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Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA


“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”


This reviewer is designed simply as a supplement to the PNPCAT (Philippine

National Police Cadet Admission Test) and does not guarantee success. This
reviewer's questions and content are based on the author's personal
experience and may not accurately reflect the current PNPCAT examination.
The PNPCAT is subject to change, and the questions and topics covered in
this book may differ from those found on the actual exam.

The reviewer's items are common questions that the author encountered
during their examination and subsequent acceptance as a cadet. However,
candidates should keep in mind that the PNPCAT is a dynamic and evolving
assessment, and they should thoroughly prepare using a range of tools to
improve their chances of success.

This reviewer should be used to augment your overall study strategy and to
become acquainted with the types of questions that may be asked. It is not a
complete or final depiction of the PNPCAT, and candidates are advised to
check official PNPCAT materials and guidelines for the most accurate and
uptodate information.
PNPCAT success necessitates thorough preparation, a thorough
comprehension of the required knowledge and skills, and the capacity to
adapt to the specific topic offered in the official examination. This site is not
intended to replace official PNPCAT study materials, and applicants are
encouraged to use a variety of resources to ensure a wellrounded and
thorough preparation for the exam.
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”

Logic and Abstract Reasoning

(Type 1)

Pattern Recognition:

1. Question: Identify the next item in the sequence: 3, 6, 9, 12, __.

- Answer: 15
- Explanation: The pattern is an increment of 3.

2. Question: What comes next in the series: 2, 5, 10, 17, __.

- Answer: 26
- Explanation: The pattern is increasing by consecutive prime numbers (3, 5,
7, ...).

3. Question: Find the missing number: 1, 4, 9, __, 25.

- Answer: 16
- Explanation: The series represents the squares of consecutive integers.


4. Question: If cat is to kitten, then dog is to __.

- Answer: Puppy
- Explanation: The relationship is between an adult and a young animal of
the same species.

5. Question: If day is to night, then hot is to __.

- Answer: Cold
- Explanation: The relationship is opposite or contrasting.

6. Question: If square is to cube, then circle is to __.

- Answer: Sphere
- Explanation: The relationship involves going from a 2D shape to a 3D

Series Completion:

7. Question: Complete the series: 2, 4, 8, 16, __.

- Answer: 32
- Explanation: The series is doubling with each term.

8. Question: What comes next: 5, 10, 20, 40, __.

- Answer: 80
- Explanation: Each term is multiplied by 2 to get the next.

9. Question: Fill in the blank: 3, 6, 9, __, 15.

- Answer: 12
- Explanation: The series increments by 3.
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”

Logical Deduction:

10. Question: All birds can fly. Penguins cannot fly. Can we conclude that
penguins are not birds?
- Answer: No
- Explanation: The premise doesn't contradict the possibility of penguins
being birds; not all birds must fly.

11. Question: No reptiles can swim. Turtles are reptiles. Can we conclude that
turtles cannot swim?
- Answer: No
- Explanation: The premise doesn't specify anything about turtles' ability to

12. Question: If all mammals breathe air, and dolphins are mammals, can we
conclude that dolphins breathe air?
- Answer: Yes
- Explanation: The conclusion logically follows from the given premises.

Spatial Reasoning:

13. Question: If a square is folded along its diagonal, what shape does it
- Answer: Triangle
- Explanation: Folding a square along its diagonal creates two congruent
right-angled triangles.

14. Question: If a cube is unfolded, which shape will you get?

- Answer: Cross (+)
- Explanation: Unfolding a cube results in a cross shape.

15. Question: If a circle is rotated 180 degrees, what shape does it become?
- Answer: Circle
- Explanation: Rotating a circle leaves it unchanged.

Number Relationships:

16. Question: If 7 is to 14, then 10 is to __.

- Answer: 20
- Explanation: The relationship is multiplication by 2.

17. Question: If 25% of a number is 30, what is 50% of that number?

- Answer: 60
- Explanation: 50% is double of 25%.

18. Question: If 3 is added to a number, and the result is multiplied by 4 to get

28, what is the number?
- Answer: 7
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
- Explanation: (X + 3) 4 = 28, solve for X.


