI 0 amlcii fli~ CD
Prof. .ftslio{:Misra
Chairman,Board of Govemors
Dated: 5th November, 2015

.' .
Dear Mr. -Subrahmanyam,

This is with reference to order no. 19-3/2011-TS.I dated Sth October, 2015 regarding
.r constitution of a Committee of eminent persons to review the current JEE system for
admission into IITs. (copy attached for your ready reference.)

The Committee had three meetings and deliberated upon On several issues of the terms of
reference of the Committee. I am happy to mention that the Final Report of the
Committee is ready and I am enclosing a copy of the same for your kind perusal Since
time is "short, Icould not get the signatures of all the Committee members. However, they
have all agreed with the report in principle. 1 am copying them through email. Hope this
is in order.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,
/'/) \

, (Ashok Misra)
Chairperson, JEECommittee

Encls : As above

.Shri R. Subrahmanyam
Additional Secretary (TE)
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
IIS-C, Shastri Bhawan,
New Delhi-II 0 001

, '


.,,/ "
to. :

• •



In pursuance of the decision taken in the 49th IIT Council meeting held of 6th October, 2015
(Ref.: D.O. Order No.l9-3/2011-TS.l dated 8 October, 2015 from Government of India,
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, Technical
Section. 1, New Delhi - Annexure I), it has been decided to constitute of a Committee of Eminent
Persons to review the current JEE system for admission into IITs. The composition of the
Committee of Eminent Persons is as under:

1. Shri Ashok Misra, Chairperson, BoG, IIT Roorkee Chairperson

2. Shri Pawan Goenka, Chairperson, BoG, lIT Madras Member
3. Dr. Tessy Thomas, Outstanding Scientist' & Director Member
Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), Hyderabad
4. Prof. Gautam Barua, Mentor Director, IIlT-Guwahati Member
5. Prof ..M.S. Ananth, Chai!'Qerson, IIITDM Kancheepuram Member
6. Dr. Baldev Raj, Chairman, BoG, lIT Gandhinagar Member

2. The terms of reference of Committee of Eminent Persons review the current JEE system
for admission into !ITs is as under:

• To recommend structure of a single exam that tests the understanding, conceptual clarity,
and innovative thinking of students for admission to lITs and NITs.
• To find means in the exam structure that would reduce the pressure on students and

reduce dependence of students on. the coaching centres, without diluting the quality of
• To appreciably reduce the time taken from conduct of the entrance exam to declaration
"results, from the current 3 months.
• To review and recommend reforms if any needed in the common counseling process so
that admissions in IITs, NITs, IISERs are completed without any difficulty.

3. The committee is to submit its report by 151 November. 20 IS.

Mr. Ajai Chowdhry, Chairperson, lIT Patna, was requested to join the above mentioned
Committee as a Special Invitee.


• Current status of Joint Entrance E:taminations

Presently there are two JEE examinations:

1. lEE (Main) conducted by CBSE in the first week of April and this came into effect since
2013. About 13+ lakh (1.3 million) students appear in this examination. It is a three hour
objective type examination - with equal distribution of questions in Physics, Chemistry and
Mathematics and a total 360 marks. About 20-25% take this exam'online and the rest take it

Further, out of these about 25,000 qualify for admission to National Institute of Technologies
(NIT) and other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFT!). For the NITs etc. For
giving an All India Rank (AIR) 40% weightage is given to the Board marks. This has
become a big challenge due to several reasons. The main one being that the marks
distribution is very uneven in all the boards, which poses in several anomalies. Besides the
Boards do not send the marks in time and that delays the process of giving AIRs.

2. From lEE (Main) marks only, the top 1.5 lakh (150k) are eligible to take the JEE (Advanced)
for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technologies (HTs). JEE (Advanced) is conducted
by the HTs in May and this consists of two 3 hour examination, with equal weightage given
to Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. This also has been in operation since 2013. Earlier
the IITs had their own lEE in which 4+ lakh students appeared and dealing with these
numbers was already becoming a problem. IITs admit about 10;000+ students and give ranks
upto about 25000.

3. Earlier, the admission to the NITs, CFTls etc. was done through an entrance examination
. conducted by eBSE, called-AIEEE'(AII India Engineering Entrance Examination). This was
done on the basis of marks alone.

4. In the new system of JEE, the counselling for IITs and NITs was done separately in 2013 and
2014. However, in 2015 the counselling was done jointly for the IITs and the NITs for the
first time. This is also a bit of a challenge due to logistic issues, however it appeared to have
'helped in filling a larger number of seats at both these sets of institutions.

