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The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin

V. 69, No. 8 (August 1985), P. 1255-1268,9Figs., 3 Tables

Relationship Between Petroleum Composition and Depositional

Environment of Petroleum Source Rocks^

ABSTRACT characteristic structures of the organisms, if present,

become increasingly difficult to identify, and no such struc-
Crude oils of noiunarine source can be distinguished tures exist in petroleum. In these cases, the approach has
from those of marine shale source and from oils originating been to relate the chemical composition of the geolipid to
in marine carbonate sequences by using a battery of geo- that expected to be derived from dominant organisms, both
chemical parameters, as demonstrated with a sample suite precursors and reworking microbes, in a given ecosystem.
of nearly 40 oils. A novel parameter based on the presence Numerous geochemical parameters to relate crude oU
of Cjo steranes in the oil was found to be a definitive indica- composition with source rock origins have been proposed.
tion of a contribution to the source from marine-derived This study addresses the question of general applicability of
organic matter. A second novel parameter based on certain parameters, particularly regarding marine versus
monoaromatized steroid distributions was effective in help- nonmarine environments of petroleum source rock deposi-
ing to distinguish nonmarine from marine crudes and can tion. In addition, novel parameters based on sterane and
be used to gauge relative amounts of higher plant input to monoaromatized steroid hydrocarbon distributions are
oils within a given basin. Sterane distributions were simi- introduced.
larly useful for detecting higher plant input but were less
effective than monoaromatized steroid distributions for
making marine versus nonmarine distinctions. Concentra- CRUDE OILS STUDIED
tions of high molecular-weight paraffin can also be effective
nonmarine indicators but are influenced by maturation and The crude oils analyzed in this study are listed in Tables 1
biodegradation processes. Certain algal-derived nonmarine and 2. No more than two crudes from a single source are
oils may show little high molecular-weight paraffin hsted, in most cases, only one. From an individual state or
response. Oils from carbonate sources (with a few excep- country, several oils may be listed that represent different
tions) can be distinguished by having low pristane-phytane source depositional environments or ages. The source type
ratios, low carbon preference indexes, and high sulfur con- designations for the oils were developed with the help of
tents. Gammacerane indexes and carbon isotope ratios of Chevron geologists and are based on nearly certain geologic
the whole crude are not effective in distinguishing these assumptions. In many cases, the geologic assumptions are
types of environmental differences on a global basis. supported by geochemical correlations (see references listed
in Tables 1, 2). Oils whose source designation is uncertain
were omitted from the study as were those that appeared to
INTRODUCTION have both marine and nonmarine source rocks (such as
some oils from epicontinental source rocks).
The origin of the organic material in sedimentary rocks
and crude oil has received much attention (e.g., Tissot and The oils selected for this study were generally the least
Welte, 1978; Demaison and Moore, 1980). To identify the mature and least biodegraded available, in order to mini-
origin in sediments, the most direct method is macroscopic mize the effects of maturation and biodegradation. How-
or microscopic examination of the remnants of organisms. ever, some mature oils were used in the study. The few
However, some icerogens, particularly types I and II, com- biodegraded oils in Tables 1 and 2 were omitted from con-
monly do not contain identifiable organic remains and can sideration when the level of biodegradation would have
be entirely amorphous. Moreover, in thermally mature greatly affected the parameter being considered.
rocks (which are often of interest in petroleum exploration). This screening of oils resulted in a deceptively small
group of samples. However, most of the samples represent a
large group of oils, each with a similar or identical source,
©Copyright 1985. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All and thus similar or identical geochemical-source parame-
rights reserved. ters.
'Manuscript received, November 30,1984; accepted, April 19,1985.
^Chevron Oil Field Research Company, P.O. Box 1627, Richmond, Califor-
nia 94802.
•'chevron Research Company, 576 Standard Avenue, Richmond, California NOVEL PARAMETERS
The writers are grateful to G. J. Demaison, R. W. Jones, and L. W. Slentz for C30 Steranes
providing geologic interpretations of oil sources, and to P. Albrecht, G. J.
Demaison, and R. W. Jones for helpful discussions. We thank the following for
providing samples: J. Connan for New Zealand oil, A. A. Petrov for USSR oils, The presence of C30 steranes in crude oils derived from
Towner Petroleum for Ohio oils, D. F. Huang for Central Hebei oil of China, and marine sources (marine crudes) was detected using metasta-
C. Djerassi for a sample of gorgostane. Sample and data handling were by ble scanning gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-
L. A. Wraxall, F J. Fago, C. Y Y Lee, D. A. Dyke, and R Novotny. L. A. Wraxall
provided editorial assistance. Appreciation is extended to the management of MS/MS) (for methods see Haddon, 1979; Moldowan et al,
Chevron Oil Field Research Company for permission to publish. 1983). The first application to the analysis of steranes by

