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a stupid love letter cuz im just romantic like that lmfao, my hand hurts so i am NOT

writing on paper.. but yeah.. AND YES, i thought of all the words myself took me a
while but im so glad i did, my vocabulary isnt that short after all!

Do you remember how we used to talk into the late hours of the night, losing track of
time, and never caring about the sleep we sacrificed? Those moments meant so much
more to us than a good night's rest. They were a testament to the depth of our
connection, the unbreakable bond we forged through the words we shared.
I miss it, all of it, it came back, with calls and it lasted… 2 weeks? i dont know how it
stopped, but i wanna do it again, even tho your words did in fact very hurt i find the
capacity to forgive you and move on, i dont wanna lose you, not yet, i wanna be the
one, the one you look in bed when you wake up the morning and kiss, i wanna be the
one you talk about everything.
I feel like i dont know enough about you, you really never opened to me about what
you really like but i know you like sunset and, i honestly think you are a sunset person,
you look majestic just like them.

I want you to know, my love, that I am aware of the choices we made, and the
consequences they bore upon us. I understand that we have faltered, made mistakes,
and hurt each other along the way. But love, forgiveness is the pillar upon which our
relationship thrives. I have forgiven you, just as I hope you have found it in your heart
to forgive me.

And speaking of the future, princess, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and
anticipation. I envision a life with you, where we continue to build upon the love we
have cultivated. A life where we continue to talk late into the night, but also seize the
daylight hours, making every second count. I dream of adventures, of shared laughter,
and of a love that knows no bounds.

Together, we can overcome anything, and I can't wait to see what our future holds.

i love you.

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