The lIT Council, through the above mentioned Office Order, has desired that there be only one
entrance examination to reduce the stress level on the students and reduce the dependence on
Coaching institutions. Of these about 10,000+ are to qualify for the IITs and 25,000+ to qualify
for the NITs and CFTls. The biggest challenge in this is to give AIRs to over 13 lakh candidates
in a single test of 720 marks.

Another important issue is the proliferation of coaching centres. This has become a very large
industry and had made students too much dependent on coaching centres. This has hurt the
school education in a big way and also poses a major financial and logistics burden on the
parents. A rough estimate puts. the revenues of the coaching industry at Rs. 24,000 crores per


• year (approx, $ 4 billion). This presumes that 12 lakhstudents attend coaching for 2 years and
pay Rs. 1.00 lakh per year. The actual number of years for coaching may be more than this and
hence the revenues maybe greater than the amount given above. It is desired that the dependence
of students on the coaching centres be reduced.

Committee Deliberations

The Committee held their meetings on:

1. October 6th, 2015 just after the lIT Council

2. October 19t\ 2015 through a conference call
3. October 2ih, 2015 through a conference cal!

The matters discussed were the following:

The details of the two JEE as they exist currently, both the JEE (Main) and .TEE (advanced) as
outlined above were discussed in detail. .Further, the currents status of coaching centres and
quality of education in schools. was discussed.

Based on this and the terms of reference for the committee, the issue was divided into parts:

r Deliberate on the merits of one or two examinations for admission to the IITs, NITs and
other CFTIs in the short run and in the long run.
r Deliberate on the Coaching institutes, their effect on school education and suggestions for
reducing the dependence on coaching in the selection of students for admission

Deliberation on One or two examinations

Th~ various points that emerged were:

I. The issue involves giving All India Ranks (AIR) to approximately 40,000 candidates to cover
all the institutions out of 13+ lakhs students who appear for JEE. Currently 150,000
candidates are eligible to take the JEE (Advanced) and about 25,000 candidates are ranked.
For this ranking the lowest aggregate qualifying marks are 35%, with minimum of 10% in
each subject - Mathematics, Physics arid Chemistry. For OBC candidates these numbers are
90% of this figure and for SC/ST and physically handicapped candidates these numbers
become 50% of-these figures i.e. 17.5% and 5%. Therefore, if more candidates have to be
given "ranks the numbers of marks in each subject will come close to zero or even negative.
(please note that there is negative marking). This is hardly a desirable situation. It was noted
that of the 150,000 candidates eligible through JEE (Main) only about 125,000 actually
choose to appear in JEE (Main). The rest choose to get admission in NITs etc. or State
2. The IITs are not in a position to conduct JEE type exam for 13+ lakh candidates with their
current infrastructure and procedure of conducting the examination.


• 3. It was also noted that there was very little correlatio~ to the merit list based on marks of the
JEE (Main) and the AIRs given by JEE (Advanced).
4. The IlTs w!l1 not accept the examination to be/conducted by any other agency and there is
merit in this as the Il'I's have maintained a standard for the examination over the past 55
years, which is well respected. The JEE (Advanced) conducted by the Il'I's currently, which
is like the JEE in the past, is
a tried and tested examination to select outstanding students for
the HTs and this should not be tinkered with.
5. Further, Prof. Ashok Misra is also the Chairperson of the JEE (Main) Apex Board (JAB) and
he informed the committee that JAB (Main) has recommended, vide report submitted earlier
this year, that the practice of adding 40% marks from the respective boards may be
discontinued due the difficulties in normalization. Instead JAB has recommended that the
JEE (Main) should become a six hour exam of 720 marks - in two parts of 3 hours each of
360 marks. Currently, there is one paper of 360 marks. This will give a spread of ranks over
larger maximum aggregate of 720 marks to rank 13 lakh candidates - this is a challenge in
itself. The importance of Board examination will be preserved as the candidates will have to
be in the top 75 percentile or have at least 65% marks (for smaller boards) to be eligible for
admission. JAB (Main) also recommended that the exam be conducted twice a year, in
December and April. It is noted that approx. 40% candidates are Ithose who appear for the
second time and they may prefer the December test. The minutes of JAB (Main) held on
October 5th are attached (Annexure I).
6. A report was prepared by a special committee to analyse the working of the JEE (Main) over
the past three years and this has some very interesting findings. The report was shared with
the members and is given in Annexure II.
7. It is believed that .currently students are going for coaching for the Board exams also.
Removing the addition of marks for giving the AIRs will reduce the dependence of coaching
to some extent.