Table 1. Marine Oils Environmental Indicators

Biomarkers Acyclics
Source GC-MS Steranes (•%) Steranes Gammacerane^ nC,," Pristane'' 5C"' Sulfur
Type Location Identity Run N o . C3(l/C27-C3Q 17a-Hopanes Index nC,9 cpr Phytane C'^ (%) References' o
Shale California Carneros (late Miocene) 257 0.027 1.20 0.7 0.35 1.00 1.5 + 5.4 0.36 1 3
Shale CaUfornia Oceanic (OUgocene) 263 0.03 0.72 0.4 0.23 1.04 1.8 + 2.1 0.43 1 o
Shale California Buena Vista (Miocene) 36 0.016 1.12 0.5 0.35 1.12 1.4 + 6.2 0.5 2 Si'
Shale Louisiana Bay Marchand (Miocene) 277 0.074 0.53 0.6 0.12 0.99 1.9 + 3.5 0.25 2 o'
Shale Louisiana Ship Shoal (Miocene) 235 0.051 0.12 0.5 0.11 1.03 2.6 + 3.2 0.24 3 3
Shale 0.064 0.11 1.00 2.0 + 2.7 0.06 4 03
Wyoming Spring Valley (Cretaceous) 161 0.36 0.6
Shale Alaska Kingak (Jurassic) 219 0.088 0.24 0.3 0.18 1.05 2.0 -2.0 0.32 5
Shale Alaska Sadlerochit (early Mesozoic) 202 0.11 0.27 0.4 0.26 0.97 1.5 -0.3 0.75 s o
Shale Alaska Cook Inlet (Jurassic) 47 0.10 0.44 0.4 0.12 1.01 3.3 + 2.6 0.23 "a
Shale Australia Windalia (Late Cretaceous) 90 0.086 0.28 2.6 h h 2.5 + 3.3 0.01 6 u>
Shale Australia Barrow (Jurassic) 94 0.085 0.26 2.3 0.06 1.03 2.5 + 3.6 0.07 6 o
Marl Canada Kee Scarp (Devonian) 23 0.036 0.47 0.9 0.13 0.92 1.2 + 0.10 0.34 3 3
Marl Canada Leduc (Devonian) 28 0.036 0.19 0.6 0.28 1.03 1.4 + 1.50 0.26
Marl Spain Casablanca (Miocene) 434 0.032 0.44 0.2 0.27 1.00 1.7 i-1.8 u. 1 ";
Carbonate Spain Amposta-Marino (Cretaceous) 435 0.016 0.38 3.8 0.53 0.89 0.7 + 3.2 4.3 <
Carbonate Italy Gela (Triassic) 386 0.0 0.20 2.9 g g 1.2 + 1.3 6.0 33
Carbonate Greece Prinos 472 0.012 1.35 11.0 0.31 0.71 0.3 + 7.4 3.6 8
Carbonate Greece Dragopsa (Paleozoic) 446 0.043 0.15 1.3 h h h + 0.1 4.1 N 3
Carbonate Florida Sunniland (Cretaceous) 494 0.029 0.13 0.8 0.32 0.91 0.5 + 3.3 2.8 9 3
Carbonate Wyoming Manderson (Permian) 359 0.043 0.22 2.5 0.24 0.96 0.68 + 1.7 2.0 3 O
Carbonate A Jurassic 404 0.038 0.09 0.4 0.17 0.96 0.65 + 3.0 1.8 "D
Carbonate A Cretaceous 405 0.032 0.42 0.4 0.21 0.93 1.3 + 3.3 0.8 — <t>
Carbonate A Cretaceous 406 0.024 1.00 0.6 0.11 0.99 1.6 + 2.6 0.3 — O
Carbonate B Cretaceous 478 0.043 0.07 0.7 0.18 0.97 0.68 + 1.4 2.4 — c
? Ohio Knox Dolomite (Cambrian) 425 0 0.22 1.0 0.24 1.02 1.5 -0.3 0.10 10 3
? Ohio Chepultepec Dolomite 428 0 0.79 1.4 0.22 1.03 1.4 -0.8 0.03 10 (0
(Late Cambrian) o
? USSR Siva (Precambrian) 259-1 0 0.21 1.0 h h 1.1 -2.3 0.07 11 o
7 USSR East Siberia (Cambrian) 317 0 0.19 1.7 O' 1.0 0.96 -4.9 0.17 12 (D

^[Gammacerane/17a, 21/3(H)-hopane] x 100. O

''Normal paraffins by capillary column gas chromatography o
'•2(n-C23 + n-C25 + n-C27 + n-C2g)/2(n-C24 + n-C26 + ""^28) + n-C22 + n-Cao- M
''isoprenoids C19/C20 by capillary column gas chromatography.
^Relative to petroleum standard NBS-22, 0/00.
'References: (1) Seifert and Moldowan (1978), (2) Seifert and Moldowan (1979), (3) Seifert and Moldowan (1981), (4) Orr (1974), (5) Seifert et al (1980), (6) Volkman et al (1983b), (7) Seifert et al (1983), (8) Seifert et al (in
press), (9) J.G. Palacas(1984), private communication, (10) Towner Petroleum (1981), private communication, (11)Seifert(1980), (12)A. A. Petrov (1979), private communication.
9LOW peaks.
*nC^-\ too low to measure.
J. Michael Moldowan, Wolfgang K. Seifert, and Emilio J. Gallegos 1257


