Temperature - Curling Damage

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Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

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Temperature field and thermal effects of the longitudinal connected slab

track based on the measurement data and thermal-fluid-structure
coupling analysis
Qian Zhang , Xiaopei Cai *, Yanglong Zhong , Zelin Chen , Changchang Wang
School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China


Keywords: The temperature field and thermal effects are important factors affecting the serviceability of the longitudinal
Longitudinal connected slab track connected slab track and the safety of high-speed trains, which are necessary to deeply understand. To analyze
Thermal-fluid–structure coupling analysis the temperature field and thermal deformation of the longitudinal connected slab track, based on the heat
Temperature distribution
transfer processes between the track and the environment, a three-dimensional thermal-fluid–structure coupling
Slab deformation
Construction temperature
analysis model is established. The meteorological factors are comprehensively considered in the model, and the
temperature field and the thermal effects of the longitudinal connected slab track can be thoroughly investigated.
Good agreement is observed between the calculated temperatures of the model and the measured temperatures
at the testing platform. On this basis, the temperature and deformation of the longitudinal connected slab track in
typical dates in Beijing are analyzed. The results indicate that the maximum temperatures of the track and the
time of their occurrence vary in different seasons. The positive temperature gradient is greater than the negative
temperature gradient. The temperature distribution of the slab track shows significant non-uniformity in the
transverse direction along the track. In summer, the slab track has a U-shaped temperature distribution in
daylight, while in winter, the slab track has an S-shaped temperature distribution. The uneven distribution of the
track temperature causes uneven deformation of the precast slab. The arching deformation of the precast slab is
greatest in summer. Focused observation of the precast slab during the hot season is required to prevent excessive
deformation and instability of the slab. The construction temperature of the slab track has pronounced effects on
track deformations. The construction temperature should be strictly controlled to prevent the track cracking or

1. Introduction the track under extreme and repeated temperature rises and falls [6].
The damages are mainly manifested as cracks of the concrete caused by
With the extensive construction of high-speed railways, the slab low temperature and the up-arch of the precast slab caused by high
track is increasingly used because of its outstanding advantages such as temperature [7]. The cracks and instability of the longitudinal con­
high smoothness, excellent durability, and low maintenance [1,2]. The nected slab track caused by thermal effects widely appear on high-speed
longitudinal connected slab track is one of the major types of the slab railway (HSR) lines in high-temperature areas. Examples include
track, which has been constructed more than 4, 000 km in China [3]and Ningbo-Hangzhou High-speed Railway, Shanghai-Hangzhou High-
consists of rail, fastener, precast slab, cement asphalt (CA) mortar, broad speed Railway, and Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway in southern
joint, narrow joint, and concrete base [4], as shown in Fig. 1. The track China. According to statistics in summer of 2013, up-arch of the longi­
has good integrity and uniform stiffness [5], which can provide smooth tudinal connected slab track in 49 places were detected on Beijing-
running surfaces for high-speed trains because the precast slab and the Shanghai HSR, with the maximum up-arch amount of 5 mm. The lon­
concrete base are both longitudinally connected structures. However, it gitudinal connected slab track of the Ningbo-Hangzhou HSR has 47
is precisely this longitudinally connected system that makes it easy to diseases of up-arch, with the maximum up-arch amount reaching 20 mm
accumulate large internal forces in the precast slab, causing damages to [8]. These diseases of the longitudinal connected slab track caused by

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: xpcai@bjtu.edu.cn (X. Cai).

Received 17 March 2022; Received in revised form 10 May 2022; Accepted 10 June 2022
Available online 18 June 2022
0950-0618/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