Deliberations on reducing the effect of Coaching Institutions

1. The current coaching is a very lucrative 'industry'. As mentioned earlier, it has revenues of
approximately Rs, 24,000 crores per year. However, it seems. to fill a void - the absence of
good teaching in schools - and does it effectively enough to 'make lots of money also. It is
not always mindless profit, indeed at least some of the Coaching Institutions offer
'scholarships' for bright students who c~n't afford them otherwise. There are still three
• The first is philosophical (yet important). The purpose of education is refinement of the
mind not passing an entrance examination.
• The second concerns the fact that 'all work and no play' makes a plus 12 grade student a dull
individual with less involvement is activities other than studies.
• The third is that students are forced to waste a lot time commuting in order to avail the
benefit of 'good' coaching.

"\ " j

• . 2. The first two can be best addressed by providing excellent facilities to school teachers
including paying them well. Nationally we emphasize the importance of character building
in education and the need to respect teacher socially. Of course, in order to be effective. this
should be put in practice, especially for those who preach.
3. It is suggested that it would be helpful if there is a regulatory body for the coaching
institutions. As an example, An All India Council for Coaching for Entrance Examinations
(AICCEE) maybe established with the demand that Coaching Institutes are well equipped
and maintain healthy and best practices as well as charge,regulated fees.
4. It is recognized that the dependence on and the perceived need for Coaching can be reduced
only over a period oftime. However, we must work towards it.
5. It is also suggested that an online portal be set up for students to take mock tests while
preparing for the JEE. The Corporates and the Government can use the services of good
schools as well as good coaching institutes themselves to set up online coaching classes with
interactivity .
6. The Committee deliberated on the possibility of an entirely new system of examination for
the future, in lieu ofJEE (Main), perhaps from 2017 onwards. For this, it is proposed that a
National Testing Service (or a similar named agency) be set up in India along the lines of the
Education Testing Service of USA. About three years ago MHRD also looked at such a
possibility and a white paper on National Agency for Testing (NAT) was prepared with Mr.
Vineet Joshi, the Chairman of CBSE at that time (Annexure III). Mr. Victor Menezes, an
alumnus of lIT Bombay, is on the Board of ETS in USA and we may seek his advice in
setting up NTS.
7. The proposal is that the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) type examination be an aptitude test
from which 4 or 5 lakh candidates would be chosen. This would have a quantitative and a
qualitative portion. This test may be conducted several 'times in a year. Preferably this
should be an online examination. It is believed that the SAT examination is a very good
measure of the aptitude of students that get into leading universities and institutes in USA.
SAT is very well tried and tested system and has shown excellent correlation with the ability
of students to succeed in college. It is also believed that coaching does not have a significant'
role in the performance of students the in the SAT examination. Further, in due course after
SAT stabilizes the scores may, be used for admission in other sectors such as Medical
Sciences, Sciences and Liberal Arts.
8. The second level test - JEE, to look like JEE (Advanced) - to be conducted by the IlTs to
give upto 40,000 AIR. Possibility of conducting these on-line to be looked into. With
progress in technology we should get away from the system of c~rrying exam papers in steel
trunks to examination centres.
9. The Committee recommended that MHRD should take steps to improve the School education
in the country. It should be of such a level that the need for coaching becomes redundant.
MHRD can start with the reforms in the CBSE as this is directly controlled by MHRD.
10. Currently, the desire of students to get into an llT is too intense as there is a big gap in
quality between them and the next level of institutions in the country. It is, therefore,
imperative that the standard of the next level institutions - NITs, other CFTls and State level
5 .
• institutions, be increased as soon as possible.
This will greatly reduce the dependence of
institutions in the country. In his context, there is a dire need to improve the
standards of the state-level institutions, many of which were still respectable just four
'decades ago.


, In view of the several deliberations the Committee makes the two sets of recommendation as -
outlined below:

For examinations in the year 2016:

1. The practice of two tier JEE examination for the year 2016 (and perhaps for 2017)
to continue with some modifications. This will be beneficial for the students as they
are currently geared up for it for this year. In any case the coaching in most places
is completed by around the end of October for JEE in the coming year.
2. The JEE (Main) in its modified form, with two 3 hour papers (total 6 hours), to be
conducted by CBSE and AIRs given. The total marks will be 720 and this will give
a better scope of giving AIR to 40,000+ students.
3. The top 200,000 from JEE (Main) be eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced).
4. The IITs ,to see if the papers can be set so as to prepare the ranks with the lowest
marks being a little higher than the current ones,
S. Points (c) and (d) will help in providing a 'platform for giving upto 40,000+ AIR, as a
trial for developing a better system for selection of candidates.
6. Board marks not to be counted for giving AIR this year for NITs, CFTIs etc., as
recommended by.JAB (Main).
7. Joint counselling for IITs and NITs, as was done last year. With dependence on
Board marks reduced, the counselling will be done in good time without stress on
the system.

