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: Rama, Sita and Lakshmana begin their

life of exile in the forest. One day,

Surpanakha, the sister of the demon
king Ravana, catches sight of Rama in
the forest and falls in love with him. She
disguises herself as a beautiful woman
and visits Rama, but he refuses her
advances. An enraged Lakshmana cuts
off her nose and send her away.
Surpanakha runs to her brother and
narrates what happened, and also tells
him about Rama's beautiful wife, Sita.
Ravana decides to capture Sita and
make Rama pay for disgracing his sister.

(Rama, Sita and Lakshmana are at work

outside their hut)

Lakshmana: Brother, look! A golden

Sita (to Rama): Oh it looks so beautiful.
Will you get it for me?

Rama: Anything for you, Sita. I will be

back with the deer.

Lakshmana: Brother, do not go alone. I

am coming with you.

Rama: No, I want you to stay here and

protect Sita. Under no circumstance are
you to leave her alone.

Lakshmana: As you wish brother.

Narrator: Rama sets out in search of the

golden deer, not knowing that it is
actually the demon, Maricha in disguise.
Maricha had transformed into a golden
deer to steer Rama away from Sita, and
help Ravana capture her.

Rama (distant scream): Help me!

Sita: Did you hear that Lakshmana? That

was your brother's voice. Go help him!

Lakshmana: But I promised not to leave

you alone here...

Sita: Go now, and save your brother, I

beg of you.

Lakshmana: Okay, but I need to do

something first.

(Lakshmana draws a circle around the

hut, chanting prayers as he does so.)
Lakshmana: This circle will protect you.
As long as you are inside it, no harm can
come to you.

Sita: Okay, I will not step out. Now, go

and help my husband!

(Lakshmana sets out in the direction of

Rama's voice.)

Scene 4:

The Forest
Characters: Rama, Lakshmana
(In the forest, Lakshmana meets Rama
who is running towards him.)

Lakshmana: Brother, we heard you

scream. Are you alright?
Rama: That was not me. The deer was
actually a demon in disguise. It was him
you heard. Did you leave Sita alone?

Lakshmana: Yes, she persuaded me to

come and help you.

Rama: Something is not right. We must

go at once.

Scene 5:

Rama's hut in the forest

Characters: Ravana, Sita, Rama,
The Story of Diwali - A Play Script For
(Ravana enters the scene, disguised as
an old beggar)
Ravana: Please give me some food. I am
tired and hungry.

(Sita hears him and comes out of the


Sita: Please wait. I will bring you

something to eat.

(Sita comes out of the hut with food and

water. She stops at the line drawn by

Sita: Please, come and get your food. I

cannot cross this line.

Ravana: Oh generous soul, will you not

provide food for this hungry man? I
cannot cross the line drawn for your
protection. It is you who can come to

Sita (thinks deeply): So be it.

(She steps out of the line)

(As soon as Sita steps out of the circle,

Ravana returns to his original form and

Ravana: You are now mine! Your

husband will pay for what he has done.

Sita: You demon! You can never take

me. Help! Help!

(Ravana drags Sita onto his magic flying

chariot and flies away. Sita drops her
necklace on the ground, hoping that
Rama will see it.)

(Rama enters and sees Sita's necklace)

Rama (to himself): Sita, I will find you,

no matter what it takes.

Lakshmana: Don't worry, brother. I will

help you find her.

Scene 6:

Kishkinda, Sugriva's kingdom

Characters: Rama, Lakshmana, Sugriva,
Narrator: Rama and Lakshmana arrive at
the kingdom of Kishkinda, as they
continue their search for Sita. They
become allies with the monkey king,
Sugriva. Among his troops is Hanuman,
blessed with divine powers.

Sugriva: My prince, I will send troops as

far as possible to search for maa Sita.
They will look everywhere and bring us
news. Do not worry.

Rama: Thank you so much, Sugriva.

Hanuman: My lord, I will not disappoint

you. I will bring good news soon.

(Rama nods and smiles)

Rama: Here, take my ring. When you find

Sita, give it to her so that she will know
that you are my messenger.
Narrator: Hanuman and a few others
travel south and reach the ocean. In a
distance, they see the island of Lanka.
Hanuman, with powers to alter his form,
grows to the size of a mountain and flies
across the ocean to Lanka.