the thermal effects have seriously threatened the serviceability of tracks

and the safe operation of high-speed trains.
The direct source of the thermal effects of slab track is its tempera­
ture field, the distribution of which varies considerably from season to
season and from region to region [9]. In hot seasons, the slab track ex­
pands thermally as a result of the increased temperature. The ends of the
longitudinally connected track are constrained and therefore the pres­
sure accumulates internally. In this condition, there is a tendency for the
precast slab to become unstable due to the excessive pressure. As a
result, when the bond between the precast slab and the CA mortar is Fig. 2. The diseases of the longitudinal connected slab track.
weakened [10], which is very common in the operation of HSR [11] and
shown in Fig. 2 (a), it is likely to cause the track arching due to high the slab track to establish the relationship between the track tempera­
temperatures [12]. In cold seasons, the temperature of the slab track ture and air temperature, solar radiation intensity, wind speed, and
decreases, which will make the slab track contract and great internal other meteorological factors, so as to predict and analyze the tempera­
tension accumulate. The interface between the precast slab and the ture field of the track more comprehensively.
joints will crack under great tension, as shown in Fig. 2 (b), which will In the theoretical analysis of the temperature field of the slab track,
destroy the longitudinal connection of the slab and contribute to further many studies have been carried out such as the simulation modeling and
instability of the track. In addition to the temperature rise and fall of the the analytical expression derivation. Li et al. [28], Guo et al. [29], Yan
track, the uneven distribution of the precast slab temperature will form a et al. [30] established thermodynamic analysis models of the slab track
temperature gradient perpendicular to the track surfaces, which will based on the finite element method. The thermodynamic models
cause undesirable deformation of the track [13,14]. Therefore, the allowed a comprehensive analysis of the influence of the track temper­
temperature field can have significant effects on the serviceability of the ature field on longitude and latitude, local meteorological conditions
longitudinal connected slab track. and other factors. In the modeling process, the three main factors
At present, the studies on the temperature field of the slab track were affecting the temperature field of the slab track: solar radiation, heat
mainly conducted from two aspects, one was the field monitoring of the convection, and heat conduction, were simplified and regarded as the
track temperature, the other was the theoretical analysis based on boundary condition of the heat convection or heat flux density. Ou et al.
meteorology and heat transfer. [31–34], Kang et al. [35] derived formulas for calculating the temper­
Research into the field monitoring of the track temperature field has ature field based on the heat exchange between the slab track and the
been fruitful and provided theoretical support for analyzing the thermal environment, considering factors such as air temperature, solar radia­
effects on the slab track. Dai et al. [15–17], Liang et al. [18], Wu et al. tion and wind speed. The effects of complex meteorological conditions
[19], and Zhao et al. [20,21] used the regression analysis method and have also been simplified in the modeling process. Liu et al. [36]and
time series difference method to fit the measured temperatures of the Yang et al. [37] constructed a test platform for the slab track, measured
slab track. Based on the fitting results, expressions for the temperature track temperature and several meteorological factors such as solar ra­
gradient of the slab track were proposed, leading to temperature pre­ diation, wind speed and air temperature. The thermal boundaries of the
diction models. As the temperature of the slab track is closely related to slab track were calculated from the measured data and assigned to the
the ambient temperature, Liu et al. [22], Zhao et al. [23] and Gao et al. finite element model, thus establishing a more comprehensive model for
[24] conducted long-term measurements of the ambient temperature of analyzing the temperature field taking into account the complex mete­
the slab track. Based on the measured data, the correlation between the orological conditions.
slab track temperature and the air temperature was revealed. These The temperature analysis of the slab track played an important role
studies were able to analyze the temperature field of the slab track from in guiding the design of the track, as the temperature is a key factor
changes in the air temperature. Considering that the change of the slab affecting the slab track forces [38]. In analyzing the effect of the tem­
track temperature is not only dependent on the air temperature, but is perature on the slab track, the current focus is on damage to the track
related to solar radiation, wind speed and so on, more and more mete­ under extreme temperatures, such as Zhong et al. [6], Liu et al. [8,39]
orological factors were gradually taken into account in the analysis of and Chen et al. [40].
the slab track temperature. Yan et al. [25], Ou et al. [26] and Wan et al. It is clear from the above analysis that the temperature field and
[27] combined meteorological data and the measured temperature of thermal effects of the slab track have been studied a lot, however not

Fig. 1. The longitudinal connected slab track.

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

sufficiently. The shortcomings of these studies include incomplete occurs between the sides of the concrete base and the air. Heat radiation
measured data and too much neglect of thermal boundaries in theoret­ includes direct solar radiation, scattered radiation, and reflected radia­
ical analysis. The temperature distributions of the slab track obtained tion from the longitudinal connected slab track. Solar-induced radiation
through experiments were often limited by the location of the mea­ is quite crucial for determining the temperature field of the longitudinal
surement points and the number of sensors, and only the results within connected slab track. Hence, the contribution of the solar radiation in
small sections can be obtained. Such test results were unable to reflect heat transfer must be considered [41].
the regional variability and did not allow for track temperature data to Taking into account the above heat transfer modes between the
be obtained beyond the sensor locations. Theoretical analysis can obtain longitudinal connected slab track and the environment, the following
more comprehensive characteristics of the temperature distribution, and assumptions had been made in developing the governing equations for
the influencing factors considered in the theoretical analysis were more transient heat transfer.
and more comprehensive. Complex meteorological conditions had
increasingly become factors that must be taken into account when (1) The materials of the longitudinal connected slab track and
studying the temperature field of the slab tracks. However, the theo­ foundations were isotropic.
retical models usually simplified the heat loads, and the simplified (2) The air was a turbulent, incompressible ideal gas.
models cannot reflect the important influence of some key factors, such (3) The deformation of the longitudinal connected slab track was
as the wind and solar radiation, on the temperature field of the slab very small and did not affect the heat transfer.
track. This is clearly imperfect in the analysis of the slab track temper­ (4) The slab track is a thin plate structure, so the impact of ground
ature fields. When analyzing the thermal effects of the slab track, usually reflection radiation on it was ignored.
only the overall temperature rose or fell was considered, ignoring the
inhomogeneity of the temperature field. It is inconsistent with the actual 2.2. Governing equations of the track temperature field
situation, thus making it difficult to accurately analyze the force and
deformation of the slab track. The heat transfer between the precast slab, CA mortar, concrete base,
To this end, to make up for the above deficiencies, this paper pro­ and foundation is mainly carried out in the way of heat conduction. Heat
posed an innovative thermal-fluid–structure coupling analysis model transfer between structures obeys Fourier’s law:
based on the thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. By taking full ac­
count of changing meteorological conditions rather than using assumed Qλ = − λA
thermal boundaries, actual temperature changes can be calculated more ∂x
accurately. After experimental verification, the model can comprehen­ where Qλ is the amount of heat passing through a specified surface
sively consider the meteorological factors, accurately obtain the tem­ per unit time; A is the area of the specified surface; λ is the heat transfer
perature field and thoroughly investigate the thermal effects of the rate; T is the temperature; x is the coordinate on the heat conduction
longitudinal connected slab track. surface; ∂∂Tx is the temperature gradient perpendicular to the conducting
2. Mathematical model The temperature field of the longitudinal connected slab track con­
sists of a set of temperatures at different points. The temperature func­
2.1. Fundamental assumptions tion in a three-dimensional cartesian coordinate system can be
expressed as:
The temperature field of the longitudinal connected slab track is
dominated by the constant heat exchange between it and the environ­ T = f (x, y, z, t) (2)
ment. According to the theory of heat transfer, heat exchange is Based on the preceding analysis of the heat transfer processes be­
accomplished through conduction, convection, and radiation. Fig. 3 il­ tween the longitudinal connected slab track and the environment, the
lustrates the heat exchange processes between the track and the governing equation of the temperature field can be described as:
environment. ( ) ( ) ( )
The heat conduction between the longitudinal connected slab track ∂T
ρC S =