Warburton and Zumberge (1983) demonstrated the power
C of GC-MS/MS for quantitative and selective sterane analy-
o sis. As illustrated in Figure 1, GC-MS/MS allows detection
<u and quantitation of steranes by monitoring direct precur-
sors to the mass to charge ratio (m/z) 217 fragment ion. In
3 '-^
• " .S> 0 - H - - - < 0 0 < N < N 0 - H 0 m — o effect, those molecular ions that decompose giving m/z
•73 6~
9 ^^
Cfl 217 fragments in the field-free region of the mass spectrom-
eter are recorded. Thus, the C30 sterane group, which is
<s common in relatively minor amounts in marine crudes
<o o + ++ + +I+ + + + I + + I (Table 1), can be observed in Sadlerochit oil (Figure 1).
The internal distribution of the C30 sterane isomers
s^ invariably was observed to mimic that of the C29 steranes
vd — (S rj « rj <N <N •^ -^ -^' al —"
. (Seifert and Moldowan, 1979). Thus, a pseudodiagnostic
CU CU fingerprint for C30 steranes is available internally in a given
,u h H
GC-MS/MS run. Confirmatory evidence for the C30 ste-
CL, O — O O O O O O O O O 6 0 O O ranes is shown in the GC-MS/MS scan of m/z 414 daugh-
<: ter ions of Sadlerochit oil (Figure 2). The fingerprint of C30
£ t^
steranes obtained on the trace representing m/z 414—m/z
217 in Figure 2 is identical with that in the parent-ion scan
^ -^^ooooooooo o o (Figure 1). In the same run shown on Figure 2, we also
w observed the fingerprint of C-^^ methyl steranes (methyl
group on ring A, B, or C) on the chromatographic trace m/
s •sffi z 414 — 231 and of C3(| terpanes on m/z 412 — 191. The
o u
nl "O O O O O *-^ ^ fo •^' O* ^ ' r4 O O 00
E£ m/z 412 parents appear on the same chromatographic
trace as m/z 414 parents in the GC-MS/MS runs, and
0 11 daughters of m/z 412 were observed along with those of
a» m/z 414 in the m/z 414 daughter-ion scans because of the

o ^
o oooooooooooooo

VVVV V V ji:
relatively low resolution obtained using the electrostatic sec-
tor. A diagnostic C30 sterane pattern (Figures 1, 2) was
absent from oils generated from nonmarine sources (non-
marine crudes). Instead, terpane parents are generally
observed. This can be confirmed by the GC-MS/MS m/z
•5? 414 daughter-ion scan (shown in Figure 3), where a weak
•c V} r-
C30 methyl sterane pattern is detectable in the m/z 414 —
E o
a c
a u oooooooooooooo
231 daughter-ion chromatogram.
o u
V o

Z 55 O A comparison of Tables 1 and 2 shows without exception

that C30 steranes are present in oils from post-Devonian
i t/3 6
O marine source rocks and absent in oils derived solely from
lacustrine or nonmarine rocks. Thus, Cjo steranes are highly
specific compounds that can be used to detect a marine dep-
ositional history of crude oil source rocks. The application
+ of the C30 sterane parameter may be prevented by interven-
"TO > .
O D-
> . i CO
ing circumstances pertaining to high maturation levels, such
as those found in some condensates where steranes are
>% CO + °
severely reduced in concentration, and also in heavily bio-

-*-» •M-n e §•81
c 5 «V o degraded oils where the steranes are removed. C30 steranes
2 QI E ^ J=
might also be difficult to detect in oils from some deltaic
^ H c/3 oa H U O . i-t- s
O ^ 'To]
sources (such as the Mahakam delta) with a high relative
•r- (0 O _ abundance of higher plant input to the source (Hoffmann et
^8 al, 1984). Interestingly, C,^ steranes are absent in four oils,
two from Ohio and two from USSR (Table 1), suspected of
e being derived from Cambrian marine sources.
.2 u
mili l l
' * j

N « §-a^ The origin of C30 steranes cannot be given with certainty
due to our lack of evidence for their structure. However, it
5 seems possible that they arise from the marine sterols identi-
S 2 = M fied mainly through the research of C. Djerassi and co-
workers (Djerassi, 1981). These sterols occurring in marine
80 + 2
u invertebrates and marine algae have been found with vari-
u .,
^ 3>
S p. ously alkylated side chains and range in size from 26 to 31
^ H ^ M ^ ^ M M ^ W W ^ M W W S carbon atoms.
1258 Composition and Depositional F nvironment of Petroleum Source Rocks

Figure 1—Parent-ion scans (BVE linked scans) for steranes, M^ — 217, in Sadlerochit, Alaska (marine) crude.

Present speculation on the major contributor or contrib- The Cjo sterols from marine organisms display a great
utors to the C30 steranes in marine crude oils centers on 24- divershy of structure with respect to side-chain alkylation,
propylidenecholesterol (Figure 4A), a C30 sterol that is and any or all of these isomers may possibly contribute as
widely distributed in marine organisms in two isomeric precursors to the C30 sterane population. One possible pre-
forms: 24Z-propylidenecholesterol was found in a scallop cursor, gorgosterol (Figure 4C), an abundant constituent in
(Idler et al, 1971) as well as other organisms (Sheikh and marine invertebrates and symbionant algae (Withers et al,
Djerassi, 1974), and 24E-propylidenecholesterol was deter- 1979), has been identified in a recent sediment from the
mined to be the principal constituent of a chrysophyte alga Namibian shelf (Smith et al, 1982). An authentic sample of
(Rohmer et al, 1980). Both isomers were identified (Brassell gorgostane (Figure 4D) did not match any of the C30 ste-
and Eghnton, 1983) as environmental indicators in a diato- ranes by MS or GC retention time. Like the pentacyclic
maceous ooze from the Japan Trench. Reduction of either hopane, gorgostane (Figure 4D) has an m/z 412 molecular
isomer of 24-propylidenecholesterol during early diagenesis ion, but it still shows up on the metastable chromatogram
would result in 24-propylcholestane (Figure 4B) with a due to the low resolution of the method (see CJQ terpanes on
nearly 1:1 mixture of 24R and 24S epimers, similar to that Figures 2, 3). It is unlikely that the side-chain cyclopropyl of
found for ergostane (Mackenzie et al, 1980) in thermally gorgosterol would survive diagenesis intact, and the cyclo-
mature geoMpids. propane ring-opened products (Proudfoot and Djerassi,
J. Michael Moldowan, Wolfgang K. Seifert, and Emilio J. Gallegos 1259

Intensity 17or-Hopane ^/^

C30 Methyl Steranes

414 231


GC Time Direction

Figure 2—Daughter-ion scans (B/E linked scans) for C30 steranes in Sadlerocliit, Alaslia (marine) crude.

