SBA Logbook Guidelines

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English Language

(Self/Peer/Teacher) Evaluation and Feedback Sheet for the SBA Logbook

 to keep a record of your reading and insights into your reading
 to be able to understand what you have read better
 to be prepared to share ideas on what you have read
 to organize your ideas on what you have read
 to read a text closely and make notes on significant aspects of the work read
 to read a text more critically and appreciate the text in more detail
Logbook elements expected:
1. Basic information included: title, author, date of publication, publisher, characters/topics/subtopics
2. Selective information on characters/topics/subtopics with comments of your own
3. Why you chose the book and what attracted you to read it in the first place
4. Moments you found impressive/interesting, elaborate with details/examples/case studies/ anecdotes
5. Themes, conflicts, conflict resolution, Interesting moments (if any)
6. Turning points, Ending / Different perspectives/ interpretations/
7. Interesting Quotes and why you chose these / Interesting infographics (if any)
8. Useful diagrams (e.g. showing relationships between characters, plot development)
9. Your reflection with insight and specific examples to elaborate your ideas.
10. 3 questions you would be prepared to discuss about the book
11. Limit it to 4 pages for submission therefore be concise, selective and don’t plagiarize

Objectives of peer evaluation:

- to evaluate another logbook to appreciate its merits and demerits
- to learn to be constructive when giving feedback (giving suggestions rather than pointing out
only problems/weaknesses)
- to appreciate alternative ways of expressing findings, insights, opinions
- to reflect on your own work and how you can improve it
Evaluation Rubrics (S – Self, P – Peer, T – Teacher)
1-4.5 5-5.5 6-6.5 7-7.5 8-8.5 9-10 S P T
Originality Copied Some Some Work is fairly Original Work Original Work
original original original
work work
Effort Not Below Shown Shown Clearly Impressive
shown average somewhat demonstrated
Content Bare Contra- Not much Some depth Some good Analyses
basics dictory/ depth analyses well-explained
Language Incom- unclear Quite a few Grammar A few Practically error
pre- significant mistakes do grammar free
hensible grammar not affect mistakes
mistakes meaning
Aspects Minimal Too few Some Quite a Few
Quite various Various + more
Chosen: included
Explanation Absent unclear Not enough Some detail Quite a few Ideas
detail to to support details to well-supported
of Ideas: support ideas support ideas and
ideas well-explained
Total: (60)
General Feedback:
(Note to peer: comment on what you liked about it, learnt from it, suggestions for improvement etc.)

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