and the environment occurs mainly between the concrete base and the ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
foundation. Heat convection occurs between the surface of the precast where CS, λS are specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of
track plate and the airflow, and a small amount of heat convection
the longitudinal connected slab track, respectively.

2.3. Governing equations of the air temperature field

Reflection by
the atmosphere
Radiation of the track The governing equations of the air to be considered are the conti­
nuity, momentum, and energy equations [42] which are as follows:
Solar Reflection
radiation by clouds (1) Continuity equation.
Clouds Downward ∇⋅→
v =0 (4)
radiation where →
v is the velocity of the airflow.
Direct and scattering
solar radiation (2) Momentum equation.

Momentum equation adopts Navier-Stokes equation:

The longitudinal connected
slab track and foundation ∂→v
Heat conduction ρ + ∇⋅(ρ→
v→v ) = − ∇p + ∇⋅→
τ + ρ→
g (5)

Fig. 3. Heat exchange processes between the longitudinal connected slab track where p represents the static pressure, ρ represents the density of the
and the environment. fluid, ρ→
g represents the gravitational body force, → g represents

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

acceleration due to gravity, and →

τ represents the stress tensor. (3) Opaque walls.

(3) Energy equation. The surfaces of the longitudinal connected slab track and the foun­
dation exposed to the air can be considered as Opaque walls. No-slip
∂T ( )
ρ + ρ∇⋅(→
v T) = ∇⋅ keff ∇T + Sh (6) boundaries were specified on the opaque walls. In this study, heat
∂t transfer between the track and air is a typical coupled heat transfer
where T represents the temperature, keff represents the effective problem. Therefore, the walls were defined as a coupled heat transfer
thermal conductivity, and Sh represents the radiation heat source. condition. It was applicable to walls that form the interfaces between the
solid and air domains.
(4) Turbulence model.
(4) Solar load.
In order to ensure sufficient computational accuracy and computa­
tional efficiency at the same time, the selection of the turbulence model The solar load on the calculated zone was calculated using the solar
should be appropriate. Considering that the turbulence situation in this ray tracing algorithm. The ray tracing algorithm of the solar load model
study was not complicated, to solve the governing equations, a standard can be used to predict the direct illumination energy source that results
k-ε two-equation turbulence model was introduced. The turbulence ki­ from incident solar radiation. It takes a beam that is modeled using the
netic energy k and its rate of dissipation ε are governed by the following sun position vector and illumination parameters, applies it to any or all
transport equations: wall and inlet/outlet boundary zones, performs a face-by-face shading
[( ) ] analysis to determine well-defined shadows on all boundary faces and
∂(ρk) ∂(ρku) ∂ μ ∂k
+ = μ+ t + Gk − ρε (7) interior walls, and computes the heat flux on the boundary faces that
∂t ∂xi ∂xj σ 1 ∂xi
result from the incident radiation. By determining longitude, latitude,
[( ) ] time zone, and date, the direct solar radiation intensity, scattered radi­
∂(ρε) ∂(ρεu) ∂ μt ∂ε ε ε2
+ = μ+ + C1 Gk − C2 ρ (8) ation intensity, the solar elevation angle, and azimuth will be deter­
∂t ∂xi ∂xj σ2 ∂xi k k
mined by the solar ray tracing algorithm.
where xj is the displacement of the outflow field in y-direction; μ is In reference [37], the solar radiation intensity in Chengdu, China
the dynamic viscosity of the air; μt is turbulence viscosity coefficient; Gk (104◦ 1′ E, 30◦ 5′ N) in 2016 was measured. Entering the corresponding
is one of the turbulent kinetic energy generation terms, caused by the date, geography and weather conditions in the solar load model, the
average velocity gradient; σ 1, σ2 are Prandtl numbers corresponding to same solar radiation intensity as reference [37] was calculated. It indi­
turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate, respectively, σ 1 = 1.00, σ 2 cated that as long as geographic information was accurate, the solar load
= 1.30; C1, C2 are empirical constants, C1 = 1.44, C2 = 1.92 [43]. model can calculate the accurate solar radiation intensity.

