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Problem Statement:

Shell Global, one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, has established a prominent
position in the energy industry through its extensive international operations. As a
multinational corporation, Shell faces numerous challenges and opportunities in different
regions worldwide. The problem is to gain a comprehensive understanding of Shell Global's
international business strategy, encompassing its market entry approach, investment
decisions, risk management strategies, and sustainable practices.

Key Issues and Focus Points:

Market Entry Strategy: Shell operates in diverse regions with varying political, economic, and
social landscapes. The problem is to analyse how Shell determines its market entry strategy
in different countries, considering factors like regulatory environments, local competition, and
cultural nuances.
Investment Decisions: Shell's international business involves significant investments in the
exploration, production, refining, and distribution of oil and gas resources. The problem is to
examine how the company evaluates investment opportunities and allocates resources
across its global portfolio, considering factors such as resource availability, potential returns,
and risk mitigation.
Risk Management: Operating across various geopolitical environments and facing fluctuating
oil prices, Shell is exposed to a range of risks, including political, operational, and financial.
The problem is to assess how Shell identifies, evaluates, and manages these risks in its
international operations to ensure sustained profitability and long-term success.
Sustainable Practices: The energy industry faces increasing scrutiny and demand for
sustainability and environmental responsibility. The problem is to explore how Shell
integrates sustainable practices into its international business strategy, including initiatives
for reducing carbon emissions, investing in renewable energy, and engaging with
stakeholders and local communities.
Adaptation to Changing Dynamics: The energy landscape continuously evolves, influenced
by geopolitical shifts, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences.
The problem is to examine how Shell adapts its international business strategy to stay
competitive and resilient in the face of dynamic global energy trends.


The primary objectives of this case study submission are:

To analyse Shell Global's market entry strategies in various countries and regions, identifying
critical success factors and challenges faced during expansion.
To understand the decision-making process and criteria Shell uses for evaluating and
prioritizing investments in different parts of the world.
To identify best practices and lessons learned from Shell's experiences that can be valuable
for other multinational corporations operating in the energy industry.
Submission- 3 slide ppt excluding the intro and thank you.

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