19. Question: All fruits are healthy. Apples are fruits. Can we conclude that
apples are healthy?
- Answer: Yes
- Explanation: The conclusion follows logically from the premises.

20. Question: Some birds can fly. Penguins cannot fly. Can we conclude that
penguins are not birds?
- Answer: No
- Explanation: The premise doesn't contradict the possibility of penguins
being birds.

21. Question: No mammals lay eggs. All elephants are mammals. Can we
conclude that elephants do not lay eggs?
- Answer: Yes
- Explanation: The conclusion logically follows from the premises.


22. Question: If "BAC" is coded as "CBA," how is "DOG" coded?

- Answer: "GOD"
- Explanation: The letters are reversed.

23. Question: If "APPLE" is coded as "ELPPA," how is "ORANGE" coded?

- Answer: "EGRANO"
- Explanation: The letters are reversed.

24. Question: If "123" is coded as "321," how is "456" coded?

- Answer: "654"
- Explanation: The digits are reversed.

Logical Operations:

25. Question: If A OR B is true, is NOT(A AND B) true?

- Answer: Yes
- Explanation: De Morgan's law applies.

26. Question: If P implies Q, and Q is false, can we conclude anything about

the truth value of P?
- Answer: No
- Explanation: The truth value of P is undetermined.

27. Question: If A AND B is false, can we conclude that NOT(A OR B) is true?

- Answer: Yes
- Explanation: De Morgan's law applies.
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
Odd One Out:

28. Question: Which of the following does not belong: square, circle, triangle,
- Answer: Circle
- Explanation: It is the only shape without straight sides.

29. Question: Identify the odd one out: apple, banana, orange, grape.
- Answer: Banana
- Explanation: It is the only elongated fruit.

30. Question: Which word does not belong: chair, table, lamp, bed?
- Answer: Lamp
- Explanation: It is not a piece of f
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
Logic and Abstract Reasoning
(Type 1)

Advanced Pattern Recognition:

1. **Question:** Identify the next item in the sequence: 4, 10, 18, 28, __.
- **Answer:** 40
- **Explanation:** The pattern is based on consecutive square
numbers (2^2, 3^2, 4^2, ...).

2. **Question:** What comes next in the series: 12, 30, 56, 90, __.
- **Answer:** 132
- **Explanation:** The series represents the sum of consecutive
triangular numbers.

3. **Question:** Find the missing number: 7, 15, 31, 63, __, 127.
- **Answer:** 127
- **Explanation:** The series is doubling and adding 1.

Advanced Analogies:

4. **Question:** If rectangle is to area, then circle is to __.

- **Answer:** Circumference
- **Explanation:** The relationship involves a characteristic and its

5. **Question:** If neuron is to brain, then atom is to __.

- **Answer:** Molecule
- **Explanation:** The relationship involves a component and its larger

6. **Question:** If democracy is to government, then community is to __.

- **Answer:** Governance
- **Explanation:** The relationship involves a form of organization.

Complex Series Completion:

7. **Question:** Complete the series: 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, __.

- **Answer:** 48
- **Explanation:** The series represents the sum of consecutive
pentagonal numbers.

8. **Question:** What comes next: 4, 12, 24, 40, 60, __.

- **Answer:** 84
- **Explanation:** Each term is the sum of consecutive hexagonal

9. **Question:** Fill in the blank: 2, 5, 11, __, 35.

- **Answer:** 23
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
- **Explanation:** The series alternates between multiplying by 2 and
adding 1.

Advanced Logical Deduction:

10. **Question:** All mammals have lungs. Humans are mammals. Can
we conclude that humans have lungs?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given

11. **Question:** No insects have a backbone. All spiders are insects.

Can we conclude that no spiders have a backbone?
- **Answer:** No
- **Explanation:** The conclusion doesn't logically follow; spiders can
lack a backbone.

12. **Question:** If no artists are scientists and some scientists are

musicians, can we conclude that no artists are musicians?
- **Answer:** No
- **Explanation:** The conclusion doesn't logically follow; artists and
musicians can be independent groups.