2.5. Initial conditions

2.4. Boundary conditions
The solution of the heat transfer differential equations must satisfy
The boundary conditions for the model are as follows: the initial and boundary conditions in order to obtain the temperature of
a point at any time. A pre-analysis of one or several consecutive days can
(1) Inlet. reduce the negative effects of the unknown initial condition [44]. In the
pre-analysis, the initial temperature of the longitudinal connected slab
Inlet is set to velocity-inlet, which is used to provide constant or track and the foundation can take the air temperature. In this study, the
varying speed and temperature of the air. Turbulence parameters need temperature analysis of three consecutive days was performed, and the
to be set for the airflow entering the computing domain. Intensity and results of the last day were used for investigation.
Hydraulic Diameter are chosen as the specification method to define the
turbulence parameters. The turbulent intensity I and the hydraulic 3. Numerical methodology
diameter Dh are calculated as:
ρvd Simulations were conducted using ANSYS Workbench 2020R1. The
Re = (9) process of establishing the thermal-fluid–structure coupling analysis
model is shown in Fig. 4. The modeling process included four steps. 1)
I = 0.16Re− 1/8
(10) Geometric modeling: Establish the geometric model of the longitudinal
connected slab track, the foundation, and the air. 2) Generate grids:
Dh = 4S/L (11) Mesh the solid domain (the longitudinal connected slab track and the
foundation) and the fluid domain (the air) separately. 3) The estab­
where Re is the Reynolds number; ρ is the density of air at the inlet lishment of fluid–structure coupling heat transfer model: Import the
vents; v is the velocity of air at the inlet vents; η is the kinematic vis­ generated mesh into CFD software FLUENT for fluid–structure coupling
cosity; d is the hydraulic diameter of the inlet vents; S is the area of the heat transfer analysis. 4) The establishment of the thermal effects
inlet vents; L is the perimeter of the inlet vents. analysis model for the slab track: Based on the finite element method,
the thermal effects model for the longitudinal connected slab track was
(2) Outlet. established. The temperature field of the slab track was imported into
the model to calculate the thermal effects of the longitudinal connected
The outlet was set to pressure-outlet and the pressure was set to slab track.
101.325 kPa. The temperature of air needed to be set, but the temper­ It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the heat-fluid–structure coupled model
ature was not equal to the given value and was obtained according to the included two calculation models, one was the fluid–structure coupling
calculation. The gradient of the velocity component with respect to the heat transfer model and the other was the thermal effects analysis
normal line of the exit plane was fixed at zero, given by ∂( u ) = 0, ∂( v ) =
→ →
model. The relationship of the above models and calculation process
∂y ∂y
were as follows: In the fluid–structure coupling heat transfer model, the
∂( v )

0 and = 0. Turbulence parameters needed to be set, which were
∂w temperature fields of the longitudinal connected slab track were calcu­
calculated according to equation (9) ~ (11). lated. In the thermal effects analysis model, by importing the calculated

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

Fig. 4. The process of establishing the thermal-fluid–structure coupling analysis model.

temperature fields, the force and deformation of the slab track in the
temperature field were calculated, so as to realize the coupling of heat- τω = Cf ⋅ ρv2 (13)
fluid–structure of the slab track.
u* = (14)
3.1. Geometric modeling ρ

In the process of thermal-fluid–structure coupling analysis, the y+ υ

y= (15)
computational domains included the solid domain and the fluid domain, ρu*
each of which needed to establish a geometric model first.
Where Cf is the friction coefficient of the wall; τω is the shear stress of
In order to obtain the accuracy in the simulation, the model needed
the wall; u* is the friction velocity of the wall; y is the thickness of the
to be long enough to ensure sufficient boundary conditions. Through
first layer grid.
trial calculations, the dimensions of the model that can guarantee the
y+ is determined according to the properties of the flow field. In low
sufficient accuracy were determined. The total length of the model was
Reynolds number models, y+≤ 1, preferably close to 1. In high Reynolds
19.5 m, which was three slabs long. The middle slab was selected to
number models, 30 ≤ y+≤ 300, preferably close to 30. Re = 1.8e6 was
analyze the temperature field of the longitudinal connected slab track.
calculated in this paper, which belongs to the high Reynolds number
The environmental influence on the temperature distribution in the di­
model, so the value of y+ was 30.
rection of the depth of the slab track and its foundation is limited, which
By calculating formulas (12) ~ (15), the thickness of the first layer
was roughly 0.85 m [37]. In other words, the temperature of the foun­
grid y was about 0.9 mm and extended to the tenth layer at a multiplier
dation, which was more than 0.85 m from the top surface of the track,
of 1.1. The size of grids at the solid domain was about 0.05 m. The total
was almost constant. Therefore, deducting the thickness of the slab track
number of grids in the fluid and the solid domains was 1, 920, 000,
of 0.43 m, the thickness of the foundation should be greater than 0.42 m.
which can guarantee the convergence of the model and high computa­
In this study, the depth of the foundation was 0.6 m, which can ensure
tional efficiency after grid independence check.
that the slab track temperature field analysis was accurate. During the
modeling of the air, after trial calculations, the calculated results of the
3.3. The establishment of the fluid–structure coupling heat transfer model
temperature field were almost not influenced by the size of the air model
when the width of the air was greater than 5 m and the height is greater
Import the generated grids into CFD software Fluent, in which the
than 3 m. Therefore, the air model was 5 m wide and 3 m high.
material parameters as shown in Table 1 were given to different do­
mains. Set the boundary and initial conditions of the model in Fluent.
3.2. Generate grids The air was modeled as an ideal incompressible gas. In this study, the

