A Sample of Text Analysis

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A Sample of Text Analysis 1. The given text is a part of the well-known novel *... * written by In this text the author describes ... . The main character(s) (~protagonist) is / are 2. The title of the text creates in my mind the following expectations. 3. The story is told in the 1" / 3" person singular. This is entrusted / author's narrative. The whole narration sounds subjective objective. 4. The text is homogenous / not homogencous. The narration is interrupted by a dialogue, description of... inner thoughts of the character. 5. The text is coherent. The plot of the text makes it coherent. 6. The general tone of the narration is serious (ironical, calm, gay, reserved etc.) 7. The compositional structure of the text comprises: setting (...), rising action (...), climax (...), falling action (...) and resolution (4 i (Frey tap ), falling action (...) (denouement) --). NF) 8, The vocabulary of the text includes not only neutral words but also colloquial words such as ... and bookish words such as 9. In this text native words predominate though there are some borrowings (French, Latin, Greek) 10. The most frequent ways of word-building are affixation, conversion and composition (shortening, stress shifting). For example 11, The text is rich in synonyms ... , phraseological units ... and polysemantic words .. Home ety Ms fanahe Prep 12, Such epithet (metaphor, metonymy, simile, repetition, hyperbole, meiosis, ‘euphemism, antonomasia, irony, oxymoron, ete) as ... is used to ... (function), Functions of Stylistic Devices: hel neff = produce a humorous effect; ee - show the author's attitude to ...; ~ express the feeling of joy, admiration, regret, sadness, despair etc.; = characterize the character; = add emotional colouring to ...; = fix the attention of the reader on ee = create the effect of immediate presence; = depict the phenomena dynamically; = convey the atmosphere of informality; - mark the logical and emotional center of the text; = accentuate the importance of Mt The absence of styl objective and detached). devices is also a stylistic device (the author wants to be Preylarp's ly “sesoteedt my / Aenowe ment ji [ottntiat fumeions yf siptstc dices : ) i " ludicrous eflicet (ironic, humobous) effe - to reveal the emotional element hidden nd (o show the author's attitude to... | to express the meaning of joy, delight, adi right, regret, woe, dissalislaction, despair, disgust. i | provide an enjotional assessment of the event or situation t | ‘ to characteriz the objec} (the phenomenon) in quite a new an uinexpa ght | } to eau seemingly impartial description of rarrati ation, approval, astqnishment, idness, reproach, prdtest horror, self-pssurance, | Lin of to impart an emotional coloring to... | 7 H eh to stimula associations in the mindjof the readér i ch ' to Intensity or modify the qonnotative meaning of the word orthe-uuibrande to make this meaning (thie fo the senfence, the idea) more cern ious 1 "logical stress anfl an additionpl emotional coloring to. to loreground the word, thg sentence, the idea. to promote a rhythmical effect | i to make the written variety akin to the spoken variety to reflect the peculiarities of the oral (spbken) type of speech to bridge the norms of the written and spoken (colloquial) language to ensure textual eohesion i to give the; ulteranee an additional nuance of meaning or a tn let i peed Sof ‘ipotional col o back up'repetition, antithesis and jarailelism ea | | to emphasize the similarity and equate the significance of the parts (arallet conduction to fis the attention ofthe reader on the key-word of the utterance} =: Vee ‘to eepfecet the emotional condition (eg, the excited state of innd) df the'speakd : to make ay emotional imp§ei on the reader | to implement the aesthetic\purport of thé writer™ tw enivance,the emotional difget on the reader W~ to perform'an iconic functfon to arrest te reader’s attention i ‘ create the effect ofimmediate presente V/V o create the desired atmg: to diselosd the altitude ofthe author to the objects oF the phenpmenalin qui to depict the phenomena dynamically pon the reader the signifieadce of the things dese Wo arouse 4 feeling oF expectation —— | to make the sentence sound more emphatic to embody a certain implication i | to convey to the reader the unultered orinner speech’ of the character io depict a eharacter through his specch! Represented speech cdnytys: the gotual titer bul retains the pe ere of expgctation and émotional tension i i bed, i | i words of the speaker Uirough ihe mduth of ihe: Hiaritics Of the speaker's mode of expressidn i i¢ the degree of expre: i ! a ineve veness, | i i express! various kinds of modal shades of meaning: doubt, ony, dl leh. ‘ tw reveal the author's evaluation of the bhject l aoe ! Se

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