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ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Higher level example assessments (Scripts 1-8)

Write an essay of 200-250 words.

Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion.

Some people say that a parent’s responsibility for his/her child ends when the child
reaches the age of eighteen. Others say that this responsibility never ends.

Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.

1 Parenthood through whole life

Taking care of their children is a responsibility of every parent.

They have to raise them, get them educated and prepared for life. But a
lot of people keep doing that even when their kids become grown ups.
Should or should not parenthood be a lifetime responsibility is the
theme of the following essay.
To begin with, when you are (XXXXXXXX) N.N. making a big life
decision, parents will always give you advise or support you, for example
if you are getting married or changing your (XXXXXX) N.N. career.
Secondly, they will help you raise your children. For instance, they will
gladly give you advices on parenting. Lastly, parents will always back
you up financially if you need it. Given the example, a lot of parents buy
their children a house when they get married.
On the other hand, parents should not back you up through your
whole life. As an example, a lot of children life completely of their
parents' money and that is not normal. Finally, you can't live with your
parents forever. To back up with, a lot of people keep living with their
(XXXXXX) N.N. parents while they want to be alone after all those years.
Given these facts, parenthood is something that you will be
responsible until the day you die. In my opinion, parents should always
be there for you with a friendly advice and a warming support and
love. After all, they are your closest family.

Script 1

Task Completion: 4
The main ideas are generally well supported, the introduction developed (but the conclusion
inadequate), and there are occasional instances of an irrelevant or unsupported argument, for
example in the second paragraph of the body.
Coherence and Cohesion: 4
There is an appropriate range of cohesive devices (despite the occasional misuse) that link
the ideas well and the flow of ideas can be followed with ease but there are lapses in paragraph
structure, in the second paragraph of the body and in the conclusion, which make the essay
less coherent.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Vocabulary: 4
The range is very good for the task. While there are some inaccuracies, they do not impede
easy understanding (decission, advices, a friendly advice, life instead of live, live of money).
Grammar: 4
The range is good for the task. While there are some inaccuracies, they do not impede easy
understanding (… to back up with, is something that you will be responsible until).

There are people who think that their responsability for his/her child
ends when the child reaches the age of eighteen, but there are (XXX) N.N.
others who say that this responsability never ends. Both ways may be correct,
because each parent raise his/her kid on a way they think is correct.
Pros and cons of those who say that their responsability ends with
eighteen years of their kid, are that this kid would learn (XXXXX) N.N. how
to be responsable and take care of himself, without depending on parents.
This is a good thing if he/her is working somwhere far from home. Bad thing
is that there are some people who don't want to take care for their kids. In the
other hand, there are others who say that this responsability never ends. Those
are people who like to know everything about their kids life. They want to be a
part of it. There are also advantages and disadvantages from it. Advantages
are that their child can always count on them to help him/her. They will
always be there to help, no matter what. But there are also some
disadvantages. These kids will never be on their own, they can not live
without someone who will tell them what to do, or how to do certain things.
General conclusion? My opinion is that parents responsability never
ends, even if we were older than now. They will always take care of us,
because they love us, and want to see us happy with our life.

Script 2

Task Completion: 3
The script has both an inadequate introduction and conclusion: most of the introduction is
the copied prompt, while the conclusion contains only the S’s personal opinion.
Coherence and Cohesion: 2
There is a limited use of cohesive devices (in the other hand and but are the only linking
words used). Also, the body of the essay is a single paragraph.
Vocabulary: 3
The range is good for the task. Errors sometimes impede easy understanding (lack of
articles: pros and cons are, bad thing is, or responsability, on a way, take care for,
advantages from it).
Grammar: 3
The S generally uses simple structures. Also, errors (each parent raise, if her is working…)
sometimes impede easy understanding.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Some people claim that parent's responsibilty ends when childrens reaches the age of
eighteen, others disagreed. This essay will discuss that topic in details.
To start with, there is a lot of advantages about it. Big number of eighteen old children
started to live on their own. They care about (XXX) themself without help of parents. Further-
more, they can realise their ideas like going on some college, get a work and their money. There is
more oportunity to success and tell what they think. Thirdly they get some specific kind of
(XXXXX) freedom, because they can get marry, vote, drive a car, or be a part of some
important event or project where people will take their ideas very seriously. Some of them feels like
young adult person who has totally control about everything.
However, there are some disadvantages. Firstly, some children are not ready for living
alone. They do not want to lose parents support and care. Secondly, some of them do not take
some problems seriously and they think that everything is very easy. Thirdly, children can not
care about themself. They do not know cook, work or get some big resposibility because parents
always do everything for them.
To sum up, there (XX) are lot of advantages and disadvantages. It is true that children
get a freedom when they turn to eighteen and care about themself and they do not take some
problems seriously. I think that parents responsibility never ends because they will always care
about us no matter how old we are.

Script 3

Task Completion: 3
The script has an undeveloped introduction (copied from the task). In addition, some of the
arguments are not adequately supported (3rd paragraph) and the conclusion has a vague
summary of the main points.
Coherence and Cohesion: 4
There is a logical progression to the overall argument, but there are occasions when the
relationship between ideas within sections is not clear. The 2nd paragraph lacks a clear topic
Vocabulary: 3
The range is good for the task but the type and density of inaccuracies causes rereading (big
number of 18 old childrens, themself, going on college, get a work, turn to 18, get a
Grammar: 3
While complex structures are used, the S generally uses simple structures. Errors
sometimes cause you to pause while reading (they can get marry, some of them feels, has
totally control about, they do not know cook), but the message can be understood with little

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Some people say that a parent's responsibility for his child good, but other think is
that bad or negative sides for his. In my opinion they have some advantages and
Today children is to lazy, and they didn't work anything they need. Some of them
are responsibility earlier and some never. Some children left parents as young
students and live alone in another town for long time, but some children never the
left parents.
Firstly adventages is:
I think the parent's responsibility is very good for children because they learn a lot
off with his parents.
Secondly reason:
They have anything they need in his life when live with parents.
The firstly disadvantages is they (XXX) work some bad things like take drugs,
alchocol etc…
They didn't anything obligations.
In the other hand I (XXX) think that responsibility never ends. Today parent's are
so resposibility and they work anything for his children. They help him in many
things like school, job on other thing.
I think that is very good, that is my (XXXXX) opinion.