1984) have to be regarded as possible C30 sterane dinof lagellates in ecosystems that eventually contribute to
contributors. petroleum genesis.
Despite their great age, the Precambrian and Cambrian The C26 steranes were also detected in our GC-MS/MS
(age > 5(X) m.y.) crudes (Table 1) contain good concentra- analyses in several crude oils both from marine and nonma-
tions of steranes, indicating relatively mild thermal histo- rine sources (see Figure 1). Although suitable marine sterol
ries. The absence of C30 steranes in these very old crudes precursors with 26 carbon atoms exist (Djerassi, 1981),
suggests an evolutionary lag in the appearance of C30 sterols these Cjg steranes could also be derived solely or in part
in marine organisms. Alternatively, organism distributions from the catagenic degradation of higher carbon numbered
contributing to the sources of these oils may have been homologs. These alternatives are currently under study.
dominated by a few species that did not contain C30 sterols.
Our next youngest entries, Kee Scarp and Leduc, from Sterane and Monoaromatic
Devonian (age < 400 m.y.) rocks in Canada, already show Steroid Hydrocarbon Distributions
abundant C^Q steranes. Perhaps we can fill this data gap by
future analyses of additional lower Paleozoic samples. The distributions of C27, Cjg, and C29 steranes and
monoaromatic steroid hydrocarbons (MA-steroids) for
The C28-C30 methyl steranes were found in both marine each of the oils in Tables 1 and 2 have been plotted in trian-
and nonmarine crudes. The presence of 4a-methylsteroids gular graphs. This method, used by Huang and Meinschein
(4a-methylsterols, 4a-methylstanones, etc) in marine and (1979) in plotting sterol distributions, allows the overview
lacustrine dinoflagellates and in recent sediments associated of a large data set, as shown in Figures 5 and 6. GC-MS/MS
with them (Boon et al, 1979; Gagosian et al, 1980; Brassell was used in obtaining the sterane data, using the sum of
and Eglinton, 1983; de Leeuw et al, 1983; Robinson et al, 5o!,14a,17o;(20S) + (20R)plus5a, 14,S,17j8(20S) + (20R)
1984) has been used to infer the contribution of dinoflagel- steranes for C27, Cjg, and C29. The quantitation method for
lates wherever such 4a-methylsteroids occur in sediments. MA-steroids has been previously published (Seifert et al,
By extension of this reasoning, we suggest that the wide- 1983).
spread occurrence of methylsteranes (probably 4-methyl- It is clear from Figures 5 and 6 that the distributions of
steranes) in crude oils may reflect the participation of the two types of sterol-derived biomarkers are different,
1260 Composition and Depositional Environment of Petroleum Source Rocks

Relative m/z
C30 Terpanes 412 — 191

C30 steranes
414 -^ 217

C30 Mettiyl Steranes
414 - * 231

Ukri I iii

GC Time Direction

Figure 3—Daughter-ion scans (B/E linked scans) for Cjo steranes in Green River, Utah Oacustrine) crude.

probably because of differing origins for the steranes and mental designations we are trying to measure. For example,
MA-steroids. Steranes can arise through complete defunc- in Figure 5, area A for nonmarine oils falls in the middle of
tionalization and hydrogenation of any sterol with or with- the marine oil distribution combined areas for marine shale
out incorporation into the kerogen of the source rock, plus marine carbonate-derived oils. The MA-steroid distri-
whereas MA-steroids are likely to be derived mainly from butions, however, are more spread out and can clearly be
sterols containing more than one double bond (Mackenzie used as environmental indicators in more cases. For exam-
et al, 1982) and possibly without kerogen incorporation ple, most of the marine oils contain a higher proportion of
(Mackenzie et al, 1981). C28 MA-steroids than the nonmarine oils in Figure 6.
There is so much overlap between the different oil source The most apparent use of the MA-steroid triangle comes
types in the sterane summary plot (Figure 5) that the analy- in distinguishing oils derived from nonmarine shale sources
sis would seem of little use in obtaining the type of environ- from those derived from marine shale sources. The main

Figure 4—Two common marine sterols and potentially derived sedimentary steranes.
J. Michael Moldowan, Wolfgang K. Seifert, and Emilio J. Gallegos 1261

Figure 5—Sterane hydrocarbon distribution, composite for all Figure 7—Monoaromatized steroid hydrocarbon distribution,
oils. See text for explanation of A and B. nonmarine oils. GC-MS numbers are from Table 2.

