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Alphabet and Vowel System

BeGaDKePaT- sounds simmilar

“Vocabulary Lessons 1-5”
1.)Bayit- house
2.)Vessel- keli
3.)Door- deli
4.)Halom- dream
5.)Hakam- wise person
6.)Hazaq- strong person
7.)Sus- horse
8.)Luh- tablet
9.)Malkah- queen
10.) Gaboah- high
11.) Har- mountains
12.) Gibbah- hill
13.) Malkah- queen
14.) Bat- daughter
15.) Daat- knowledge
16.) Tiperet- glory
17.) Issah- woman
18.) Dabar- word
19.) Eres- earth
20.) Derek- way
21.) Am- people
22.) Naar- young man, boy, lad, attendant, servant.
23.) Zaqen- old man, elder
24.) Nahar- river
25.) Sadeh- field
26.) Derek- way or road
27.) Raab- famine
28.) Ir- city, arim- cities
29.) Apar- dust
30.) Hekal- palace
31.) Hereb- sword
32.) Harim- mountains
33.) Bekor- first-born
34.) Halom- dream
35.) Dabar- word
36.) Zaqen- old man
37.) Maqom- place
38.) Zebah- sacrifice
39.) Seper- book
40.) Ebed- servant
41.) Battim- p – houses
42.) Yeled- boy, child
43.) Melek- king, ruler
44.) Kohen- priest
45.) Kerem- vineyard
46.) Keleb- dog
47.) Torah- law
48.) Paras- horseman
49.) Dammeseq- Damascus
50.) Dor- generation
51.) Peger- corpse
52.) Babel- Babylon
53.) Bor- pit
54.) Baqar- cattle
55.) Ger- sojourner
56.) Pesel- idol
57.) Derek- way
58.) Goral- lot
59.) Pika- mouth
60.) Gebul- boundery
61.) Rehob- street
62.) Saba- army
63.) Qahal- assembly
64.) Anan- cloud
65.) Nahar- river
66.) Saken- neighbor
67.) Haser- courtyard
68.) Adamah- ground
69.) Yejudim- jews
70.) Gan- garden
71.) Par- steer or ox
72.) Hag- feast or festival
73.) Aron- box, chest, ark
74.) Mispat- judgement
75.) Malak- messenger
76.) Mizbeah- altar
77.) Oyeb- enemy
78.) Kokab- star
79.) Hekal- temple
80.) Iwwer- blind
81.) Kisse- throne
82.) Malkut-kingdom
83.) Sopet- judge
84.) Emet- truth
85.) Oniyah- ship
86.) Rosh- head
87.) Soper- scribe
88.) Moed- appointed time
89.) Miskam- tabernacle
90.) Gunnab- theif
91.) Sulhan- table
92.) Miqdas- santuary
93.) Zahab- gold
94.) Hokham- wisdom
95.) Kesep- silver, money
96.) Abodah- work, task, servitude
97.) Esah- counsel, advice

Adjectives- look at the genders for more.

a. Tob, tobim, tobah, tobot- good.

b. Gadol- great
c. Hakam- wise
d. Qaton- small
e. Rab- many
f. Mar- bitter
g. Ra- evil
h. Az- strong
i. Hay- living
j. Dal- poor
k. Qados- holy
l. Rahoq- distant
m.Near- qarob
n. Kabed- heavy
o. Same- thirsty
p. Salem- whole, sound.
q. Yaqar- precious
r. Yasar- just, upright
s. Saddiq- righteous
t. Qaseh- difficult, hard, harsh
u. Rasa- evil, bad, criminal

Yapeh- beautiful
Qaseh- hard, difficult

Attributive (forms a phrase) ish hatob

Predicative Adjective (forms a sentence). Tob haish
Pronouns- hu- (he, it), hi- (she, it), mi- (who?)

Some Reductions- Propretonic and pretonic

a. Nabi- nabiim- nebiim.
b. Lebab- lebabot- lebabot
c. Maqom- maqomot- meqamot
d. Zaqen- zaqenim- zeqenim
a. Yiktob + u = yiktebu
b. Yitten + u = yittenu
Dagesh- if there is a dot on a consonant- it means it is doubled. E.g.
hammelek- the king, (yung mem ay may dot sa gitna…)
Vowels 2.0 (please refer to page 1 also)

Genders- three genders, masculine (ah), feminine (et) and neuter (at)…
a. Eben- stone (fem)
b. Ir- city (fem)
c. Eres- earth (fem)
Number- singular, dual and plural
Melek- melakim- kings
Is- anasim- men
Yom- yamim – day
Ab- abot- father
Issah- nasim- women

Prepositions- be- (in, with, by means of ), le- to, ke- like

El- (to towards), al- (on, upon, against, concerning, because
of, over), min –(from)
Essel- near, beside, by
Neged- before
Lipne- in the presence of of
Et- direct object marker
Le- to, as, for
be ene- in the eyes of, in the opinion of, as far is concerned.

Be turns to bi- if nouns starts with

Le turns to ki- “
Ke turns to ki- “
Min- can also be comparative “than”
Aser- who, which, that
 Koteb- writing
 Yoseb-sitting
 Holek- walking
 Yored- descending
 Okel- eating
 Noten-giving, setting, placing
 Holek- going, walking
 Yoseb- sitting, dwelling, inhabiting

Adverbs- sam- there, in that place.

Ayyeh- where? In what place?
Poh- here, in this place.
Epoh- where? (ayyeh, synonym)
Meod- much, very.

Conjunction- we- and.

It can also be “but” if there is a contrast in a sentence.

Active Participle
a. Baruk- blessed (adjective)
b. Mabarek-blessing (verb)
c. Borak- he was blessed
d. Berek- he blessed
e. Berakah- blessing (noun)

(attributive) Haish hakkoteb- the writing man or the man who is writing
(predicative) Haish koteb- The man is writing.

The Object Marker “et”

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