Script 4

Task Completion: 0 (originally a 1 -1)

Errors frequently cause difficulty in understanding. The essay has no introduction and no
conclusion. With 173 words, it is also underlength and loses one point.
Coherence and Cohesion: 1
The flow of ideas is generally difficult to follow. There is little attempt at paragraphing. Also
Vocabulary: 1
Errors frequently cause difficulty in understanding. Also ceiling.
Grammar: 1
Errors frequently cause difficulty in understanding. Also ceiling.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

I would like to start my opinion with (XXX) fact. If you put
two (XXX) identical twins in two different countries, after fifteen
years they will not look the way they would if they lived together.
Some thing goes for their behavior and goals they wont achieve in
Since you can't have two identical twins, you obviosly can't have
two same persons, persons that live and think on the same way. This
ʺpersonʺ will (XXX) become a parent one day and since you don't
have two same persons you can't have two same parents, parents that
(XXX) live, think, and raise they children on the same way.
(XXX) There is many ways to raise a child, but the most common
one is to give child too much attention and care. Make him totally
depends on his parents even after he reach twenty, or much wiser
(XXX) one where child can make more decisions and mistakes.
Because we all know that if you want to learn, you need to make
mistakes first, and if someone is not giving you the (XXXX) chance
to make a mistake, how will you know it was a mistake?
Parents responsibility for child should never end, but the way
they (XXXX) show it should.

Script 5

Task Completion: 1
The essay is largely irrelevant. It hardly develops the prompt due to
misunderstanding of the prompt or the inclusion of excessive irrelevance.
Coherence and Cohesion: 1
Vocabulary: 1
Grammar: 1

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Some people say that a parent's (XXXXXXX) responsibility for his
child ends when the child reaches the age of eighteen. Others say that
this (XXXXXXX) responsibility never ends.
Every parent who has a child knows that simply having a child is
very big responsibility. It takes a lot of effort to take care of a baby, but
also when it grows up it takes a lot of time to raise it in a right way. But
there are a lots of discussions about when does parent's responsibility
end or does it ever ends.
There are plenty of arguments that confirm a theory about
ending of parents responsibility when the child reaches the age of
eighteen. Firstly, many young people, when they turn eighteen, become
independent and parents (XXXXXX) doesn't have to take care of them.
Secondly, most of young people after a high school get a job and make
money for themselves, and they don't need a parents to give them money
for living.
There is also a theory that says that every parent is a parent for it's
whole life. There are some arguments that confirm that theory. One of
the arguments is that even when a child turns eighteen, it still needs a
parents for living. Some young people never become capable of taking
care for themselves, that's why they need a parents to put them on a feet.
There are also some cases when child is turning eighteen and finishing
high school, after that it's going for a higher education and most of
them need money from parents for rent and food.
All in all in most of cases parents are needed after turning
eighteen, because of their experience and knowledge about living.
Some old people would say that once you become a parent, you will
always be a parent. Personal opinion?

Script 6

Task Completion: 3
Although the introduction is well developed, the conclusion does not contain a personal
opinion and is therefore inadequate. The main ideas are developed but the arguments given
in support of the main ideas are very similar and repetitive (paragraphs 2 and 3).
Coherence and Cohesion: 3
There is a generally clear flow of ideas but there are lapses in the use of cohesive devices
which prevent a 4 being given (in the 3rd paragraph three sentences start with there are/is).
Vocabulary: 3
The range is good for the task. The type of inaccuracies causes you to pause while reading,
but the message can be understood with little effort (is big responsibility, in a right way,
taking care for, most of cases).
Grammar: 3
The range is good for the task but the type and density of errors sometimes impede easy
understanding (a lots of, does it ever ends, parents doesn’t, a parents, on a feet).

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

On this planet lives a lot of people. They have their own opinion about
everything. Children are big responsibility for their parents. Parents give
them a life. These children growing up, go to school. They need clothes, food.
They need love of mother and father. Some of these children never had
parents. Some of them don't know that feeling when you have parent's love.
If parent's love their kids they will do anything for them.
Some people think that a parent's responsibility for their children ends
when the children reaches the age of eighteen. In my opinion (XX) that think
people who never had their own children. Who never know what means having
a baby, a teenager in their house. Who never worked for someone. That
responsibility never ends. When child reach the age of eighteen, it's not a
child anymore. It's an adult. But it still needs parent's love. They are
growing up. They ends their high school. Some of those „child“ will go to the
college. Some of them will go to work. But they still need mother and father.
A parent's, if they are a good parent's, of course, should never stop care about
their children no matter how old their children are.
If their child is twenty-nine years old, it's still their child. Some people
don't understand what means have children and what means have someone
about who you need to care. In other hand, we are only people and we are
different. Everyone of us have their own opinion. Having a child is
something the most beautiful what two people can have and responsibility for
that never ends. Personal opinion?