II. Develop a new system of Examination, preferably from 2017 onwards

1. To set up National Testing Service (or a similar named agency) in India along the
lines of the Education Testing Service orUSA, preferably by early 2016.
2. NTS to conduct an Aptitude Test starting 2017 (or 2018), which should be developed
such that it is independent of coaching. Short list about 4 lakh candidates, based on
the cut off score in the NTS test, who will take the JEE. The Aptitude test may be
offered 2 or more times in a year. It is proposed that this be an online test.
3. JEE will be along the lines of the current JEE (Advanced) and designed to test the
knowledge in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. IITs to conduct the JEE for


admissioa to IITs, NITs, IISERs, CFTIs etc. and evolve a system to give AIRs upto
40,000+, or more as may be required.
4. The If'Is be requested to set up a system for developing mock .lEE examinations
using the question bank from the 50+ years of JEE. This will help students prepare
for the JEE significantly and wean them away from the coaching industry. The
possibility of using the MOOCS platform to be explored.
5. Most importantly, MHRD to take measures for the improvement of school
education in the country. The method of examination ofthe Boards should be
critically examined and reviewed thus making the marks obtained by students more
meaningful. Vood emphasis to be given to teaching with an aptitude to Science
subjects from early classes so the students with the Science aptitude are well
prepared in the concepts involved by the time they reach 12th grade, thus removing
the need for extra coaching.
6. Measures to be taken at an early date to improve the standard of the next level
institutions, the NITs, CFTIs, and state level institutions. This will give the students
a great canvas of institutions to choose from again reducing the need for coaching.

(Ashok Misra)
Committee Chairperson


. 1


Day and Date Monday, os" October, 2015

Time 10.30 A.M.

Venue Annexxe 'e' Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

The meeting was attended by the following:

Prof, Ashok Misra, Former Director liT, Mumbai Chairperson

Sh. Y.S,K.Seshu Kumar, Chairman, CBSE,Delhi . Member

Prof. Pradipta Banerjee, Director liT, Roorkee Member

Sh. Gaurav Bhatnagar, Representative liT, Jodhpur Member

Prof. N.V. Desphande, Director, NIT, Silchar Member

Prof. G. Sahoo Representative,BITS, Ranchi Member

Sh. Pratik Srivastava, Director General, NIC, Delhi Member

Prof. Rajat Moona, Director General, C-DAC, Pune Member

Prof. B. N..Jaln, liT, Delhi Member

Dr. Antar Bandyopadhyay, Nominee by Director ISI Member

Prof K. V. Krishna, Organizing Chairman, JEE(Advanced) - 2016 liT Guwahati Member

Prof. B. C. Ray, NIT, Rourkela Member

Prof. G. Radhakrishnamacharya, NIT, Warangal Member

Sh. Rajesh Aggarwal, aepresentanve of State Govt. of West Bengal Member

Dr. N. N. Bhuptani, Representative of State Govt. of Gujarat Member

. Sh, Rajbir Singh, Executive Director ,(JAB),CBSE Member Secretary

Sh. K. K. Chaudhary Controller of Examination, CBSE CBSERepresentative

Dr. Antriksh Johri, Director (IT), CBSE CBSERepresentative

Sh. J. K. Yadav, DeputySecretary, JEE,CBSE CBSERepresentative

Sh. K. K. Khandelwal, Deputy Secretary (IT), CBSE CBSERepresent~tive


At the outset, Prof. Ashok Misra welcomed the Chairman, CBSE and other
Members of JAB present in the meeting. He requested the Executive Director
(JAB) to take up the agenda item point wiser-


ON 27.07.2015

Prof. Misra sought the comments of the members on the minutes of the meeting of
JAB held on 27.07.2015. After-the detailed discussion the minutes of the meeting
were confmned by the House.