area in Figure 6 occupied by the nonmarine oils (area A) is steranes, particularly C29 MA-steroids. Relying on compari-
relatively small, although two outlying samples are circled son with an authentic standard, the C29 steranes are
separately (area B). These samples are from New Zealand assumed to have the stigmastane carbon skeleton. It is not
(479) and the Damar oil from Sumatra (307) (see Figure 7). clear from this limited data set whether a general phenome-
The samples from marine shale sources generally contain non is being observed. Widespread use of C29 sterols could
relatively less C29 MA-steroids than do the nonmarine oils have preceded use of C27 and Cjs sterols in the evolution of
(Figure 6). This result supports the original sterol work of certain microorganisms responsible for petroleum. How-
Huang and Memschein (1979). In theory, nonmarine sam- ever, this would be difficult to explain chemically, as the
ples had the greatest access to terrigenous material derived pathway to the common Cj, sterols involves dialkylation of
from higher plants, whose sterol content is largely C29 a C27 sterol precursor with a A24 double bond (Nes and Nes,
sterols. The distributions of biomarkers in nonmarine- 1980) and would represent a more advanced biosynthetic
derived petroleums should therefore be richer in C29-ste- sequence than, for example, cholesterol (C. Djerassi, 1985,
roids than in marine-derived petroleums. personal communication).
The five oils from middle to lower Paleozoic sources (age The spread in data for the marine shale oils in Figure 6
> 350m.y.)(Fig ures 5, 6) have high concentrations of C29 may be due to the incorporation of varying amounts of
nonmarine organic matter into the marine sediments. This
concept has been used recently (Volkman et al, 1983b) in
conjunction with sterane ratios to support a source input
variation between Windalia oil (oil 90 on Table 1) and the
other Barrow subbasin oils from Australia, represented in
this study by Barrow (oil 94 on Table 1). These Australian
oils were correlated with the marine deltaic Dingo claystone
(Volkman et al, 1983b). The Barrow oil is the only marine
shale oil in this study to plot within the nonmarine oil group
(compare Figures 6 and 8), and Windalia (oil) plots near the
nonmarine group. This would support a significant nonma-
rine organic component in the source of these oils, such a
component being most pronounced in Barrow (oil).
The MA-steroid distribution pattern for oils of marine
carbonate sources (Figure 6) nearly encompasses the non-
marine shale group (A in Figure 6) and overlaps markedly
with the marine shale group. The overlap between the
marine carbonate and marine shale groups is strong enough
that distinction between the two types in an unknown oil on
the basis of MA-steroid distribution would seem tenuous.
However, some oils of meirine carbonate source have higher
Figure 6—Monoaromatized steroid hydrocarbon distribution, relative concentrations of C29 MA-steroids than do the
composite for all oils. See text for explanation of A and B. marine shale oils. This situation can be explained on the
1262 Composition and Depositional Einvironment of Petroleum Source Rocks

not sterols. Hence, the bacterial contribution to petroleum

steroid distributions is probably insignificant.
Source Key
This reasoning, based on algal sterol distributions, offers

Marine Carbonate
an alternative explanation to terrestrial input as an influ-
ence on sterane or MA-steroid ratios. The sterols reported
from terrestrial soils (Huang and Meinschein, 1979) showed
the virtual absence of C^, sterols, as is the case with higher
plants. In contrast, most samples of the nonmarine oils
studied have sterane and MA-steroid distributions with
nearly equal C27/C29 contents, and the distributions (Fig-
ures 5, 6) closely resemble those of many marine carbonate
oils that may have largely marine planktonic and bacterial
origins. The area occupied by marine shale oils in Figure 5
represents a shift toward €28 from the main band (A in Fig-
ure 6) of lacustrine oils, as opposed to the results of a pre-
vious study (Huang and Meinschein, 1979) that predicted a
shift toward CJT Organisms rich in C2g sterols, therefore,
apparently shift the distribution in this selection of marine
shale-derived oils, not the contribution of higher plants to
Figure 8—Monoaromatized steroid hydrocarbon distribution, nonmarine sediments (which would shift lacustrine oils
marine oils. GC-MS numbers are from Table 1. toward C29).
However, oils 307 and 479 (Figure 7) plot near the Cj,
apex of the triangle, close to the 0% C27 line. Oils from the
basis of environmental differences at the time of sedimenta- Mahakam delta, Indonesia, were reported to have similar
tion. Environmental differences would affect the biotic dis- distributions with a predominance of Cj, steranes and Cj,
tribution and, hence, the distribution of MA-steroids. MA-steroids (Hoffmann et al, 1984). Oils plotting in this
For example, brown algae contain predominantly fucos- way would appear to have an input of sterol precursors
terol, a C29 sterol (Goodwin, 1973), and in many species of almost entirely derived from higher plants (Huang and
green algae the major sterols are reported to be C29 (Patter- Meinschein, 1979).
son, 1974; Paoletti et al, 1976; Dickson et al, 1979; Fat- Connection of areas A and B in Figure 6 can be viewed as
torusso, 1980). a band whose major axis lies parallel with the 0% C28 axis.
On the other hand, the red algae that contain only C27 In fact, all of the nonmarine oils in this study have a
sterols (Goodwin, 1973) are abundant in marine environ- Qs/CQs + C29) MA-steroid ratio less than 0.5. Position of
ments and may make a substantial contribution to the the points within this nonmarine band might be used as an
microscopic algal biomass (plankton). If conditions during indicator of the relative distributions of land plant-derived
deposition of certain carbonate source rocks would favor and algal-derived sterol inputs. For example, by virtue of
the growth of brown or certain green algae or other C29 decreasing C29 Ma-steroid contents, the hypothesis might be
sterol-rich organisms, a C29 sterol predominance in the developed that the Sumatran oils plotted in Figure 7 (see
deposited organic matter could develop, possibly leading to
Table 2) are derived increasingly from algal lipids and
a C29 MA-steroid preference in some carbonate-derived
decreasingly from land plant organic matter in the order
crude oils.
307, 306, 305, and 351. This sequence is supported in part
By comparison, nonmarine red and brown algae are by the previous report (Seifert and Moldowan, 1981) that
uncommon, and their contribution to nonmarine ecosys- oils 305 and 351 contain high concentrations of botryococ-
tems and biomass is minor (Bold and Wynne, 1978). Thus,
cane (Moldowan and Seifert, 1980) and compounds similar
fewer types of abundant algal precursors in nonmarine
to botryococcane that are attributable to the nonmarine
environments may lead to the narrower band of MA-steroid
(but sometimes estuarian or lagoonal) alga Botryococcus
values (Figure 6) for the nonmarine oils, whose steroids
braunii. Oils 306 and 307 lack those compounds, but the gas
appear to be derived principally from green algae and some
higher plants. chromatogram of oil 307 was shown (Seifert and Moldo-
wan, 1981, their Figure 6) to be more heavily skewed toward
Whereas further sampling will lead to expansion of MA-
the high molecular-weight paraffins, which may reflect
steroid distributions from both marine and nonmarine oils,
higher plant wax input. The 6C"/C'^ carbon isotope ratios
this will be especially true for marine shale and carbonate-
derived oils because of the greater diversity of biota availa- (Table 2) are also significantly different among these oils.
ble in the marine ecosystem. The oils with probably the greatest algal component (351
Sterols also have also been sporadically reported from and 305) also have the highest 5C" values (4- 7.8 and -I- 4.5,
prokaryotes (e.g., Kohl et al, 1983); but many of the sterols respectively), whereas oils 306 and 307, which are most
may have been contributed from the bacterial food source. hkely (based on other geochemical parameters) to be influ-
Often the amounts reported are miniscule. The prominent enced by land plant-derived organic matter, have the lower
bacteria that contribute to petroleum source rocks (i.e., the dC" values (-1-1.3 and -I-1.4, respectively).
archaebacteria) use other types of polycyclic and acyclic tri- Data for sterane/hopane ratios are given in Tables 1 and
terpenoids as cell-wall lipids (see Ourisson et al, 1982), but 2 and are plotted in Figure 9a. Although no clear-cut divi-
J . IMichael Moldowan, Wolfgang K. Seifert, and Emillo J . Gallegos 1263