Script 7

Task Completion: 2
The introduction and conclusion are both inadequate as they contain irrelevant information,
while the conclusion also lacks a personal opinion. In addition, one of the main ideas (..a
parent’s responsibility ends…) is not developed and there are several instances of
unsupported argument in the body of the essay.
Coherence and Cohesion: 2
Repeated changes of subject in the body of the essay, for example, make it difficult to follow
the flow of ideas. The body of the essay is a single paragraph and the lack or misuse (in
other hand) of cohesive devices is significant.
Vocabulary: 3
The range is good for the task. There are also inaccuracies, but the message can be
understood with little effort (a life, love of mother, evrything, a parent’s).
Grammar: 2
The essay relies on simple structures. Inaccuracies cause re-reading, but the message can
be understood with some effort (these children growing up, the children reaches, that think
people, when child reach, they ends, some of these child, a parent’s should never stop care,
what means have, something what two people…).

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

General intro? Some people tend to think that parents should gain responsibility for
their child/children up to the time when they become eighteen years old, but others do not share
that opinion and think that a parent's responsibility must be everlasting.
On the one hand, there are many statements in favour of the first mentioned point of
view. Firstly, many people point out that parents deserve to have their own life and spare time
which they cannot fully enjoy if they look after their children after they reach eighteen as such a
care denies them an opportunity for fully experienced life. Secondly, it is felt by many that young
people would become far more stronger and independent persons if they knew their parents are
not longer responsible for them after they reach eighteen.
On the other hand, there are many who feel that a parent's responsibility could never end.
The first thing many people point out is that everlasting responsibility allows children to feel safe
since they know their parents are always there to support them or to help them. In addition, there
are many children with various sorts of physical or mental problems and they couldn't happily
survive without loving care of their parents.
There are, evidently, both pluses and minuses of endless parents responsibility. Some will
say it denies them a chance of a full and free life but others see it as an example of parents love at
its best. Personally, I am in favour of the second statement.

Script 8

Task Completion: 4
Although the main ideas are consistently well supported, the introduction is inadequate. It is
not more than a paraphrase (it lacks a general introduction).
Coherence and Cohesion: 5
The flow of ideas can be followed with ease. There is also an appropriate range of cohesive
devices that link the ideas well.
Vocabulary: 5
The range is wide for the task. While there are some inaccuracies, they are negligible (for fully
experienced life, are not longer, without loving care of).
Grammar: 5
There is a wide range of simple and complex structures that are used accurately.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Higher level example assessments (Scripts 9-15, summer 2021)

Write an essay of 200-250 words.

Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion.

Some people say that social media make us feel better about ourselves. Others think they
cause a lot of stress.

Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.

Some people say that social media
make us feel better about ourselves.
Others think they cause a lot of stress.

In todays world social media is a huge part of our lifes. Weather we are
posting content or just watching it, it can affect us greatly. Some people
think it is good for our selfconfidence others disagree.

Firstly, one of the advantages of social media is that it can help you
start your own career over it. Variearity of content on social media is
endless and it can help you to easier find audience which is interested
in what you do and it will automaticlly bring you more clients. In
addition to that, you can also spread positive impact on others,
throughout your platform.

On the other hand, social media can be a really harsh place.

Constantly demanding for perfection can become very tiering for young
girls and boys who are still in proces of developing mentally and
(XXX)T.M. physically. Secondly, the negative coments that will always be
present. Thus (XXX)T.M. effect the way we feel about ourselves. Support?

To sum up everything that has been said up until this point, it is clear
that social media has it's advantages and disadvantages. In my
opinion, I think it has more positive than negative effect on people. We
just need to be carefull while using it and not let other (XXX)N.N..opinions
(a) effect us.

Script 9

Task Completion: 3
The introduction lacks the second view from the prompt and is therefore inadequate as well
as the conclusion, which lacks the summary of the main points. There are some instances of
an irrelevant or unsupported argument in the second paragraph.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Coherence and Cohesion: 4

The second paragraph lacks a clear topic sentence. Also, there is the occasional lack of
cohesive devices (mainly commas).
Vocabulary: 3
The range is very good for the task, but errors sometimes impede easy understanding. The
type of inaccuracies causes rereading, but the message can be understood with little effort.
Grammar: 4
The range is good for the task; the student uses a range of simple and complex structures
appropriately. There are errors but they do not impede easy understanding.

Some people say that social media
make us feel better about ourselves.
Others think they cause a lot of stress.

Social media as a whole is a tool used in 21. century as a digital

media wich covers a range of diffrent platforms and genres.
The positive side effects about media in general: , is that it reconnects
people and gives global or local news to the world, regardless wether the media
originated from TV, internet or mobile phones. Television media in the last
60 years has influenced mankinds development in how we chose, think,
grow and progress as individuals in todays society, as well as how our
messages are recived. (Computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones are all
digital gadgets wich in this time have made the world a safer place).
Negative side effects of social media are: that it can be used for political
campaings or (wars). Other activities include criminal activity and
corruption that illegaly sell, buy or manufacture via the internet drugs,
money or false documents.
Third side effect is that media as a social tool can be used to harass, abuse or
bully inocent or disabled people across the internet. Some may try to attack
a disabled person because of its disability or apperance so that to a bully this
brings a satisfaction or enyojment in others suffering. Such harmful and
dangerous tactics can have psyhiactric and traumatic expirences, wich leave
a deep mental scar on that particular individual. (Cyberbullying or trolling
is way to common practice utilised by people who lack or don't regard
empathy towards weaker members of society.) Internet as a whole can also be
used to stal or hak bank acounts, informations and goverment secrets.
(Police around the world have published and evented programs, platforms
and tools in order to decreasse this kind of behaviour.)
In conclusion, the social media is a tool like any other tool that must be
used and maintained responsibly.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Script 10

Task Completion: 2
Main ideas are insufficiently supported: while there are arguments that support the main
ideas, there are several instances of an irrelevant or unsupported argument. Also,
inadequate intro and conclusion.
Coherence and Cohesion: 2
Flow of ideas is often unclear. Repeated changes of subject make it difficult to follow the flow
of ideas. Also, limited use of paragraphing (paragraphs contain more than one main idea or
contain irrelevant sentences).
Vocabulary: 3
Very good range for the task, but errors sometime impede easy understanding.
Grammmar: 4
Good range for the task: the student uses a range of simple and complex structures
appropriately. Also, ceiling.