The JEE Apex Board (JAB) in its meeting held on 27/07/2015 constituted a-
committee headed by Prof. Rajat Moona to make analysis and evaluation of the
three year experience of the new format for conduct of JEE (Main) and related
issues. Prof. Moona presented the report of the committee before the. House
through power point presentation. After the detailed discussion on the report the
House approved that:.
i) The 40% weightage for the performance in class 12th board marks
normalized on percentile basis ma:y not be considered in calculation of All India
Ranks of JEE (Main) and admission to NITs/CFTIs maybe on the basis of 100%
performance of JEE (Main), however, such candidates should be in top 25
percentile of the successful candidates in class rz" examination conducted by their
boards in applicable categories or should have got minimum 65% marks in class
1th board examination.
ii.) There may be two papers each of three hours for better judgment of
performance of the candidates in JEE (Main). Both the papers may .have 90
questions, each (i.e. 30 questions each from Maths, Physics & Chemistry) and the
syllabus of both the question papers may also be same, however, the questions in

second question paper may be of slightly high difficulty level. The marks obtained
•••• by the candidates in both the papers may be added to calculate the All India Ranks.
iii) The JEE (Main) be held two times in a year, say in December and April.' It
was noted that a large percentage of candidates appear for a second time or in the
year after their lih examination and for them December would be' suitable. The
modalities for this to be worked out later.
iv) The Chairperson may forward 'the JAB minutes along with the Moona
Committee report with the above recommendations toMHRD for taking further
action in the matter.


, The House approved to conduct the next JEE (Main) in the State of Maharashtra
•. (in 7 cities i.e. Amaravati, Aurangabad, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Pune and Thane)
with the medium of question papers in Hindi & English as usual.



The Members had a detailed discussion on the required criteria based on class
12th/equivalent qualifying examination for admission to NITs & other
participating institutions and as below:-

Course Required Criteria based on Class 12th I Equivalent

qualifying Examination
REIB.TECH. . Passed 10+2 examination with Physics and Mathematics
as compulsory subjects along with one of the
Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/ Technical Vocational
subject. Obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of
candidate belonging to reserved category) in each of the
B.ARCH.! Passed in Mathematics subject alongwith 50% marks in
B.P~ANNING total including five subjects.
,· ,':I



The House approved to correct the para 3.4 of the information bulletin of JEE
(Main) by mentioning the minimum requirement of 40% disability for PwD
candidates for admission on the reserved seats.


The House approved the information bulletin for JEE (Main) - 2016 after
incorporating the changes as mentioned in item 3, 4,&,5. The changes, if any,
regarding calculation of All India Rank"of Paper-I and Paper - II of JEE (Main) -
2016 may be incorporated in the information bulletin as soon as notified by the


OF .lEE MAIN - 2016.
The House approved the schedule ~E (Main) -2016 as below.-
SI. No Activities Date
1. Pen & Paper Based Examination 03ro April 2016

2. Computer Based Examination During os= - 15th April 2016

3. Display of Answer key and images 18th to 22na April, 2016
of response (OMR) sheets
4. Declaration of Score of paper-I 27.04.2016


OF JEE MAIN - 2016

The Members discussed the issue of calculation of All India Rank of JEE (Main)
'1 and the issue of collection of result data from various boards. In view of the
difficulties faced during last year the House approved that the All India Rank of
JEE (Main) - 2016 will be declared by 2ih June, ?O 16 or eight days after receipt of
result data from all the boards whichever is earlier.
" .;... ...• ~


1. The representative from State Govt. of Haryana informed the House that the

candidates of Chandigarh and nearby area have to travel to

Ambala/ AmritsarlBathinda etc. for appearing in pen & paper mode of JEE
(Main) due to conduct of only computer based examination of JEE (Main) at
Chandigarh city. The Executive Director (JAB) informed that there are similar
problems in various cities like Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, Bengaluru,
Chennai, Allahabad & Dehradun so he proposed that pen &. paper
examination of JEE (Main) may also be conducted all these seven cities.
Therefore, the pen & paper based examination will be conducted in 127 cities
and computer based examination will be conducted in 130 cities in India and
abroad. The House approved the proposal.
ii. The Chairperson proposed that JEE (Main) may be conducted twice in a year
i.e. in the month of December & April, as also mentioned earlier in the
recommendation of item no. 2. There was a detailed discussion on the issue
regarding the appearance of the candidate in either or both the examinations
and the consideration of performance of the candidates. Issue of how many
times a candidate may appear with two exams per year is also to be looked into.
Since, there was no consensus on the issue so the matter was deferred for the
next meeting of JAB. .

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to Chair.

Executive Director (JAB)

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