Unit 5 Test A Test - Ekowydruk

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Grupa A Klasa .................... Data ................

Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 49 p. Ocena .............

1 Listen to the recording. Choose the correct option: A, B or C. ( ... / 3 p.)

1. The woman wants her son to

A. clean the windows. B. pick up his things from the floor. C. wash his clothes.
2. Sam is angry because
A. his mum wants to clean his room.
B. his room is clean.
C. some of the things are his brother’s.
3. Mum is surprised that
A. the curtains are old. B. the curtains are dirty. C. the blinds are dirty.
2 Read texts 1 and 2. Complete gaps 1–4 in text 3. Use a maximum of 3 words in each gap. ( ... / 8 p.)


What would you like to see in your home? Most people want a big television, a comfortable sofa or a
beautiful dining table. However, some people spend their money on a high-tech sink or the latest model of
lawnmower instead. In the last twenty years people’s needs have changed a lot. Once, people wanted a new
wardrobe, or a better shower for the bathroom. Today, we want products that save time, like tumble dryers.
We also spend a lot more time in our gardens, chilling out and having barbecues with friends. But one thing is
true, whatever we buy, we are spending a lot more than before.


Our Facebook group shows some old things found in old homes. It’s amazing what you can find under old
rugs or behind paintings. Join our group to share your story. Have you discovered anything amazing in your
home? Maybe your grandfather left you an ancient picture frame or maybe the house you bought hides some
secrets under the staircase? Join us and share your story.

Hi Megan,
I bought a magazine about houses. There are some great articles in it. The two I read are both about (1)
__________________ you can find in people’s houses. The first article says that people today (2)
__________________ on high tech gadgets than in the past. In the second one, I read that there is a group of
people who show (3) __________________ in their homes. The items are usually old, so they have
interesting (4) __________________ about them.
Love, Ania

3 Label the pictures. The first letters are given. ( ... / 10 p.)

3. He is using 4. This is a 5. This is a

1. This is 2. The books are
a h__________. on a s__________. a l__________. u__________
r__________. t__________.

9. The
6. There is a 7. This is a 8. This is a
b_________ 10. The food is in
d_________ l__________ c__________.
t __________ is the f__________.
on the bed. r__________.
to the bed.

4 Choose the correct option: A, B or C. ( ... / 10 p.)

1. Sara, is this _____ mobile?

A. yours B. you C. your
2. The lesson _____ just finished.
A. is B. was C. has
3. How long _____ known Michael?
A. do you B. have you C. you
4. No, that isn’t _____ dog.
A. their B. they’re C. theirs
5. We _____ here since 2005.
A. live B. have lived C. lived
6. Why are you late? I _____ here since 6 o’clock!
A. have been B. am C. was
7. Zack, _____ your homework yet?
A. do you do B. did you do C. have you done
8. That isn’t your notebook, it’s _____.
A. mine B. my C. me
9. Mike, have you _____ your homework yet?
A. do B. did C. done
10. This is the _____ teacher.
A. children B. children’s C. childrens

5 Choose the correct responses for situations 1–4. ( ... / 4 p.)

1. Znalazłeś długopis. Jak zapytasz do kogo należy.

A. Who is it? B. Whose is it? C. This is my pen.
2. Rodzice obiecali ci lody jak skończą pracę. Jak zapytasz czy już skończyli?
A. Are you finished? B. Have you yet finished? C. Have you finished yet?
3. Jesteś z wizytą u babci. Jak zapytasz gdzie możesz powiesić swoją kurtkę?
A. Where can you pull up my jacket?
B. Where can I hang up my jacket?
C. Where can I put up my jacket?
4. Twój młodszy brat rozrzuca zabawki. Jak poprosisz go, żeby je sprzątnął?
A. Please put up your toys.
B. Please put away your toys.
C. Can you pull down your toys, please?
6 Complete the text with the words in the box. There are three extra words you don’t need. ( ... / 3 p.)

their done our clean seen boys'

What kind of rooms have teenagers got? Well, some of them are very organised, (1) ___ rooms are often very
tidy. Other teenagers leave clothes and books all over the floor. When their parents ask them to (2)
___________________ up, they say they have already done it. You haven’t (3) ___________________ my
brother’s room, but believe me it’s true!
7 You are selling some of the furniture in your room. Write an advertisement in which you: ( ... / 6 p.)

– say what exactly you want to sell

– say why you want to sell it
– say what is good about the furniture

Your advertisement should be between 50 and 120 words long.

8 Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box. ( ... / 5 p.)

don't really like I've got is great really love on some shelves

1. A: What is your new room like?

B: My new bedroom ______________________ because I have so much space.
2. A: Where do you put all the models you make?
B: I display them ______________________.
3. A: What colour is your room?
B: Well, the walls are yellow, and ______________________ white furniture.
4. A: What do you like best in your room?
B: I ______________________ my posters.
5. A: What do you think of your room?
B: I ______________________ my bedroom because it’s so small.