Some people say that social media

make us feel better about ourselves.
Others think they cause a lot of stress.

In today's world, we can hear and see that youth or old people
enoyed by mobile phones, TV's, computers or something else. Very
small number especially of youth have fun in any others physical
games. Therefore, the question is how social media effect of us. Some
people claim that it can be useful but others disagree.
There are many reasons why social media can have a very positive
effects. To begin with different films and series bring fun and some
people so relaxed. Given the example, after job and difficult week
they rather watch a movie than go walk. Secondly, we can know in
short time informations when we need it at the moment. What
means is, we can find advice for something or help of experts, but
and children should take news for school.
However, there are many several significant drawbacks. One
disadvantage is that social media promote celebrities and they are
often superior than others. It can be reason why a lot of people do
not take a self-care. They often will be how others, for example, they
think they are not really good. In addition, it can be stressfull
because when something wrong happend everybody knows this news

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

at the moment. For instance, nowadays cause coronavirus a problem

in whole world and people become scared.
To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages because some
people will say that social media bring new informations and
people can forgive about their problems and enoyed, but others say
that is not useful for everybody when people like every situations
(XXX)l.M. to know. In my opinion, social media helps us in different
way in ours lives.

Highlighted are structures that “cause difficulty in understanding”.

Script 11

Task Completion: 2
Main ideas insufficiently supported: while there are arguments that support the main ideas,
there are several instances of an irrelevant or unsupported argument. Also, both the
introduction and conclusion are inadequate. In the intro, the thesis statement does not reflect
the prompt. The first part of the conclusion is not a proper summary of the main ideas.
Coherence and Cohesion: 2
There is an appropriate range of cohesive devices that link the ideas, but the flow of ideas is
often unclear due to language. Also, paragraphs contain irrelevant sentences.
Vocabulary: 2
The range is sufficient for the task; the type of errors sometimes causes rereading, but the
message can be understood, although with some effort.
Grammar: 2
Errors sometimes cause difficulty in understanding. Inaccuracies cause rereading, but the
message can be understood, although with some effort.


Almost everyday you hear about some of the social media like Facebook, instagram and
others. On social media you can find a lot of different concepts that can be interesting to a lot of
the people from all around the world. The real question is, does it somehow affect us or not?
Let us start by considering that social media is the reason you can meet people all around
the world and because of that you can hear really interesting stories and learn something new
everyday. Reacently a friend of mine met a girl that is having a cancer just like her, however that
girl means so much to her because they are around the same age going true a lot right now, they
are really blessing to each other. (Secondly)XX
Secondly, with the social media the information flow is constant. In every second of your life you
can go on your instagram profile and see what is happening with the people in your city or in the

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

worldwide situation. Sometimes it's so good to know what is happening in the other parts of the
world for example while traveling or when you just want to plan a trip. (XXX)XX
Moreover, the most people love posting pictures, of what they are doing, on their profiles.
Because of that everyone knows what is the person doing in life.
So far, we talked about advantages, but what about disadvantages? Now is interesting to
say that people who are earning from social media like celebrities have no privacy. If thay want
to earn money for example from Instagram, thay need to post everyday, however, that way thay
share every little part of their life with people they actualy don't know.
Furthermore, social media takes us a lot of the time without ever realising it. For example, tik-tok
is a new app that you can scrol for hours and hours not knowing that.
On the other hand, some people are getting so much hate coments on their posts. Coments like
that give a lot of stress to a human being, and (talking)XX taking care for behavior like that leads
people to depresion and anxiety.
To conclude everything, I must say that everything has its advantages and disadvantages
like the social media. However, if we want our comunity to work, we need to be good in coments to
one another, share positivity and learn from each other. We also need to live in the present and
not just scroling true social media. That way we lose our time on an animportant things.

Script 12

Task Completion: 3
Both the introduction and conclusion are inadequate: the thesis statement is not developed
and there is no summary of the main arguments.
Coherence and Cohesion: 3
There are lapses in the use of paragraphing (each argument is a separate paragraph and
there is an occasional lack of cohesive devices - commas) and some irrelevance in
Vocabulary: 3
Errors sometimes impede easy understanding: The type or density of inaccuracies causes
rereading, but the message can be understood with little effort.
Grammar: 4
Good range for the task: The S uses a range of simple and complex structures appropriately.
Errors do not impede easy understanding.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Social media itself is a place on the Internet where you can be
anything you want, at (XX) N.N. any time. Thesis statement?
Social media can make us feel good about ourselves because we can
post whatever we want and others will see it. Therefore, they will give you
compliments which can boost your ego and make you fall in love with
yourself. You can post pictures, (XX) N.N. update your status or you can
simply use it for communication with friends and family. There are role-
models, mostly celebrities, that post their pictures and share their lives with
the fans all over the world. Although, sometimes social media isn't the
prettiest place to be. It has a lot of affects on your mental health. There will
always be people, mostly hiding behind a fake profile, who will „hate“ you
and talk down on you. Therefore, There are more and more beauty standards
which affect mostly young girls because they think that they need to look
like all the models in order to be perfect, but no one is perfect and most of the
pictures are photoshopped. That can affect your mental health and bring it
into a very dark place. The biggest problem of them all is that as the years go
by, more and more kids are using social media without the control of their
parents. Kids can be very naive and they would talk to anyone, even a
stranger on social media. They also see all of those models, but they dont
realize that the mayority of the pictures are photoshopped. Therefore, they
have wrong perception of beauty (XXXXXX) N.N. and its standards.
In conclusion, from my point of view, social media can be both very
happy and very dark place. You need to watch out on the every step you take,
even tho it's just the Internet.

