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To cover an area of 6 x 5 m (19 ft. 8 in x 16 ft., t,), you will need:

 150 paving slabs 450 mm sq. (18 in sq.)
 2,650 kg or 53 cu (5,830 lb.) hard-core
 2,100 kg or 53 cu it (4,62016) fine concreting sand, for bedding

1. - Clear the site of all existing material (soil, vegetation, etc.) and excavate to an even depth of 150 to 350 mm (6 to
14 in) below the final level of the paving (depending on the thickness of the slabs and the depth of foundation
required), ensuring the patio is at least 150 mm (6 in) below the house wall damp proof course (vapour barrier) and
that it has a slope away from the building of 20 mm in each meter (1 in/9 ft.).

2. - Spread a layer of hard-core appropriate to the use (50 mm (2 in) for most patios; more for unstable soils or heavy
use) and compact with a hand compactor - a heavy weight on the end of a pole. Spread 50 mm (2 in) of fine
concreting sand on top of the hard-core and rake and roll this level.

3. - To ensure accurate alignment of the paving slabs, mark out the area carefully with string and line pegs. To lay the
first slab, put five fist-sized lumps of mortar on the sand and lower the slab into place. Use the handle of a club
hammer to tap the slab into place, checking its position with a spirit level in the direction of drainage, use a wooden
off-cut under one end of the level to ensure the correct fall.

4. - Subsequent slabs are laid, using the first as a guide, with thin (6 to 8 mm, M) plywood spacers between the slabs.
As well as the five lumps of mortar, place a thin strip of mortar along the edge of the slabs already laid, which will form
most of the finished mortar joint.

5. - Check the level of each slab as it is laid and if too low or too high at any point, lift it and add or remove mortar.

6. - Lay all the full-size slabs first. At the edges, you will need to cut or shape slabs to fit. Score a groove all around the
slab with a wide-bladed cold chisel and club hammer and then tap the back of the slab with the club hammer until it

7. - To finish off, remove all spacers after 24 hours and 'point' the joints with fresh mortar, making sure with a wooden
or thin sheet material 'mask' that mortar does not get onto the face of the slab and is well pushed down into the joint.

Task 1: Planning and designing a patio

In this task, you must carefully plan and design a patio. You will be given a floor plan of a building/house. You will
need to think of where you would like to build the patio. It can be connected to the building/house, or it can be loose

You will need to think of the following:

Where you would like to site the patio, the shape, size, finishers and materials you will use for your patio.

You must make use of the following:

 Ruler
 Pencil/Pen
 Colour pencils
 Floor plan (Given).
Ms. M Harper WORKSHOP P A T I O S – PART 5

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