Grupa B Klasa .................... Data ................
Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 49 p. Ocena .............

1 Listen to the recording. Choose the correct option: A, B or C. ( ... / 3 p.)

1. The woman wants her son to

A. clean the windows. B. wash his clothes. C. pick up his things from the floor.
2. Sam is angry because
A. his room is clean.
B. some of the things are his brother’s.
C. his mum wants to clean his room.
3. Mum is surprised that
A. the blinds are dirty. B. the curtains are old. C. the curtains are dirty.
2 Read texts 1 and 2. Complete gaps 1–4 in text 3. Use a maximum of 3 words in each gap. ( ... / 8 p.)


What would you like to see in your home? Most people want a big television, a comfortable sofa or a
beautiful dining table. However, some people spend their money on a high-tech sink or the latest model of
lawnmower instead. In the last twenty years people’s needs have changed a lot. Once, people wanted a new
wardrobe, or a better shower for the bathroom. Today, we want products that save time, like tumble dryers.
We also spend a lot more time in our gardens, chilling out and having barbecues with friends. But one thing is
true, whatever we buy, we are spending a lot more than before.


Our Facebook group shows some old things found in old homes. It’s amazing what you can find under old
rugs or behind paintings. Join our group to share your story. Have you discovered anything amazing in your
home? Maybe your grandfather left you an ancient picture frame or maybe the house you bought hides some
secrets under the staircase? Join us and share your story.

Hi Megan,
I bought a magazine about houses. There are some great articles in it. The two I read are both about (1)
__________________ you can find in people’s houses. The first article says that people today (2)
__________________ on high tech gadgets than in the past. In the second one, I read that there is a group of
people who show (3) __________________ in their homes. The items are usually old, so they have
interesting (4) __________________ about them.
Love, Ania

3 Label the pictures. The first letters are given. ( ... / 10 p.)

1. The 2. There is a 4. This is 5. This is a

3. The books are
b__________ d_________ a h__________. u__________
on a s__________.
t__________ is on the bed. r__________.
to the bed.

6. This is a 8. This is a 10. This is a

7. The food is in 9. He is using
c__________. l__________ c__________
the f__________. a l___________.
r__________. t__________.

4 Choose the correct option: A, B or C. ( ... / 10 p.)

1. The lesson _____ just finished.

A. is B. was C. has
2. Sara, is this _____ mobile?
A. yours B. you C. your
3. No, that isn’t _____ dog.
A. their B. they’re C. theirs
4. How long _____ known Michael?
A. do you B. have you C. you
5. Why are you late? I _____ here since 6 o’clock!
A. have been B. am C. was
6. We _____ here since 2005.
A. live B. have lived C. lived
7. That isn’t your notebook, it’s _____.
A. mine B. my C. me
8. Zack, _____ your homework yet?
A. do you do B. did you do C. have you done
9. This is the _____ teacher.
A. children B. children’s C. childrens
10. Mike, have you _____ your homework yet?
A. do B. did C. done

5 Choose the correct responses for situations 1–4. ( ... / 4 p.)

1. Znalazłeś długopis. Jak zapytasz do kogo należy.

A. This is my pen. B. Who is it? C. Whose is it?
2. Rodzice obiecali ci lody jak skończą pracę. Jak zapytasz czy już skończyli?
A. Have you yet finished? B. Are you finished? C. Have you finished yet?
3. Jesteś z wizytą u babci. Jak zapytasz gdzie możesz powiesić swoją kurtkę?
A. Where can I put up my jacket?
B. Where can I hang up my jacket?
C. Where can you pull up my jacket?
4. Twój młodszy brat rozrzuca zabawki. Jak poprosisz go, żeby je sprzątnął?
A. Please put away your toys.
B. Please put up your toys.
C. Can you pull down your toys, please?
6 Complete the text with the words in the box. There are three extra words you don’t need. ( ... / 3 p.)

boys' clean seen done our their

What kind of rooms have teenagers got? Well, some of them are very organised, (1) ___ rooms are often very
tidy. Other teenagers leave clothes and books all over the floor. When their parents ask them to (2)
___________________ up, they say they have already done it. You haven’t (3) ___________________ my
brother’s room, but believe me it’s true!
7 You are selling some of the furniture in your room. Write an advertisement in which you: ( ... / 6 p.)

– say what exactly you want to sell

– say why you want to sell it
– say what is good about the furniture

Your advertisement should be between 50 and 120 words long.

8 Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box. ( ... / 5 p.)

don't really like I've got is great really love on some shelves

1. A: What do you think of your room?

B: I ______________________ my bedroom because it’s so small.
2. A: What is your new room like?
B: My new bedroom ______________________ because I have so much space.
3. A: What colour is your room?
B: Well, the walls are yellow, and ______________________ white furniture.
4. A: Where do you put all the models you make?
B: I display them ______________________.
5. A: What do you like best in your room?
B: I ______________________ my posters


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