G.mkt.017.Lead Processing - Business Requirements

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Business Process Requirements Document

Project: Work Stream: Level 1 Process: Process Group: Level 2 Process: CRONUS Go To Market G.MKT.Marketing Lead Management G.MKT.016.Lead Processing

Creating a Regional Olympus Network Utilising SAP

Approval Authority for ARIS Business Process Design

Name Name Process Stream Lead (Lodestone) Name Process Stream Lead(s) (Olympus) Name
Solution Arch

Signature Avineesh Khare


Adrian Cerchez

Jeremy Pitchford

Document history:
Author Ly Quoc Nguyen Version Rev. date 0.1 06/12/2010 Summary of Changes Initial Draft Section Page Approved by

06 December 2010 Confidential 75770862.doc


2 1. Lead Processing Business Process SAP Design Document ....4

1.1 Header Business Requirements................................................................4
1.1.1 General Data.................................................................................................................4 1.1.2 Qualification..................................................................................................................5 1.1.3 Dates.............................................................................................................................5 1.1.4 Status and Reason for Status.......................................................................................5 1.1.5 Classification.................................................................................................................6 Lead Priority .........................................................................................................................6 Lead Origin............................................................................................................................7 Lead Group...........................................................................................................................7 1.1.6 Note...............................................................................................................................7 1.1.7 Parties Involved.............................................................................................................7 1.1.8 Note Assignment Block.................................................................................................8 1.1.9 Product..........................................................................................................................8 1.1.10 Lead Qualification Questionnaires ..............................................................................8 1.1.11 Attachment..................................................................................................................9 1.1.12 Transaction History.....................................................................................................9 1.1.13 Organization Data.......................................................................................................9 1.1.14 Follow-up Action .........................................................................................................9

1.2 Business Partner and Roles.....................................................................10 1.3 Product Requirements..............................................................................10 1.4 Authorization Requirements....................................................................10 1.5 Business Process Requirements............................................................10 1.6 Business Rules..........................................................................................11 1.7 Master Data Requirements.......................................................................11 1.8 Forms..........................................................................................................11 1.9 Reports.......................................................................................................11

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Lead Processing Business Process SAP Design Document

1.1Header Business Requirements
The Olympus Lead will be created with reference to standard SAP Lead. The following has been defined as general header information for Lead. Following is the screenshot of Lead Header screen.

1.1.1 Fields Type ID Description Prospect Prospect Address Main Contact Employee Responsible Campaign Campaign

General Data
Type Unchangeable field Automatically assigned by system Free Text Search Help Field Automatically assigned by system Search Help Field Search Help field Value Olympus Lead From 1 to 0044999999 Description The defined transaction type. The Lead ID will be automatically assigned by the system when the Lead is saved. User can enter a free text to give a short description of the Lead The Prospect (Business Partner) of the lead can be entered The address maintained in Prospects address will be automatically assigned in this field by the system Contact Person of the Prospect will be entered in this field. The creator of the lead will be automatically entered by the system as employee responsible. User can change later on User can assign the Lead to a campaign for further tracking and reporting purpose The description of campaign will be entered once

Search Help field Automatically

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assigned by system

campaign number is entered.


Qualification A Lead may be qualified automatically using Lead Questionnaires or manually by user by choosing the qualification level value. Below is the defined value of Olympus Lead Qualification Level. Qualification Level Hot Description Lead is hot when customer has a strong interest in Olympus product. A manual qualified hot lead will trigger system to create an Opportunity automatically. Waiting for Questionnaires and rating Waiting for Questionnaires and rating Waiting for Questionnaires and rating Waiting for Questionnaires and rating

Warm Cold False


Dates Lead needs to have a start date and end date. Start date is automatically entered by the system as the Lead creation date. User needs to enter an End Date for Lead.


