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 Save up to 60% on the upfront investment expenditures.
 Easy to use, simple to expand, and can be used to support folks who move about a lot on
a variety of platforms and devices.
 IT management and operations are not necessary steady use of the internet
 Expert scheduling administration
 Both the audio and visuals in high HD
 Support for dual screen split and user-friendly interface
 Backup audio and visuals
The following are some particular advantages of Zoom in several fields:
 In the sphere of education, Zoom facilitates effective participation from students in online
courses even when they are unable to attend in person. Both dropout rates are decreased
and students' retention of the material is improved.
 In the corporate sector, Zoom makes it simple and affordable for companies to plan
meetings, seminars, and online training. This enhances worker productivity and boosts
work efficiency.
 In the community sector, Zoom facilitates efficient connections and interactions between
communities and organizations. Members of the community benefit from increased unity
and solidarity as a result.
All things considered, Zoom is a helpful online conference tool that offers a lot of advantages to
users. This program can be used for a wide range of purposes, including community, business,
and research.

Save time and money by setting up online meetings with Google Meet instead of needing to go
to a certain place. Both the organizers and the attendees save money and time by doing this.
Improved communication: Google Meet makes it simple and easy for people who are in
various places to connect with one another. This facilitates better communication and teamwork
amongst people, teams, or organizations.
Boost productivity: Screen sharing, meeting recording, and other capabilities are just a few of
the numerous tools that Google Meet provides to make meetings more productive.
Enhanced security: Data encryption, two-factor authentication, and other security protections
are only a few of the many capabilities that Google Meet offers to safeguard user data.
The following are some particular advantages of Google Meet in several domains:
 Regarding education, Google Meet facilitates effective participation of students in online
courses even when they are unable to attend in person. Both dropout rates are decreased
and students' retention of the material is improved.
 In the commercial sector, Google Meet facilitates the simple and economical organization
of conferences, seminars, and online training for companies. This enhances worker
productivity and boosts work efficiency.
 In the community sector, Google Meet facilitates efficient communication and
connections between groups and communities. Members of the community benefit from
increased unity and solidarity as a result.
All things considered, Google Meet is a helpful online meeting tool that offers a lot of
advantages to consumers. This program can be used for a wide range of purposes, including
community, business, and research.

5.2. Disadvantages
Zoom gained popularity on social media during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Furthermore, the claims of invasions of privacy...
"Conference bombing" by visitors who weren't invited.
No encryption from beginning to end.
Breach of security: Selling user information.
Implications for security: A variety of security flaws in Zoom have made it possible for
hackers to obtain users' private data, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Furthermore, Zoom can be used to disseminate porn or malware.
Privacy Harm: Zoom has been under fire for allegedly gathering and utilizing user data in an
unethical way. This program may gather data on the user's location, browsing history, IP address,
and other details.
Effects on health: Extended usage of Zoom may lead to a number of health issues, including
tension, headaches, and eye strain. Furthermore, utilizing Zoom in dimly lit areas can damage
your eyes.
Social harm: Social isolation can result from excessive Zoom use. Individuals may become so
engrossed in virtual meetings that they neglect to interact with friends and family in person.
Google Meet does not detect a camera or microphone.
When using Google Meet, a common fault that many users run into is the program not
recognizing the microphone or camera. The first thing you should do when you run into this
error is make sure the program has permission to use the microphone and camera.
Error: Unable to connect or initiate a meeting Education users are unable to connect from
external domains.
 In order to accept or reject participants from outside the domain in any meeting you
establish, you must be present if you are utilizing the Education Fundamentals or
Education Plus tools. Therefore, without the meeting owner's permission, users from
outside the domain will not be able to join.
 When using MacOS, avoid letting everyone see your webcam.
 You must permit camera use in Chrome or Firefox while using Google Meet on MacOS.
 When screen sharing, drop-down options are not displayed.
 In Google Meet, drop-down options typically don't show up when you share a window. in
order for the drop-down box to properly instruct you on how to share your screen with
 During calls, there is poor video quality
 There isn't a phone number listed for the meeting.
At the moment, Google Meet only permits members of Google Workspace to set up meetings
with a phone number. This implies that participants can use their phones to make phone calls to
the meeting.
 Google Meet won't launch on a mobile device
 You can't plan meetings for the entire day.
One of Google Meet's built-in features lets you plan meetings in accordance with Universal
Coordinated Time (UTC) at different times of the day. Many users of Google Meet are unable to
plan meetings at different times of the day as a result.
A Google Meet session launches as a browser window and does not require a desktop program
interface, similar to Google's other web-based toolkit. To initiate and attend meetings, Zoom
provides desktop applications for Linux, macOS, and Windows.
The following are some ways that Zoom and Google Meet differ:
 Enlarge Google Meet functionality
 Essential Elements allows for audio, screen sharing, video conferencing, meeting
recording, and more. allows for audio, screen sharing, video conferencing, meeting
recording, and more.
 Advanced Functionalities supports private meetings, on-demand meetings, and scheduled
meetings, among other things. supports private meetings, on-demand meetings, and
scheduled meetings, among other things.
 No cost scheme accepts up to 100 people and a 40-minute maximum allows for a
maximum of 100 people and a 60-minute length.
 Plans that cost money Numerous subscription options exist, each with varying features
and costs. Numerous subscription options exist, each with varying features and costs.
Both Zoom and Google Meet are widely used online meeting tools that are utilized by people,
companies, and organizations globally. Although both apps have a ton of helpful features, they
also differ significantly in a few important ways.
Enlarge Google Meet functionality
Essential Elements allows for audio, screen sharing, video conferencing, meeting recording, and
more. allows for audio, screen sharing, video conferencing, meeting recording, and more.
Advanced Functionalities supports private meetings, on-demand meetings, and scheduled
meetings, among other things. supports private meetings, on-demand meetings, and scheduled
meetings, among other things.
No cost scheme accepts up to 100 people and has a 40-minute maximum Allow for a maximum
of 100 people and a 60-minute length.
Plans that cost money Numerous subscription options exist, each with varying features and costs.
Numerous subscription options exist, each with varying features and costs fundamental
The fundamental functions of an online meeting tool, such as screen sharing, audio, video
conferencing, and meeting recording, are offered by both Zoom and Google Meet. The user
interfaces of both programs are simple to use and intuitive.
 Zoom and Google Meet offer several additional options in addition to their fundamental
functionality, such as:
Scheduled Meetings: This feature enables users to plan meetings ahead of time.
Users are able to join meetings on demand at any time.
Private meeting: Lets users set a password to secure the conference.
Zoom provides more sophisticated functionality than Google Meet, including:
Customize screen sharing: Gives users the option to share a portion or their entire screen.
Emoji response: Enables users to utilize emojis in their responses to meetings.
Screen sharing, audio, video conferencing, screen recording, and other standard capabilities of an
online conference program are all offered by Zoom and Google Meet. The user interfaces of both
programs are clear and simple to use.
Enhanced functionalities
 Zoom and Google Meet include several additional functions in addition to their
fundamental features. These features include:
Scheduled Meetings: Gives customers the option to plan meetings ahead of time.
Users can join meetings on demand whenever they'd like.
Private meeting: Enables participants to password-protect the meeting.
Compared to Google Meet, Zoom provides more sophisticated features like:
Personalize screen sharing: Enables users to share a portion or their entire screen.
Emoji response: Emoji response lets users utilize emoticons in their meeting responses.

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