Advanced Spatial Reasoning:

13. **Question:** If a cube is sliced diagonally, what shape will the

cross-section be?
- **Answer:** Equilateral triangle
- **Explanation:** Diagonal slicing of a cube creates an equilateral

14. **Question:** If a cone is unfolded, what shape will you get?

- **Answer:** Sector of a circle
- **Explanation:** Unfolding a cone results in a sector of a circle.

15. **Question:** If a regular octagon is rotated 45 degrees clockwise,

what shape does it become?
- **Answer:** Regular octagon
- **Explanation:** Rotating a regular octagon by a multiple of 45
degrees preserves its shape.

Mathematical Number Relationships:

16. **Question:** If 4 is to 16, then 6 is to __.

- **Answer:** 36
- **Explanation:** The relationship is squaring.

17. **Question:** If 15% of a number is 45, what is 30% of that number?

- **Answer:** 90
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
- **Explanation:** 30% is double of 15%.

18. **Question:** If 5 is added to a number, and the result is multiplied

by 7 to get 84, what is the number?
- **Answer:** 11
- **Explanation:** (X + 5) * 7 = 84, solve for X.

Advanced Syllogisms:

19. **Question:** All reptiles lay eggs. Some reptiles are snakes. Can we
conclude that some snakes lay eggs?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given

20. **Question:** Some rectangles are squares. All squares have four
equal sides. Can we conclude that some rectangles have four equal
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given

21. **Question:** All metals conduct electricity. Copper is a metal. Can

we conclude that copper conducts electricity?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given

Advanced Coding-Decoding:

22. **Question:** If "PQRST" is coded as "KLMNO," how is "UVWXY"

- **Answer:** "EFGHI"
- **Explanation:** Each letter is shifted backward by 10 positions.

23. **Question:** If "ABC" is coded as "123," how is "XYZ" coded?

- **Answer:** "789"
- **Explanation:** Each letter is coded as the reverse digit.

24. **Question:** If "456" is coded as "123," how is "789" coded?

- **Answer:** "012"
- **Explanation:** Each digit is subtracted from 9.

Advanced Logical Operations:

25. **Question:** If A implies B, and B implies C, can we conclude that A

implies C?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** Transitive property of implication.
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”

26. **Question:** If NOT(P OR Q) is true, can we conclude that NOT(P)

AND NOT(Q) are true?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** De Morgan's law applies.

27. **Question:** If NOT(A AND B) is false, can we conclude that A OR B

is true?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** De Morgan's law applies.

Advanced Odd One Out:

28. **Question:** Identify the odd one out: pentagon, hexagon, octagon,
- **Answer:** Hexagon
- **Explanation:** It has six sides while the others have odd numbers
of sides.

29. **Question:** Which of the following does not belong: guitar, violin,
trumpet, piano?
- **Answer:** Piano
- **Explanation:** It is a percussion instrument, while the others are
string and wind instruments.

30. **Question:** Which word does not belong: microscope, telescope,

binoculars, compass?
- **Answer:** Compass
- **Explanation:** It is not an optical instrument.
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
Logic and Abstract Reasoning
(Type 3)

Advanced Pattern Recognition:

1. **Question:** Identify the next item in the sequence: 8, 17, 32, 53, __.
- **Answer:** 80
- **Explanation:** The pattern involves consecutive prime numbers added to
consecutive square numbers.

2. **Question:** What comes next in the series: 3, 9, 21, 39, __.

- **Answer:** 65
- **Explanation:** The series represents the sum of consecutive triangular
numbers multiplied by 3.

3. **Question:** Find the missing number: 5, 14, 30, 53, __, 94.
- **Answer:** 78
- **Explanation:** The series alternates between adding consecutive prime
numbers and consecutive square numbers.

Advanced Analogies:

4. **Question:** If nucleus is to cell, then central processing unit (CPU) is to

- **Answer:** Computer
- **Explanation:** The relationship involves a component and the system it
is part of.

5. **Question:** If democracy is to government, then empathy is to __.

- **Answer:** Social interaction
- **Explanation:** The relationship involves a concept and its broader

6. **Question:** If sunrise is to morning, then moonrise is to __.

- **Answer:** Evening
- **Explanation:** The relationship involves a time of day.