After completing the geometric modeling of the fluid and solid do­ Table 1
mains, import the geometry into ICEM to generate grids. The size of Material parameters of the longitudinal connected slab track.
grids at the junction between the fluid and solid domains had a large
Parameters Precast slab CA mortar Concrete base
influence on the results, so it needed to be encrypted. The thickness of
the first layer of the air mesh was calculated according to the following Heat conductivity /(W⋅m-2⋅℃-1) 3.0 1.3 3.0
Specific heat capacity /(J⋅kg-1⋅℃-1) 973 925 973
formulas: Thermal expansion coefficient /℃-1 1.0 × 10-5 1.3 × 10-5 1.0 × 10-5
Density /(kg⋅m-3) 2,500 2,400 2,500
Cf = 0.0576Re− 5
Elastic Modulus /MPa 35,500 7,000 32,500
Poisson’s ratio 0.18 0.34 0.18

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

time-dependent speed and temperature of the air at Inlet vents were set the most important reasons for the occurrence of the arch on the lon­
via the FLUENT user subroutine (UDF). The model was solved using the gitudinal connected slab track. In order to consider the unfavorable state
COUPLE algorithm. The coupled pressure–velocity equations were dis­ of the track, the contact relationship between the precast slab and CA
cretized in a second-order upwind format. The convergence criterion for mortar was defined as frictional contact, which meant that there was
solving all the governing equations was less than 1 × 10-6. friction between them in the tangent direction and can be separated in
the normal direction. The friction coefficient was taken as 0.5. Interfaces
failure usually did not occur between CA mortar and the concrete base,
3.4. The establishment of the thermal effects analysis model so it was considered that there was no separation between them and the
bonded relationship was adopted. The base plate was laid directly on the
After obtaining the temperature field, a thermal effects analysis foundation, so that frictional contact was used between them. The dis­
model was developed to investigate the stress and deformation of the placements of the foundation bottom and both ends of the slab track
longitudinal connected slab track in the temperature field. To establish were constrained.
the model, the geometry model of the longitudinal connected slab track The key of the thermal effect analysis model was to apply the tem­
and the foundation created in Step 1 was first imported into the finite perature field as the load to the longitudinal connected slab track.
element software ANSYS, where the geometric model was meshed. It ANSYS workbench provided connectors to enable the transfer of data
was important to note that when mesh the model, the geometric model between Fluent and ANSYS. Through the connectors, the temperature
needed to be meshed into the same grids as Step 2 so that the results of field of the slab track calculated by the fluid–structure coupling heat
the temperature field can be accurately transferred to the model. transfer model can be imported into the thermal effects analysis model.
The thermal effects analysis model for the slab track consisted of the After the data had been imported, each element in the model was
precast slab, CA mortar, concrete base, broad joint, narrow joint, and assigned a temperature value, which was calculated by Fluent. In this
foundation, which was simulated by element Solid185. The size of grids way, the temperature field will be loaded, and the thermal effects of the
in the model was 0.1 m. In the operation of HSR, damage often occurred slab track can be investigated.
between the precast slab and CA mortar, which could lead to the failure
of the interfaces between them [45]. The failure of interfaces was one of

Fig. 5. The testing platform and positions of temperature sensors.