Script 13

Task Completion: 3
Both the introduction and conclusion are inadequate: there is no thesis statement, and the
conclusion has no summary of the argumentation from the body.
Coherence and Cohesion: 2
The body of the essay is a single paragraph.
Vocabulary: 4
Very good range for the task: it allows a variety of expression within the limits of the topic.
The vocabulary is precise enough for clear expression of thoughts. Errors do not impede
easy understanding.
Grammar: 5
Wide range for the task: simple and complex structures are used appropriately, with some
negligible inaccuracies.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024



In today's world, having a social media account is a necessity. We

can truly say that we live our lives through social media, through
likes and follows. Social media can be a great (XX) N.N. stress reliver,
but can also cause us a lot of stress. The real question is when do we
draw the line between the two?

On one hand, social media helps us stay connected. It’s never

been easier to call or send a message to a friend. Furthermore, we
can always (XX) N.N. look up someone if we want to. For example, if
we want to see our idol’s latest posts, all we have to do is look up
their name and we will get (XXXXXX) N.N. every information we
want. However, that’s where the problem lies. There are far more
disadvantages to social media than advantage. Everyone can follow
our every step. We don’t have an ounce of privacy because we’re
always being watched by someone. Furthermore, we never know who
can steal our pictures and identity, who can pretend to be us. Our
whole life could be taken away instantly without us knowing about
it. Another disadvantage is (XX) N.N. how much pressure (XX) N.N.
we have because we always have to look our best so that we can take
pictures which we’ll post later (XX) N.N. on. We created a “perfect”
beauty standard (XXXXXX) well as a body stereotype which is
almost impossible to achieve. If only we worried about our mental
health that’s getting ruined because of social media.

All in all, I think that social media is a very stressful place.

(XX) N.N. there’s always someone watching our every move even if we
think there isn’t. We can never keep our lives on social media
completely private. Not to mention the risk of being “perfect” and
having a “perfect” lifestyle all the time. Unfortunately, I don’t see a

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

solution for this problem and I’m truly afraid that there won’t be
one anytime soon.

Script 14

Task Completion: 3
Main ideas sufficiently supported: there are some instances of an irrelevant or unsupported
argument (e.g., the student writes about the disadvantages of social media in general). Also,
inadequate conclusion.
Coherence and Cohesion: 2
The body of the essay is a single paragraph.
Vocabulary: 5
Wide range for the task. Minor errors.
Grammar: 5
Wide range for the task. Minor errors.

Some people say that social media make us feel better about ourselves.
Others think that they cause a lot of stress.

Nowdays, social media has more influent on us than before. Before

we don’t have internet and so many pages which full our self-
confidence. One group of people think that social media make us more
satisfied with ourselves, when other group think that they bring us stress.

Firstly, social media is all around us full time. We read

magazines, newspapers, wach videos were people talk about their
problems, gear radio and more.

For example, if we wach video about being fat (XX) and hear how to
solve problem or how to go out in public, and be self-confidence with
ourselves. That bring us more positivity than stress. Secondly, we also
can share our stories and give some advice. For example, if we help
someone with our story that can make us feel more happier and show us
as a better person.

On the other hand, social media can make us more stressful. For
instance, we read and hear about some disaster, car (XXX) crach where
is someone dead or that some crime scene have many injured persns.

If we are too emotional, that would cause a big sock and stress. After
that many persons have fear’s like driving on that vay in this situation.
Moreover, on sites we can read about roomers and lies. For instance, if
we know the persons truth, that would make us unpleased and more
stressfull. Social media is full of stories like this, because they need
attention. And that make us feel stressed.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

To sum up, the group of people think that social media has more
influent on us and make us more pleased with ourselves, when other
group think that they cause more stress. I think that social media bring
us more good than bad thing s in our life. Social media give us many
opportunitie s to learn how to be self-confidence and fell better about

Script 15

Task Completion: 3
Both the introduction and conclusion are inadequate: the thesis statement is not developed
(there is lifting and repetition) and there is no summary of the main arguments.
Coherence and Cohesion: 3
There are lapses in the use of paragraphing (there are too many paragraphs and there is
inconsistency in their structure).
Vocabulary: 3
Good range for the task. Errors sometimes impede easy understanding: The type or density
of inaccuracies causes rereading, but the message can be understood with little effort.
Grammar: 2
Almost all the structures are simple.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Higher level example assessments (Scripts 16-22, summer 2022)

Write an essay of 200-250 words.

Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion.

Some people think that having a university degree is essential for a successful career.
Others disagree.

Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that having a university degree is essential for a successful career.
Others disagree.