Scene 7:

The garden where Sita is held captive in

Characters: Hanuman, Sita
The Story of Diwali - A Play Script For
Narrator: After reaching Lanka,
Hanuman finds a city occupied by the
demon Ravana and his people. He
shrinks down to the size of an ant so
that nobody can see him and starts
looking around. He discovers Sita in a
grove, guarded by demons. Hanuman
waits till they fall asleep, and then
approaches Sita.

Hanuman: Maa Sita! How good it is to

see you at last!

Sita (in shock): Who are you and how do

you know me?

Hanuman: I am Hanuman from

Kishkinda. I come in search of you, in
the name of Prince Rama. He has been
looking for you and worries deeply
about you.

Sita: How can I believe you?

Hanuman: Here is Prince Rama's ring.
He bid me give it to you so that you
would know I am his aid.

Sita (in tears after seeing the ring): My

husband is looking for me! How I wish I
could see him now!

Hanuman: Maa Sita, I pray, do come with

me. I can take you back to Prince Rama
and away from these demons.

Sita: I cannot do that. It is my husband

who must come for me.

Hanuman: But it is he who sent me to

look for you...

Sita: I refuse to move from this place till

I see my husband. Go, tell him that I am
safe, and that I am waiting for him to
take me from here.

Hanuman (bows): As you wish, maa Sita.

Scene 8:

Sugriva's Palace, Kishkinda

Characters: Rama, Lakshmana, Sugriva,
Hanuman, Sugriva's court members
(Hanuman stands, bowing to Sugriva,
Rama and Lakshmana)

Hanuman: I bring good news! Maa Sita

is alive and well. I have found her!

Rama (gets up in joy): You bring joy to

my ears! Where is my wife?
Hanuman: She is in Lanka, the demon
king Ravana's kingdom. He is holding
her captive there in a grove, guarded by
demon warriors.

Sugriva: Go on, Hanuman. Did you bring

Maa Sita with you?

Hanuman: I offered to bring her back

here but Maa Sita refused, saying she
will wait for prince Rama to come rescue

Rama: Then, we will not waste any more

time. Let us march to Lanka

Sugriva: Let's go at once! All my troops

will accompany you to Lanka, prince
Rama: Thank you, Sugriva.

Narrator: So, Rama and Lakshmana

march towards Lanka, with Sugriva and
his monkey army. When they reach the
ocean, the monkey army builds a bridge
across the ocean to Lanka. Rama and
his army finally arrive in Lanka.

Scene 9:

The battlefield in Lanka

( Rama, Lakshmana, Sugriva, Hanuman,
Sugriva's army, Ravana)
(Battle scene - Armies of both sides are
seen fighting with each other)

Narrator: Rama's troops wage war on

Ravana's demon army. A great battle
ensues. Demons, animals and human
fight each other for days. Ravana fights
valiantly, but his is no match for Rama's
strength and valour. Ravana tries
throwing his gada, chakras, arrows,
axes and even uprooted trees, but
nothing harms Rama at all. The battle
rages on for days. Ravana starts using
mantras and flaming weapons, but Rama
stops them mid-air and sends them back
at Ravana. Rama then cuts off Ravana's
head, but every time he does, a new
head appears in its place. Rama prays to
the Gods, takes out a special arrow and
aims it at Ravana's heart. The arrow
pierces the demon king's heart, and he
falls down and dies.

Troops: The demon king is dead! Prince

Rama has saved us all! Long live, Prince
Rama! Long live, Prince Lakshmana!
Long live, King Sugriva! Long live,

Scene 10:

Ravana's palace
Characters: Rama, Lakshmana, Sita,
Hanuman, Sugriva
(Rama runs to the palace where Sita is
held captive. On seeing him, Sita runs
towards him)

Sita: You have come for me!

Rama: Sita! Ravana has been killed. I am
here to take you back.

Sita: A day did not pass when I did not

think about you, my lord.

Rama: A day did not pass when I did not

worry about you. I have come now. You
are safe.

(Rama and Sita embrace)

Hanuman: Long live, Prince Rama! Long

live, maa Sita!

Narrator: Having won the war against

the demons, Rama and Sita return to
Ayodhya, victorious. Their 14 years of
exile were complete. The people of
Ayodhya welcome their new king and
queen by lighting clay diyas along their

The. End

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