Complex Series Completion:

7. **Question:** Complete the series: 4, 11, 22, 37, 56, __.

- **Answer:** 79
- **Explanation:** The series represents the sum of consecutive square
numbers and consecutive triangular numbers.

8. **Question:** What comes next: 2, 7, 15, 26, 40, __.

- **Answer:** 57
- **Explanation:** Each term is the sum of consecutive prime numbers and
consecutive triangular numbers.
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
9. **Question:** Fill in the blank: 6, 13, 26, __, 62.
- **Answer:** 41
- **Explanation:** The series alternates between doubling and adding
consecutive prime numbers.

Advanced Logical Deduction:

10. **Question:** All mammals have a backbone. Humans are mammals. Can
we conclude that humans have a backbone?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given premises.

11. **Question:** No reptiles give birth to live young. All snakes are reptiles.
Can we conclude that no snakes give birth to live young?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given premises.

12. **Question:** If some athletes are musicians and no musicians are

mathematicians, can we conclude that some athletes are not mathematicians?
- **Answer:** No
- **Explanation:** The conclusion doesn't logically follow; athletes and
mathematicians can be independent groups.

Advanced Spatial Reasoning:

13. **Question:** If a regular octahedron is sliced vertically, what shape will

the cross-section be?
- **Answer:** Equilateral triangle
- **Explanation:** Slicing a regular octahedron vertically results in an
equilateral triangle.

14. **Question:** If a cone is unfolded, what shape will you get?

- **Answer:** Sector of a circle
- **Explanation:** Unfolding a cone results in a sector of a circle.

15. **Question:** If a crescent moon is rotated 90 degrees clockwise, what

shape does it become?
- **Answer:** Circle
- **Explanation:** Rotating a crescent moon by 90 degrees makes it a circle.

Mathematical Number Relationships:

16. **Question:** If 6 is to 36, then 9 is to __.

- **Answer:** 81
- **Explanation:** The relationship is squaring.

17. **Question:** If 40% of a number is 24, what is 80% of that number?

- **Answer:** 48
- **Explanation:** 80% is double of 40%.
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”

18. **Question:** If 7 is subtracted from a number, and the result is multiplied

by 8 to get 88, what is the number?
- **Answer:** 15
- **Explanation:** (X - 7) * 8 = 88, solve for X.

Advanced Syllogisms:

19. **Question:** Some insects can fly. Butterflies are insects. Can we
conclude that some butterflies can fly?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given premises.

20. **Question:** All rectangles have four sides. Some rectangles are squares.
Can we conclude that some squares do not have four sides?
- **Answer:** No
- **Explanation:** Squares always have four sides.

21. **Question:** All metals are conductors. Copper is a metal. Can we

conclude that copper is a conductor?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given premises.

Advanced Coding-Decoding:

22. **Question:** If "FGHIJ" is coded as "UVWXY," how is "KLMNO" coded?

- **Answer:** "BCDEF"
- **Explanation:** Each letter is shifted forward by 9 positions.

23. **Question:** If "JANUARY" is coded as "JULY," how is "FEBRUARY"

- **Answer:** "AUGUST"
- **Explanation:** Each letter is shifted forward by 6 positions.

24. **Question:** If "54321" is coded as "98765," how is "67890" coded?

- **Answer:** "21034"
- **Explanation:** Each digit is subtracted from 9 and then shifted forward
by 1 position.

Advanced Logical Operations:

25. **Question:** If A OR B is true, and B implies C, can we conclude that A

OR C is true?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** Transitive property of implication.

26. **Question:** If NOT(P AND Q) is false, can we conclude that NOT(P) OR

NOT(Q) is true?
- **Answer:** Yes
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
- **Explanation:** De Morgan's law applies.

27. **Question:** If NOT(A OR B) is true, can we conclude that A AND B is

- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** De Morgan's law applies.

Advanced Odd One Out:

28. **Question:** Identify the odd one out: pentagon, hexagon, octagon,
- **Answer:** Hexagon
- **Explanation:** It has six sides while the others have odd numbers of

29. **Question:** Which of the following does not belong: violin, flute, clarinet,
- **Answer:** Violin
- **Explanation:** It is a string instrument, while the others are wind

30. **Question:** Which word does not belong: telescope, microscope,

telescope, spectroscope?