Source Type

Nonmarine Shale
Marine Shale
ED Marine Carbonate

0.2-0.3 >0.3
_1. lo!l_


I 10

" s

<1 1-1.5 1.5-2
2-2.5 >2.5
otaiL _o

<0.2 0.2-0.5 >0.5-2.0 >2

Figure 9—Evaluation of environmental indicators from Tables 1 and 2. CPI = carbon preference Sulfur,
index (see
% Table 1).

sion exists between oils from marine and nonmarine sources This paper does not take issue with these applications of
with respect to this ratio, the nonmarine oils tend to have isotope chemistry. However, Figure 9b is a demonstration
low sterane/hopane ratios and in general low sterane con- of the lack of general applicability of the whole-oil carbon
centrations. We have also observed the general trend toward isotopic (6C'VC'^) ratio as an indicator of marine/nonma-
lower concentrations of MA-steroids in oils generated from rine sources of crude oil. Many nonmarine crudes with
nonmarine sources. high isotopic ratios were encountered in this study (Table
2), whereas low isotopic-ratio crudes derived from marine
shales were also represented. The marine crude from
CLASSICAL PARAMETERS Kingak, Alaska, which has been shown to correlate with
Carbon Isotope Ratios Kingak Shale (Seifert et al, 1980,1983), has the lowest car-
bon isotope ratio in this study at - 2.0 (NBS-22 standard)
(Table 1). It may have significant amounts of nonmarine
An early parameter used for classification of crude oils organic matter in its source rock, as evidenced by its rela-
in marine and nonmarine was the C'Vc'^ carbon isotopic tively high percentage of Cj, MA-steroids compared with
ratio of the whole crude. This ratio was proposed to be most of the other marine shale-sourced oils (Figure 8), a
lower in oils derived from nonmarine (terrestrial) organic percentage that almost places it among the nonmarine
matter than in marine-derived crudes (Silverman and
group in Figure 7. The Sadlerochit oil from Alaska proba-
Epstein, 1958; Silverman, 1964). Although this concept
bly was generated from marine shale sources, including
was originally supported by others (Hunt, 1970; Tissot
post-Neocomian and Triassic (Shublik Formation) shales
and Welte, 1978; Rogers, 1980), doubts began to surface
as well as Jurassic (Kingak formation) shales (Seifert et al,
as to its general applicability (Deines, 1980; Yeh and
Epstein, 1981). A recent study by Sofer (1984) failed to 1980). Its higher carbon isotope ratio of -0.3 and rela-
support the original hypothesis, but a refinement based on tively lower percentage of C29 MA-steroids are evidence of
the isotopic relationship between saturated and aromatic a greater contribution of marine-derived organic matter to
hydrocarbon fractions was deemed successful in making the sources of Sadlerochit oil than to the sole source of
the terrigenous/marine distinction. Whether this differen- Kingak oil. Thus, the carbon isotope ratio may, at best, be
tiation can be applied in general has been discussed by used cautiously as a weak indicator of source-derived con-
Schoell (in press), who suggests that plotting carbon versus tributions to crude oils within a given basin in certain cases
hydrogen isotopes may be more successful in differentiat- (note also the Sumatra oils discussed previously), but it
ing oils from carbonate sources from oils from shale does not appear to be applicable when comparing oils
sources. from different basins.
1264 Composition and Depositlonal Environment of Petroleum Source Rocks

Table 3. Specificity Summary Crude Oil Source-Type Indicators

Nonmarine Nonmarine vs. Nonmarine vs. Marine Shale

vs. Marine Marine Shale Marine Carbonate vs. Carbonate
C30 steranes ++++ ++++ + +++ -
Sulfur (%) ++ ++ -I--I--I- -I--I-
MA-steranes ++ ++ ++ -1-
High molecular-weight paraffin + + + -I- -h-l- -
Carbon preference index - - -I- + + -1-
Pristane/phytane - - -I--I- +
Steranes/hopanes -1- -1- -1- -
Carbon isotope - - - -
Gammacerane index - - - 7
+ +++ Definitive.
+ ++ Strong indicator (may be affected by secondary processes).
+ Weal< indicator.
- Not indicator