Nowadays, university degree is certificate of education that every person get after they
finish collage. The question is whether only people with university degree can make their
proffessional life on an impressive level or university degree is not the main reson of success.
On the one hand, it is often said that people need to have university degree in order to have
successful proffessional life. Firstly, people with university degree can work abroad. For example,
many (XXX)N.N. German companies only look for people who are well educated and who have
finished their collage. Secondly, it is easier to find a job because we can work in different
companies. In other words, there are more job opportunities for educated people.
On the other hand, it is widely (XXX)N.N. belived that people without university degree
can have really impressive proffessional life too. To begin with, we can work with our parents in a
family bussines, and after they retired we can run that company. Furthermore, our friends and
family can find us job in a company they work at. For istance, if someone from our family know
the person who run the company they work at, there are higher chanches that we will get a job.
In conclusion, despite the fact that havinh a university degree can have a lot of advantages
because it is easier to find a job and make successful career, it is also evident that people who don't
have university degree can be really successful and find a job they are good at. In my opinion,
having university degree is not the only way to successful life. The best way to make
(XXXXX)N.N. yourself successful career is to find a job you (XXX)N.N. like, be yourself and
work hard.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Script 16

Task Completion: 5
All parts of the prompt are fairly equally developed, and the main ideas are clearly highlighted
and supported, although the support could be more diversified.
Coherence and Cohesion: 4
There is a logical progression to the overall argument and effective use of paragraphing, but
there are occasions where the ideas are not completely clear due to language problems (in
intro: collage, reson…).
Vocabulary: 4
Very good range and good accuracy (spelling, articles).
Grammar: 3
Sufficient range and accuracy (3rd person sing, level of complexity).

Some people think that having a university degree is essential for a successful
career. Others disagree.
To begin we should first define what a successful career even means. In my
minds eye a successful career is one that provides personal satisfaction,
(XXXXXXX) be it monetary or just general enjoyment of ones work. The question
(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) do we need a university degree for such a
career is ever more important to us who are just finishing our secondary education.
Obtaining a university degree definetly has some (XXXXX) benefits for
developing a successful career. Many employers (XXXX) prefere people with higher
degrees of education and some even require them, because of that (XXX) completing
a degree (XXX) provides more opertunities and career paths. Additionaly
university studies take at leas a few years that can be used to explore and
determine your final career path. Last but not least people with higher education
usually have higher starting salaries.
On the other hand those who decide university is not for them also have their
advantages in modern economy. First of all they can start working (XX) sooner
juxtaposed to those who went to university, thus giving (XXX) them more work
experience. Secondly those who finished vocationary schools may already be
qualified for their desired job and university would be a waste of time. An
argument can also be made that university specialises you (X) only in a specific
area and thus prevents you from thinking outside the box.
To sum up university is not for everyone and (XX) certanly not essential
for a successful career, after all there are (XXX) currently many successful people
without university degrees. But for some who want to explore the fields of science

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

university is a must since secondary schools simply can't provide all the necessary
Script 17

Task Completion: 4
Three parts of the prompt are fairly equally developed, but the final one, the conclusion, lacks
a personal opinion. Also, there is some irrelevance in the introduction because a personal
definition is given as the general intro.
Coherence and Cohesion: 4
There are lapses in paragraph construction. The lack of commas disrupts the flow of ideas in
Vocabulary: 4
Wide range but good accuracy (spelling, apostrophes).
Grammar: 5
Wide range.



Hello, my name is Luka Mamić. In this esssay I will talk about successful career with and with
out degree. This is going to be my opinion about that.
I need to say that my career just began, I finished school last week.. And I don't think about
going to collage. My opinion is that collage is waste of time. You will go to collage 3 or 5 years, it
depends from collage to collage. In that period from 3 to 5 years I will get a job, build experiance
and earn money. Some people would say “You will casual life with bearly enough money, but
when I finish collage and get degree, I will have a lot of money.“ Yea I don't think so. Because I
know lot's of friends that have degree but work in grocery store. If you have a good plan, you
don't even need secondary school. I've seen on internet a dude that didn't finish secondary school
and now he is multi-millioner. As i said my plan is to get a job, build some experiance and then
go to Germany or Austrija. Because electricians are well paid in those country's. I will work ther
for 5 years and save a lot of money. And then I will go back to Croatia, where I live right now
(XX) With that saved money I will invest in something.
This is just my opnion. If you wanted to get a degree and have your own plan. I wish you the

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Script 18

Task Completion: 1
The essay is largely irrelevant. The essay hardly develops the prompt due to
misunderstanding of the prompt or the inclusion of excessive irrelevance (personal
introduction and opinion is given throughout).
Coherence and Cohesion: 1
Vocabulary: 1
Grammar: 1

Nowadays, it is very hard to have a work that you love and a successful
career with it. Some people think that having a university degree is essential for
a successful career. Others say that university degree doesn't mean anything in
On the first hand people think having a university degree is essential for a
successful career. Firstly, you will have more opportunities than people who don't
have university degree. As example, if you sign for a job they will choose you
rather than someone who doesn't have it. Secondly, you are going to respect your
self more, have more self-love and you are going to know your worth.
On the other hand people think having a university degree isn't essential
for a successful career. First of all if you show that you love your job and that you
know what are you doing, people will recognize it. As example, if you are good at
doing your job and you are giving the best from your self; someone will see that
and you will get promoted and get better position which maybe leads to success.
At the end of all, I can say that university degree will not get you
anything bad, only good things. But, in my opinion it is not neccesary for you to
have successful career. You can become successful without it.
Script 19

Task Completion: 3
The thesis statement in the introduction is a result of lifting and the conclusion lacks a
summary of argumentation, so both are considered inadequate. Also, support for the 2nd
argument in body paragraph 1 is somewhat lacking, while in body paragraph 2 there is only
one argument.
Coherence and Cohesion: 3
Sufficient use of paragraphing and cohesive devices (lapses in paragraph structure, the use
of cohesive devices and commas).
Vocabulary: 3
The range is good for the task (lack of diversity, repetitions etc.).
Grammar: 4

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Good range for the task: The S uses a range of simple and complex structures appropriately
(almost equal in number).