- **Answer:** Spectroscope
- **Explanation:** It is not an optical instrument.
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”

Logic and Abstract Reasoning

(Type 4)

Advanced Pattern Recognition:

1. **Question:** Identify the next item in the sequence: 2, 5, 10, 17, __.
- **Answer:** 26
- **Explanation:** The pattern involves adding consecutive prime numbers.

2. **Question:** What comes next in the series: 1, 4, 9, 16, __.

- **Answer:** 25
- **Explanation:** The series represents the squares of consecutive integers.

Advanced Analogies:

3. **Question:** If triangle is to hypotenuse, then square is to __.

- **Answer:** Diagonal
- **Explanation:** The relationship is a diagonal in a geometric shape.

4. **Question:** If tree is to bark, then cat is to __.

- **Answer:** Meow
- **Explanation:** The relationship is an animal sound.

Complex Series Completion:

5. **Question:** Complete the series: 3, 6, 12, 24, __.

- **Answer:** 48
- **Explanation:** The series represents doubling with each term.

6. **Question:** What comes next: 5, 10, 19, 34, __.

- **Answer:** 55
- **Explanation:** The series involves adding consecutive prime numbers.

Advanced Logical Deduction:

7. **Question:** All rectangles have four sides. Some rectangles are squares.
Can we conclude that some squares have four sides?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** The conclusion logically follows from the given premises.

8. **Question:** If all birds can fly and penguins are birds, can we conclude
that penguins can fly?
- **Answer:** No
- **Explanation:** Penguins are an exception; they are birds that cannot fly.

Advanced Spatial Reasoning:

Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
9. **Question:** If a cube is sliced horizontally, what shape will the cross-
section be?
- **Answer:** Square
- **Explanation:** The cross-section of a cube is a square.

10. **Question:** If a pyramid is unfolded, what shape will you get?

- **Answer:** Triangle
- **Explanation:** Unfolding a pyramid results in a triangular shape.

Mathematical Number Relationships:

11. **Question:** If 7 is to 49, then 9 is to __.

- **Answer:** 81
- **Explanation:** The relationship is squaring.

12. **Question:** If 25% of a number is 15, what is 50% of that number?

- **Answer:** 30
- **Explanation:** 50% is double of 25%.

Advanced Syllogisms:

13. **Question:** All squares are rectangles. Some rectangles are not
squares. Can we conclude that some squares are not rectangles?
- **Answer:** No
- **Explanation:** All squares are rectangles.

14. **Question:** Some mammals lay eggs. All dogs are mammals. Can we
conclude that some dogs lay eggs?
- **Answer:** No
- **Explanation:** The conclusion doesn't logically follow; dogs are
mammals but do not lay eggs.

Advanced Coding-Decoding:

15. **Question:** If "WXYZ" is coded as "UVWX," how is "MNOP" coded?

- **Answer:** "JKLM"
- **Explanation:** Each letter is shifted backward by 4 positions.

16. **Question:** If "APPLE" is coded as "56154," how is "ORANGE" coded?

- **Answer:** "9151475"
- **Explanation:** Each letter is assigned a numeric value based on its
position in the alphabet.

Advanced Logical Operations:

17. **Question:** If A AND B is false, and B implies C, can we conclude that A

AND C is false?
- **Answer:** Yes
Intellectual Property of PLT MARK ANTHONY C ARMEA
“Manifest first in your mind then it all shall be done”
- **Explanation:** The falseness of A AND B implies the falseness of A AND

18. **Question:** If NOT(P OR Q) is true, can we conclude that NOT(P) AND

NOT(Q) are true?
- **Answer:** Yes
- **Explanation:** De Morgan's law applies.

Advanced Odd One Out:

19. **Question:** Identify the odd one out: circle, square, triangle, pentagon.
- **Answer:** Circle
- **Explanation:** It is the only shape that is not polygonal.

20. **Question:** Which of the following does not belong: piano, violin, flute,
- **Answer:** Flute
- **Explanation:** It is a wind instrument, while the others are string

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