Normal Paraffm Distribution Parameters of terrestrial plant remains in the source rock does not nec-
essarily mean that such remains have contributed signifi-
The standard method of categorizing the amount of
cantly to petroleum produced from that rock, particularly
land-derived organic material in an oil is to determine its
when algal/bacterial remains are also abundant.
degree of waxiness. This method assumes that terrigenous
material contributes a high molecular-weight normal paraf- For example, there is no real need to invoke large contri-
fin component to the oil (Hedberg, 1968; Albrecht and butions of higher plant material to explain normal paraffin
Ourisson, 1971). Thus, recent studies into oil classification distributions typically found in nonmarine crude oils. A
by source input have relied heavily on waxiness as an envi- study of nonmarine algae (Gelpi et al, 1970) demonstrated
ronmental source input parameter (e.g., Connan and Cas- that several common species (not only Botryococcus
sou, 1980; Sofer, 1984). Furthermore, the preference for braunii) contain two groups of odd carbon numbered n-
odd or even carbon numbered paraffins can reflect the envi- alkanes and n-alkenes, one group ranging from C,5 to Cj,
ronment of source rock deposition. An odd numbered pref- with the most abundant member at C„, and the other, rang-
erence in the high molecular-weight paraffins derived ing from C23 to C33, with abundant Q j , C27, and C29 com-
directly from terrestrial higher plants (Albrecht and Ouris- pounds. In fact, the alga Botryococcus braunii has more
son, 1971) or from decarboxylation of even numbered fatty than 98% of the higher molecular-weight group. Various
acids present in terrestrial plant waxes (Cooper and Bray, combinations of these algae are, therefore, capable of pro-
1963) is generally considered a marker of terrestrial input. ducing bimodal (high and low molecular weight) or single
Predominance of even numbered normal paraffins signals modal crude oil normal paraffin distributions. Algae and
direct reduction of fatty acids (Kvenvolden, 1967) in an bacteria are generally considered to be the principal orga-
extremely anoxic, highly reducing, and hypersaline envi- nisms to form oil-prone types I and II kerogens (Tissot and
ronment. Heavy crude oils from carbonate source rocks in Wehe, 1978). Many of the crudes plotting in nonmarine
evaporitic sequences exemplify oils with a predominance of group A (Figure 6) have a bimodal n-paraffin distribution,
even carbon numbered paraffins (Connan et al, in press). as expected from a nomnarine algal mixture.
Secondary processes in crude oil diagenesis present seri- As a measure of crude oil waxiness, we have tabulated
ous obstacles to using normal paraffins as environmental nCji/nC,, ratios of the oils (Tables 1,2) and plotted them in
source indicators. Such processes as biodegradation, water Figure 9c. We have already discriminated in favor of this
washing, and weathering can selectively remove portions of parameter and the carbon preference index (CPI) parame-
the normal paraffins. Maturation progressively converts ter (discussed below) by selecting the oils with the highest
high molecular-weight paraffins into lower molecular- biomarker concentrations, which tend to be the less mature
weight paraffins without odd-even preference, and subsur- oils from each basin, and avoiding those oils that show signs
face migration appears to discriminate against high of biodegradation or weathering. The nonmarine oils dis-
molecular-weight compounds in general. Also, it has been play a tendency toward nCji/nC,, ratios greater than 0.4,
shovm that primary migration can favor short-chain nor- overlapping only in one case with a marine carbonate oil
mal paraffins (Leythaeuser et al, 1984). (Figure 9c). All types of marine and nonmarine oils can be
Another consideration is that varying amounts of terrige- found in the 0-0.4 nCji/nC,, category. The parameter,
nous higher plant material may reach the anoxic zone of an therefore, is selective for nonmarine oils but is not defini-
aqueous system and be incorporated into a future petro- tive.
leum source rock. However, this material generally has The CPI (Tables 1, 2), plotted in Figure 9d as a measure
undergone, to various degrees, subaerial oxidation in the of odd-to-even n-paraffin predominance, appears to be
soil prior to transport (Demaison and Moore, 1980). It can well suited, within the constraints of this (not overly
range from refractory type IV kerogen to type III kerogen, mature) oil selection, to aid in distinguishing nonmarine oils
which, while still having potential for liquids, is essentially (CPI commonly > 1; odd predominance) from marine car-
gas-prone (Tissot and Welte, 1978). Therefore, the presence bonate oils (CPI commonly < 1; even predominance). This
J. Michael Moldowan, Wolfgang K. Seifert, and Emilio J. Gallegos 1265