In the modern world, some people consider a university (XXXX)NN degree as a must for
a good job, while others do not perceive (XXXX)NN it like that. There are people who do not see
a good job oportunities without a higher school degree, while others think that school is not main
for success.
One of the main reasons why people perceive successful job with (XXX)NN a university
degree is because they consider that only those jobs could make some good money. For example,
high educated persons are much more paid because they do job that less persons can. Also, people
with a better scholl degree can easier find job that interest them. That means, people who have
studied for their perfect job have much moe opportunities to find that job what they consider as
On the other hand, there are people who see great career in every possible job besides
university degree. For intence, if people want to work and they do their best, they can always
have successful life. Another thing is that success do not have to be mesured by earning money. To
put it another way, if people do some job with (XXX) lower school degree, but with love and
happiness that is the biggest success for them.
To sum up, point of view about a successful career could lead to a debate between people,
so some people (XXX)NN think that the key for good career is having a university degree.
(X)NN There are others who disagree and perceive a successful job on another way. To my
opinion, having a successful career do not have to consider having a university degree.
Script 20

Task Completion: 2
The intro is inadequate as it lacks a general introduction (there are 2 thesis statements). The
conclusion is undeveloped because it does not contain an adequate summary of arguments
and the personal opinion is incomprehensible.
Coherence and Cohesion: 3
The flow of ideas is sometimes unclear. Also, the use of paragraphing devices is sufficient
(To my opinion…).
Vocabulary: 3
Good range for the task (lack of diversity, repetitions etc.).
Grammmar: 3
Errors in the structures used sometimes impede easy understanding. Sufficient range.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Some people think that having a university degree is essential for a
successful career. Others disagree.
Being (XXX)NN able to be a successful person is like a blessing. There are
some people who think that a university degree is the main reason of good career
because of respect what they get, while others think that success come from
other things like money, happines and relationship.
One of the main reasons why people choose to go to university is because
they will have a better job with good conditions. For instance, advocates just sit
in their chair in the office while maids clean around them. Another thing is that
people with the university degree get more respect. This means that people will
allways look at successful people with greatfull and won't be rude to them.
On the other hand, some people are lucky and they have a better life than
most of other people. To put it another way, some lucky (X)NN man can win a
lottery and get million dolars and invest it in some buissnes while doctors spend
(X)NN ''a half of their life'' on studying. Another point is that people who work
hard can achieve their goals like have the successful career. (XXX)NN For example,
if a girl/boy wants to be a chef and love cooking, one day he/she can open their
own restaurant.
To sum up, some people decide to have a university degree because of
money, freedom, respect and successful career in the future. However, others
choose to try their luck or find other solutions to create the successful career. In
my opinion, having the university degree can help me in building my career because
I will know lot of things which can help me in future life.
Script 21

Task Completion: 4
All parts of the prompt are fairly equally developed, but the support is good (e.g. in the general
introduction, in paragraph 1 of the body).
Coherence and Cohesion: 3
There is a logical progression to the overall argument and effective use of paragraphing, but
there are occasions where the ideas are not completely clear due to language problems (with
greatfull, incorrect use of structures…).
Vocabulary: 3
Good range and sufficient accuracy (spelling, articles).
Grammar: 3
Sufficient range and accuracy (3rd person sing, level of complexity…).

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024


In this essay I will discuss about having a university degree is essential for a successful
career, or not. Some people think that university degree is importan and without him we won't
make a successful career, but some people think that is not nessesery and it is waste of time.
University degree is very importan because people think that we have more knowlag and
skills. In this days without university degree is hard to find a job. In another hand people think
that is not important, because we already know that stuff what they are learning us. In five years
what we going on university we can already go work and open something ours. Simple, some
people without university degree are better in work than other.
University degree are importan because female can't do some work like man, because
they think they are not capable like man. For that university degree are importan for that
people, and for them to find a good job, higher payment and to work on something that we love.
In (X)GB this time we have much more opportunity than ten years ago, all has change. We
don't need that for us to have a successful career, we today can all by selfs. We can learn with
internet, we can look anything we need, and not waste five years. We can be successful without
university degree.
My opinion is that a university degree are important for a succesful career, we can all
think that is not nessery but we all know that is. Because of that we need learn more thing and we
have more knowlege. On the other hand if someone won't go on university that is his choice. He
can also have a succesful career, but he need more stuff to learn.

Script 22

Task completion: 2
The introduction is undeveloped due to irrelevance and lifting, while the conclusion contains
only a personal opinion and is therefore inadequate. There are also instances of irrelevant
arguments throughout.
Coherence and Cohesion: 2
The flow of ideas is often unclear. Also, there is limited use of cohesive devices.
Vocabulary: 2
The range is sufficient for the task. The type or density of inaccuracies causes rereading, but
the message can be understood with some effort.
Grammar: 2
The essay relies on simple structures. Inaccuracies cause rereading, but the message can
be understood, although with some effort.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Higher level scripts for individual assessment (Scripts 23-28, summer 2022)

Most people go to college or university because of degree, they also
think it's essential for successful career while others disagree. Both of these
views can be true, we're going to discuss them and see which one is betther.
In the beginning, degree is important if you would like to be a doctor or
scientist, even if you want to be something else. Degree is one document
which gives you ability to have successful career. You have more opportunities
with degree, more jobs you can apply to, you can also have betther financial
On the other hand people which think that degree isn't essential for
successful career are right too. Even without degree you can have beautiful
career. It can be harder without degree but you'll know you deserve it. If you
have talent for something but someone with degree doesn't, you'll have more
successful career than him.
In my opinion degree is just a paper, it can be helpful but mostly you
can have same job and successful career like someone with degree. From my
point of view that is just time-consuming proces full of stress and anxiety.
For someone that doesn't like to study it's losing time.