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

3.5. Model validation represent spring, summer, autumn, and winter, respectively. It is
assumed that the calculation model was located in Beijing (116.35 ◦ E,
To verify the model, a testing platform for the longitudinal connected 39.96 ◦ N) and the orientation of the track was east–west. The temper­
slab track shown in Fig. 5 was constructed, located in Beijing (116.35 ◦ E, ature of the air and the initial temperature of the track were taken as the
39.96 ◦ N). The orientation of the platform was basically east–west. 5 daily average temperature in above four days in 2021, which were 6.5
groups of temperature sensors were embedded the precast slab to ℃, 25.5 ℃, 19.0 ℃ and − 2.0 ℃, respectively. Referring to the annual
measure the temperatures at different depths. The sensors were buried meteorological data in Beijing, it can be seen that the wind was slight in
in 5 different positions of the precast slab, as shown in Fig. 5(a), and most of the year, so the wind speed was 3 m/s.
distributed at four different depths, 5 mm,50 mm,100 mm, and 200 mm
from the top surface of the precast slab, as shown in Fig. 5(b). DS18B20 4.1. Vertical temperature distribution of the track
digital temperature sensors were utilized to measure the temperatures of
the track. The temperature range of the sensor was − 55 ℃ to 125 ℃, the The temperatures at the center of the longitudinal connected slab
measurement accuracy was ± 0.5 ℃ and the measured interval was 2.5 track at different times are shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the
min. temperature field of the longitudinal connected slab track changed
In order to verify the accuracy of the model, compare the measured significantly with time. In different seasons, the highest temperature of
and calculated results of the test points at the center of the precast slab. the track and its occurrence time were different. On March 20 and
The temperatures of the precast slab on four consecutive days were December 21, the highest temperature of the track appeared at 14: 00.
measured and calculated and the values are shown in Fig. 6. It can be On June 21 and September 22, the highest temperature of the track
seen from Fig. 6 that the temperatures at different depths of the precast appeared at 16: 00. This difference was due to that in June and
slab changed periodically. During the daytime, the temperatures of the September, the average air temperatures were higher and the solar ra­
top surface of the precast slab were higher than those of the bottom diation was stronger, so the track was in high temperature for a longer
surface, while at night, the bottom surface temperatures of the precast time.
slab were higher than those of the top surface. The temperature range of In different seasons, the temperature range of the top surface of the
the top surface of the precast slab was large while that of the bottom track also varied greatly. On June 21, the highest temperature on the top
surface was small. The above phenomena were observed in both surface was 49.46 ℃, and the lowest temperature was 27.85 ℃, with a
measured and calculated results and the calculated values were in good difference of 21.61 ℃. On December 21, the highest temperature on the
agreement with the measured values. In Fig. 6, the maximum difference top surface was 5.87 ℃, and the lowest temperature was − 0.66 ℃, with
between the calculated and tested results occurred at 14: 00 on the third a difference of 6.53 ℃. It can be seen that in the two days, the tem­
day, the measured result was 43.99 ℃, and the calculated result was perature variation range of the top surface was significantly different.
43.05 ℃. The maximum difference between the calculation and tested The reason for the phenomenon was that the temperature change of the
results was only 0.94 ℃, which indicated that the numerical model had track was mainly affected by the solar radiation, which varied consid­
high accuracy in analyzing the temperature field of the longitudinal erably in different seasons and was mainly reflected in the maximum
connected slab track. The reason that the measured results were slightly solar radiation in the daytime. The solar radiation was much higher in
larger the calculated results may be that the weather conditions were summer than in winter, resulting in a faster temperature rise of the track
better, so the amount of solar radiation was slightly larger, resulting in a in summer.
slightly higher surface temperature of the precast slab. The range of temperature on the top surface of the precast slab was
greater than it on the bottom surface. The temperature ranges of the top
4. Results and discussion surface were 11.87 ℃, 21.61 ℃, 11.14 ℃ and 6.53 ℃, respectively, and
the temperature ranges of the bottom surface were 1.88 ℃, 3.08 ℃, 1.69
The temperature field of the longitudinal connected slab track was ℃ and 1.22 ℃, respectively. It indicated that the temperature was
analyzed and in order to make it representative, four typical dates, 20 gradually less influenced by the environment as the depth increased.
March, 21 June, 22 September, and 21 December, were chosen to The temperature difference between the top and bottom surface

Fig. 6. Measured and calculated values of the longitudinal connected slab track temperatures.

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

Fig. 7. Vertical temperature distribution of the track.

caused the temperature gradient, which was the main reason for the top surface and the bottom surface in different seasons. The difference
uneven deformation of the precast slab. Taking the temperature fields of was approximately 61.78 % in winter compared to summer, which
the precast slab at 14: 00 on June 21 and December 21 as examples, the resulted in different temperature gradients of the track.
contours of the temperature are shown in Fig. 8. As can be seen from In order to analyze the vertical temperature gradient of the track in
Fig. 8, at 14: 00 on June 21, the temperature of the top surface was different seasons, it was calculated and as shown in Fig. 9. As can be seen
higher, about 50.31 ℃, while the temperature of the bottom surface was from the figure, the vertical temperature gradient of the precast slab was
lower, about 32.36 ℃. Within the depth of the track, the temperature higher in summer, with a maximum value of 59.51 ℃/m, while were
difference was about 17.95 ℃, which was mainly distributed on the lower in the other seasons. The form of the temperature gradient varied
precast slab and the temperature of the concrete base was more stable. at different times. Positive temperature gradient occurred from 10: 00 to
At 14: 00 on December 21, the temperature difference between the top 18: 00 and negative temperature gradient occurred from 2: 00 to 8: 00
surface and the bottom surface of the track was small, only 10.91 ℃. and 20: 00 to 24: 00. There were also obvious differences between the
This indicated that there was a large temperature difference between the positive and negative temperature gradient maximums, with a

Fig. 8. Contours of the track temperature.

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

Fig. 9. Vertical temperature gradient of the precast slab.