distinction is thought to occur through even carbon num- of an inorganic acceptor for HjS. In shales, iron scavenges
bered n-alkyl fatty acid reduction in the highly anoxic envi- most of the sulfur. A more detailed consideration of factors
ronment of carbonate source rock deposition to yield even influencing sulfur concentrations in oils is presented by Tis-
numbered n-alkanes (CPI < 1). These same fatty acids sot and Welte (1978). Based on the evidence in Figure 9f,
yield odd numbered n-alkane predominance (CPI > 1) sulfur concentrations in oils can be a useful piece of corrob-
under somewhat more oxic circumstances pertaining to orative evidence to identify their source rock depositional
many other marine oils. Thus, the CPI values for marine environments.
shale-derived oils overlap the others (Figure 9d) but are less
pronounced, reflecting a less extreme or moderately anoxic
environment commonly encountered in that type of marine
deposition. Odd numbered high molecular-weight normal
Use of the diterpanes and triterpanes as environmental
alkanes and alkenes from nonmarine algae as well as higher
markers has been selective and restricted to special cases.
plants undoubtedly contribute to the > 1 CPI in nonmarine
The hopanes (Van Dorsselaer et al, 1977), tricyclic and tetra-
cyclic terpanes (Aquino Neto et al, 1983; Moldowan et al,
1983), higher molecular-weight regular isoprenoids
Pristane/Phytane and Sulfur Concentrations (Albaiges et al, 1978; Albaiges, 1980), and head-to-head
linked isoprenoids (Moldowan and Seifert, 1979; Chappe et
The pristane/phytane ratios and sulfur concentrations in al, 1980) are considered to be derived from bacterial cell-
Tables 1 and 2, like the CPI parameter, are useful to catego- wall lipids (Ourisson et al, 1982). As such, the wide distribu-
rize oils from carbonate sources. The differences in carbon- tion of these compounds in crude oils and sedimentary
ate oils also appear to be derived from the highly anoxic rocks attests to the importance of bacterial reworking of
reducing environment characteristic of the selected oils, organic matter during early diagenesis.
rather than from organic input. Distributions of pristane/ Gammacerane (Hills et al, 1%6) is a terpane that is bioge-
phytane in Figure 9e demonstrate no chance of distinguish- netically related to hopane, differing only in the manner of
ing marine shale oils from nonmarine oils because they have cyclization of the E-ring. Its origin was suggested from
nearly identical distributions. However, carbonate oils have gammacerane-3|8-ol, which occurs in ferns, and a nonma-
a tendency to show pristane/phytane ratios less than 1; if rine protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis (Hills et al, 1966;
the ratio is much less than 1, it could act as a selective indica- Whitehead, 1974). It was originally isolated from the lacus-
tor for a carbonate source. Phytane predominates through trine Green River shale, making it a potential nonmarine
favored reduction of phytol residues (Albaiges and Torra- marker. However, the present data (Tables 1, 2) demon-
das, 1977) from chlorophyll (Seifert, 1975) or bacterial cell strate a complete lack of correlation between gammacerane
walls (Chappe et al, 1980) in highly anoxic environments. In content and the depositional environment of the oil. Its
less reducing environments, oxidative carbon-loss mecha- presence is detectable, although sometimes in small traces,
nisms allow pristane predominance. Thus, a parallelism in nearly every sample where hopanes occur. Therefore, like
between even carbon numbered paraffin predominance the hopanes, it may originate from precursors that are bac-
and phytane over pristane predominance (Seifert et al, terial cell-wall constituents. It has been suggested (G.
1983) is observed with few exceptions—namely, the Creta- Demaison, 1984, personal communication) that exceed-
ceous oil from location A (oil 405) and the Sadlerochit, ingly high gammacerane indices as found in Green River
Alaska, oil (oil 202). The mixing of at least three marine (oil 1 on Table 2) and Prinos (oil 472 on Table 1) oils may
shale sources in Sadlerochit (Seifert et al, 1980, 1983) may signal hypersaline episodes of source rock deposition,
be responsible for its lack of parallelism in those parame- which may occur in alkaline lakes as well as in lagoonal car-
ters. bonate-evaporite environments.
Sulfur concentrations, like the paraffin-based parame- Unusual compounds sometimes occur as markers of spe-
ters, are susceptible to modification by secondary processes cial environments or organisms. The structure of 18a(H)-
of diagenesis, including maturation (Orr, 1974; Seifert and oleanane has been examined (Smith et al, 1970), and its
Moldowan, 1978), biodegradation, and water washing presence in Nigerian crudes (Whitehead, 1974; Ekweozor et
(Bailey et al, 1973; Orr, 1978; Palmer, 1984). Any oils where al, 1979) has been attributed to higher plant contribution to
biodegradation is indicated in the tables have been omitted the source. Perhaps perhydro-|8-carotene, found in Green
in preparing Figure 9f. Again, as in the case of CPI and pris- River shale (Murphy et al, 1%7; Gallegos, 1971) and oil (W.
tane/phytane, a strong difference between oils from marine K. Seifert and J. M. Moldowan, unpublished research) is a
carbonates and those from shaly sources is apparent (Figure terrestrial marker since it has not been reported from
9f). The high sulfur in carbonate oils is opposed by low sul- sources of marine origin. Botryococcane found in certain
fur in nonmarine oils, but the marine shale oils overlap with Sumatran crude oils (Moldowan and Seifert, 1980; Seifert
both groups. and Moldowan, 1981) is apparently derived from botry-
The tendency toward high sulfur concentrations in oils ococcene, which is known in only one organism, Botry-
originating from carbonate source rocks is not too surpris- ococcus braunii, a freshwater or brackish-water alga.
ing since, in the highly reducing environments found during Bicyclic sesquiterpanes and diterpanes (Philp et al, 1981)
this type of deposition (Demaison and Bourgeois, 1985), and bridged tetracyclic diterpanes (Noble et al, 1985),
reduced sulfur compounds are abundantly provided by found in crude oils from Australia, have been proposed as
microbial sulfate reduction (Barbat, 1967). However, the products of higher plant resins, and several other pentacy-
principal reason for high sulfur in carbonate oils is the lack clic triterpanes of unknown structure may also be resin
1266 Composition and Depositional Environment of Petroleum Source Rocl<s

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and Rullkotter, 1980; Volkman et al, 1983a; Moldowan et C4J acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons in crude oils: Tetrahedron Letters,
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