Some people think that having a university degree is essential for a successful career.
Others disagree.

Some people think that having a university degree is essential for a successful
career. So, I (XX)N.N. think said yes.

Today a university degree is very essential for a life, on a job and ourselves
career. Another advantages is little stress on a job. More people is much happy when a
having a university degree. However, very much more wents on the a university degree.
People is very learning for a degree and much stress. In the future, people a degree
working a big things for a yourselfes, the World and future populations and for a family.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

Some shortcomings, I think is not. In the say a way many people don't have a

In the short summary, I think that a better having a university degree. On the
other hand, I think a people having university degree have a big price.



The need for a university degree in a person's career

The development of technology has enabled people to educate themselves in a lot

of different ways. Today's options range from completing an online course to attending
(X)N.N. university for years. That is why it is questionable whether having a university
degree is (XXXXXX)N.N. absolutely neccessary in order to have a thriving career.

Universities are specifically designed to provide proper education and have been
perfecting their syllabus through a long period of time. That is why a person studying at
one of those institutions will inevitably have the needed knowledge to start a successful
career. What is more, a degree serves as a tangible evidence of skills to the employer,
showing the person's dedication and ambition to prosper in their field of interest, which
makes them a (XXXXX)N.N. desireable worker.

However, sometimes universities tend to focus too much on teaching the theory
in detail, rather than on some practical work. This means that university graduates
might lack (XXXX)N.N. certain skills which they could have acquired some other way. e.g.
(XXXXXX)N.N. working on some additional projects with a team of people.
are (XXXXX)N.N. many examples of affluent university (XXXXXX)N.N. drop-outs. Gates
and Zuckerberg claim that virtues like persistence and creativity got them to stand out,
which cannot be taught at university.

To summarise, it is clear that prosperous careers can be acieved with a degree

and without one. In my opinion, a degree cannot do any harm. I do, however, believe
that, as well as having theoretical background, it is neccessary to (XXXXX)N.N. practise in
real-life situations and to be (XXXXXXXXXX)N.N. motivated and (XXXXXX)N.N.
determined to reach full potential.


ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024


Some people think that having a university degree is essential for a successful career

Some people goes to university and think that is essential for a successful and good
career but sometimes that is not like that. University is our choice and sometimes that is not
University can be exellent for our career and another one step in our lifes which will go
to our dreams. It will a perfect way to spend a lot of money sometimes because today people
with university degree have a better place is collective.
If they work a job which they have and what is their dreams that is a brilliant way for
their careers.
However, that mustn't be like that. Also, people who don't have university degree maybe
have bigger careers than another who have that. Furthermore, today have a lot of generations
who have better life and career without university degree and before the all, have happier life.
Humans who have university degree mayb don't have a good career because they may
work a job which they don't want and like.
To sum up, I think the university degree isn't the most important thing in our lifes
because this is not something whch define our future a lot. Rarely, that can be bad for our
health because on universi we can more learning than in high school. But, some people say that
(XXX) is the most beautiful part of their lifes.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

When it comes to the well known and talked about topic which is
successful career, there are a lot of different opinions and different points of
views. Is university the answer to all of our problems, and is it really
neccessary for a good career?
After highschool ends many students apply for university to study
more about something that they are passionate about and would like to do for
a living. After all university is not easy and students who want to graduate
from it have to really commit to it and study hard so they can have their
dream and desired job. On the other hand, there is also a lot of students who
do not want to go to university. Some people might find that idea to be
ridicilous due to thinking that a degree solves anything in life, but those
students just prefer to go work early on in their life to gain experience and
also make money for themselves at a young age since they are becoming
In my opinion university degree is not the most essential thing for
good and functioning career one can have. It is everybody's choice if they
want to get a degree or not, but they are not worth less than others who went
to university and should not be judged for it.


Today, a lot of young people go to a collage because it is popular in this

modern society. Are you gonna be better in your career with a university degree
or finished secondary school is enough?

On the one hand, the university degree is a very big benefit for your
career. Firstly, with that you can easier get a job which you had applied for. For
example, people will always give a chance to a person who went to the collage
than somebody who was not. Another argument for, is that you can have a
bigger sallary that others. To illustrate this, you can work as a doctor for eight
hours a day as much as some shop assistent but you will be better paid because
of the job and degree that you have.

ENG A Example assessments and scripts 1-8 and 9-28, April 2024

On the other hand, sometimes in life you can be very succesfull without
collage. First of all, there are always gonna be people who work in some family
bussines without any degree. For instance, you can work in your family bussines
at the same position as a somebody who goes to the university, also one day you
can become a boss. Another point is, that you can work some job just with a
highschool and during the years working it became successful. For example, if
you are working as a nurse you can with your work and kindness get a better
jobs position in a hospital.

All things considered, if you want better, well paid job, the degree is
important but also you have to know that you can have a career how do you
want just with your hard work. In my opinion, it is smarter to have a
university degree because it can sometimes make life easier and
(XXXXXXXXX)N.N. make me more confident.



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