maximum positive temperature gradient of 59.51 ℃/m and a maximum uneven deformations under temperature fields. It was assumed that the
negative temperature gradient of only 19.56 ℃/m. initial temperature of the track, that was, the temperature of the con­
struction stage of the track, was 20 ℃. The deformation of the precast
4.2. Transverse temperature distribution of the track slab caused by temperatures at different times is shown in Fig. 11.
It can be clearly seen from Fig. 11 that in different temperature fields,
According to Fig. 8, it can be seen that the transverse temperature there were two deformation forms of the precast slab, which were
distribution of the prefabricated slab was different at different depths, arching at the center and sinking at the corners, respectively. Combined
but the overall distribution was roughly the same. In order to make the with the analysis of the temperature field of the track, it can be seen that
temperature distribution law of slab track more typical, the middle of the uneven deformation of the precast slab was mainly caused by the
the prefabricated slab was selected to analyze the transverse tempera­ uneven distribution of the temperature field. When the temperature of
ture distribution and variation law. The temperatures at the depth of 0.1 the precast slab rose and the temperature of the top surface was higher
m of the precast slab at different times are shown in Fig. 10. The highest than that of the bottom surface, the top surface elongated more while the
temperature of the precast slab appeared at 14: 00, and the lowest bottom surface elongated less, causing the slab to arch. When the tem­
temperature appeared at 6: 00 ~ 8: 00. Most notably, at the same depth, perature of the precast slab decreased and the top surface temperature
the temperature of the precast slab showed a distinctly uneven distri­ was lower than that of the bottom surface, the top surface shrank more
bution along the track transversely. Due to the east–west orientation of while the bottom surface shrank less, resulting in the sinking of the slab.
the track, the southern side of the slab received more solar radiation, Therefore, during periods of the positive temperature gradient in the
while the northern side received less, resulting in different amounts of precast slab, an upward at the middle of the slab occurred, and during
solar radiation in the transverse direction of the slab. The influence of periods of the negative temperature gradient in the precast slab, a
the phenomenon on the temperature field showed that the temperature concave at the middle of the slab occurred.
of the sunny side of the precast slab located in the south was significantly On the sunny and the shady sides of the track, there were obvious
higher than that of the shady side located in the north. Due to the low differences in track deformation, which was caused by the uneven
heat conduction of the concrete, the influence of the sunny and shady transverse distribution of temperatures. The unevenness of the trans­
sides on the transverse temperature distribution was limited, so the verse distribution of the slab temperature was most evident on
temperature in the middle of the precast slab was uniform. December 21, with the deformation of the precast slab on the sunny side
In different seasons, the transverse distribution of the precast slab being significantly smaller than on the shady side. At 14: 00, the vertical
temperature had great differences. In summer, due to sufficient solar displacement of the precast slab on the sunny side was 0.06 mm, and
radiation, the temperatures of the track were higher on both sides and that on the shady side was 0.11 mm. The deformation on the shady side
lower in the middle in daylight, and the temperature presented a U- of the slab was 83.33 % greater than on the sunny side, which was
shaped distribution. In winter, due to the low solar elevation, on the side caused by different temperature fields. In winter, the track’s going to
facing the sun, the precast slab received more solar radiation, while on cool and therefore shrunk to form vertical deformations. On the sunny
the side facing away from the sun, it received less. The precast slab had side, the slab had a higher temperature, so the cooling range was low,
high temperatures on the sunny side and low temperatures on the shady resulting in small deformations. The uneven vertical deformations of the
side, shaping an S-shaped distribution to the temperature. precast slab brought danger to high-speed trains. The difference of
The temperature variation of the precast slab was greater at the sides vertical deformation on the sides of the track will make the height of the
and less in the middle. This was because, at the edges of the track, both left and right rails different. When high-speed trains ran on such track,
the top and sides of the precast slab exchange heat with the environment the trains will tilt to one side, which increases the risk of overturning,
and therefore have high capacities for both heat absorption and release. seriously affect the safety of vehicles and may cause trains to derail.
In the middle of the precast slab, heat exchange took place only on the Therefore, sufficient attention should be paid to the uneven deformation
top surface, so the ability of heat absorption and release was weak. This of the track caused by the uneven transverse distribution of the
resulted in rapid temperature changes on both sides of the precast slab. temperature.
In different seasons, the deformation amounts of the precast slab in
4.3. Thermal effects of the longitudinal connected slab track one day were quite different. Fig. 12 demonstrates the changes in the
maximum deformation of the precast slab at different times. The arch of
The longitudinal connected slab track will have thermal effects and the precast slab reached the maximum value at 14: 00, and the concave

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

Fig. 10. Transverse temperature distribution of the track.

was most significant at 6: 00. In a whole day, the vertical deformation of 4.4. Effects of construction temperature of the track
the precast slab decreased first, then increased, and finally decreased.
The deformation of the precast slab was obviously affected by the sea­ The thermal effects of the track depended on the initial temperature
son. The amount of upward was greatest in summer, reaching 0.48 mm, of the longitudinal connected slab track, which was the temperature in
and the amount of downward was greatest in winter, reaching 0.13 mm. the construction stage [6]. Due to the different construction seasons, the
The application showed that the damages of the longitudinal connected temperatures of the slab track ware differences after the longitudinal
slab track were mainly caused by the deformation of the arch at high connection completion. If the temperature when the longitudinal
temperatures. Therefore, it was necessary to focus on the observation of connection of the slab track was completed was T1 and the current
the precast slab in the high-temperature season to prevent excessive temperature of the slab track was T2 (T2>T1), the temperature variation
deformation of the track. range of the slab track was ΔT = T2-T1. The larger the amount ΔT, the
more obvious the thermal effect of the track and the more significant the
track deformation. Therefore, the initial temperature T1 of the track
played a decisive role in its thermal effects. In the construction process,

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

Fig. 11. Vertical deformation of the precast slab.