Status and Reason for Status Status Created In Process Qualified Description Initial status, set when Lead is created Set when the Lead is processed by Employee Set when the Lead is qualified Possible Next Status In Process Qualified Won Lost Cancelled Won

Cancelled Lost Won

Lead is cancelled by responsible Sales Rep Lead is lost Lead is won

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In Process


Reason for Status Status 1. Created 2. In-Process 3. Qualified Reason



4. Won

5. Lost

6. Cancelled

1. Won Against Competitor 2. Won Because of Product Quality 3. Won Because of Price 1. Lost to Competitor 2. Lost Because of Product Quality 3. Lost Because of Price 4. Lost Because Product does not match Customer needs 1. Customer not interested 2. Cancelled by Us 3. Budget not approved


Classification Lead Priority Olympus Lead will have the following priority Priority Description High Medium Low
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Lead Origin Olympus Lead can originate from: Lead Origin Campaign Direct Enquiry Sales Call Service Visit Referrals Trading Agent Email Web Channel Channel Partner Call Center Repair Process Description

Lead Group Following values have been defined for Lead Group. New Customer Existing Customer

Note The Note area allows user to enter all important notes or requirements from Customer.


Parties Involved All the partners (employees and sales prospect contact persons) will be displayed in this assignment block.

The following partner functions are identified for Olympus Lead. Partner Function Changeable Min Max Description Automatically derived based on territory definition (geographical, sales channel, product type). Manual Selection id the Product is not specified in 10 Lead. The employee who creates the lead will be responsible for the lead automatically until the lead is forwarded to 1 new responsible employee.

Sales Representative Employee Responsible

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Contact Person Sales Prospect Channel Partner


0 1 0

10 1 1

Automatically derived from the maintained contact person in the Sales Prospect Entered by the lead creator Entered by the lead creator if necessary


Note Assignment Block Two Notes Type can be created for Olympus Lead.

Text Type Description Note

Purpose User enters all customer information and Customer special requirements and request into Description text type so it can be retrieved later on. User enters all note for internal employee or the next person who process the lead in Note text type


Product In the Product assignment block, user may enter all products that customer is interested with quality.


Lead Qualification Questionnaires Questionnaire needs to have weighting and answer needs to have rating. Qualification levels need to be defined with the rating.

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Attachment The Attachment assignment block allows user to attach any documentation which is necessary for the Lead.


Transaction History Transaction History assignment block shows all relevant transactions which are linked to the Lead


Organization Data Organization Data will be automatically determined based on Sales Area maintained in the Sales Prospect. All Olympus Lead for Singapore will have Olympus Singapore Sales Org Unit.


Follow-up Action

Send Alert to Sales Representative when Status of Lead is saved with initial status Created. Action executes only once. The email will contain a PDF attachment with the following content: Dear Sir/Madam, A Lead has been created and assigned to you in the system. Lead Number: XXX Lead Description : XXXX Please log in the system and qualify the lead. Please do not respond to this email as it was automatically generated. Best Regards, System Administration

Manual Qualification Level Hot create Opportunity and update Lead Status to Won When Lead is Saved. Action Executes Only once.

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Manual Qualification Level Warm Create Sales Call Activity When the Lead is Saved. Action Executes every time the Qualification level is Set to Warm. The Activity will reflect in the Calendar and Visit Plan. Qualification Level Cold No Automated Action. Manually Create Follow-up Activity for Future. Qualification Level False. Manually Set Lead Status to Cancelled and Set Cancelled Reason to Cancelled by Us when Lead is Saved. No further Processing.

1.2Business Partner and Roles

The following Role will have access to Lead Authorization Capability Change View X X X X X X X X

Roles Marketing Employee Sales Representative Sales Manager Service Engineer

Create X X X X

1.3Product Requirements

1.4Authorization Requirements
(Provide a non-technical detailed description of the Authorization Requirements.)

1.5Business Process Requirements

(In this section, provide the detailed business requirements as captured during the detailed process design workshops. Also list the related transaction details related to this business process.)

Transaction Type



Note: The detailed configuration design information can be found in the following file:

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1.6Business Rules
(Rules as defined in the corresponding Business Process Overview documents) Note: These should not be changed unless approved as part of the change governance process.

1.7Master Data Requirements

(In this section, specify any specific requirements related to master data.) All Business Partner Master Data may be used in Lead All Product Master Data may be used in Lead

(Simply list the forms required as part of this process. Technical details will be captured in the Functional Specification documents) No form has been identified for Lead.

(Simply list the reports required as part of this process. Report details will be captured in the BI Reporting Requirements documents) Standard BI Reports for Lead will be delivered.

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