the temperature T1 of the track often had a great change, due to con­ track. When the construction temperature of the track was low, the
struction season, geographical location, weather changes, and other precast slab was prone to arch in high temperature, while when the
factors. construction temperature of the track was high, the precast slab was
The initial temperatures of the track of 15.0 ℃, 17.5 ℃, 20.0 ℃, 22.5 prone to sunken in low temperature. Therefore, the construction tem­
℃, and 25 ℃ were taken to analyze the effects of construction tem­ perature of the track should be strictly controlled so that the construc­
perature on the deformation of the slab. From the aforementioned tion temperature was not too low or too high. In the process of
analysis, it can be seen that the track temperature was high on June 21 construction, it was necessary to perform the local annual average
and the deformation of the slab was most obvious at 14: 00. Fig. 13(a) temperature statistics and an appropriate intermediate temperature
plots the deformations of the slab at 14: 00. When the construction shall be taken as the construction temperature.
temperature of the track decreased from 25.0 ℃ to 15.0 ℃, the arch
amount of the precast slab increased from 0.42 mm to 0.51 mm, with an 5. Conclusions
increase of 21.43 %. On December 21, the temperature of the slab track
was low, and the deformation on both sides of the precast slab was most A three-dimensional numerical model, which took into account the
obvious at 6: 00. Fig. 13(b) plots the deformations of the slab at 6: 00. complex heat transfer processes between the track and the environment,
When the construction temperature of the track increased from 15.0 ℃ was established to simulate the temperature field and thermal effects of
to 25.0 ℃, the warpage of the precast slab edge increased from 0.09 mm the longitudinal connected slab track. The numerical model was vali­
to 0.16 mm, with an increase of 77.78 %. This indicated that the con­ dated by the measured data. The temperature fields and vertical de­
struction temperature had a significant effect on the deformation of the formations of the longitudinal connected slab track located in Beijing on

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

Fig. 12. Maximum vertical deformation of precast slab.

Fig. 13. Vertical deformation of the track at different construction temperatures.

typical dates were analyzed. Based on this study, the following conclu­ a low temperature on the shady side, giving an S-shaped distri­
sions can be obtained: bution to the temperature.
(3) The uneven temperature distribution of the track resulted in
(1) In different seasons, the extreme temperatures of the slab track uneven deformation of the precast slab. The deformation of the
and the occurrence time were different. In spring and winter, the precast slab was 83.33 % different between the shady side and the
highest temperature of the slab track appeared at 14: 00. In sunny side. The arch of the slab was the largest in summer,
summer and autumn, the highest temperature of the slab track reaching 0.48 mm. Track performance under high temperature
appeared at 16: 00. The positive temperature gradient was from requires being focused on, avoiding serious slab instability that
10: 00 to 18: 00, the negative temperature gradient was from 2: threatens railway operation and promoting more efficient track
00 to 8: 00, and from 20: 00 to 24: 00. The positive temperature inspection.
gradient was greater than the negative temperature gradient. (4) The construction temperature of the slab track had significant
(2) The temperature distribution of the slab track presents an obvious effects on slab deformations. When the construction temperature
unevenness along the transverse track. In summer, when the solar of the slab track was reduced from 25.0 ℃ to 15.0 ℃, the amount
radiation was strong, the temperature of the track was higher on of arch on the precast slab increased by 21.41 %. When the
both sides and lower in the middle, and the temperature pre­ construction temperature of the slab track increased from 15.0 ℃
sented a U-shaped distribution. In winter, due to the low solar to 25.0 ℃, the warpage of the slab edge increased by 83.72 %.
elevation, the track had a high temperature on the sunny side and The construction temperature of the slab track should be strictly
controlled and not be too low or too high.

Q. Zhang et al. Construction and Building Materials 343 (2022) 128121

CRediT authorship contribution statement [18] J.B. Liang, G.L. Dai, Y. Tang, L.H. Yang, Study on values of temperature actions for
CRTS II slab ballastless track on bridge, Journal of the China Railway, Society. 43
(2021) 122–127.
Qian Zhang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation, Soft­ [19] B. Wu, C. Liu, Z.P. Zeng, W. Wei, Research on the temperature field characteristic
ware, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft. Xiaopei Cai: Concep­ of CRTS II slab ballastless track, Journal of Railway Engineering, Society. 33
tualization, Project administration, Supervision, Funding acquisition, (2016) 29–33.
[20] L. Zhao, L.Y. Zhou, Z.W. Yu, Y.Y. Zhang, L.F. Zou, Y.H. Yuan, Experiment of
Writing – review & editing. Yanglong Zhong: Investigation, Visuali­ temperature distribution of CRTS II ballastless track on high-speed railway bridge
zation, Writing – review & editing. Zelin Chen: Software, Data curation, in winter, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology). 52 (2021)
Visualization, Writing – review & editing. Changchang Wang: Data 748–757.
[21] L. Zhao, L.Y. Zhou, Y.Y. Zhang, Y.H. Yuan, L.F. Zou, Z.W. Yu, Experimental study
curation, Validation, Investigation, Writing – review & editing. on temperature distribution of CRTS II ballastless track on high-speed railway
bridge in summer, Journal of Railway Science and Engineering. 18 (2021)
Declaration of competing interest 287–296.
[22] Y. Liu, P. Chen, G.T. Zhao, Study on the characteristics of early temperature field of
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The authors declare that they have no known competing financial [23] P.R. Zhao, X.Y. Liu, R.S. Yang, L.K. Guo, J. Hu, Experimental study of temperature
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence load determination method of Bi-block ballastless track, Journal of the China
Railway, Society. 38 (2016) 92–97.
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slab-type ballastless track temperature field and temperature gradient, Railway
Acknowledgements Engineering. 6–9 (2016).
[25] B. Yan, G.L. Dai, H.T. Su, A meteorological parameters-based prediction model of
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